Strong Mamas

15. My "Spirit Babies" Reading - Solo Episode

Rachel Giampietro


Ok  - I’M BACK on the podcast after a few months off and this episode is definitely levelling it up on my ‘normal’ content.

In this episode I share all about the SPIRIT BABIES READING I had done by the incredible Belle from @surfthewildwoman . 

This is your official warning that this episode is “out of this world” literally 😂 and my only request is that you listen to this with an open mind and heart. 

I share all of the info Belle relayed to me directly from my spirit babies (yes there is two 😉 ). One is a plaedian and the other is a mantis being (stay with me haha) and they are both coming to earth to raise the consciousness and do INCREDIBLE THINGS, literally mind-blowing abilities/missions/purposes. And if you have a baby or will have a baby that is born from mid 2019 onwards chances are your baby is a starseed with a clear incredible mission too. So you’re gonna want to listen to this.

This episode is certainly for the brave hearted mamas and mamas-to-be.

Find Belle on instagram @surfthewildwoman or