Coaching in the Dark

Episode 1 - Daphne Y. Jefferson, PCC - Principal / Executive Coach, Jefferson Consulting Group, LLC

Patrick Season 1 Episode 1

Daphne Y. Jefferson, PCC, shares her experience, insecurities, challenges, and lessons learned from the first few years of owning her coaching business. 
- 6:22 - 5 words to describe owning her coaching business
- 10:35 - personal insecurities, fears and challenges at the start
- 12:40 - realities around timeline and expectations for the business
- 16:38 - 'low' moments that stand out
- 19:48 - when / how business started to 'shift' more abundantly
- 24:46 - tips for 'coaches of color'
- 29:46 - go-to moves for when business is slow
- 33:51 - 5 key lessons for new coaches starting a business