Come to Yourself

Come to Yourself Daily: Lesson 104 - A Course in Miracles

Gretchen O'Neal Season 2022 Episode 104

Come to Yourself Daily is excited to guide you through A Course in Miracles, the groundbreaking text that launched the New Age thought movement. 

If you would like to follow along with the text, you can find a FREE online version from the publisher here:  Or you can purchase a hard copy from online retailers (just make sure you are getting the original BLUE cover versions published by the Foundation for Inner Peace). 

This podcast is not a reading of the text. Gretchen will guide you through the lessons by providing context, examples, exercises, and insights into how you can make the most of these lessons and transform your life into one that is grounded in love, peace, and happiness.

No more resolutions…it’s time to focus on your evolution. Changing WHY you live changes HOW you live.

A Course In Miracles (First Edition – Three Volume Set) is the edition Gretchen is using as the reference material for this podcast.

Gretchen O'Neal is a spiritual accountability and empowerment coach. She holds a Master's Degree in Transpersonal Psychology with a focus in Applied Spirituality and owns and operates Come To Yourself provides unbiased, easily accessible information from the top scholars in the fields of transpersonal psychology and consciousness studies, coupled with personal insights from successful artists, musicians, and business professionals to anyone looking to start their spiritual journey to discover and serve their soul's mission in life 

Music: "What One Has Done Before, One Now Does For You Once More" from States: Vol. 1, written and performed by Robin Lynn.  All rights reserved and used with permission.

Gretchen ONeal:

Hi, it's Gretchen, welcome to lesson 104. In A Course in Miracles, today's lesson is I seek but what belongs to me. In truth I seek, but what belongs to me, in truth. That's a very poetic way of saying, All I want is what's already mine. All I want is what's already mine. If you started this course, my presumption is that you were seeking happiness. You were seeking peace, balance and understanding of yourself. You were wanting to live your life authentically. You were wanting to reconnect with and better understand Spirit in your life. You wanted that miracle, you wanted that shift? From living life in fear, to living life from love. And today, we're just reinforcing what we've discussed. indirectly and directly over the last 100 lessons is what you're seeking. It's always been yours. You've always been connected to spirit. Spirit has all only wanted love and happiness for you. That's your birthright. That's the true reality. There is nothing negative from spirit, there's no reason to fear spirit, there's no judgment, there's no sin that needs to be forgiven. There's no wrongs that need to be made, right in order to connect with spirit. All of that is part of this false reality. The truth is, you've always been one with spirit, you're just an extension of spirit. If you live your life from the soul level, you would understand and recognize that is all you are. Everything else, is just how we understand and learn lessons in this life, to grow as souls, how we try to reach out to others and find that reconnection again. Because there's this false belief of separation. It's so pervasive that it seems to be the norm, everyone feels that they're disconnected somehow from spirit that they live apart from spirit. And it's the job and the duty and the obligation of those of us who know the truth, who know that we are always part of spirit, to live our lives authentically. And shine that light so that others can see it's possible. And not only is it possible, it's ideal. Everybody wants to be happy. It's just people forgot how that's the easiest way I could say it. People forgot how. And it's up to those of us who know, to provide that light, that example. So that others can say, oh, okay, she's doing it. They're doing it. He's doing it. And they just seemed at peace, you know, they just seem happy all the time. I'm sure they have moments. But nine times out of 10. They even seem to you know, overcome those rather quickly. And wonder what it is that they're doing that maybe I can start adopting in my life. And the key lesson, certainly that I make a point of telling people who come to me and ask, what are you doing? And why are you so happy and balanced all the time? I just connected with what was already mine. I just remembered. That's how I started that's, that's me at my soul level. It's only the introduction of other outside forces that would make me unhappy or make me afraid or make me have doubts. But my connection was spirit and who I am as my authentic soul is happy all the time. Because I have love and I give love. And I forgive and I seek to understand rather than judge. And the way that you get to this point is by acknowledging that you don't have to work that hard because it's already yours. You already have it. You don't have to earn Net. You don't have to be forgiven for anything you've done in your life up to this point. You don't have to write a bunch of wrongs or do some major penance, to somehow get in spirits, good graces, to maybe get it back. You never lost it. It's always been there. You just at some point in your development chose to disregard your connection, you chose to believe the false reality in front of you. You chose to believe that fear and navigating that fear and trying to protect your body from your public persona and your ego was more important than finding out who you really are at your soul level and projecting that forward. You made the outside more important than the inside. So every hour on the hour today, I want you to remind yourself, what you're seeking, the happiness, the balance, the peace, the love, the joy, all those things that you're seeking, are already yours. They're your birthright. So every hour today, remind yourself you already have what it is you feel maybe so far away, you already have it. You just have to believe you have and you have to live your life from that belief. Rather than living your life, feeling somehow inferior, somehow undeserving somehow worthless somehow in need of absolution. You don't need any of that. The only forgiveness if any is tissue forgiving yourself, for living your life from fear rather than love and make the shift. Everything you're seeking is already yours. Live your life from that today and every day. Have a blessed rest of your day to day and join us tomorrow.