Bubbling Up
Just two guys doing a comics podcast. We're talking independent and big time publishers and love exploring new books. Segments include comics news, a book swap where we recommend new stuff to each other, and discussion on comics TV and Movies.
Bubbling Up
FILM: The Green Knight (2021)
Bubbling Up
Season 2
Episode 2
Like Ser Gawain, we took a hard left turn this week, into the world of filmdom to talk about the 2021 Arthurian epic The Green Knight from A24 starring Dev Patel, written and directed by David Lowery.
Joined by our friend and yours, Scott Thurlow of The Lost Signals fame. It's actually his birthday this week so wish him a happy one and then listen to his thoughts on Gawain's labyrinthine journey to reach his destiny. Joe and Steve talk too. Don't miss it!
Full episode archive: Bubbling Up Podcast
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