High Low Brow

A Weekend to Remember: Night of the Living Drag and Just For Laughs Festival Toronto

October 01, 2023 Amanda Scriver and River Gilbert Season 3 Episode 13
A Weekend to Remember: Night of the Living Drag and Just For Laughs Festival Toronto
High Low Brow
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High Low Brow
A Weekend to Remember: Night of the Living Drag and Just For Laughs Festival Toronto
Oct 01, 2023 Season 3 Episode 13
Amanda Scriver and River Gilbert

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Get ready for an exhilarating ride as we take you on an unforgettable weekend getaway to celebrate our anniversary and a very special birthday in Niagara Falls, Ontario!

We share some hilarious moments from the trip and recap the Voss Events show, "Night of the Living Drag" hosted by Yvie Oddly and including performances by Tayce, Denali, Angeria, Jorgeous, Icesis Couture, and Plastique Tiara of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Then we share some of the highs and lows of Toronto's very own Just for Laughs festival which boasts some of North America's funniest comedians. We had the honour of checking out the delectable Nicole Byer, the chaotic Patti Harrison, the quietly hilarious Ron Funches, the relatable Michelle Buteau, and the anxious lil' guy Deanne Smith.

And of course, it would not be an episode of High Low Brow if we didn't tell you where we were in the process of our beloved Vanderpump Rules! We'll catch you up on the shocking divorce of Tom and Katie, and some juicy updates on the upcoming season 10. So settle in and get prepared for a whirlwind of laughter, insights, and 35 minutes of banter. 

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Get ready for an exhilarating ride as we take you on an unforgettable weekend getaway to celebrate our anniversary and a very special birthday in Niagara Falls, Ontario!

We share some hilarious moments from the trip and recap the Voss Events show, "Night of the Living Drag" hosted by Yvie Oddly and including performances by Tayce, Denali, Angeria, Jorgeous, Icesis Couture, and Plastique Tiara of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Then we share some of the highs and lows of Toronto's very own Just for Laughs festival which boasts some of North America's funniest comedians. We had the honour of checking out the delectable Nicole Byer, the chaotic Patti Harrison, the quietly hilarious Ron Funches, the relatable Michelle Buteau, and the anxious lil' guy Deanne Smith.

And of course, it would not be an episode of High Low Brow if we didn't tell you where we were in the process of our beloved Vanderpump Rules! We'll catch you up on the shocking divorce of Tom and Katie, and some juicy updates on the upcoming season 10. So settle in and get prepared for a whirlwind of laughter, insights, and 35 minutes of banter. 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to High Low Brow. The show with high brow takes on low brow culture. I'm your one host, Amanda Scriber, and.

Speaker 2:

I'm your co-host.

Speaker 1:

River Gilbert. Well, if you could see us right now, which you can't, you would see that we are in a different background. It looks similar we are sitting on a couch and it is like a like gray blue background, so cast and couch, emma, it's definitely not that, listen, it wouldn't be an episode of High Low Brow if we didn't reference problematic mid 2000s porn. That's not what I was going to say, but sure, yeah, yeah yeah, back, couch is black too. Tell me about the chicks.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, we just went for.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's catch you up to speed. Let's get the readers Rewinds.

Speaker 2:

Readers, listeners, listeners you're readers, I am readers, you're like as an oral a you okay, we're Niagara Falls.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was our anniversary like last week, yeah, and it's also my birthday, it's your birthday.

Speaker 2:

Next week, next week, and this is just sort of like a. We got a dog walker. Dog walker, dog sitter.

Speaker 1:

So, for those of you who may not know us in person, we have one, for I was going to say child, but then I'm like, oh, I'm one of kind of, I'm one of those people, but we are, we are fully those people.

Speaker 2:

We can accept that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and since we have gotten her at eight months old she was a rescue from Texas. Shout out to now two and a half. Yeah, I was going to say shout out to rebel dog rescue. She's now two and a half but we've never gone anywhere with so. This is like mom's big weekend away, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But our dog sitter brings her dog over as well. They look identical. They're both from Texas, yeah, and we've been getting photo updates and we're very stressed about it, but it's going well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the photo updates are, so wonder, cher, who is our dog sitter. Cher, if you're listening to this, which you probably aren't- because why would you, why would you?

Speaker 2:

Thanks for listening?

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening.

Speaker 2:

Cher is sent us this boomerang of our dog ocean just gnawing down on a tree, and then it's actually kind of unsettling seeing it on in boomerang form, because it's like she's coughing it back up. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, we are in Niagara. We got one of those fancy rooms with the jacuzzi tub that we did not use. Yeah, so that was a waste, but you know we had it, we could have used it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, theoretically we could have used it and we went for dinner at this lovely place. We're not going to tell you about our entire weekend, but what we did want to tell you about the one aspect of it was we went to Voss events. We went to, they produced a new show and if you're familiar with Voss events, they're a drag touring company. Usually they are the touring company who puts on all of RuPaul's Drag Race, all of World of Wonder, their drag events, and I've been to a few of their shows before, specifically in Toronto, and they're a production.

Speaker 2:

Like it had an intermission.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it had audience participation, yeah, but but you just okay, you're like I was driver podcast, we got it. No, I was trying to tell everybody what the theme of this was. Go for it, yeah, unless you know you go for it no no, no. So the theme for this one was Night of the Living Drag, and it was hosted by Evie, oddly.

Speaker 2:

Now it was very like it. It sounds like it's going to be like zombie folk. It was Twilight Zone, which is weird. I don't know why they would have been like Night of the Living, drag and then Twilight Zone. It's like okay, I guess, or a tucking zone could have worked, actually, maybe not.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Because tucking zone is the taint.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but the one thing I did notice, having been to a few of these shows now, is some of their graphics don't change, they just reuse them. So like the spinning, like that black and white like Twilight Zone-y kind of like that was in one of their last shows.

Speaker 2:

Is it just always the Twilight Zone?

Speaker 1:

No, it's not always the Twilight Zone, but I feel like they don't like their they paid for it, they may as well use it. Yeah, they're like we've got, like, the clips from the Twilight Zone show that they incorporated into the actual production show itself, like those have not been in the other shows that I've seen. However, some of the animated graphics that I saw were definitely recycled and reused, which you know we stan, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Somebody worked hard on those they did. Somebody spent several days with their wife putting that together, totally so you know, tell the folks who was part of the show. Oh yeah, it was okay, it was Tase Zangiria, yep Was Denali. Did I say Plastic Tiara?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Plastic Tiara Yep.

Speaker 1:

Isis Couture.

Speaker 2:

Isis Couture.

Speaker 1:

Evie Aldi, evie Aldi, and I'm forgetting someone.

Speaker 2:

I'm like running through all of the performance and I'm like, oh shit, I'm forgetting someone. George's, oh yeah, george's.

Speaker 1:

That feels so bad that we were just like who's the other one. But I knew it was one of the pretty girls.

Speaker 2:

She's so much more than a pretty girl. She's also very tiny.

Speaker 1:

So I think, like when you watch RuPaul's Drag Race and you see them all, you're like, oh yeah, I can picture that, but no like she's like four foot 1150 pounds, soaking wet.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like she is a small, small person.

Speaker 1:

Tiny Queen.

Speaker 2:

Tiny Queen. Thanks for listening to.

Speaker 1:

George's we love short kings.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, no, the EV was a fantastic host. I thought super fucking weird.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love EB Sumer to begin with and I was just like, yes, this is perfect.

Speaker 2:

It was like the character she was doing was like a kids in the hall kind of oh my God, the voice she was doing was cancer boy from from Brain Candy the kids in the hall movie. I've never seen it he talks like this I'm cancer boy, that is, and yeah, that was um. Yeah, and she was fantastic and it was very clear that she was ad-libbing, ad-libbing, like 90% of the show.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's just like listen, I'm here to have a good time she plugged her own solo tour.

Speaker 2:

She was like I didn't get clear here and to plug this. But I'm doing it, but I'm doing it anyway, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So it was great. Honestly, when they announced the lineup and I saw Tase and Isis Couture like no shade to any of the rest of the RuPaul's Drag Race girls.

Speaker 1:

I've seen them a bunch of times and like Isis I've only seen I think once I've interviewed Isis before for the CBC. Isis is literally the most incredible, nicest human being ever they have like they used to. I don't I don't think they do anymore, but they used to make all of their own costuming, which is what I talked to them about. Like their mind is just like out of this world.

Speaker 2:

Was it Isis who in the opening number, came out in like a Mothman costume?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because that's what they wore on UK, Canada versus the world.

Speaker 2:

It was so good. Yes.

Speaker 1:

So I was like, oh, I see, I see your outfit, I recognize that. But yeah, all of her like Isis is a is literally a Couture queen. She should be rocking, walking some runways.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she's what Canadian violet chash, violet chash.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, only Les Bitchie.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, and when we left, I you were like, what did you think of the show? And I was like, well, taste came on and then I got pregnant.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, that was so we booked. We were all up in the air with our plans, so we booked our tickets and, like we didn't get to sit together, we were like behind each other.

Speaker 1:

We were like oh, I'm going to get my tickets.

Speaker 2:

But literally right in front of one another. But like I was sitting next to this like lesbian couple and the entire time that taste was on was like they were like oh my God. It was fantastic. I was, honestly, when the lineup got announced, I was most excited to see Plastic Tiara.

Speaker 1:

I was like I don't think I'm ever going to see this queen and she's fantastic. Yes, I'm going to ask you a question because I feel like you will know. Yeah, do you think it? Maybe it's just good makeup and contour, but do you think that Plastic has had facial feminization?

Speaker 2:

It would not surprise me yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean, they say that they are not trans and we don't. We're not going to speculate.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, no, no no.

Speaker 1:

But their face structure looked.

Speaker 2:

There was a lot of things that looked different and their name is Plastic, so I would assume that there has been some kind of cosmetic surgery.

Speaker 1:

Sure, I mean, I'm not mad at it, I'm just like basically what I was trying to, where I was going with that was as fucking attractive as Plastic is like was on. The show is on TikTok. It holds up.

Speaker 2:

It holds up and she had the three-titty moments.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, I got a picture of that. It was great.

Speaker 2:

It was great we had. My favorite was Denali, who did like this, like Victorian era, Like hot flutin yeah. And then all of her man servants started ripping off their clothing and then turned on like these little eye things, and they were robots.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And then they took off her clothes and she was a robot. Yeah, and it was fantastic. Yeah, it was like oh yeah, this was, this is my jam.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, basically, if the show is coming to a city near you, which it's only like a Halloween tour, it's only going into towns that, like, have casinos which is why we are in Niagara Falls. Yeah, Honestly, I would make the truck yeah go look it up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was great.

Speaker 1:

All of their shows are very entertaining and always have a ton of production value. So whenever you like, buy a ticket. You know exactly what you're getting and they're very good at like timeliness yeah, I mean like the fact I didn't realize that it was actually the world of wonder. Yes.

Speaker 2:

Production group because I was like I thought that they had put RuPaul's voice into an AI to generate you better burn witch.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, they probably did. I don't think RuPaul RuPaul, rupaul, rupaul RuPaul is at her home studio being like you. Better burn bitch.

Speaker 2:

I which, because it was Halloween, you better burn witch to be fair.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was, thank you.

Speaker 2:

To be fair, chances are she accidentally said it during one of the takes, when Mama Ru was just so suited.

Speaker 1:

She's always so suited, so suited. Yeah, the joke that you've been made about how everyone always asks me how my how it was with Ru, and I just tell them she's basically a ghost being brought back by Black Magic.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, every show, every episode. She's a skeleton.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was like facts.

Speaker 2:

We should tell. Ok, if you're still wondering about why Emma said, tell me about the chicks.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

This morning we went for breakfast at a Denny's and there was a table across from us with no joke, 20 children screaming at the top of their lungs.

Speaker 1:

OK, but we should preface it was like unit hockey.

Speaker 2:

It felt very hockey.

Speaker 1:

Oh, they were part of a hockey team. Oh, ok, they had a hat on. I'm not going to say the name of it, but they had a hat on.

Speaker 2:

They were part of a hockey team, I see.

Speaker 1:

And the three or four parental units that were. There were overseeing these children.

Speaker 2:

But one of the women who was sitting with them. Parental units yeah, presumably I mean, she was old enough to be a parental, yeah presumably, but she just no joke seven or eight times during the like 40 minutes we were there, said so tell me about the chicks, and we're just like Emma. Tell me about the chicks.

Speaker 1:

How old do you think those kids were?

Speaker 2:

Between I think the youngest was probably six, OK, and I think the oldest was probably 12.

Speaker 1:

OK, yeah, I was like.

Speaker 2:

It was the one child that was very clearly not on the team.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, ok, so I guess my thing is. The other reason why we're bringing this up too is, with all of the current political climate, the way it is, people are trying to ban drag shows across the US. I don't think it's seeped into Canada yet.

Speaker 2:

But like it's getting there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're getting there. I was going to say, like the anti-trans rhetoric, the hate against LGBTQ folks, like all of that is happening.

Speaker 2:

Well, they have to build a foundation because Canada's like firmly in the like OK, no, gay people, gay folks cool, but like yes, so they need to have a bad guy. Yeah, so drag ban will come.

Speaker 1:

Great, but I guess, oh wait, no, no, no, there was some like protesting against drag shows here in Canada. I, I, I, anyways, we haven't gotten as far as bans, but there has been protests. So I, yeah, I've had some friends who have performed some shows and they've had protests outside, and it's just like they're very localized, very centralized.

Speaker 2:

It's not like the we in yeah, yeah, yeah, march.

Speaker 1:

So the the reason why I'm mentioning this is like sitting across this, from this table, where it's like, very clearly, all of these young children there's like this motherly type person asking them like, tell me about the chick situation, which I have no idea what that means, but I can only infer that she's trying to figure out who their girlfriend is, because it's a bunch of younger boys. Yeah, like Gay people are not the ones sexualizing children.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, I mean, that's a very, because everybody always goes to the like you know, the baby jumpers that are like heartbreaker and it's like, yeah, those are, those are gross and not. But that is such like a casual form of like. It's like, if you're really concerned about that, maybe don't do that either. Or kids are fine and they're they're going to explore and figure out things for themselves and like they should be made aware of things. But, like you know, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, man, if I knew the word for trans when I was 12, I might have been able to get puberty blockers.

Speaker 1:

You would be like. Let me tell you about the chick situation. It's me. Hi Was it trying to make a joke of your transness by the?

Speaker 2:

way, transness is pretty funny, so like don't worry.

Speaker 1:

All right, I, I can't really. Yeah, that's fine.

Speaker 2:

You're not allowed to say that I give you permission to laugh at it in this, but I definitely would not get up on a soapbox and be like haha, trans are funny.

Speaker 1:

Amos cancels. Oh, do you know we should talk about how we went and saw Patty Harrison, like we did.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, we did JFL.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we did JFL. So for those of you who don't know, just for laughs. Toronto is a huge festival. That happens. It doesn't happen just in Toronto, it also happens in Montreal as well, yeah it started in Montreal, came to Toronto. My pals that live in Montreal told me that the Toronto Festival is always 1000 times better than the Montreal Festival, which I know. I was like, oh, I'm sorry for you.

Speaker 2:

They just hear the word Toronto and are like, oh, yeah, so we ended up every year.

Speaker 1:

This has become a tradition for us. It's been like how many years going now.

Speaker 2:

Well, covid threw it off, but like it's been a few years, we've done it like five or six times.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so typically how it works is you buy a headliner pass and then you get free credits with your headliner pass. This year our headliner that we went and saw was Nicole Byer, Sure was. And then you get two free credits with it the two free credits we originally, oh, and I should add, the two free credits actually refresh once you've gone to a show. So technically with those you can extend those two free credits pretty far. Yeah, we saw four shows. Yeah, we saw four shows, so with plus nickel Plus nickel.

Speaker 1:

So we went and saw. First one we saw was Michelle Bateau.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, michelle Bateau. Then we went to see Ron Funches. Yep, then we did Dan Smith. Oh, I was going to say then we did Nicole, but yeah, then it was Dan Smith. Yeah, then Patty.

Speaker 1:

Harrison, yeah, yeah, and is it Harrison or Henderson?

Speaker 2:

It's Harrison. It's like George Great.

Speaker 1:

That's what I thought. Anyways, our JFL experience was like it was so funny. We were in an Uber the other day talking about this and we were just kind of like OK, so how would you rate your show experience? How would? You Bottom to top and we very clearly had the same two bottoms.

Speaker 2:

Are we going to out them as our bottoms? We may as well.

Speaker 1:

I mean we're trying it, yeah, like we don't go for it, yeah, so bottom.

Speaker 2:

Bottom was Patty Harrison.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so the show that she's touring with. If you are a fan of her work or you know that she's a writer for Big Mouth Search Party, what's the? I think you should leave. I should, if you've seen her on any of that stuff like she's funny, and I follow her on Instagram and I was just like I can't wait to see this new show.

Speaker 2:

The new show is basically about yeah, I'm going to what it felt like was a parody of Millennial Cringe and like so the first, like the she. Just her delivery was just so Awkward.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I guess too, throughout the entire show and I get that this is part of the show. Like the comedy is not lost on me, she's wearing these fake, a fake breastplate and then, like we shouldn't spoil the show, in case anybody sees it. But like.

Speaker 2:

It's very it's very clear that it's a breastplate from the get-go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Like it felt like some of the jokes just went too long.

Speaker 2:

Or when we were leaving.

Speaker 1:

I was like to your point about it being millennial cringe. I said it seems like she put the show together but didn't run any of the jokes by anybody that she knows to be like. Do these jokes hold up in this curt political climate?

Speaker 2:

Well, she called somebody in the audience the F-slur twice.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm like, and then I said I have the agency to do that which I don't.

Speaker 2:

I can't remember if Well, is she a gay man? Because, like, if you're not, I don't think you're allowed to say that. I'm like, I don't say that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't say that either. So there was that, and then there was just some other weird. Oh, she made it.

Speaker 2:

Like oh, she made like a straight-up pedophilia joke, yeah, about being attracted to Stuart Little.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but it was yeah. Anyways, there were just some things where we were like are we?

Speaker 2:

just like not getting it and like we left and I was like so that was bullshit. I think, the first thing I said was that show wasn't for us, yeah. And then then you were like, yeah, it wasn't. It was really bad.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then it just kind of went from there yeah. We're not going to get too much into the weeds about this. The other show that was on our bottom was Nicole Bayer, which was really disappointing.

Speaker 2:

Such a bummer.

Speaker 1:

Like Nicole's hilarious.

Speaker 2:

A very funny person. I liked her special on Netflix.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, her special on Netflix is great, but it was just like you said that it felt like the set was mostly crowd work.

Speaker 2:

It felt like that as well, as it was just something she was workshop Like. That's what it felt like, where it was like, okay, this isn't a finished show. I was like, well, if it's not a finished show, why'd we pay like a lot of money for it?

Speaker 1:

Okay, but to that point, because you're saying like a workshop or it doesn't feel like an entirely fleshed out show. Let's take Deanne Smith, who we got to see twice by accident. One of the times Deanne was opening for Ron Functions, who we'll talk about in a minute. And then, the second time, we went and saw Deanne show, which we had gotten tickets for. So, deanne, when we saw them opening for Ron, they were like hey, I've only got like 10 minutes to open. Here's some stuff I'm just working on. You'll see.

Speaker 2:

I have like I think they called out like that yeah, well, no, like no, they didn't not in the first one.

Speaker 1:

And the second one.

Speaker 2:

They were like I'm opening for myself because I'm workshopping this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So they kind of set the stage that like some of this stuff was raw, it wasn't like it wasn't fully formed, and if it was not 100% there it was fine. Yeah, because like we were just on that journey with them, yeah. But I feel like the workshop stuff and the stuff that they did in their set was like Well, the workshop was very well workshops. Yes.

Speaker 2:

And like she was, just like, I just don't know how to end it. This is thank you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Although they don't tiny little, tiny little guy.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, that was one of the jokes was they identified as just a little guy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just a little guy, little guy, little guy, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

So the entire way through, I was just like this is fantastic at like their show. We were actually sitting behind one of their exes, which was hilarious.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, dan Smith Fantastic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and like there's been so many times where I've wanted to go and see Dan Smith in person when they've come to Toronto, because they're originally from here and every single one of their shows sells out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, immediately.

Speaker 1:

So like this was such an awesome opportunity to A see them, but B like just see them working through their entire process and it was like at the garrison.

Speaker 2:

So it was just such a small, yes, intimate venue.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the other place that we saw them was at the Royal when they were opening for Ron Funches. I will let you talk about Ron Funches.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I was going to say we should talk about Michelle Patau.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, we haven't done that. No, yeah, Okay. Michelle Patau was the first show that we saw, I like. The first time that I saw Michelle Patau was opening up for Jonathan Van Ness in New York at Radio City Music Hall.

Speaker 2:

And you were like you've got. I don't know if she has any specials out, but if you ever get the chance to see her, you have to see her. She's fantastic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I remember. I bought tickets to go see JVN and Michelle Patau was like heads and tails way funnier than.

Speaker 2:

JVN and she was like a relatively unknown at the time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Because you saw JVN like first season of Queer Eye. Yeah, so it was like this was before she got her Netflix money.

Speaker 1:

Before she got her Netflix bag, before she was on the circle. So we went and saw her and like I thought she was great, I think there was like some bits that maybe went a little long, but like no, that was just it, and her opener was also from the GTA, sabrina Downings.

Speaker 2:

I believe Downings yeah fantastic too, and it was just very like Michelle is an ally with Canada Capital, a Like yes, yes, she's great. I really enjoyed that show too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was great. Now do you want to talk about Ron I?

Speaker 2:

do want to talk about Ron Funches, because it was probably one of the best comedy shows I've ever seen and we didn't pay a cent for it. Yeah it was. He's just got this such a way of delivery where he's just like he's got his like he feels like he's giving you a warm hug. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's just like come on, friend, we're gonna, we're gonna talk about this. Yeah, and you don't feel like scared or worried, you're just like oh, okay, cool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, talk about it. And like there were a couple of, there was like one joke where I was like I don't know, I don't know about this, I don't know how comfortable I feel laughing at this. But like all in all, like start to finish, just such a tight show. That was such like he is a professional professional.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Apparently he gets a Puma deal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he got a Puma deal. His son has autism. So go buy, go buy his Ron Funches Pumas. Yeah, all the all the proceeds, or some of the proceeds or something like this, go to an autism foundation.

Speaker 2:

That was the question I had going. I was like Ron, you're not saying which autism foundation and one of them is not the right autism foundation. Please tell me this isn't Ron Funches X autism speaks, because that would be pretty fucking rough.

Speaker 1:

We probably never know, yeah Well we will.

Speaker 2:

We can just Google it. Okay, yeah, I guess we can Google it.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, that was our.

Speaker 2:

JFL experience.

Speaker 1:

Jfl experience, it's like did about it in the summer. I'm always like, yes, we have to go and it's a great way to sort of like get prepared for winter hibernation.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Which, before we wrap up the episode because spoiler, this is just a mini episode this week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we don't have a guest, no, so you're just listening to us.

Speaker 1:

Hi, it's going to be three weeks in a row of us baby but before we go into winter hibernation, I think we should update the folks on Vader Pump for us. Oh my God, yeah, I was like can we see it?

Speaker 2:

It's been the last one. We had originally outlined the show and been like okay, so you can talk about this and I'll talk about this, and then we forgot entirely that we've done just for laughs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, anyways, please talk about where we're at Okay, we just started season 10.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that means we're so close, we're almost caught up. Yeah, how long has it been.

Speaker 1:

It's only been like what?

Speaker 2:

Well, we started the week before my surgery, which was late July.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so it's going to just over two months.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, yeah, five seasons a month, so casual, yeah. So last time we were shocked and appalled that at Kristen and Stasi's behavior, and this time we were shocked and appalled at Tom Schwartz and Katie getting a divorce.

Speaker 1:

Sure, I mean like no, I say shocked, I'm like shocked, that's yeah, they. It was like I thought you were going to say we're shocked and appalled at Tom and Tom's behavior. Oh, I mean, we're only like two episodes in.

Speaker 2:

So it's so funny because, like, you can clearly tell that production knew something. Because Tom, like the first episode, they're like April 2020. And Katie's like I want to remain friends with Schwartz because, like I really value our friendship, but the one rule that I have is you can't sleep with anyone from the group.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we haven't gotten there yet, but you're going to see the slow unraveling because of Tom Schwartz, just every day.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God Like. And so I think.

Speaker 1:

I've mentioned this before, but I've already seen all the seasons. I already knew and so, like it has been killing me to not spoil anything for you and to just watch you react in real time, For example, I had to give you the preface of ah, you will notice that all of these people are gone by this season.

Speaker 2:

The reason for that happening, which they say, is racism is a racism and like you know, that entire time I was just talking about Max. Who does, who cares? I mean not Lisa's son.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I know, yeah, I which, oh my God, when you were finally all caught up. I have more Max teeth, oh my God. Wait, wait, max, lisa's son, Max or Max, oh okay, no, the one you hate I don't care about yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So everywhere we at the reunion episode last season we got a lot of that served a slice of humble pie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, fighting out that Randall was cheating on her.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 1:

But, but okay. So during the reunion of season nine, rewatching it, it was just there were these moments where, like Rachel, formerly known as Rachel, she would like pipe in and say things like she was. Like I have opinions too and I was like you could just see everybody's faces like girl.

Speaker 2:

sure that may be a thing that you should say, but this is not the time I remember it was when she was like yeah, I mean, I just always knew La La's and mistress, so I guess I'm not. I just kind of saw that coming.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but there was also, when she said the thing my mom explained to me, that married couples are business and I remember that like what's what's yours is like she went into this and everyone's like, yeah, when you're married, assets are a thing, yeah, and I do remember it was still something, and I know that there's like Reddit posts being like oh my God is, is Raquel neurodivergence and like I'm like as someone who's also on the spectrum, I'm like she doesn't read as it.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I kind of I kind of think I see some of that Because I kept, I think I asked, into our three separate episodes rewatching this. I was like I think she's autistic.

Speaker 2:

And I'm like I don't. I think there's something, not all the way there, but who knows I mean.

Speaker 1:

The fact is is that we're on. We're on season 10, we're on season 10,. We're on the home stretch on the home stretch and you're going to be ready when the new season. I know I'm so excited, I'm pretty sure it's this winter, which which means hibernation, hibernation, hibernation, hibernation hibernation will happen.

Speaker 2:

I I really. It's so funny Because as soon as Tom said, well, like we've been seeing this like downward decline, where I was like, yeah, tom is a person that I don't think I would get along with, but like he's not bad and like he has some points to when he was part owner of TomTom becoming just the big, it was so funny because I was like, oh my God, emma, the guy that I worked for is the TomSandball because he was, he was, he was an asshole beforehand.

Speaker 2:

But then he opened a business with like a bunch of other people and he became the biggest asshole.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like when you give certain people when you give sociopaths when you give certain people power, it does not work out.

Speaker 2:

It does not work out yeah, so. I'm. I'm excited to see when the season normally ends, yeah, and then to go on for an extra five episodes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean to be y'all probably sometime by our next mini episode, which is in like what a month. It's soon. I digress. When it happens, we will probably be done season 10 and we can update you.

Speaker 2:

I think like that, the next mini episode we do will just be like oops, all Vanderpumps.

Speaker 1:

You're like that's all I want, that's all I want 100%, yeah, anyways go watch Vanderpump. Yeah, I think that's it. I think that's it. We just wanted to check in, give you a little something before our next episode is dropping in two weeks. We will have a guess then. Probably no, we will Probably. Don't scare the listeners like that.

Speaker 2:

Tell the folks where they can find it. Well, in like an hour or so, you can find us at the Butterfly Conservatory yeah, but you can find us on all social media except for Twitter yeah, because you have to pay for it. Maybe At high low brow pod, which is H-I-G-H low brow pod. You can find us at highlowbrowpodcom. You can leave us a voicemail. We still don't have any voicemails.

Speaker 1:

It means people aren't listening. It means people aren't listening. Well, people. Remember remember you listen. If you've listened this far, you should drop your favorite Vanderpump rules character into our voicemail.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Tell us about how much you tell us your least favorite Vanderpump's character.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that way we can talk about it. Yeah, how about that? That sounds great.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think that's it. I think you can find us wherever you find podcasts.

Speaker 1:

Leave us a review. Please tell our friends. Yeah, that's it, that's all.

Speaker 2:

That's all she said. That's all she wrote.

Speaker 1:

All right, we'll talk to you later.

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