Project Chaney

00:05 Secret Society of Good Guys - Monster

Chaney in Wonderland Season 1 Episode 5

Is there a monster under your bed? Is there a monster in your closet? What about in the woods behind your childhood home?

Have you ever wondered why we all have this innate fear? Is it innate, or have we all been brainwashed by the movies?

Do you believe in Mothman or Big Foot? What about El Cacui or Aileen Wuornos?

Are we going full reptilian, or will we werewolf just for kicks? 

If Fred Savage isn't available, or The Monster Squad is booked, we are a better option.

Join us this week, as we induct our newest member into the SSGG, @doenutfactory ! And, if you don't already, give this guy a follow. His content is dope and his mind is rad!