Life Around "The Fire"
Life Around "The Fire"
The Ways And The Waves Of God (Living In The Highest Realm).
Far too many years I was caught up in living in only one realm... The Physical Realm.
Not only is it limiting to ones potential to only live in the Physical Realm... It's not even the Highest Realm available for us to live in.
The Highest Realm possible to live in both now and in the future is the Realm known as The Kingdom of God or The Kingdom of Heaven.
Also, for too many years I have allowed myself to be governed by the opinions of other people.
I was, in many respects, a people pleaser with an painfully awkward inferiority complex.
Several months ago I thought I heard the LORD say to me, "Come on up and I will cause my Glory come on down."
I didn't want to say or do much about what I thought I heard because I really didn't trust God or myself enough to act on it... The fear of man choked it out of me.
As my "go to excuse" for doing nothing I would typically say I am a man concerned with "balance."
And I am.
However, I have used the word "balance" as an excuse to do nothing at all that might cause people to think less of me.
Thank God for the reality of His "sanctification" process!
He doesn't leave us stuck in our past.
God has sanctified me.
He has freed me up from the crippling fear of man and a horrible inferiority complex.
I will be expressing in the next few podcast episodes some of the ways God is leading me to "Come on up" and actually do things together with Him.
His desire is to do the same with you... Uniquely in relationship with Him.
Loving Yeshua/Jesus, Loving people... Come as you are and you will be loved!
Feel free to check out our wesite by typing in or Life Around The Fire ... We think you'll find some beneficial stuff to look at and apply to your life.
Shalom to you and your home.