Brb, Making Lemonade

Brb, Navigating Self-Doubt, Imposter Syndrome & Building Our Confidence as Female Entrepreneurs

Brb, Making Lemonade

This week, we cover the topic of self-doubt and imposter syndrome, and share some valuable lessons and tips for gaining confidence after being asked how we are so confident.

We discuss the importance of changing your mindset and reprogramming your beliefs in order to dismantle any negative and intrusive thoughts and work toward replacing them with rational thoughts. We also provide some affirmations to help reaffirm your confidence and validate your success.

We also talk about:
- Benefits of sharing reels and how they helped with our confidence
- The detrimental effects of comparison
- Scout Sobel's book "The Emotional Entrepreneur", Drink of the Week, the Met Gala, and our Sweet & Sours of the week

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Brb, Making Lemonade: @brbmakinglemonade
Lemon Collective Marketing Inc.: @lemon.collective
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Jaclyn: @jaclynmc
Julie: @juliekrystine