OneLeg Up

E0106 - Four Things To Improve Your Homepage (Home Improvement)

April 21, 2021 OneLeg Inc Season 1 Episode 6
E0106 - Four Things To Improve Your Homepage (Home Improvement)
OneLeg Up
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E0106 - Four Things To Improve Your Homepage (Home Improvement)
Apr 21, 2021 Season 1 Episode 6
OneLeg Inc

We recently did a webinar for a partner and the portion where we gave four tips on how to make your homepage more impactful and engaging. And more importantly, evolve it so that it converts leads better and at a quicker pace was so good, we got requests to add this to our podcast. So what you will hear in a moment is Vic's portion of the webinar where he discusses the four things you can do as a home improvement company to punch up your website. Now, this was meant to be visual, but there are plenty of things to take away from it just by listening to the audio. If you'd like to view the webinar video in its entirety, please go to our blog on And you can view it there. 

Show Notes Transcript

We recently did a webinar for a partner and the portion where we gave four tips on how to make your homepage more impactful and engaging. And more importantly, evolve it so that it converts leads better and at a quicker pace was so good, we got requests to add this to our podcast. So what you will hear in a moment is Vic's portion of the webinar where he discusses the four things you can do as a home improvement company to punch up your website. Now, this was meant to be visual, but there are plenty of things to take away from it just by listening to the audio. If you'd like to view the webinar video in its entirety, please go to our blog on And you can view it there. 

Edward Davis:

To one leg up, where we discuss how you can deliver the very best customer experience and how you can achieve zero marketing waste. I'm Ed Davis, the chief operations ninja here at one leg and today I will be joined by Vic son, the mastermind of one leg. Now, this episode will be a bit different than other episodes. We recently did a webinar for a partner and the portion where we gave four tips on how to make your homepage more impactful and engaging. And more importantly, evolve it so that it converts leads better and at a quicker pace was so good, we got requests to add this to our podcast. So what you will hear in a moment is Vic's portion of the webinar where he discusses the four things you can do as a home improvement company to punch up your website. Now, this was meant to be visual, but there are plenty of things to take away from it just by listening to the audio. If you'd like to view the webinar video in its entirety, please go to our blog on zero marketing And you can view it there. We now joined Vic's portion of the webinar in progress.


You didn't attend this webinar, just so you could hear what you already know. So I'll start with this, do these things. And in 60 to 90 days, you'll achieve these three things. One, you will generate leads with high buying intent. And we will cover the how to generate with high buying intent versus the ones that have little to no buying intent to you will convert visitors from leads to appointments at 80 to 90%. Three, you'll be less dependent on lead aggregators like modernize, or homeadvisor. Okay, many of you guys probably use them. And you'll be doing less chasing of your leads with your call center. And you'll be scheduling confirming more appointments, do these things we recommend here today. And you'll achieve these three things. And you'll be able to do this without spending $1 more of your current budget, you can reallocate a small percentage of that budget and achieve better results with it. We will show you how to do that today. So first, what is the ultimate goal? Is it to generate a visitor a lead? Or is it integrate an appointment? If your goal is to simply generate a lead, then you can stop here because everything I say will make sense to you. And you're already doing that now. So what do your sales reps want leads? Or appointments? If it's appointments, what kind of appointment? Is it one where someone had no intention of buying? Or do they want appointments with homeowners who have high buying intent, meaning they knew from the beginning, they need to meet with a company go through an appointment and potentially make a purchase. So in 2010 2010, marketing teams needed to collect phone numbers and emails for their sales team, because they weren't and there's no other way to get it. And here we are 10 years later, a lot of marketing teams are still doing the same thing. There's a lot more technology to do it. There's a lot more tracking around it. But it's essentially the same thing. Marketers generate a high volume of cheap leads, so that their sales team can try to do sales to people that want to buy right now. And here's why this needs to change a buyers have access to an abundance of information which empowers them to navigate most of the buying process on their own. We can do that now. B buyers have been trained by b2c, DTC companies like Amazon for easier purchasing. And those expectations have bled into appointment scheduling and demos. See, we are in the word of mouth era where b2c buyers discover and evaluate products through the internet and their network communities. Social Okay, their friends, your website, not just the sales rep. So marketing in 2010, aka lead generation looks like this. I need to get contact information. So our sales team can do the sales to people that don't want to buy right now marketing in 2021 brand and demand Gen which is very much an important part of the website should be I want to communicate directly with the market to create demand for our product and affinity for a company. This way the ideal customer ideal customer profile ICP. These buyers come to you ready to buy. So let's start off with the first one emotional versus rational. Many in the home improvement space have website headlines that lead with rational or logical content. Things like we offer financing, get 25% off for spring or summer or fall, get 50% off installation. These all probably sound very familiar right? Now imagine going to a restaurant and without seeing the menu yet. Your waiter probably You that your bill is probably going to be around $100. And this tip will be about 20%. I mean, come on, why are you assuming the sale? How can you do that? You haven't secured their appointment yet. And you start by assuming the sale, and you are scaring them away. This is clear, by the way, if your bounce rates are over 40 to 50%, which seven out of 10 Home Improvement companies and websites experienced. And then you end up buying those leads from users who bounce off your site from modernize, or homeadvisor. But science has shown in marketing, you create the strongest connections with potential customers by leading with emotion, not logic or rationality. For the ideal homepage, well, we want the content and the copy is to connect with the homeowners heart. Why do you need a new roof because there was a hailstorm and you're looking for a discount. No, you want a new roof because you want to protect your family and your investment. Remember, the second thing you'll achieve if you do the simple things we suggest it's converting leads to appointments that 80 to 90%. If you lead with something emotional, you'll convert 80 to 90%. lead with something rational like an offer, or a discount, or free quote, guess what, you'll only convert 10 to 20% of the time. And this is all According to the American advertising Federation. So just ask yourself, how many of you have met closing ratios of 20 to 30%. That means 70 to 80% of the time, what you generate are low, buying intensely. Okay, so let's go on to the next critical part content. Here subtle personalization and psychological nudges that you should have on your homepage without being obvious rover, Okay, one, a phone number. Local dynamic number, that's even better. Okay? That users, your visitors, users visitors, right? They can text, or call dynamic numbers are the ones that show a local number based on your IP address of your user that pinpoints to their zip code. In this example, we have an 800 number, okay, for this webinar, but we can easily make that into a dynamic number that shows local area code depending on the location of your web page visitor. And that's actually something that's a nice little psychological nudge. In 2021, you should have a number that people can text. Okay, a properly calibrated user experience UX, user experience boss should be able to handle these conversations by the way. So to an image that invokes emotion, remove the clutter, income and conversions on your site invariably go up. Now, you also need to make sure that you remove or you stop it with these predictable images of of your remodeling product, or a photo of a house doesn't do you any good. What you need is something that invokes emotion, from the user's perspective, not yours. Okay, three, compelling headline copy. The aim is to convince the prospect to become a customer right now. So what you need to do is emphasize benefits over features. Okay? in here in this example, you see three key messages, locally owned, friendly, anonymous, and no pressure consultation, all reinforcing messages, subliminal messages to what the experience actually is. Focusing experience rather than discounts, and you'll convert better, people don't really care about your company, to be honest, they only care about how your company can solve their problems. So with regard to this copy, here's the things that we do at one leg to make this happen. One, we use the voice of the customer, you've probably heard that voc voice of the customer, we focus on customers or prospects wants and needs. We conduct brand value research, we create a house style guide to establish your brand voice. And then this is quite important that most companies don't do we A B test copy on how high value pages because not all copies created equal. One thing we do is we do have award winning copywriters, which helps in that process. Then we think about the intent at all times and write the copy from the perspective of your user. Finally, this is one thing here that if you take this away, you're going to make an impact right away. Remove the glitter bomb, the stickers of accreditation all these CTAs one si p a one okay and I will discuss that in more detail. So let's go and seek it right, we move into the one thing that starts the conversion process. So you want homeowners to turn from visitor to appointment at 80 to 90%. Most of you may have 30 to 50% conversion. So how do you double or triple that? Well, here's a few questions first, right? How many of you have a CTA button that leads to a lead form? They click on that button that goes down on the page. And now there's a form or to another page where there's the form? How many of you use the lead form on your hero page? As the CTA? Okay, well, how many of you have lead form banners, and then the lead form on the first page at the same time? And lastly, here's another question. What about a button that says free consultation, that another button that says get free pricing? Or possibly a third button that says, free quote? Does this sound familiar? That's because almost everyone here has that on their website? I know I checked, I looked at every every single site. Now you ever wonder why there's hundreds if not 1000s of people visiting your site, weekly, you can see this in Google Analytics, right? But only 30 to 50% of them convert into an appointment. That's because A, you've got way too many CTAs you're overwhelming the user. Okay. By the way, that's also subliminally telling them that you're disorganized. Okay? B, you're scaring them away. I mean, having two places to enter the lead info, banner, another lead form, and then having two buttons on the hero page. You're practically yelling at them to get get a quote. I mean, little needy, don't you think? Okay, so what's the solution? One, eliminate, don't add. subtraction is so much more powerful. In addition, when it comes to website, remove the glitter bomb of CTAs call to action and the noise. Get to one, not two, not three, one. CTA. People know what they want when they get to your site. Trust begets trust, trust your users. Assuming you've done these steps we've already discussed like having a compelling headline, copy, right, you've got an awesome images invokes emotion. All that's left is one good CTA to convert the intention into the appointment. And you're probably thinking, Wow, this is so simple, right? It is because it's not complicated. You shouldn't make it complicated to you've got to remove the friction from your choice architecture. So how do you expect to have the leads with high buying intent? If they cannot schedule an appointment? Right then in there, remember the name of the game? now now now, we live in the world where Amazon has trained us to get gratification at lightning speed. Having homeowners wait until someone contacts them your call center agent to set verify and then confirm an appointment is insane. In this day and age, how can you convert on leads when you have the user fill out a lead form? And then you've got to wait for a call center agent to schedule an appointment. Even if you said this is a mere few seconds. Right? The reality is there's still someone else that's going to stop them from having to schedule the appointment, homeowners expect to be able to schedule appointments with as little weight and no friction. And they want to and many of them, over half of the population wants to do it on their own self service. And if you only have a lead form, chances are high that your lead conversion is lower than what you should be having. You've probably been told this what a lead form. So using captures leads quickly. Well, how many of you would give your info to someone right off the gate without any context? How many of you use modernized porch or homeadvisor? Do you ever wonder how they're able to get so many damn leads that you ended up competing against them and then buying from them? Well, users land on their landing pages know exactly what they want to send an appointment, meet a contractor buy a product that is modeling or construction. When they get there, guess what they're able to do that they are primed, that they're able to meet with a remodeling contractor. So what's driving that behavior? If psychology, not technology, you've got to align those intentions and you will convert those visitors into appointments and you will reduce your dependency on lead aggregators. And then stop this paying twice or three times for the same visitors who converted on their landing page instead of yours. Why fight it, you will be less dependent on them. If you simply reallocated 10 points percent of your current budget towards these things we're talking about. You don't have to spend more money, you can reallocate your current budget. To get the results that affect every visitor to your homepage. Make that simple and frictionless and you'll be converting upwards of 80%. Now finally, this next Intel, you will hear is worth the price of admission to this webinar, your annual subscription to lead perfection. Okay, so, here's the burning question. If it's not lead info that you capture first, then what do you capture first? For that CTA Okay, well, here it is. Once the homeowner selects the schedule the appointment button, which is your one CTA send them straight to selecting a day and a time. Once the day and time is selected, you have give you their information. This very simple fix, change adjustment in your choice architecture creates the 80 to 90% conversion, which almost no company does in this industry. Remember the analogy I gave you earlier on visiting the restaurant without seeing the menu. Okay. This is a good example about context and framing the interaction matters. Okay. Once the day in time is left and you have the owner give you the information you complete that the homeowner has selected the day in time for the appointment. Now you asked for the info. One, their intent, from the beginning to schedule the appointment has been realized to you are asking for their info to complete that process of scheduling the appointment simple and effective. And for those of you wondering, how do I know this works, I lead the lead gen and conversion campaigns for reborn cabinets for eight years growing them from a $6 million company to 90 million in less than eight years. And since then, I have built a better mousetrap. And the last company, they use these techniques here with this exact example, grew during the pandemic from $1.5 million in sales a month to approximately 5 million a month. And they happen to be a lead perfection customer. So that didn't happen simply because they had more leads by the way that happened because they converted better leads cost you money. Conversion creates revenue. Our team can help you align lead perfection, your scheduling process and your call center and sales team towards this highly effective process. So finally, here's the last piece of the puzzle chat box. Okay, not just a chat feature a chat bot. One major problem that the pandemic has highlighted is that many companies were not prepared for the influx of demand for self service. The other major problem was the loss of physical call centers, and the increasing difficulty in hiring call center agents. Some of you are still probably reeling from the effects of COVID on your operations. So this is where a chatbot a good chatbot becomes an effective and efficient solution. I also want to frame that most chat bots we have seen on websites are not programmed for user experience UX, they're just chat features, let alone for self service of scheduling appointments after questions are answered. So would it be unfair to say that not all chat bots are created equal? It's true, a cheap 199 to 99 boss isn't going to do much, let alone delight your users when they get engaged. I mean, it's no surprise to me in our team that many Home Improvement companies have chat. But it's at the bottom of their list when it comes to an ally for converting leads or visitors into appointments. Many companies pay have many of you that you're paying 50 to $150 on average for leads from lead aggregators like moderniser homeadvisor, that's a range of 60 to $180,000 a year, six figures to buy leads. Most of these leads already visit your site. And you're competing with the lead aggregators on converting them. By the way, we put it on the screen here on, you know, a chatbot to actually schedule an appointment in less than two minutes. And it can be customized. So here's the question, right? What if you reallocated 10% of that budget each year towards building a bot? chat bot that will last you a lifetime? Imagine if you reallocated a mere 20% of your budget on your site for hundreds if not 1000s of visitors visitors to convert? How much less would you be dependent on lead aggregators? How much more would you brand? Now assuming you have a bot that is configured To provide great customer experience, you will enjoy the following benefits one, the highest conversions visitors to leads to appointment. In fact, chat bots properly configured can do sales follow ups, a lot of people have asked us can this do save the sale, or cancel save programs? Absolutely. And even actual sales offers, one bot can do this over 1000s of conversations over multiple channels. At the same time, without ever taking a break or going on holiday, to 24. Seven, consistent service and experience. A lot of people discount this, but follow a plan in the script. Unlike agents, okay, without ever having a bad day. Three, lower recruitment, hiring, training, failing costs and call center agents. Typically an effectively calibrated UX user experience chatbot would cost you anywhere between eight to $12,000 a year, which includes the customization that's constant. Compare this now to 27 to $30,000. For every agent or salesperson you turn over for when programmed correctly, a UX chatbot user experience chatbot can help your agents respond better and more effectively. This is called agent assistance. Yes, you can have the chatbot transcribed the conversation, and at the same time recommend to your agent who's reading that what to say when to say it, how to say it. I'm one of the first that has worked with companies like five, nine. Okay, next Rep. And artists, official ones like inference and Google dialogue to make this happen for home improvement. While most bots are closed loop and keywords based. Our bots can be natural language processing, artificial intelligence. This means a big it constantly evolves, it learns how people speak. Fifth, allow for the best user experience with little to no friction. After all, you know, when a user gives you their info, they expect to be able to schedule an appointment without waiting a chatbot can fulfill that if your boss isn't able to schedule an appointment seamlessly, you're missing out on a lot of appointments. consumers want to feel like they have control. I mean, don't you many, in fact, prefer not to be called, regardless of what you say to what people need to be called. Well just think about it, right, you're not converting 100%. So there are people who don't want to be called. And they want to be able to leave your site, or your channel like Facebook, right or your landing page, knowing an appointment has been set. And the follow up notifications are sent to them via email or text. And a chat bot a properly configured one, like the ones that we offer can do that. So last question here is, how does it long? How long does it take to train a bot? It takes as little as 30 days with our existing templates. But keep in mind once you have a bot, you can continue to configure test calibrated, you know and we help you with doing that with no agent attrition. We do this with you with our tech teams technology teams. So this means that you can continue improving your bot providing better user experience and human like conversations without the traditional blowback you would encounter when training call center agents in learning new scripts, processes, improvement plan, deliver material, etc. Okay, so for those of you who are not converting 80 to 90% of your leads on channels like your website, landing pages or Facebook, a properly calibrated UX bot can bring you closer to those higher conversions while maintaining the option if you want to be able to have live agents available during business hours. Back to you. Thanks, Vic.

Edward Davis:

And obviously that was pretty powerful. One of the questions we got while Vic was was going through the presentation was will there be a recording of this webinar? And there is and there will be and we will send that out to folks here after the webinar. Let's do our last poll. And that the question is simple. What is holding you back from evolving? Your website is a budget knowledge time or actual resources and getting that done? wasn't that great? And now for the shameless plug portion of our podcast. Are you looking to improve your lead conversion and appointment setting on your home improvement website? If so, reach out. To us here at one leg because we have a deal for you. Our homepage review sprint is a two week engagement where we look at the UI UX of your homepage, and make recommendations for improvement. We also do an assessment of your user journey and engagement tactics, and provide a grade for your homepage against our exclusive website conversion scoring system. We then provide you with a summary report and a list of actions you can take to evolve your website. Well, that's it for us today. We hope you've enjoyed our chat today and learned a couple things. As always, one day Billy's poor marketing pollutes the planet, and that business is full of tired outdated, indistinct unremarkable and underperforming marketing that sucks. But what sucks even more is that many companies have forgotten the most important thing of all the customer. We're on a mission on behalf of our clients customers to change that. To learn more, go to zero marketing waste calm, or find us follow us and rate us wherever you socialize online by looking for the Flamingo and the one leg handle.