Christian Soul Prepper Podcast

⏲Ministry Time Capsule: 1-7-20 To 1-4-24⌚

January 11, 2024 Brother Lance ( Lance McClintock ) Season 1 Episode 144
⏲Ministry Time Capsule: 1-7-20 To 1-4-24⌚
Christian Soul Prepper Podcast
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Christian Soul Prepper Podcast
⏲Ministry Time Capsule: 1-7-20 To 1-4-24⌚
Jan 11, 2024 Season 1 Episode 144
Brother Lance ( Lance McClintock )

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Why We Share This Information: We must bring glory to God by exposing the work that has been done in His Name and the Name of Jesus our Lord and Savior. Not to glorify human accomplishment, no, let it never be so. All glory goes to God. We also need to let those who wish to partner with this work know that this ministry is fertile ground and has accomplished much through faithfulness. 

I also wish to kind of crack the lid on the ministry and talk about some things we never talk about. To help the body to truly understand what is really being accomplished for the kingdom of God. And in what manner it is being accomplished. We are doing this as a time capsule episode, so that years later we can look back and see what God has accomplished since the creation of this episode. 

We are told by Jesus to count the cost ahead of time before committing to serving Him. We must plan with wisdom and intelligence and make an informed commitment. So too do they who wish to partner with us, through donating to fund this outreach ministry  #MinistryTimeCapsule #PraiseReport #Brotherlance


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Why We Share This Information: We must bring glory to God by exposing the work that has been done in His Name and the Name of Jesus our Lord and Savior. Not to glorify human accomplishment, no, let it never be so. All glory goes to God. We also need to let those who wish to partner with this work know that this ministry is fertile ground and has accomplished much through faithfulness. 

I also wish to kind of crack the lid on the ministry and talk about some things we never talk about. To help the body to truly understand what is really being accomplished for the kingdom of God. And in what manner it is being accomplished. We are doing this as a time capsule episode, so that years later we can look back and see what God has accomplished since the creation of this episode. 

We are told by Jesus to count the cost ahead of time before committing to serving Him. We must plan with wisdom and intelligence and make an informed commitment. So too do they who wish to partner with us, through donating to fund this outreach ministry  #MinistryTimeCapsule #PraiseReport #Brotherlance


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4 Years Of Faithful Ministry In Review /


Focus Verse:Matthew 5:14-16 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.  (15)  Nor do men light a lamp and put it under the grain-measure, but on a lamp stand. And it gives light to all who are in the house.  (16)  Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good worksand glorify your Father who is in Heaven.”


Why We Share This Information: We must bring glory to God by exposing the work that has been done in His Name and the Name of Jesus our Lord and Savior. Not to glorify human accomplishment, no, let it never be so. All glory goes to God. We also need to let those who wish to partner with this work know that this ministry is fertile ground and has accomplished much through faithfulness. 


I also wish to kind of crack the lid on the ministry and talk about some things we never talk about. To help the body to truly understand what is really being accomplished for the kingdom of God. And in what manner it is being accomplished. We are doing this as a time capsule episode, so that years later we can look back and see what God has accomplished since the creation of this episode. 


We are told by Jesus to count the cost ahead of time before committing to serving Him. We must plan with wisdom and intelligence and make an informed commitment. So too do they who wish to partner with us, through donating to fund this outreach ministry.  Please allow for 2-3% +/- on all numbers concerning reach and donations.


Note: All Statistics Were Compiled December 29th, 2023


Luke 14:26-33  “If anyone comes to me, and doesn’t disregard his own father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he can’t be my disciple.  (27)  Whoever doesn’t bear his own cross, and come after me, can’t be my disciple.  (28)  For which of you, desiring to build a tower, doesn’t first sit down and count the cost, to see if he has enough to complete it?  (29)  Or perhaps, when he has laid a foundation, and is not able to finish, everyone who sees begins to mock him,  (30)  saying, ‘This man began to build, and wasn’t able to finish.’  (31)  Or what king, as he goes to encounter another king in war, will not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand?  (32)  Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he sends an envoy, and asks for conditions of peace.  (33)  So therefore whoever of you who doesn’t renounce all that he has, he can’t be my disciple.”

Knowing this, we not only look back with this Time Capsule, we also look forward with a renewed since of commitment and determination to see this through until the end of the age. As we have counted the cost every day and our response has, and Lord willing, will always be “Yes Lord, Send Me” & “Amen!”


-Let Me Tell You A Quick Story- & Why Brother Lance


~ The Preamble ~

We Will Follow Paul’s Advice.

2 Corinthians 11:30-31 “If I must boast, I will boast of the things that concern my weakness.  (31)  The God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, he who is blessed forever more, knows that I don’t lie.”


I Am One Of Those Foolish, Weak, & Lowly Things Used By God For His Glory.

1 Corinthians 1:27-29 “but God chose the foolish things of the world that he might put to shame those who are wise. God chose the weak things of the world, that he might put to shame the things that are strong;  (28)  and God chose the lowly things of the world, and the things that are despised, and the things that don’t exist, that he might bring to nothing the things that exist,  (29)  that no flesh should boast before God.”


So Let Us Boast In The Lord, & Brag On Our God A Little.

2 Corinthians 10:16-18 “So as to preach the Good News even to the parts beyond you, not to boast in what someone else has already done.  (17)  But “he who boasts, let him boast in the Lord.”  (18)  For it isn’t he who commends himself who is approved, but whom the Lord commends.”


The following information is dedicated to our Father God, His Son Jesus, all our ministry partners that help make this happen, and to my dear and faithful family. God has made me rich in your faithfulness and love.


      Psalms 71:15-17 “My mouth will tell about your righteousness, and of your salvation all day, though I don’t know its full measure.  (16)  I will come with the mighty acts of the Lord Yahweh. I will make mention of your righteousness, even of yours alone.  (17)  God, you have taught me from my youth. Until now, I have declared your wondrous works.”


    How Do You Personally View The Ministry?

I see this ministry as an act of love- A response to the one true God who saved my soul and has always been there for me. I also see it as a giant promotional campaign for Jesus. Declaring the awesomeness of our Lord and Savior and our Father God to a decaying and dyeing world. 




I do not see this ministry as a dead end for those who wish to be told what to do for the rest of their lives. Or, as an opportunity to build ego and promote self. Let it never be so. We are nothing more than a travel stop for the weary travelers looking for encouragement on the journey home. I want to teach people how to think like Christ, not what to think. 


    Why Do You Give Everything Away For Free?

Like the Bible says, you cannot serve two masters. Either you will love the one or hate the other. When I first decided to give my book away, I felt like God was asking me what would have happened if Paul of the Bible had charged for his Epistles. I felt in my heart that God told me, “Freely you have received, so freely give, and then trust me with the rest. I will take care of you and I will provide.” So that is what we have done and will continue to do so.  There will never be a pay wall in this ministry. And everyone, no matter their wealth level, will have free and open access to whatever Bible teaching materials we produce. So, on the website you can download Podcast and PDF’S with just a click with no sign in or sign up.



Statistics Taken From Word Press Statistics

    First Page Created: Main Page 3/1/2020

    First Study Posted: “Power Of The Blood Of Jesus” 8/12/2020

    Latest Study Posted: “What Does God Expect From Us?” 12/21/2023


This Year’s Visitor Statistics

    Unique Visits: 15,884   

    Visits: 29,395


All Time Visitor Statistics

    Unique Visits: 41,512   

    Visits: 81,324


Top Countries By Visits This Year

1.     United States: 7,850 

2.     Russian Federation: 963 

3.     China: 890 

4.     Belgium: 821 

5.     Germany: 642 

6.     Portugal: 547 

7.     United Kingdom: 545 

8.     Netherlands: 451 

9.     France: 429 

10.   Unknown: 266

Biggest Month This Year

    By Visits: December- 475

    Biggest Month For Unique Visitors: March- 119

      Mark 5:19-20  “He didn’t allow him, but said to him, “Go to your house, to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how he had mercy on you.”  (20)  He went his way, and began to proclaim in Decapolis how Jesus had done great things for him, and everyone marveled.”


    What Version Of The Bible Do You Use?

I use most of them in some form or another. See, here is the issue once you start studying the “Textus Receptus” Which is one version of the sacred scriptures is based upon as close to original manuscript, Vs -The Majority Text- (Most Likely The Oldest) Vs -Critical Text- Vs -Alexandrian Text- and many more, and the complete trash -Codex Vaticanus “B”- & “Codex Sinaiticus.” You will quickly find that a lot of Bibles are based upon a lot of varied source material, some better than others. Some just plain trash and deviant in my opinion, like the NIV and the Catholic Bible. Yet, if the NIV has the verse correctly translated based upon the best source material, and it was the easiest to understand by the reader, I would use it. So often, what I do is, since I remember most verses in KJV, I try to find a version that is easier to understand in another version of the Bible. Checking to make sure it hasn’t lost its meaning and is accurate as can be. Comparing it the KJV, Young’s Literal Translation, and the Interlinear Bible that is the Greek to English text based upon Textus Receptus. I then use that verse. Not all verses take this much effort, yet some do.


The KJV Version of The Bible Is Primarily Based Upon the “Textus Receptus” and “Beza’s 1598 Text” And the Textus Receptus lines up pretty well to The Majority Text. Which is from around the 4th century.


Some translations go for direct translation, and some go for intended meaning. Like, how would you translate: “That Was A Hot Potato!” Did the author mean the potato was hot? Or, was it a slang saying of the day meaning it was a hot topic? Then how would you translate the slang into a foreign language and retain the meaning? This is the issue you run into with scripture. “Direct Translation” and “Intended Meaning.” I side with direct translation and I will search out the meaning. 

Side note: there are 27 versions of the Textus Receptus starting from 1514 -1894

So you can see how sticky things get. I take the position, look at them all, and look for unity in meaning and purpose, even if the words are different. Compare it to the entirety of scripture and follow the lead of the Holy Spirit. When I say look at them all, I mean the Bibles based upon them. Have no worries -Codex Vaticanus “B”- & “Codex Sinaiticus” will remain in file 13. 

    Why Do You Not Then Place The Bible Reference With The Bible Verses In Your Study?

The Bible study is not supposed to be the end of the race to understanding. It is the starting line. I expect the hearer and reader to take out their own Bibles and look up the verses themselves: To start their own journey. The Bible studies are nothing more than a treasure map. It is not the treasure. There is truth and wonderful things expressed and shared in the studies. Yet, the true treasure is to understand our Father God and Jesus. And by doing so, creating a deep meaningful relationship with them. 


As we see above, while it is important knowing what version you are reading (maybe more so from what source it was made.) The greater importance is placed upon knowing the Author first and foremost, that being God and Jesus- the Word made flesh. Let us remember that the Devil can quote scripture, yet fails at having a meaningful relationship with the Author.


In short- I expect the reader and hearer to go and take their Bible out and search it out for themselves, comparing versions and be led by the Holy Spirit.





Christian Soul Prepper Podcast

Statistics Taken from Buzzsprout Statistics For The Year 2023


    We Uploaded 34 Episodes, (36 hours of teachings.)

    Total Downloads: 3,839

    We Have Reached 46 Countries This Year


Total Downloads By Country

1.     United States: 1,224

2.     India:          75

3.     Philippines: 57

4.     Germany: 50

5.     United Kingdom: 42


Top City By Downloads 

1.     Pottsville, Pennsylvania 212

2.     Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania: 77

3.     Choctaw, Oklahoma: 63

4.     Kansas City, Missouri: 56

5.     Frankfurt am Main, Hessen: 45


Top Downloads 2023

    Top Teaching: “Once Saved, Always Saved? - Fact vs Fiction” :EB22  

(USA Being The Top Downloader)

    Top Song Downloaded: “VICTORY” (India Being The Top Downloader)


We are listed on 17 Podcast Providers Including The Following:

    Apple Podcasts


    Google Podcast

    Amazon Music

    Iheart Radios

    (Proudly Banned On TuneIn) 


      Psalms 105:1-3 “Give thanks to Yahweh! Call on his name! Make his doings known among the peoples.  (2)  Sing to him, sing praises to him! Tell of all his marvelous works.  (3)  Glory in his holy name. Let the heart of those who seek Yahweh rejoice.”


    How many people do you have working in the ministry creating content, websites, etc?

(1) While our church members share the content and invite friends, etc. The content and maintenance of the platforms is performed by me. It’s amazing how much God allows me to get done. And the ways He shows me to streamline as much of it as possible. I like to say we are fighting above our weight class. Being able through God’s help, to present a quality product, so to speak: An offering that is free to the world!


    What Are The Outreaches You Partake In?

1.                 Street Ministry

2.                 Free Music On Our Website

3.                 2 Websites (Our Main Website, and Our Free Book Website)

4.                 1 Podcast

5.                 2 Video Social Media Websites (YouTube & Brighteon)

6.                 2 Social Media Sites (Twitter/X & Gab)

7.                 Our Main Weekly  Online Bible Study Church Group


    How Do You Go About Giving The Studies?

I don’t plan on what I am going to say, only what is written down on the study. That is why sometimes it seems that I am tripping over what I am saying, as I am listening and speaking at the same time. Trying to hear what God wants me to say, and managing the study, the live stream, etc. So a lot is going on. 








 |   |  

Statistics Taken From Word Press Statistics


    First Page Created Main Page 11/17/2019

    Download Page Created 11/18/2019


This Year’s Visitor Statistics

    Unique Visits: 4,442     

    Total Visits: 8,802


All Time Visitor Statistics

    Unique Visits: 14,385

    Total Visits: 29,651


Top Countries By Visits This Year

1     United States United States: 1,713 

2     China: 546 

3     Germany: 271 

4     Russian Federation: 266 

5     France: 165 

6     Sweden: 127 

7     Netherlands:         127 

8     Unknown: 99 

9     Canada: 99 

10   United Kingdom: 98


Biggest Month This Year

    Top Visits: March 234

    Biggest Month For Unique Visitors: March 140


Free Download Page Visits

  Hits To The Download Page: 5,620      (I Believe This is Unique Views)

  Page Counter For Overall Visits: 10,172


      Mark 16:15 “He said to them, “Go into all the world, and preach the Good News to the whole creation.”



    What Is The Process Every Week To Create Content For The Ministry?

There is a two week overlap of what has already been done and what is being created. So, I will spend two weeks with each teaching. The first week in creating it and giving it, then the next week is editing it and creating the video, podcast, art, and websites.

Each week I am creating the current teaching and editing the previous teaching. Much like shingles on a roof, it all overlaps. Then, if it is a multi-part series, it gets more complicated as I have to prearrange all the teaching and create an outline for as many weeks as the initial offering is, making sure that it’s methodical and builds as it goes. Then it can get even more complicated than that as we often have multiple multi-part series going on at the same time. And I address each one as I believe God is directing me to do so. 


In order to get everything accomplished, I have to keep a strict time schedule.  While the list below is a good representation of this, it does not include other ministry obligations and counseling God has allowed me to do. As the Bible says, you cannot be a minister if you do not lead your family correctly. So with the family, it averages out to about 3 hours every day of worship, prayer, and study with the family.  


                Sabbath (Saturday)

It begins on Sabbath with the start of the new Bible studies. This usually takes two days to create, and another day to proofread and format. 



I try to take Sunday off to relax and accomplish other things around the house. 



Monday is normally the continuation of creating the Bible study. 



Tuesday is getting the study ready, if it is not all ready for proofreading on Wednesday. I also start on Tuesday making the art for all the appropriate places like podcast, website, video, and video overlay, etc. Then I get the video files set up and load all the created art into the video editing program and do some formatting for the video. 



Wednesday my wonderful wife makes me look smarter than I am and proofreads the study. I finish formatting them and exporting them to PDF, then mailing them out that evening. I then start editing the video from the previous week, fixing any mistakes in the recording, adjusting audio, adding music, etc. Then I rip the Video exporting it, and then export the Podcast.







We start Bible Study around 11 am. This usually goes about 1 1/2 to 2 hours, sometimes more. As often after the recording stops, we will have questions/discussion over the study, and fellowship.


When that is done, it’s time to upload last week’s video and the podcast. This is including creating the descriptions, adding art, and loading the transcripts. Then I move onto creating the website page for the previous week’s study, linking all the other studies within the website. When that is done, I share the newest website info on social media and through text. 



Drool and Stare. No really, this is not a joke. By Friday, I am brain fried, physically tired, and spiritually drained. So while I will often work on some ministry things here and there, I am mainly trying to recover from the previous weeks fight to get things accomplished. What I never knew, and I believe many others do not know, is the spiritual battle ministers face every week to serve God and others. My family knows all that happens and what goes on. While I normally never share the battles and attacks against me and my family, as I want it to be about God and Jesus. They are often many. There is a constant palpable pressure in the spiritual realm. God is faithful and gives us the strength in our love for Him and Jesus and the Body of Christ to continue on. The closest thing I can compare it to is lifting weights. Every day is a rep and by the end of the set, which would be Thursday, the spiritual muscle is worn out. The set was worth it and very beneficial, yet you need to catch your breath in order to perform to the same level or greater next time. 


I also like to compare ministry to a movie. If you go to the movies and watch the newest big budget flick, it takes about 2 hours on average. So, as a consumer, it took a couple of hours to ingest, determine if it was worth your 2 hours, and formulate an opinion upon it. Yet, those who made the movie spent years creating it- involving countless decisions and choices, effecting many lives and areas of society.


The very same thing can be said about a faithful minster. If they really are about their Fathers business, they are being stretched in many ways most never hear about, or can every truly know. So, I ask you, whoever is ministering in your life full time for God, be patient and supportive. It takes more than you could ever imagine. And this why so many pastors leave the calling. If it was not for my love for God, Jesus, and my fellow man and the calling in my heart in love, I would have quit by now. Yet, love is the greatest of all the fruits and it’s the only one that can sustain the calling of a minister effectively for God. 


This is the reason why we take off the 4th Thursday of every month. As I have been to the level of burnout many [many] times- having gone months on end, being completely empty and numb, while giving our all to serve the children of God. I do not share this to bring attention to myself, yet to help the body understand the unseen side of serving God in this manner and I hope to create more support and patience for the ministers in your life. 



Start the cycle all over again. Pray and seek what God has planned for that weeks study.


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Statistics Taken From YouTube Studio

    Subscribers: 137


    Total Video Content: 205

    Videos Posted: 192

    Video Shorts Posted:13


    First Public Video: “Welcome To Our Ministry” Feb 19 2020

    Latest: “What Does God Expect From Us?” December 21st, 2023



    Official Total: 14100


ü Videos: 10,300

ü Shorts: 3,800


Views Broken Down

    Unofficial Total: 15901

ü Subscribed: 1,881

ü Not Subscribed: 14,020


(I have had videos banned, so I lost the exact view count total on those. Plus, I have taken down videos, so that amount was removed. Yet in the one statistic, I believe it still shows the correct number.)


Top Countries By Views

1.     United States: 5,915 

2.     Canada: 122 

3.     Russia: 104 

4.     Kingdom: 78 

5.     Ukraine: 59 

6.     Australia: 25 

7.     Germany: 23 

8.     South Africa: 15 

9.     New Zealand: 13

10.   Philippines: 11 







Top Videos

    Top Video: “Bill Gates ID2020”: 1349 views

    Top Bible Study: “The Shofar Call Of God”: 310

    Top Song: “Confession and Repentance”: 292

    Top Short: “More… Give Me More”: 683

    Top Play List: “Mark Of The Beast”, Accessed 135 times creating 3,868 views.



  Impressions: 116,600 

(People Viewing Our Content Through Searches and Suggested Searches)


Brighteon Video

    Total Channel Views: 4,396


      Psalms 66:16 “Come, and hear, all you who fear God. I will declare what he has done for my soul.”


    How Do You Come Up With The Bible Studies?

It starts with prayer. Then, often God will give me the concept and starts feeding me Bible verses that go with the study. So I write them down, either on my phone or in the computer. I then take those verses given and start laying out the study. As I do this, God will start revealing more verses to my heart and mind through the Holy Spirit. Showing how they relate and how they connect to each other. Then on this premise, I start looking for even more verses to support those given to me. Next, I start to lay things out logically for systematic study. Creating a line of thought that builds upon itself to a conclusive end. Adding support and foundational verses to always provide a complete thought and conclusion on the topic presented. While many of our studies are in group and we will cover a topic in many parts, I always try to make each study to be able to stand alone, even if others were never viewed or heard. This way each study is capable on its own merits to pass inspection and review from the honest Bible student.  Even when I think I am done, I reread the study multiple times to ensure it makes sense and builds upon itself. Often God will give me even more verses to add. Sometimes this happens in the middle of the night or early in the morning, etc.










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Christian Soul Prepper Podcast

Since The Start Of The Podcast In 2021: The Complete View


Main Stats

    Published Episodes: 148

    Total Downloads/Listens: 7615

    Best Month November 2023: 615 downloads


Top Download Platforms

    Apple Apps: 22% 1692

    I-Heart Radio: 20%% 1579


Top Device

    Apple Phone: 41% 3,177

    Android: 31% 2,394


Top Access Category

    Mobile: 78% 5987

    Computer: 15% 1197


By Continent

1.     North America: 62% 4781

2.     Asia: 23% 1,822

3.     Europe: 7% 609

4.     Africa: 3% 295

5.     Oceania (Australia/ New Zealand): 1% 85

6.     South America: >1% 23


By Country

We Have Reached 127 Countries Of The 195-200 Countries On Planet Earth

1.     United States: 4,652

2.     India: 548

3.     Philippines: 376

4.     Germany: 225

5.     Nigeria: 180

6.     United Kingdom: 166

7.     Cambodia: 125

8.     Nepal: 92

9.     Canada: 84

10.   Malaysia: 71



Top Cities By Download

We Have Reached 1319 Cities

1.     Pottsville, Pennsylvania: 552

2.     Choctaw, Oklahoma: 369

3.     Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania: 194

4.     Ashburn, Virginia: 151

5.     Frankfurt am Main, Hessen: 125

6.     Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh: 111

7.     Lagos, Lagos: 110

8.     Dallas, Texas: 80

9.     Kansas City, Kansas: 69

10.   York, Pennsylvania: 65


First Podcast Uploaded

“Episode Zero Christian Soul Peppers Podcast”: March 24 2021

Also #1 “Prepare For Persecution: It’s Coming Soon!”


Last Podcast Uploaded

“Getting To Know God - What Does God Expect From Us?” December 21 2023


Top Podcast Downloads

    Top Song:  “Soul Soldier” 209

    Top Christian Soul Prepper Podcast: “When The Goats Kill The Sheep” 72

    Top Bible Study: “Once Saved, Always Saved?” 85


      Psalms 119:43-47 “Don’t snatch the word of truth out of my mouth, for I put my hope in your ordinances.  (44)  So I will obey your law continually, forever and ever.  (45)  I will walk in liberty, for I have sought your precepts.  (46)  I will also speak of your statutes before kings, and will not be disappointed.  (47)  I will delight myself in your commandments, because I love them.”


    What Is The Average Amount Of Donations Each Month?

While we cover the cost of the Podcast provider and our domain two names, we have donated to us the hosting of our websites, and the use of word press. 















Year By Year Breakdown

I have been doing this 100% of the time for the last 4 years. A Full Time Minister

 |   |   | Ours | Donations |   | Total
| Year 1 | 2020 | $19,200 | $0 |   | $19,200
| Year 2 | 2021 | $19,200 | $5,500 |   | $24,700
| Year 3 | 2022 | $12,024 | $8,994 |   | $21,018
| Year 4 | 2023 | $1,095 | $17,630 |   | $18,725
|   |   | $51,519 | $32,124 |   | $83,643


For The Year 2023

---The donations we received this year to continue this work averages to be $1469 per month, being $17,630 for the year.  

---If we included the IRS tax return, we had $1,560 per month, being $18725 for the year.

We also have people who donate food and home supplies & that helps out greatly.


A Quick Comparison & Understanding Of This Ministries Faithfulness:

The national poverty line in America for a family of 6 is $40,280

Including all funds donated and our own, we are still well under the National Poverty line for 2 people: $19,720 –yet, we are a ministry family of 6.


We have roughly $1,100 in fixed bills. Not including food, gas, clothes, etc: That’s just counting the house payment, electric, phone, etc. Leaving $460 a month for food, gas, and all other needs that averages about $106 a week.


So you can see how tight of an operation we are running, how faithful we have been with the funds given, and how important the opportunity for people to get involved in this fruitful work is. They will receive to themselves and their family the blessing of heaven in the process. And joining us and our family and store up treasure for ourselves in heaven where moth, rust, and robbers cannot touch it. A place where they will retain it forever. And most importantly, giving back to Jesus for His sacrifice in the process, responding in the obedience of love. 


    How Have You Managed To Make It This Long?

FAITH! Trusting God at His word. On many occasions, I have learned just to trust God and be faithful to His calling upon my life. I need to be responsible for the areas He gave me to cover, and He will be responsible to cover His area. A Quick Testimony: I have on multiple occasions been down to $1, $2, or $3 dollars in the bank, knowing we didn’t have money to pay our house payment, buy food, or get gas. And God was like, “will you still serve me, even if it costs you everything? Even if you cannot take care of your own family?”And I have always responded with “yes”. So, I would leave the house to go do ministry and support others our Father loves, knowing that I could not even do it for my own. Not knowing, sometimes, how I was going to get gas to ever leave the house again, pay my bills, or feed my family. God has always rewarded the faithfulness to trust Him and put His little sheep first.  He has never failed. This is my testimony!


I used to get frustrated and down when others wouldn’t donate and support. Seeing our need and ignoring us. I don’t feel that way anymore. I feel sorry for them for the missed opportunity given to them to invest into God’s Kingdom. I have Godly remorse for the pain they will feel when they enter Heaven and God shows them what they could have done for Him, and failed to respond to- the missed opportunity to give back to Jesus.


      Matthew 28:19-20 “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  (20)  teaching them to observe all things that I commanded you. Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.”


Super Side Note: We have had 3 Baptisms in this ministry. You can go to and scroll down the main page, and see the wonderful Baptisms and celebration Videos. 


The Big Conclusions

Touches: What are touches? “Touches” are something salespeople use to understand the effort of their day, week, and year. Every time they come in contact with a prospective buyer, it is considered a touch. Even if they do not make a sale, that person has been touched by the sales opportunity or invited to learn more about it, even if it is the same person.  Then the salesman can look at this touch to sales ratio and learn that, say 35% of his touches, become sales. So if he can increase the amount of touches, he can increase his sales. Ministry is much the same way. We can help increase “touches” to help increase converts through commitment to loving and serving Jesus. More outreach can mean more souls saved. With that in mind, let’s look at the “Touches” of this ministry.


If we calculate all our exposures, be it from visits to the websites, downloads of the podcasts, previews and watches of videos, we come up with the following amazing statistic.  I went for 3.5 years as the start, as I was just doing a lot of set up and background work. There is a little overlap both ways. 













Over The Last 3.5 Years Our Total Touches Are: 255,487 (Impressions & Clicks)

· Total Touches Every Year: 72,996(Note: This Is For The Last 3.5 Years)

· Total Touches Every Month: 6,083

· Total Touches Every Day: 202.7

· Total Touches Every Hour: 8.44

· Total Touches Every 7.10 Minutes: 1


This Is Every Day, 24 Hours A Day, 365.25 Days A Year, Around The World Without Rest Or Delay: Including 127 Countries, On 6 Continents, In 1319 Cities. All For The Glory Of God, Jesus, & Their Kingdom. Every 7.22 Minutes, This Ministry Is Presenting The Gospel In Some Way, To Someone, Somewhere. That Is AMAZING. 


If you want to know how many of those are more than just “Touches,” but people who actively partake in the offering of the Gospel, the simple math is to divide it in half [though it’s actually a little more than half.] 

We Have Had 134,491 Acts Of Direct Participation.


Can I Get A Praise God? PRAISE GOD!!!


Note: This does not include Street Ministry, or what people have done with the materials after they download the Podcasts and Bible Study PDF’s, etc. We will never fully know the reach we have had until after Jesus comes back. 

What About R.O.I?

R.O.I means “Return On Investment.” This helps companies and investors to be able to understand the value of their investment. If I would just count the donations number of $32,124 over the last 3 years, it would be a lot more. Yet, I will include the amount we as a family have given to this ministry also, which is roughly $51,519. For an approximate total of $83,643 spent on this ministry over the last four years. Or, the average $20,910 a year. All we have to do is divide our “touches” 255,487 by 4 (years) = 63,871 per year.

This is done as 4 year not as 3.5 to purposely lower the numbers down. 

63,871Touches A Year

Divided By

$20,910 Dollars Spent A Year.

Gives us 3.05 People Touched With The Gospel For Every $ 

Dollar Donated / Spent.

So, for every dollar you donate, you are helping to reach 3 people!

It has only taken 33 cents to touch one person with the love of Jesus!

That is AMAZING to me! So be encouraged, your donations are having an impact!



To all The Supporters God Has Used Along The Way:

You have and are helping spread a bright, fruitful light. The future belongs to God. All we have to decide is if we will continue to get involved and spread forth the Gospel until our time is up. As for me and my house, we will continue to serve the Lord. So let us all ask ourselves, what else can we do to further the cause of Christ upon the earth? Then without delay, get involved and start today! To those online who download and read and partake of what this ministry offers, why not get involved in the funding of the outreach? We have shared the number and proved what is being accomplished. Stand with us today and let’s spread Jesus around the world in a meaning and effective way!


Matthew 5:13-16 “You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost its flavor, with what will it be salted? It is then good for nothing, but to be cast out and trodden under the feet of men.  (14)  You are the light of the world. A city located on a hill can’t be hidden.  (15)  Neither do you light a lamp, and put it under a measuring basket, but on a stand; and it shines to all who are in the house.  (16)  Even so, let your light shine before men; that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.



Fun Side Note On Touches During This Bible Study: