Vibrant Mind Vibrant Life

Stop Resisting Your Current Reality & Make Big Shifts

September 11, 2023 Sian Hill Episode 75
Stop Resisting Your Current Reality & Make Big Shifts
Vibrant Mind Vibrant Life
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Vibrant Mind Vibrant Life
Stop Resisting Your Current Reality & Make Big Shifts
Sep 11, 2023 Episode 75
Sian Hill

Remember a time when you were waiting for something big to change in your life?

Hoping the universe will deliver everything you desire.

Praying a quantum leap will propel you into a whole new reality overnight....but it never did!

I was kind of in that situation not very long ago and I've learnt from it and those lessons are what I want to share with you.

I was feeling stuck in a loop of anticipation.

When you want to create something new, you may find yourself pushing against where you are, the very place you want to get away from.

Your focus is then on that very thing and the lack of what you desire and you get what you focus on, it soon becomes a never-ending cycle of frustration!

I learnt to stop pushing against my current circumstances and really fall in love with where I am at any moment, whilst working towards changing it.

There's a real power in letting go of attachment to an outcome.

In this week's podcast, I share with you how this simple practice can accelerate that journey .. I promise, by the end of this episode, you'll see the process of getting from where you are right now to achieving everything you desire in a whole new light.




Guide - Start Before You're Ready Roadmap - 5 Steps to Break Free from Comfort and Pursue Bold Action to Achieve Your Goals with Ease

NLP Masterclass - Introduction to NLP and Time Line Therapy®


My Book - Activate Your RAS - The Art & Science of Creating Your Reality from the Inside Out

Essential Foundations of NLP Diploma

Forgiveness Meditation


Breakthrough Breathwork

90-Minute Clarity Coaching Call

Alignment Activator Coaching
(Book A Free 30-minute Call)


Show Notes Transcript

Remember a time when you were waiting for something big to change in your life?

Hoping the universe will deliver everything you desire.

Praying a quantum leap will propel you into a whole new reality overnight....but it never did!

I was kind of in that situation not very long ago and I've learnt from it and those lessons are what I want to share with you.

I was feeling stuck in a loop of anticipation.

When you want to create something new, you may find yourself pushing against where you are, the very place you want to get away from.

Your focus is then on that very thing and the lack of what you desire and you get what you focus on, it soon becomes a never-ending cycle of frustration!

I learnt to stop pushing against my current circumstances and really fall in love with where I am at any moment, whilst working towards changing it.

There's a real power in letting go of attachment to an outcome.

In this week's podcast, I share with you how this simple practice can accelerate that journey .. I promise, by the end of this episode, you'll see the process of getting from where you are right now to achieving everything you desire in a whole new light.




Guide - Start Before You're Ready Roadmap - 5 Steps to Break Free from Comfort and Pursue Bold Action to Achieve Your Goals with Ease

NLP Masterclass - Introduction to NLP and Time Line Therapy®


My Book - Activate Your RAS - The Art & Science of Creating Your Reality from the Inside Out

Essential Foundations of NLP Diploma

Forgiveness Meditation


Breakthrough Breathwork

90-Minute Clarity Coaching Call

Alignment Activator Coaching
(Book A Free 30-minute Call)


Hey, hey, and welcome to the Vibrant Mind Vibrant Life podcast. Now today I want to talk about the small things that make the big difference. And this isn't new. This is something that you've probably heard about that you may even say out loud yourself, yet it's only when you actually implement it that it means anything. Now, the reason I'm sharing this with you is because it's something that I found myself doing earlier this year. In fact... It wasn't even that long ago, like I'm talking months ago, almost hoping for this big shift, this quantum leap, this revelation that was just gonna land in my lap and fall into my own consciousness and to my conscious awareness that's gonna give me all the answers I've been looking for and catapult me to my goals. And whilst that all sounds lovely, I also knew. That, that's probably not going to be the case. Hey! Wishful thinking. And, the reality is, if that did happen, because it absolutely can, it is a possibility, the question would be, are you ready for it? Because if you're ready for it, then it will happen. Yeah. I clearly wasn't, because it wasn't landing. And the reason I think it wasn't landing, it was because I was almost wanting to bypass some of the work that I had to do. Bypass, actually becoming the version of me that I need to be in order for those things to happen. Now the episode today is inspired firstly from my own experience recently, which I'll share with you in a moment. And also a post that I saw from Denise Duffield Thomas on social media the other day, which I'll also share with you in a moment. So my experience first, I was waiting around. Thinking, right, something big's going to happen, a quantum shift, I'm going to, you know, fall into alignment and everything's going to land in my lap and away we go. And whilst I was doing that, I was also doing the work. So side note, this wasn't just me sitting around and not going to work every day. I was showing up. I was doing my part, yet secretly. Hoping and praying that something magical was going to happen. And in doing that, I was feeling like I'm not okay with where I am right now. I'm almost, my body is physically here, yet my head is somewhere in the future. I was constantly living out somewhere in the future, thinking this is where the magic happens. This is where it will be. And the note right now is not the place. So, whilst I was going through that process, the daily tasks that I was doing, whilst I love what I do, I found that I wasn't enjoying them as much, and I was almost putting things off thinking, well, I'll, I'll run my course when I've generated a bit of interest, so I know there's going to be people that want to do it, and it will fill up easily. Almost like avoiding doing the actual work to get there. So that was what was going on with me. now before I share with you what I did, and my realizations, Let me share with you Denise Duffield Thomas's post which was almost like a validation of what I already knew. Now, Denise Duffield Thomas, for those of you who don't know her, she wrote the book Get Rich, Lucky Bitch, she is, uh, she runs a money bootcamp, I haven't done any of her programs yet, I've read her book, I'm familiar with her work, and she is a multi seven figure entrepreneur doing very well in the, the manifestation world. Now, her post was her journey through time over the years, so her journey from her first money bootcamp to her second money bootcamp, and what that actually looked like. dating back to, I think, about 2013 or somewhere like that. So she's been doing this for quite some time. Her first course, she had one person on it. Her second course, she had five people on it. Her third course, she had 22 people on it. Today, I don't know how many people she has, but I think it's probably in the thousands that do her course. That was the lesson that I had learned. that was then reflected back at me in that social media post. Everybody starts somewhere. To create something big, you've got to do something small every single day. You've got to keep taking those small actions and be okay with exactly where you are. Now, the way that you get okay with where you are is falling in love with what you're doing, which is related to your reason for doing it in the first place. If the reason that you're doing something is just for the money, then you're probably not going to enjoy the process. If you're not doing something that you're passionate about, then when that one person turns up on your course, you're probably not going to be too happy about that because you're not getting the outcome that you were doing it for, which would be solely the money. Whereas if you're doing it to, in my own example, help people to really change their thinking, to change their lives, to become in control of their emotions, to release all the baggage that has been keeping them stuck, then whether that is one person or 100, 000 people, knowing that I've had that impact on somebody's life is the reason I'm doing it in the first place. even if it's just one person, I am fulfilling my purpose in that moment. Whilst it may not be necessarily impacting on the number of people that I would like in that exact moment, that is taking reality and condensing it down into this time frame, that that's all it is. Not thinking about, this is just a moment in time, and the number of people that it could impact over a You know, a lifetime is going to be way more significant. It's not just about now, it's about everything And the impact that it has on that one person has a ripple effect in the whole entire universe. That person's shifting their reality, their perception impacts on every other person in the entire world. So whilst it may seem insignificant. In the grand scheme of things, the impact is actually ginormous, and if having an impact and helping people to change their lives is the purpose for doing it in the first place, then that box is absolutely being ticked. And, here's the lessons that I've learnt from that. Hey, hey, so I am interrupting my own podcast to let you know that my book, Activate Your R. A. S. The Art and Science of Creating Your Reality from the Inside Out is available to order on Amazon. This book is for you if you know that you are responsible for creating your own world, for creating the results that you get, but. You're feeling confused and frustrated by the law of attraction, manifestation, all of those things that we're told we can do, that we're capable of, yet maybe you're getting a bit stuck along the way. In this book, I'll be sharing with you why it is that you see the world in the way that you do, how you create the results that you get, and more importantly, how you can begin to create positive and lasting changes in your life. If you like the sound of that, head to the show notes where you'll find a link to order your copy today. So, earlier this year, I was considering running a training course and I was kind of putting it off thinking I'll wait until the interest is there and then I'll do it, which is just going about it backwards, until I decided I'm doing a course. I am running a course. I put a date on it. I didn't know if anybody was going to sign up, but I committed to it and said, this is happening. And no matter what happens, I am good with it. And I also want this to happen. So it's not about, Not having goals. You still want to have goals that you want to achieve. And regardless of whether they happen or not, it's okay. Because your purpose for doing it in the first place is the driving factor, not the outcome. Being attached to the outcome is one way to actually stop it from happening. So it's about, how do I fall in love with where I am right now? How do I make everything that I'm doing about this moment in time, knowing that if I just keep going, the outcome will follow? And that is the small daily actions. That is the small steps that add up to the big gains. To use the gym as an analogy, because it's one that everybody can relate to and get on board with. If you were to think, right, I will go to the gym when I'm guaranteed that I'm gonna... gain 25 pounds of muscle, or I'm going to have a rock hard bum, or six pack abs, or be able to run a marathon in three hours, or whatever the goal might be. Well, that can absolutely happen over time, if, depending on where you're starting from, of course. Yeah, The key is to decide that the actions you're taking today matter. They are everything. And when you can appreciate that everything you're doing right now isn't about getting the outcome, it's about becoming the person who is able to get that outcome. Because that's what it's really about. Then. Things happen, then you get the outcome. So using my course as an example to kind of bring this to life a little bit. When I decided I am running my course, initially I was kind of putting it off thinking, yeah, but if I only got one person, then it's not viable. And if I got two people, that's also, you know, it's not viable. And I'm kind of playing through the numbers. And deciding in advance, what has to happen for me to run this course. I just felt resistance around it that I didn't really want to do it because it was all about the outcome. When I reconnected with my purpose for doing the course in the first place, which is to help people change their lives. I realized that it doesn't matter whether I have one person, two people, six people, it's irrelevant. I want to run the course. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get that course ready whilst bringing the people along that want to share that journey with me. So. Getting excited about the course itself, which is exactly what I did. And the minute that I started doing that, my whole energy shifted about the course. And then suddenly, I had people contacting me about the course. And I was super excited to speak to them because it was no longer about how many people am I going to get on the course? Is it viable? It was, I want to share this with the people that are coming on the course. And I am so excited to share it with them. And I know that as a result of my shift in energy, Everything is gonna be okay with all the courses that I've run. It's gonna be perfect. Whatever happens, however many people come on the course, I know that I'm taken care of, and that is that 100% congruency. I feel in complete alignment with the course and I'm, I have an outcome that I wanna achieve for my courses, and I'm a okay if it happens, and I'm okay if it looks slightly differently because it's not about the outcome, it's about the course. The attachment to it look in a particular way is no longer there. By thinking something has to go a certain way, you close down all the other opportunities, all the other ways that it could be. It's like telling the universe in your unconscious mind, I know best, I have all the answers, with my limited knowledge. My limited perspective with just the information that I have taken in to date that has created this thing that I now call reality. I know exactly how this should go, rather than opening your mind up to all the wonderful magical ways that it could go that you don't know about yet. So, how can you apply this in your own life then? Because this is all wonderful and lovely, Sian, and what's that got to do with me? how can you use this to begin to integrate it and really start to enjoy those small steps, the daily activities, rather than seeing it as, oh, this is what I have to do to get to there, because there is where I want to be and I don't want to be here, so I've got to do this stuff, and then it's not enjoyable, and when I get there, because I didn't enjoy here, I probably won't enjoy there either, and I might not get the outcome, ugh, and then it's like, why are you even bothering in the first place? Well, first things first, if you're not already, connect with your purpose for doing it, or reconnect with the reason that you're doing it in the first place. What is your why behind what you do? Because if the purpose isn't there, if it's just solely about the outcome and you don't really know why you're doing it, even when you get there, you're probably not going to enjoy it. Now it could be that discovering your purpose is the first step, and that's the very thing that you need to do. It's an exercise that I did. I want to say late last year. It could have been early this year to put it nicely. When I did that exercise, I felt that real connection with my heart and who I am to put it. Not so nicely. It lit a fire up my arse and I was, I had this desire to get out into the world and fulfill my purpose. So maybe that is the first step. So if you don't know what your purpose is, then I encourage you to go and do that. There's many exercises out there. You can also contact me. I've got an exercise that you can carry out if that's something you would like. And once you know your purpose, once you're reconnected with it, pour that purpose, pour that love, pour that energy into where you are right now. So if you have one person on your course, if you have one client, if you've sold one product, love. That you have done that. Love that client. Love that person. The people that I have on my course this September, I am totally in love with. I'm so excited to share this experience with them. Roll back 12 months ago, I would have probably, Oh, there's not enough people on my course. I can't do the course because I've just written a book about creating your reality and manifestation. I need to fill courses from day one. And that's just not the case. You've got to start where you are right now with what you have and just... Get going. And I know full well that that is going to grow and grow and grow because I'm going to love every single minute of it. So fall in love with every step of the process because of the reason that you're doing it for in the first place, not because of the outcome. So every action that you're taking. Every small action, day to day, know that it is adding up, it's compounding, it's like the, the stairways, whilst it may seem like a really small step that's taking you to the heights that may seem really impossible right now, that little step is a little step closer, and the reason that you're doing it is going to be the same when you get to the top. It's just that you're doing it now. So, I don't even know if what I just said made Any sense at all, because I don't have any notes. And when I don't have any notes, I tend to go a little bit off piste, but I would love to hear if any of this resonated with you. If there's somewhere in your journey right now that you're just seeing as not where you want to be and you've forgotten. Why are you doing it in the first place and how this will help you reconnect with that. And as I mentioned, if you do want to connect with your purpose, drop me a message. I'd love to support you with that. And most of all, have a wonderful day because this day is magical. Even if you don't realize it right now, if it just feels like you're doing the mundane, you're going to the gym, you're pumping the rep, you're doing the email and it's like, what is it all for? It is for something so much bigger than that. So something so much bigger than you even have access to right now. So no matter what it is you're doing today, no matter how small, how insignificant it may seem, give the energy to it now that you think, that you assume you would give to the thing that is at the top of the mountain, the thing that you're aiming for, the outcome that you want to achieve. Pour the energy, practice the energy, practice being that person and pouring everything into this very moment because it's the only one that we ever have. Have an amazing week. I'll see you next time.