WBM Podcast aka Witty Banter Media
The Three Best Bros anybody could have (feat. Oski, xFer, and Merc) sit down and go into all sorts of topics while also diverging into wild content. Anime! Pop culture, video games, movies, books, science fiction and actual science. Nothing is safe from the Witty Banter Media treatment. Every episode tends to take an unexpected left turn, so listener discretion advised. However, follow along and you will see they always bring it back full circle. Do not take the WBM Podcast team too seriously because they will never be above a witty joke!
WBM Podcast aka Witty Banter Media
Alien Romulus: Same Xeno, New Taste
Ready to find out what the boys thought about that new Alien-ussy? They talk about the lore, discussing everything from Ridley Scott's groundbreaking first film to the most recent film in the franchise "Alien: Romulus." Breaking down the intricate plot and nostalgic elements throughout the film. Director Fede Alvarez had a unique approach to this horror classic. The boys wrap up with some speculations on the future of the franchise. Plus, a potential "Alien: Isolation" adaptation and a new "Alien vs. Predator" project?!? Tune in and find out on this week's episode of Witty Banter Media! #AlienRomulus #CaileeSpaeny #FedeAlvarez
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you so much for tuning in to the WBM podcast. This is one of your hosts. It's your boy, Merc.
Speaker 2:Yo, welcome back everybody. This is your boy X-Fair.
Speaker 3:And this is your boy, oski, in the mix.
Speaker 1:In the mix. Tell them, merc Guys do? We have one hell of an episode lined up for you this week.
Speaker 2:That's right, y'all. They're actually going to lead me into the parents of the alien saga.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we're going to go through the alien friends. We just watched Alien Romulus. We're a little late, but let's go over all these alien movies.
Speaker 1:Let's clear all the butter out of the popcorn bucket and let's get into this.
Speaker 2:I love it.
Speaker 1:Let's go, All right let's go, let and we're back.
Speaker 2:That's a new entry now.
Speaker 3:Suki is excited with the sound pod today.
Speaker 1:That's right For those of you guys in TV land who got a chance to watch that, that's our. You know, like the news anchor, as soon as the audio cuts out, they immediately start having a conversation with the other person, but you don't know what they're saying.
Speaker 3:Can you stop messing with the Swedish device?
Speaker 1:The Swedish made that it's a. Bluetooth. I got it for his mother. I got to go take it back. She broke it up in the first place, it's actually her mother's herself.
Speaker 3:You know, that's how I left it and that's for you, everybody at home, looking at us through that camera. That's right, you right there. That's your cube expert.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 3:It looks like the little. Oh yeah, because aliens see the xenomorph as his better known, we're going to break that right into our. Let's go full nerd on the alien franchise. Basically, so alien.
Speaker 1:Romulus is drunk, guys, yeah the xenomorph has a tongue.
Speaker 3:That's basically another little head that comes out of its main head.
Speaker 2:Because that was the part three, right, right, is that part three?
Speaker 1:No, the xenomorph has always had that it's always had that in part one.
Speaker 3:Yeah, from the very beginning, From the very first alien, the xenomorph, the alien has always had that second head, that second creature inside of it.
Speaker 2:See, I've seen the first one, the one with the goat, ridley Scott, the OG one. I know that one ends with being when they threw a vacuum in the spaceship, they exit out the monster because it was one. It was just one alien Right. It was just one alien that menaced the ship and what I loved about it, because they're miners, like.
Speaker 3:They're like some kind of mining company, no, the way that I don't know if it was Ridley Scott or writer of the actual script. The way they were selling it is they're space truckers.
Speaker 2:Trucker okay. They weren't supposed to be scientists or anything like that.
Speaker 3:They were just space truckers, like at this point in the future humanity has gone out into space, and space is no longer this thing out of sci-fi.
Speaker 2:It's just that down the street is a desert.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so in the first movie they're just supposed to be alien truckers. They're just hauling cargo back to wherever they're going Another planet, right?
Speaker 2:Dude, don't let you think that I imagine the civilization is so vast that it's rumors, like on the other side of the galaxy, like, oh, that side of the galaxy, that side of the truck, yeah, I heard there's some black aliens out there. You know, my buddy Joseph saw. You know, like the universe is so vast, I wish we had that side effect, yeah.
Speaker 1:Suki no, not the budget.
Speaker 3:Suki, I guess we don't have that side effect. You know how, no, but I imagine Like it just makes it paces the lore Like even faster.
Speaker 2:It's like yeah, they got the roaches, I think they call them. You know Whatever they call them.
Speaker 3:Yeah, no, because in every alien movie, like all these Human characters that are out in space, they're all very skeptic About the fact that there's an alien organism.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay, that makes sense.
Speaker 3:So that's something you have to believe, like in alien franchises in the alien universe. People have already Went out there and colonized space.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:So there was nothing out there, and then you know, they run into these alien organisms yeah, how did they find the egg again?
Speaker 2:because it starts with an egg, right like. They just have to find it through some more real quick.
Speaker 1:We didn't even say this in the beginning.
Speaker 2:Spoilers, spoilers like a motherfucker in this episode yeah, we will come over glass or, but we're like going to go through like, because I just want to get the storyline going yes, but I do want to talk about that.
Speaker 1:That was one cool thing that I've thought about the movie that that's, human society is now branched off into space and we are not meant for like intergalactic travel and shit like that. So therefore, that's when the diseases and stuff like that start coming into play.
Speaker 3:Yeah, which they expand on on romulus right, which I was so cool I think that was one of the coolest thing of romulus. Uh, it's not by any means a perfect movie, no, and but, but it's good though, but it's really good. One of the things that it does best is it expands in this alien universe. That's already fleshed out, like you said, the fact that in this world that they're in Romulus, a lot of people are getting sick just because of being out in space and being not in Earth.
Speaker 1:That's what they say. Every cycle there's a new disease that comes out. People get like black lung or whatever it is from working in the mines after an extended period of time, you know, and you are owed apparently a debt to the company by like 12 years or 12 000 hours, 1200 hours. I forgot what it is.
Speaker 3:Yeah the main character goes up and like hey, I, I work my hours, I can, I'm eligible to get transferred like to for yeah, to leave, yeah, yeah and they're like oh, numbers just went up because, uh, populations down, numbers went up, quotas went up.
Speaker 1:You served 12 000. Great, we need another 12 and the lady.
Speaker 3:The lady is like the dmb. The lady does it at the computer right there. She presses the button and it's like oh, actually you're 12 000 short, yeah like it's literally like um.
Speaker 1:did you fill out the form? No, oh, you know what? I got it right here. Ooh, it's too late. I already don't have it.
Speaker 2:You know what's. The worst part is like I get it. Like I know you want to paint that lady as a bitch or the villain, but everything's so automized, like she's nothing. She.
Speaker 1:She just works for the company. That's it, bro.
Speaker 2:Her job is to tell you in your face like sorry bro.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like what you want, I mean.
Speaker 2:I don't do it. Hey, bro, hurry up. I got to clock out, bro, I got to go to lunch man, you know I'm going to lunch.
Speaker 1:Fuck this, fuck this.
Speaker 3:You're never leaving this planet Never, but that's one's the name of the company. Weyland-yutani yeah.
Speaker 1:I didn't even know. I just watched the whole damn movie. I never knew why.
Speaker 3:That's the logo.
Speaker 1:I knew it was somewhere there. I just knew it as the company.
Speaker 3:They mentioned it in all the movies, oh, and obviously it turns into this big evil corporation and Romulus kind of expands on it more that you know they're making better worlds, but it's just a naval corporation that's terraforming worlds and using like a workforce, that's, you know, taking advantage of the workforce and the colonizers. Yeah, man, and they're the ones that are always after the alien to use it as a bioweapon Right. But in the first movie, like it wasn't set up like that at all, it was just like they just work for the Weyland.
Speaker 2:Company, yeah, you just focus on the alien, like survive monster. Yeah, but part two, where do we go from here? Like Romulus, because here in part one you can go backwards or forwards, what makes sense?
Speaker 3:All the way back to. We're going all the way back to 1979, when the first alien came out.
Speaker 2:Yeah, to 1979, when the first Alien came out. Yeah, I was going to say like part one, but where do you go from here?
Speaker 1:lore-wise. So, like he's saying, do you do another prequel or do you go forward in the story before Aliens?
Speaker 3:And after.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like, where would you start? Where do you think it's going? What is your opinion?
Speaker 3:Oh man, I want.
Speaker 1:It's a new trilogy. It's going to be a new franchise.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I don't think Romulus really sets up a new trilogy, but it would be cool to see more stories, just more alien movies. The series I mean the series is already announced for next year, 2025, called Alien Earth, which is set before Prometheus.
Speaker 1:So I don't know how they're going to make it make sense, because supposedly in Prometheus and Covenant, David was the one that created the alien eggs as we know them, and David is the non-human right.
Speaker 3:The droid, the droid, the fast bender. Yeah, they prefer.
Speaker 1:Because they were droids. What do they prefer?
Speaker 3:What the droids or the.
Speaker 1:Oh, not unofficial human Artificial person. Artificial person. There you go. Artificial person, yeah.
Speaker 2:And the thing is like, isn't like the same thing that all three movies like they kind of go crazy the androids, like in part one, the Android, isn't he like do something with the alien?
Speaker 3:Well, in part one, uh Ash, uh, um he. He's programmed by the company to want to take the alien as a specimen.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that was his job. Right, he was programmed to do that. Which I think is crazy, and I like, because he had a concept of like droid, because he would have white blood. So that threw me the fuck off.
Speaker 3:I thought it was so cool, like for 1979. Yeah, the concept is so crazy.
Speaker 1:That's how you know in the series who's real and who's not.
Speaker 3:The blood that they bleed and you're like, oh, it's goo. Yeah, some of the later movies. There's the four one. You don't even find out who's the who's the rubber? Until she gets shot and she survives. And then you see that she's bleeding white and it's like, oh, she's been the droid the whole time bleeding white and it's like oh she's, she's been the joy the whole time, or rubber or whatever.
Speaker 2:Yeah at ai, yeah, my chat gpt walk is my walking chat so real quick.
Speaker 1:I want to give a shout out to homeboy that played uh, the the, the artificial person in this movie, because he switched it up so crazy. He plays like with the downgrade, like before he needs the updates or whatever dog, and how he's got the jack to motor skills, the speech impediment. He's real timid. And then whenever he switches over the, the programming of the chips, whatever the fuck it is.
Speaker 2:He got the new ios update, bro.
Speaker 3:He got the new android 16 plus, you know 54 yeah it's like android 27 you know, you know, it not only gave me security clearance, it also upgraded my os yes that's what he says it gave me another foot taller and it gave me eight more inches. You know what I'm saying like yeah, he's actually, I think, out of the performances.
Speaker 1:I mean you gotta give it up. You know you did.
Speaker 3:It did, he became more confident yeah, because you know he was timid and like he couldn't be motherfuckers.
Speaker 2:over 24 000 hours of labor. Get back to work, fuck.
Speaker 1:It was interesting because his whole motivation in the movie was to always do what was best for the girl, the female protagonist.
Speaker 3:Because that's what he was programmed by her dad, because he's a broken, out of date bot. Yeah, broken bot, that's a bot?
Speaker 1:No, no, no. Yeah, a broken bot. That's a bot? No, no, no. The dad found this guy and fixed him up. That's why he's like the brother, even though he's.
Speaker 3:And he only gave him, like they call it, a directive. He only gave the droid one directive. It's like, hey, do what's best for what's her name? I'll say Ellie.
Speaker 1:Oh does he sacrifice himself at some because he had the redemption art. Yeah, because he had the redemption. There was a part where he's like, again, you feel bad for him. He has this like his upgrade. You're like, oh shit, this guy's fucking these. He's not. You know, he's pretty badass. And then you're like, oh, he's being a dick. Now. There's that moment in the movie where he's like oh, this is fucked up, yeah fucked up because he gets.
Speaker 3:Basically I put a uh, I don't know what they call them chips yeah, we'll just we'll just call them chips. They put a chip on him because they need to give him security clearance. That's right To open the doors Because he's like from the company's old version.
Speaker 1:He's still like their droid. You know what I'm saying so he's still like the R2 or whatever.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so he still has some clearance.
Speaker 1:But when he goes there he realizes that he.
Speaker 3:he gave him the clearance, but he also upgraded his OS and he overrode his directive. Correct To be like do what's best for the company.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you have a new directive now.
Speaker 2:Man it sounds like a superhero. What's his name? Superhero 8. What's the movie From Disney?
Speaker 1:Big Hero 6. Big Hero 6.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Six, that's what that motherfucker sounds like I don family, you know.
Speaker 3:Like I said, his performance is actually one of the best things in the movie.
Speaker 2:You don't really know what he's doing next. I would love to see a movie where I see Alien versus the government's droids built to fight these motherfuckers. A bunch of you hire John Cena, batista, the Rock. This Summer Company provides. It's just a side movie.
Speaker 1:Am I cooking? Look, alien Marines, if you told me that's what the next?
Speaker 2:Alien. Marines Well you know what? Because they bring that concept in part two, you know.
Speaker 3:They bring it in the video game too, alien Space Marines, that's what I'm saying the video game.
Speaker 1:But if you gave me the Rock, john Cena, I'm going saying Bro as what you're talking about.
Speaker 3:He's the aliens. The sequel.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 1:Okay, okay Okay. Space Marines versus the aliens. Give me a reboot. But instead of calling it aliens, just call it alien Marines. That's true, that'd be sick as shit.
Speaker 2:Oh, because that's where they go, like they mostly come out at night Mostly that's what I'm saying To the T. You'll see them die, but they won't be mutilated fast, but you'll see them take out 15 in a cool way.
Speaker 1:What you're describing is Predator. Alien versus Predator is what you're describing.
Speaker 2:They're the human androids. They're like five walking Chad GPTs. Bro, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:Robocop versus Alien is what you're doing yes, exactly yes, but obviously they're human right. Fucking clown wars. Yes, you can even have one that's fucking. Look, I'll give you a one that's like fucked up, but he's like old model, but he has to be phased out because he had personality. But they don't need that anymore. That's ryan reynolds. You know, I'm saying that's your, that's your one android that has like a personality glitch, so he's like funny and humorous, but he has to be phased out. You know that would be funny. There you go. I just saw that.
Speaker 1:No, that's.
Speaker 2:And Wesley Snipes in that bitch. He's the oldest AI model.
Speaker 1:I'm just thinking of that one more too.
Speaker 2:I, and he's directed by the director of the.
Speaker 1:Squadron Samuel L Jackson.
Speaker 2:And.
Speaker 3:I would watch that.
Speaker 1:That's.
Speaker 2:Avengers and the other movie that you talked about is Directed by Ridley Scott.
Speaker 1:Maybe, but the movie, it's a video game movie where Ryan Reynolds plays the guy in the blue shirt or whatever. New Guy, new.
Speaker 2:Guy. No, it's not New Guy. The other guy no, it's Free Guy. Free Guy, free no, it's that free guy.
Speaker 1:free guy that's the other one, ryan reynolds, who's like the guy with with a sense of humor and everything like that. All these premises have already happened but, uh, but I love what you're putting down I'm just throwing actors out there, you know I like it, I like the concept, one concept that I saw on social media.
Speaker 3:Somebody said the next movie should be, uh, that prequel concept where you know, in Aliens, you know Ripley, the main girl, she gets recruited to go check out this colony, where the colony is not responded, but the company of course knows that there was, like they were studying cinemorphs there. So there was a breakout of the cinemorphs of the aliens, a prequel movie of that colony.
Speaker 1:Oh, before the outbreak.
Speaker 3:Yeah, before the outbreak, because they show the aftermath. But basically these 150 families or 150 people made of families. They built barriers.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you see it in there, huh they were probably waiting for help. So just a prequel where, like you know, yeah, there were bullet holes, like in the walls and they fought the aliens off for like a certain amount of nights before they all got I would love to see that because I think that movie would be cool and in the end the aliens win.
Speaker 3:Well, that would be my movie aliens win and then the newt newt is the only one left alive in the colony. And then you see ripples ship like part two yeah, yeah, like what I'm done.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I would watch the shit. That's what.
Speaker 1:That's what my movie is sorry to my Michael Beck, in fact that's what my movie is.
Speaker 2:after all, my, all my chad GPTs get killed, right, they? Uh, the last one, you know who's, who's, sammy, uh, wesley snipes, you know, holds down the fort until the very end where they're overwhelmed by aliens. All 150 families get killed and shit, right, you know.
Speaker 1:And then they see the shit pull up what up Right before he goes out. The last thing he sees right before he gets eaten or fucking killed is the shit pulling up. Yeah, that's it bro, that's a good intro. I'll watch that.
Speaker 3:Or.
Speaker 2:I family where everyone like, wasn't we with uh jim from the fog, sorry, oh uh. The one where no noise? Um, oh, a quiet place. That one just repeat that same concept with families running around from away from the aliens I was thinking the fog just way darker, oh yeah they'll get picked out you know, like slowly, like that was the part about the fog, is that?
Speaker 3:like newt's family. Newt the little girl she's the one that went to hide in, but her the dad of her whole family doesn't newt die like off screen, the little girl yeah and then we get three little things even make it ever bro yeah, no damn.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's the cruel world. It is, bro, real quick.
Speaker 1:You know what? I would watch those batman versus predator. That'd be cool as shit to see. Oh, that'd be cool.
Speaker 3:Sorry, don't they actually have those comics? I think, there's a comic brand that actually has it Like Avengers vs Predator.
Speaker 2:Well, Avengers vs Batman. Prep time.
Speaker 1:Well, right now there's DC vs Godzilla, oh shit. And then there was a DC vs Kong, and then it was DC vs Godzilla, or King Kong turned good, but so then we're fighting Godzilla. I don't know, bro, it's some crazy shit.
Speaker 3:But right now, they got Marvel because it's you know. Now it's a Fox Disney property. Technically, aliens is a Disney property. So right now they're doing Marvel versus aliens oh that's cool, and of course you gotta make the aliens OP, so like the aliens are taking on Hulk which, yeah, they're a challenge.
Speaker 2:So they make the aliens OV, he'd be in a lot of pain, though, because, like every time he cuts them, he'd be like by the acid.
Speaker 3:The acid? Yeah, it would never affect his claws, though.
Speaker 1:No, not his claws, but like he'd be, in constant pain, like his face like ah, you know, but we bro to the back like we still have layers.
Speaker 2:I'm saying great shot off like I'm not saying he can't, I just think it's costing pain, as I was saying, you're right I'm not saying it'll be easy he'd be like laughing about it, but he'd be in pain too yeah, yeah yeah I think he'd be like excited for the challenge because I did see that cover where it's one where it's xenomorph and it's wolverine facing off, yeah, which I thought was they, they, they, they?
Speaker 3:you know a whole bunch of bearing covers which is like Xenomorph versus different Superheroes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they were really dope part of the Xenomorph like aura is like it's never defeated, like there's so many of them that like continuously just keep getting shitted out.
Speaker 3:Yeah because, like, the driving mechanism of these creatures is just to reproduce.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's all.
Speaker 3:They all there's nothing else like, it's just reproduce like and infect other other, other uh you know, infect more hosts. Yeah, like that's why in the movies the, the aliens, don't always kill everybody.
Speaker 1:Sometimes they just um take them yeah, and alien versus predator, remember that. Uh, the hospital of all the, the pregnant moms, I require them. Yeah, they were all freaking just just incub. That's all they were. They're infamous of that, yes.
Speaker 3:That's the whole driving mechanism of the movies. Fun fact Cinemorph. The word Cinemorph was coined in Aliens, the sequel, the leader of the Colonial Marines, or whatever. Says hey, the Cinemorph, da-da-da-da-da. Cinemorph literally just means alien creature. You know from, you know what? Is that it's like alien organism. So they didn't mean for that word to stand, you know, to be the name of the creature. But then everybody took it as, oh, xenomorph, that's what they're called that must be the official terminology.
Speaker 1:They're not aliens, they're xenomorphs.
Speaker 3:Yeah like, and everybody took that and then it became the official word. That's fucking hilarious, but it's mentioned one time in Aliens, that's it. It's mentioned one time. You know he's given the brief 40 years later. He's given the brief before the mission and he's like the xenomorph da-da-da-da-da-da-da. It wasn't meant to be the official name and then it stuck. That's fucking awesome. Fan cultism, fun fact, fun fact.
Speaker 2:Before you know Fun fact, give me my sounder, not that one, suki, come on.
Speaker 3:Not that. Oh, you feel there we go.
Speaker 1:Fun fact Before you know.
Speaker 3:Thank you, suki, thank you.
Speaker 1:But you know what I really? I like the actual reason for them needing to even go to the ship in the first place, right? So homegirl's trapped in the planet, she's not going to escape, she's going to get sick and die before she gets the opportunity to do that because that's what happened to her family.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Right, so they get the cryo pods no, no, no For Romulus, for Romulus.
Speaker 3:Yeah For Romulus. I mean I like this, like okay, we got to get to the cryo pot to get the fuck out of here.
Speaker 1:Oh, there's not enough juice for the cryo pots? Well, let's get some fucking juice to make it work. And then, when they're stealing it, in that moment, that's when I realized I was like what the fuck was it cooling?
Speaker 3:That was the moment it was cooling the face huggers and uh, apparently people are like well, where did the face huggers come from? I mean, did they make x or something? Uh, but then they, I think there's a machine where, like they, 3d print in the face huggers. Really yeah so they were 3d printing the face huggers and they they were frozen and of course they took the cryo fuel and that's the one that became unfrozen which that sequence? In that room because the room is like halfway or not flooded.
Speaker 3:It's like yeah, it's got water to their like shins right and the face covers are like swimming in the water.
Speaker 1:That was cool, like such a good tension that was a straight tribute or homage to four right, because it was the red light room and the water.
Speaker 3:Yeah if you think about it.
Speaker 1:That was the only other time. That was the only other time. That was the only other time that the aliens have ever been in water before, and it was the red light, which was the exact same scene that we remember from before, which I think is a pretty cool thing yeah you know which a lot of people are saying romulus, um, it doesn't bring anything new.
Speaker 3:If anything, it's just uh, uh, it literally just takes everything. It's just uh. It takes everything from the all the other movies, yes, and from all of them yeah uh, so it's just the, you know spider-man. No way home, the avengers of alien, you know it's just full of callbacks nothing new and I'm like there's nothing wrong with that no, not at all. I think that's the best part about it that makes it fun, you know yeah that way, you're always looking for all the easter eggs I thought it was fun because I haven't watched.
Speaker 1:I'm not a huge die hard fan of the alien films, but I've seen them. I know enough of the lore. I've watched xenophore videos because you know youtube. You know whatever happens rabbit trails and I really enjoyed it, going in there blind, not knowing what to expect, um, but for me it gave me all the classic horror tropes, the alien tropes that you expected to see. The acid blood was always a cool fucking mix, so that they they added in there, of course.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that whole sequence where oh they uh? Zero gravity, but the concept of zero gravity, which is like rarely used in the other ones.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like you know, they're in space why wouldn't you throw the motherfuckers off, like I'm sure they're not used to zero gravity.
Speaker 3:I like the way you set it up, because there was a timer. Yeah, gravity needed to be perched, so every so long, uh, gravity will be reset and you will have zero gravity. It was a really cool concept yeah, I like.
Speaker 1:But they, they gave that to you at the very, that's like you know. Oh yeah, they said a bunch of seats, yeah like this is clearly foreshadowing.
Speaker 3:Okay, I mean, I'm not gonna say it was like master writing, but it was like foreshadow here's an example of goofy writing the uh, the fucking.
Speaker 1:The droid is like all right, heat and sound is what alerts these fucking things cool we're gonna raise the body temperature inside the room to match your body levels. You guys gonna be invisible. Just don't say shit. Okay, cool, cool. He starts going and out of nowhere the headset goes off and he hears his. His bitch started like fucking losing her mind. He's like, oh my god. And he's like what's wrong? And I'm like, yeah, what?
Speaker 1:the fuck he just told you to shut the fuck up bro and now the other aliens, like they all stop, like they were all just roaming around. They all stop and the little fucking feelers go up and there's like sensing the shit in the air. You can hear like the the static from the headsets. That's what they can pick up, bro, that's how good they are, and then this fucking guy's like like, it's okay, tell me where you're at. I'm like bro, get the fuck out of here.
Speaker 3:But they don't jump. They also don't jump. They react to the sound and they don't jump. And you're like, well, why wouldn't they jump right away? But it's because they don't have eyes you know so they're supposed to be reacting to just the sound, but they don't jump goosebumps yeah, the chills cooled his body that's when they jumped. I was like oh it's so cool?
Speaker 1:no, but no. And then it was funny because they just said a fucking moment, because the, the droid was like run just fucking. At that point it was hilarious. But that was like one of those moments where I'm like boy ain't no fucking way, boy ain't no way and what is that horror movie trope that you're like?
Speaker 3:come on, come on and that's character's got to be smart in a classic horror movie trope. Another concept that the director, fede Alvarez, which is the director of Evil Dead, the remake oh yeah, he does really well scary movies, and that's what the Romulus was supposed to be. It was supposed to be a return to the roots, which you know scary tension. In this movie the characters are meant to be, or like, even experts in, like you know, space.
Speaker 1:Oh, there's no Ripley. Yeah, I guess, yeah, they're kids.
Speaker 3:Like in the first movie. They're space truckers, but they're still like Ripley's a lieutenant.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:In the second movie they're colonial Marines. In the third movie. Ripley's still, you know a scientist and a lieutenant In the fourth movie they're like scientists, it's full of scientists and Prometheus and covenant they're scientists they're scientists, uh, so in this movie it was supposed to be different, where, like these kids, they don't know what the fuck they're doing, so they would make the wrong choices and that's all like kids in the forest and shit.
Speaker 2:You know yeah, gotcha, oh you know what?
Speaker 1:even when that guy uh shoved the the electric stick inside the alien pussy.
Speaker 3:That was crazy oh yeah, he just stands there, bro.
Speaker 1:So many sexual windows, by the way, implied in this movie, like there's a literal vagina hanging on the wall and like it has, it's like breathing and everything bro, it's like full ovulation, it's full queefing bro, you know what I'm saying. And he chose, he had like one option of a gun.
Speaker 2:What mistake did this goofy motherfucker make, bro?
Speaker 3:He chose the long one. Would you shoot it or penetrate it? Shit nigga.
Speaker 1:Yes, but how?
Speaker 2:would you kill it?
Speaker 3:My dick, so he stuck it just like this guy would have done right, but he chose his electric.
Speaker 2:Yeah an electric stick yeah, a Tesla stick, and he jams it in there, bro.
Speaker 1:It's a Tesla dick. Right, he's got the magic stick and instead of it knocking the pussy out, the pussy bit back oh shit and that's when you see that scene of like the hook going in his fucking face or whatever and he gets all fucked up, but of course the thing starts bleeding. He falls under like a dumb ass and the acid starts falling all over him, and then that's how he fucking oh yeah that.
Speaker 3:yeah, that's how he dies. I forgot about that. Yeah, because his body explodes a little bit yeah because it slowly starts eating through him, obviously.
Speaker 1:But yes, it's that thing where it starts falling on him and he doesn't know it's falling on him. By that point it started eating through him and so it's like that's the most annoying shit, you were right about all the sexuality it. You were right about the oldest sexual alien. It is Cum shot all over his face. I mean, that's what it was, bro.
Speaker 2:That's crazy. His name, his buddy, was like put jalapeno in his eyes and kept on walking, bro.
Speaker 3:The other sexual aliens that you see when the face hugger is trying to like.
Speaker 1:Oh, it throated it like your mother does, bro, it was crazy Like I didn't have to see that the appendage going through his mouth. He shows it. He shows the face. It was damn long. He's so cute, why, even when it was getting in there in the beginning?
Speaker 3:Whenever they took the face hugger, I was like girl, that's right, it was like bro, it was like the ropes at the beginning.
Speaker 1:I was about to say at the end, it was a rope, is this your car? You need to see? It was wow. But face guards are around. Even when it was like trying to get into their mouths, bro, it was the same thing when when he says, just the tip, yeah they fully show all that, but it was.
Speaker 3:And then, um, the other one is one of the girls is pregnant and you're trying to figure out who the dad is, because at one point it's insinuated that it might be tyler. Yes, but tyler's supposed to be with the main girl right. And then, and another point, is kind of insinuated that he's, uh, her cousin, which is the one that dies from the acid oh, that's right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, whatever that was weird that that was weird, but I guess it was supposed to be a family love.
Speaker 3:I guess I watched Star Wars, bro it was supposed to be hinted that the dad was one of them.
Speaker 1:I watched Star Wars. Bro, looking late is cool dog, they got one.
Speaker 3:They get one, bro, and in the end, the baby ends up turning into a hybrid, oh yeah.
Speaker 2:But see look and I thought that was a homage no how.
Speaker 3:Magic is infected by the black goo. The black goo which they bring from Prometheus, which is again the tribute to the first movie.
Speaker 1:obviously that's how the whole universe is connected, like that.
Speaker 3:But what I thought was cool with that is that now that they have the goo, they got it back to the company. It's going to be in the company's hands at a certain point or another. Yeah, you know, uh, which I mean it doesn't really connect too well, because then I mean, when was the black goon aliens or an alien?
Speaker 1:3 that's why I could see a whole nother uh prequel being done. Yeah, fuck it, why not?
Speaker 3:but and we're supposed to, I guess, guess that all that research got destroyed when the research facility got broken up.
Speaker 1:Oh, that makes perfect sense. Which?
Speaker 3:the research facility itself, which is a really cool concept. The Romulus and I guess Remus would be like the other module, like one module was droids, only obviously to prevent from anybody being infected by a facehugger. And then you got the other, which would have been Romulus.
Speaker 1:Right, we should have the people and some droids, but it, you know, would have been romulus. Right, we should have the people in some droids, but it was. It was supposed to be like the. I like the way the ship broke down and roaming into the asteroid belt or till.
Speaker 3:I like the the solar planet belt. Yeah, I was going through the ring. Yeah to the rings, there you go.
Speaker 1:I couldn't think of the name. Uh, so it broke into the planetary rings and how it just like disintegrated. It was quiet. That was the cool shit I liked about the movie. Was that like when there should have been like loud explosions, people screaming, shit going on, it was dead silence and I'm like, oh, this is fucking. This is classic, like this reminds me of how the original alien was like, those long moments of just dead silence, because that's what space is obviously so it works man well.
Speaker 3:That was the tagline of the very first one. No, no one can hear you scream in space.
Speaker 1:So again like full circle.
Speaker 3:Uh, for the uh, supposedly for the eagle eye finance. There's an easter egg when the base is getting destroyed by the rings. You see ripley's skate pod just flying away. Yeah, because, again, ripley is during romulus. Ripley is inside a skate pod, uh, in cryo sleep, just flying around, not being found. Oh, you're supposed to see it in the background, that's cool as fuck, she's flying by a a planet, a habit a planet.
Speaker 3:So you would think nobody's been caught by the sensors yeah, nobody but I was supposed to just flew by I'm assuming that the thing had an emergency beacon on it, like hey, fucking yeah pick me up, yeah pick me up, who knows? I mean, it's just a cool easter egg for the but again in space.
Speaker 1:No, one cares well, you know what I will say, that remember it was kind of like it was kind of a big deal yet not a big deal for somebody to go to space. Remember they mentioned that to the girl.
Speaker 3:They were like first time being in space and she's like yeah, for the workers, because I mean they can never leave the planet.
Speaker 1:So I guess, as much as shit we want to give.
Speaker 3:It's like, well, maybe not everybody had access to that shit, as long as they pay their hours.
Speaker 1:That OT, baby, you gotta get that OT. You ain't got no time for vacation.
Speaker 3:I guess we meant to go over more lore, but I mean.
Speaker 2:What you think about at the end.
Speaker 3:The thing is, there's so many cool Easter eggs in Romulus Even. What did you think about it at the end? The thing is there's so many cool Easter eggs in Romulus, Like even okay, even that alien that gets probed. Yeah so he gets a little electricity and he becomes the main xenomorph. That's a callback to ABP, the very first one, because the main xenomorph gets marked by the predator.
Speaker 1:Oh, that's right. He sure does with the fucking netting right by the netting yeah.
Speaker 3:In all the fucking the netting right, netting yeah. In all the movies you gotta have a main xenomorph like yeah, quote-unquote, hero xenomorph. Yeah, so that was the hero xenomorph, because and he was the one that lasted all the way to the very end, because he was the one marked by the electricity which is you can see it is like skull.
Speaker 1:You can see electricity like still going off I did not pay attention to, but that's a cool xenomorph in the elevator shaft.
Speaker 3:Is that electric cinema that saves? Uh, I forget her name yeah, homegirl yeah I did not quote. Unquote saves her from falling damn when the gravity falls.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, that was a cool scene too, dude, that's. Yeah, that was really fucking cool actually, yeah, that zero, like almost there. Anyway, I'll stop. Great fucking scenes, good movie uh, I'll give it a and I'm gonna give it like an eight out of ten, eight out of ten solid rating I'll give it a I'm going to give it like an 8 out of 10, 8 out of 10 Solid rating.
Speaker 3:I'll give it. I mean me. As you can tell a little bit, I'm a bit of an Alien fan.
Speaker 1:He's biased.
Speaker 3:When I was a kid I was able to watch the Alien movies when I wasn't supposed to. So to me, watching these Really violent, r-rated movies as a kid, I became a fan. Nice, but to me I'll give it a solid A too because, like I said, it's not the greatest movie. I read this really cool concept that the director was talking about hopefully doing Alien and Predator, where he would direct half the movie and then his director friend, the director of the Last Prey movie, he would direct the second half of the movie. Yes, so it would be two directors with different styles kind of blending.
Speaker 1:I would love that. Imagine POV. You know what'd be really cool. Same scenes, different point of views, like yeah, same battle, just like from the alien side, yeah, and then you know, from the predator side that'd be cool and then I think it'd be cool, but I know I mean there's more alien content.
Speaker 3:Like I said, there's a lot coming in 2025, and there's predator content coming out.
Speaker 1:Yeah, new predator movie coming out. Uh, the gentleman, if I'm not mistaken, who actually directed the actual Amazon film is getting a chance to the Hulu film.
Speaker 3:The Hulu film sorry, it's a Disney franchise too.
Speaker 1:Oh nice, that's right, hulu yeah, he's getting a chance to redo a movie and he's going to set it a little bit further in the future, which I'm excited to see how that's going to go.
Speaker 3:What are you ready, Papa?
Speaker 2:I. I haven't watched it, but I look forward to so. Avp versus.
Speaker 1:Alien out of our review. Are you excited to watch it?
Speaker 2:I'm excited for AVP Alien. Yeah, that sounds good. I always love. I'm more of a predator kind of guy yeah you know you sound just like your mother, yeah that's like I'm going to put a predator kind of guy. I was like that's why you can't go nowhere near schools.
Speaker 1:Oh, Walmart's apparently their targets now he's not allowed near kids' playgrounds, you know.
Speaker 2:And he explodes. But I always love when they would break the movies up because they used them as Xenomorphs, as trophies, and then they used their heads as shields and shit. Yeah, that was cool, yeah.
Speaker 1:That is cool, the popcorn buckets were lit.
Speaker 2:Man, yeah, whenever there was like whenever, like there was one with like there's a fight between the queen, the queen was chasing some bitch or some shit yeah, and then the first one and the guy does like a 360, no scope. You know somersault, it just stabs the queen in the neck, but that still was like let's yeah, it was worth it, it was beautiful beautiful.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I do remember that.
Speaker 2:And then like the, the the alien does. Like you're one of us now you know she does the to the homegirl.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, he cause they do a mark.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:A mark of the hunter.
Speaker 1:Oh, like the acid or something, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, or that yeah, and he goes home, and she goes home, and you know, then she writes a book about it and she talks about it.
Speaker 1:Imagine be like this motherfucker ruined my face all of this.
Speaker 2:I present the menu about how to make an espresso she's telling us put the fives in the bag, bro baristas what are you gonna do anyway?
Speaker 3:oh, alien isolation. The video game uh, that was a really cool storyline, because the protagonist of that video game is ripley's daughter oh some people are saying make, uh, make a movie version of that storyline that'd be cool yeah, because she's out there searching for her mom for ripley yeah, that's what happens in the video game in isolation which that game was crazy, I didn't finish it, but uh is it 64 one or no? No, it came out in 2010 or something.
Speaker 1:Alien isolation, yeah, and you know what that could work, simply for the fact that that's how they can do, a whole nother franchise based on ripley? Yeah, but it could still be a prequel several years apart, while she's looking for her mom.
Speaker 2:And again, you're not changing the main universe, it's just a separate yeah, man, you can even use all these plot lines to be like no. Then suddenly there's character like hey, I heard what happened in these planets where I'm in this. Maybe I can use it to go find my mom. And you already have the easter egg with the shuttle flying, so that can connect it.
Speaker 2:You know she's like chasing the trailer pretty much yeah and that leads to the franchise, and because they already set up the platform, she can either dodge the new hybrid or dodge the Xenomorphs on her way to find her mom.
Speaker 3:That's a good thread that works because that video game is really good. It wasn't like super popular when it came out, but over the years people have found it and basically you're in a spaceship, in the spaceship and you're being chased by the alien. And it's all stealth Like you could hide throughout the ship yeah, that's pretty fucking cool.
Speaker 2:Yeah, see some people playing their tiktoks, the ones that you have to make a sound and then they make a sound does no more refine you. Yeah, that's isolation, that's that game.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's when you play as ripley's daughter damn, that's sick. That's cool man yeah anyways, last last thing I want, all right so anything else? Uh well, we see, corny, we were that she's got the cigar that's her goo, this I mean.
Speaker 1:So going to see, yeah, I mean but uh, I think we went over time yeah, yeah anyway, she could have got it back in the day she'd get it right now too. I'm just saying all right. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for tuning into wbm podcast. This has been one of your hosts. It's your boy, murk. Please make sure you guys are following us on our social medias twitter, instagram, tiktok and youtube.
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Speaker 2:That's right.
Speaker 1:That's right, ladies and gentlemen. And what's your name, buddy? My name is Oscar.
Speaker 3:And I'm Nick.
Speaker 1:Ladies and gentlemen, this is Gundam Wing, but thank you so much for tuning in. We love you, we appreciate you and we'll catch you guys in the next one. We'll see ya, peace.