The Teeth Time Podcast

022 | I've Had Enough of Dental School

Stephen P. Ray

Stephen had a hard week in dental school, and in this episode of Teeth Time, he dives into the reason his week was such a challenge and how to overcome the various hardships dental school throws at the dental student. Today, Stephen talks about how various appointments in the clinic didn't go how he expected them to. He discusses failure and managing expectations. He dives into patient management, rapport building, and clinical tips that will help you avoid disaster in dental school. 

Dental school is not always an easy road. Often the road is bumpy and muddy. Dentistry can be a hard profession and not every week in dentistry will feel like a win. What is important is staying grounded and being thankful for the chance to be a dentist. Stephen is diving deep this week. Enjoy it. It's teeth time.