Project Chaney

00:09 Secret Society of Good Guys - Something About Mary

Chaney in Wonderland Season 1 Episode 9

 The virgin and the whore? The Immaculate conception? The Queen of Scots? Mary, Maria, Mario, Mar, Mer, Moor.. the sea, the see?

Have you every questioned Virgin(ia) and Mary(land) placement?

Have you ever looked up what MAGA(dalene) in Latin?

 Mary-Louis Parker. Mary-Kate Olsen. Mary Tyler Moore. Mary Elizabeth Masterantonio. Mary Steenburgen. Meryl Streep, Mary J. Blige...

Mary Poppins. Bloody Mary. Mary Kathrine Gallagher. Peter, Paul & Mary. 

What about the little lamb? Why was she so contrary? Why does she wanna dress in black and go watch the elephants jump fences?

The Good Guys will have their newest initiate, into the Secret Society. We are excited to have Marisa Acocella join us, to get into "the Mary of it all."

Mer ya soon. 

For all things Marisa, go to