Project Chaney
A philosophy, conspirituality & infotainment podcast. I want to sit down with the most open minds and full hearts, in the game. We will have real conversations about the state of our world, our own awakenings, personal stories, and all the other things that make you the black sheep of family gatherings.I hope to give you another look, at all your favorite weird, esoteric, quantum, mind-blowing topics. And, a fuller view of the people who are bringing you all these censored truths.
Also, check out FRIDAY NIGHTS @ Midnight LIVE on YouTube.
Secret Society of Good Guys
Also, check out FRIDAY NIGHTS @ Midnight LIVE on YouTube.
Secret Society of Good Guys
Project Chaney
00:03 Secret Society of Good Guys - Blood
Chaney in Wonderland
Season 1
Episode 3
Don't mind our lisps and drool, we are all trying to speak through Vampire Teeth. We also had a few enchanting problems with the wind, but we figure it out.
On this episode of SSGG, we get bloody. We chat about the lore of vampires and being a virgin. We question blood types and blood magic. If you have the sand, we might even start right off with menstration.
Blood diamond, blood sacrifice, melamine, thrill oxide (adr3n0chr0m3), blood poisoning, bloody valentine...
If you are ready for October and feeling thirsty, join Abbie, Layla, Gordy, Thomas and myself, as we get extra tinny.
Join us EVERY Friday Night at MIDNIGHT on Youtube.
If you have show ideas or wanna come and play... hit me up.