Strong Mamas

19. Spirit Babies & Starseeds -with Belle from "Surf the Wild Woman"

Rachel Giampietro

Ok - this episode left me almost speechless (I know, how is that even possible with me haha) but the depths Belle goes to share her story, gifts, wisdom and in particular, her journey into being able to give the Spirit Baby Readings  gave me goosebumps from head to toes multiple times.  ⚠️ **Trigger warning below, please note**⚠️

Belle is an incredible woman, truly. She is the woman behind "Surf the Wild Woman" which is a journey of discovery into the wild nature of woman, where each encounter and experience along the way challenges these women to grow through humour and grace, whilst keeping open hearts and minds, so that they can become more of who they already are.

In this episode we discuss:

  • How did Belle get into doing spirit baby readings? THIS STORY BLEW MY MIND!
  • Her fertility journey ,receiving the message that her son wanted to be conceived via IVF and her incredible birth story where she literally went into another world to birth her son here
  • What exactly is a spirit baby and a star-seed? 
  • What are the other realms or “worlds” they come from and are these world actual worlds or just energy worlds? How many realms are there that we know of?
  • What is multidimensional reality? What does it mean that we are going from 3D to 5D reality?
  • Are all children born spirit babies/star-seeds? How do we know who is/isn’t?
  • What kind of info and messaging can we obtain from the spirits? How they want to be conceive, birthed, treated etc 
  • How specific are their goals on earth?
  • Have you ever had someone who had no spirit babies?
  • What happens to the sprint babies in Miscarriages and Stillborns ? ⚠️ **Trigger warning here**⚠️
  • What if we choose not to act on our spirits calling ?
  • Can you find out info after child is born what spirit realm?
  • How are the spirit babies born after 2020 contributing to fixing the worlds status right now?
  • How do we know how if spirits are trying to communicate with us?
  • How to work with Belle and her amazing offerings 

Find Belle on instagram @surfthewildwoman