OneLeg Up

Getting the Most of Lead Perfection and Five9

October 01, 2021 OneLeg Inc
Getting the Most of Lead Perfection and Five9
OneLeg Up
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OneLeg Up
Getting the Most of Lead Perfection and Five9
Oct 01, 2021
OneLeg Inc

Our podcast about Lead Perfection and Five9 covered so much ground we had to do it in two parts. On this episode of the OneLeg Up podcast, Chief Mastermind, Vic Sun, is joined by two of OneLeg’s Tech Alchemists: Steven White and KC Urias to discuss all things tech. They specifically get into the weeds of Lead Perfection and Five9.

 Grab something to drink and hold on as three techheads try to keep the banter light and easy to follow by us mere mortals. 

Show Notes Transcript

Our podcast about Lead Perfection and Five9 covered so much ground we had to do it in two parts. On this episode of the OneLeg Up podcast, Chief Mastermind, Vic Sun, is joined by two of OneLeg’s Tech Alchemists: Steven White and KC Urias to discuss all things tech. They specifically get into the weeds of Lead Perfection and Five9.

 Grab something to drink and hold on as three techheads try to keep the banter light and easy to follow by us mere mortals. 

All right. Welcome to one leg up where we discuss how you can deliver the very best customer experience and how you can achieve zero marketing waste, I'm Vic's Sun. I'm the mastermind here at one leg. Today, I have two very special guest joining me again.


I've got Steven White and Kassandra Urias, Did I say it correctly.


Yeah, of course, I'm going to say yes.


All right. Well, if I did, please tell me how to pronounce it.


Is it could be it could be your bias or it could be serious?


Sorry. Yes. I like the gets better, rolls off the tongue a little bit smoother. And both of these two really great people are tech alchemist's on our technology team. Stephen, how are you guys doing today?


Doing great plastic other than half of California is on fire right now.


Every day for us here in California, that is every day in California, we try.


It's a look out the window. Is it fog or is it smoke experience?


Yeah, and I know we're trucking along and doing our best. I'm glad that you both are here. And I think due to overwhelming demand, you know, we've been we've been hit up by, you know, several companies for more information.


Right. And so generally, again, we're technology agnostic, but a number of our home improvement clients, usually perfection and 593 both as CRM, as a dialer. And today, we want to have like a part, too. And I think we're going to create a series of this as the as the Premiere experts on perfection in 590 this industry.


And we want to be able to discuss, you know, some of these features that people are really having a hard time figuring out or the industry at large or, you know, a lot of the things that are overlooking.


And therefore, they're likely missing some of the system efficiencies and how to make it effective when they start deploying them. So let's start off with Ukc and throw it over to you. What do you. Today, I'm sure you've prepared for something, but what is that one feature today that companies are overlooking?


Yeah, actually, the future I want to discuss today is the to do list, and this feature eluded me for several years. I've been on leave perfection a while, and I had no idea that this feature existed. And it's really, really fantastic.


OK, and we know that a lot of companies, you know, know about this, but do not use it or do not use it the way that makes it, you know, a maximum super-efficient way of communicating with both their teams or clients internally and externally.


So what's what? Let's start off with, you know, the front end of things. You know, can you give examples of how, you know, you've been able to utilize it and how you've been able to basically, you know, crack this little Easter egg?


You know, for some companies who aren't using it or maybe haven't been using on the front end of things, you know, before a sale takes place.


Yeah. So, one of the things that people I've noticed have used for our clients have used it for in the past, is the reps on their teams. Sometimes they do need additional training and rather than go into a full training session of the to do list can be a very quick review that is directly on the


CRM. So a lot of people are used to getting to do lists that are on a different platform than their CRM. That's what makes this one so special. And you can assign those tasks directly to the lead that they pertain to.


So maybe you have a new rep that's coming in. They're struggling to keep up with their customer. Maybe they're not looking at the information correctly on the lead. You can attach that to do tasks to the lead directly, which is great, because then all they do is they click on it and they go right there and they


can immediately start on that task. And it also gives you notifications when they're working on it and when it's complete, just like any other, to do lists.


OK, perfect. So essentially, it sounds like, you know, it's like a virtual Post-it. The yellow post-it, but it's virtual. And you get to remind or assign tasks to people to be able to complete. That's very specific to a lead record in.


And it tracks when that is being completed or, you know, when it's being worked on. And then and you can go ahead and utilize that instead of like manual emails or.


Yes, that's correct. And what's great is it appears right on the dashboard for most people. So it helps say, OK, these are your to do list and it's counting down like this one is going to be coming up really soon.


You better take care of it. And then they have another list like, all right, these two views are Pastides or there's been a lot of time that's passed between this time, and it also connects to the employee's email address.


So not only when they're working on their CRM are they getting those reminders, but they also can be getting the reminders through email. So if they say they didn't see it, I don't know where they're looking.


Right. Right. So it sounds like it's a really useful tool for team collaboration, communication. You know, we get a lot of requests for automation, but this is in a some form of automation. But it requires really that team effort.


You know, I see a lot of call centers and you guys have been working with quite a few of them where, you know, they're really too reliant on automation. And some of these very simple nudges really bring about, you know, conversion rates that are so much more higher than if you were to just rely on automation.


I think what I really like about it to tack and we'll have a little clip of this where we can show an example and how that workflow takes place to that. The you know, our audience for those the ones who actually want to see how we've been able to customize that for and train people on how to


use it works. Right. But I really like the idea of, you know, training in using this as Bollyky like you brought out. You know, it's like, OK, well, you know, my concenter agent's not very good at, you know, being able to go and provide the value of the visitor or these particular elements or maybe sending the client


an email with a link to somewhere. You can always, as a manager or anything, admin, go, hey, do this. And can canteen's actually do this as well, where maybe I'm going to be out of the office and I am the customer agent in the morning.


And I spoke to this client, but they said, hey, call me in the evening. And can I go ahead and assign that to the evening shift agent? You know, my counterpart. Can I do that?


Of course, you can assign it to individuals or you can assign it to a team. So anybody who is in that call center group or who was in that sales group, it goes out to that whole team on the group to do list.


And it doesn't feel as abrasive as saying, oh, man, now I have to sit through a training session. It's like, oh, my my manager assigned to a task, OK, I better get that task completed. It's just much quicker, more effective interactive way for your rep to get better at whatever you've assigned him.


And can you actually send them links as well, like a loon video, for example, or the link to a little video and say, you know, watch this so that I can explain to you what's going on with this client?


Is that is that possible, Casey?


Yeah, it's not only leun videos, you can also attach screenshots, images. What's great about lead perfection is it is very, very forgiving when it comes to putting in external sources. So anything that you want to include in that message?


Yes, absolutely.


OK. All right. Great. So that's a that's that's covering, you know, the front end of things marketing. Let's talk about sales for a minute. Right. In in what like what have you done in the past for clients where this to do task, these to do lists have been useful?


Just getting one really good example that that most clients do not do. And then when they've done it, they've seen a lift in whether it's sales efficiencies or effectiveness, intercommunication communication.


Yes. So we had one client who their biggest thing that they kept bringing up over and over and over again is my team cannot remember to go get the permits that they need. And they drive all the way to the customer's house and they don't have the necessary paperwork.


The to do list can help that team member remember to do that. In fact, I'd be if I was the manager every single time, I would be having my team go out to a customer's home and a permit is needed.


I would just use the to do list every time, because it's something that's really easy to set up, but it's something that you can repeat. So it helps keep track of all the customers paperwork. And it also makes sure that when they arrive at the home, that they are prepared.


Yeah, so it sounds like you could use it as a checklist of some sort, but also it really, you know, it really the way that you phrased it, what I like about that is that it sounds like you've you've cultivated it for the particular user.


You know, salespeople, installers, they're out in the field. They don't have time to be in front of a desktop, like searching for things. And, you know, they're out there with their tablets or their mobile devices. And that you do task being assigned to them simply creates that, you know, really, really easy nudge, because it's not only on


an email, but it's also from within the platform that they're working.


Yeah. And within the platform also means the salesmen have to start utilizing those who do tasks will also pop up on that app. So if they're on the go, they can easily see what they need to complete.


Perfect. So so it's really on an omnichannel level between emails. I think, you know, we're working on custom texts, right, for nudges. But that's something custom that we can you know, we've customized it's not out of the box and it's not easy to do on your own.


But at least the emails you've got the nudges on the mobile app salesman app, and you've got the ability to go and log into any browser, really, whether it's through your mobile device, your tablet or your laptop or your desktop.


Thank you. So we'll pop in some videos or, you know, some small little place where we could show both of those. And you'll be able to see that on these videos. And actually, you know, later on, you can hit up hit us up for some of those links and we'll post them, you know, on


our LinkedIn account, Facebook and everywhere else. But you can find us. Let's go to Steven. Steven, let's talk about five nine, because I think we were inundated with a lot of nine questions. A lot of companies would be call centers were like, OK, so what can you do with five names?


You're having these issues. So let's start with one. I mean, I think we're going to have a series of these podcasts over the next couple of weeks or months. What's that one thing you want to talk about today that you felt over the last maybe the last three conversations I've had with other companies, this was the biggest ask or the thing that they couldn't figure out.


Yeah, and thanks for bringing it over to me. I've been dying to get this to get this out. What is most important, I think, to a call center is the conversion time. If you have somebody that's sitting, you know, waiting to be contacted after submitting their information, maybe they missed that first phone call.


But a lot of call centers are seeing is it's difficult to have that follow up, especially on the first day using perfection and five nine. It's just the way that it's set up. It's difficult to do that second follow up call within a day and people try to circumvent it in different ways.


But I think I've finally clocked the right solution to it.


OK, and so you talked about a couple of things there, but what it sounds like you got there, you know, the speed in which you communicate, you know, someone who's provided their information, mainly their phone number and their information, so you can call them and how you can connect with them quickly.


And then the other part was, well, once you've connected with them, if you don't get a hold of them, for example, like you do because you get leads through all of parts of the day, the system doesn't seem to refresh or allow for you to go and control that.


So you can call them a few other times. Is that is that is that like the big issue there?


Yeah. Yeah, I think I think you hit it on the head. One of the one of the tools that's available is this thing called the ASAP List. It's pretty much just if I want to go too detailed on it.


But as soon as a lead comes in to perfection, it's fired off into five nine and it gets that quick first phone call. The problem is, the way that that list works is it limits the well, since that list doesn't refresh every day and sometimes people do have it.


So it's tied into perfection. It constantly piles and piles and piles and piles until, you know, that list is just untouchable. You've got this list of 5000 numbers. You know, some people do go in every evening and try to try to reset it manually.


That's just a long process. Some people have, you know, multiple phone calls go out in the day, something that we in the industry like to call double tapping your lead or maybe they just write it down on a post-it on their desk and then try to remember to call it later.


And they are they forget there's just too many factors. We try to make this as seamless as possible. And we figured out a way to make it so that this is an automatic, easy way to to improve your call centers, ability to contact people on that first day.


Right. So, I mean, it's it's not only important to people to get back to your clients in a timely fashion because, you know, they're moving on to somebody else. If you're not reaching out to them, a lot of homeowners, you know, do get several bids or want to get several perspectives from different companies.


But it sounds like the general approach of this, which is I think a major problem for a lot of companies, is that once, especially when you get a lot of inbound leads, they go through it once and then there's no way that they're able to do it or they don't know how to program their lists so that


, you know, these new ones get prioritized. And if you don't reach them, you're able to automatically, you know, send them to the right agents over a period of time, a trigged rule, like maybe call them back in two hours or in four hours again.


And with that, sending a text message, an email. And I think from what it sounds like, it's just piling up in a lot of companies are basically having to do a lot of manual work to try to get through that same list that they didn't get, get a hold of.


And those are the newest ones. And every day that just kind of becomes it just compounds every day when you don't when you don't fix the automation. So, you know, what do you think is the you know, what makes it so difficult to do that?


I mean, if it's five perfection, there's a lot of users, 519 perfection. What's making that so difficult where people just kind of live with manually doing it for years?


Well, to get down into it, it's trying to navigate the labyrinth of resources that five nine has available or they say they have available. If you're if you're at all familiar with contacting five main support, it's a it's a it's a long and arduous process.


If you need to book yourself out for the entire morning just to have a conversation with one of the representatives and communicate your problem to somebody that more than likely has not experienced the problem you're experiencing. They've never heard of perfection or maybe a combination of both.


They just don't know how to solve these problems. And in order to explain the problem and then follow up to solve that problem is is you're looking at an entire team's worth of work just to get that one issue out of the way.


And after you've done that, maybe they haven't even solved the problem or they're not familiar enough with your system or the combination of lead perfection. And five nine, that their solution is of two or three more problems.


And that's just I mean, if you want to run an efficient call center while using lead perfection, you just don't have time to experiment or else you're going to run into, like I mentioned, a couple more problems. You know, when I've experienced that before myself and I've talked to owners that have had that experience.


And at the end of the day, you're pulling out your hair, as you can


see, right? Well, let's let's value that pulling at your hair was part of this. May I get your figures right? So I think part of this what's fun about this is really kind of the struggle. It sounds like you've put together this, you know, this really nice story of and a collage of your experiences


where companies have just gotten to a point where, you know, our call center managers are very, very busy. We're busy, we've got a lot of leads. We don't have time, you know, meddling with this thing, breaking things, trying to fix it, spending hours at a time.


But, you know, they kind of live with it because they've never really had a company like us come up and say, we can actually do this for you and you pay us because we already have the experience and the time.


But I think one of the things that also stand out, which is a big issue, is that there really isn't a one. Silver bullet solution that you use for this, because, you know, we'd really seen it where some call centers have, you know, these rules versus another call center that was different set of rules.


Some call centers one. You know, they're they're inbound leads or all these web forms to be called every hour while some call centers. You know, that's that we've seen. That's pretty it's pretty bad, strict, terrible customer experience.


But some call centers are like, well, I want some very complex rule where if I leave them a message and I send them a tax, if they, you know, respond to the text, don't call them. And this is where you come in and you go and say, let me find out what your customer journey looks like and


then let me go ahead and fix this problem to align with your internal process. And I think that's that's really the value of having, you know, a collaboration with somebody like you, or at least know having an ally, you know, to do all that additional work while your business continues to run.


Right. And of course, you know, if something goes wrong, we blame you. So how often, by the way, do you do you encounter these tests or when you start trying to fix things? You know, it doesn't go the right way.


And what do you do when that happens? This is a very in a don't get into it. I mean, when you get into technical stuff, too much of it, you know, you do the testing. It's like, oops, you know, something broke.


Like when do you do them and how do you fix that?


Well, you know, when it comes to testing, one of the features of testing is breaking and also just communicating what you're testing on so that whoever all the players involved can be aware that there may be a break along the way.


And when they do run into the break, you know, they're like, I know I know where the brake came from. It's easily fixed. Usually it only takes a few minutes just to revert back to a previous iteration of be it settings or one way that we had in the past.


Maybe we're calling somebody more than once. That probably shouldn't be called more than once. Just a quick fix to get it back into place. But we keep the communication really tight. So when the breaks do come about, when, you know, everyone's aware and we can clean up the mess, clean up the mess very quickly.


And then, of course, you know, there's an advantage of being in the West Coast, as we were usually three hours before, means a bit of time, you do the testing. Later in the day or in the evening, everybody's asleep, right?


Right. That as well. Also off hours are you know, no one wants to call from seven to eight or eight to nine, but legally, we can so make a few calls after hours. Very possible. I even wake up sometimes super early.


I don't mind making a bit for him to do some calls.


But I just yet when you when you test out some of the systems you work on. Exactly. OK. Well, you know, again, we'll pop in some some sample links to that and as well to show people they like.


You know, look, this is potentially something that could work. But I do want to caution our audience that a lot of these use cases are bespoke for each company, because when you talk about systems, you know, a lot of the times owners, I mean, owners of you even care about, you know, what we what we just discussed


, like the braking system, they just want to know you're fixing it, you fix it. I don't care whether you break it, just make sure you fix it by the time like we're using it. And that is the the really the advantage of having companies do it for your own agency, like us, do it for you as a


policy, tinkering with it and and then breaking it yourself. And then now you're you know, your whole business is kind of you know, it's been disabled right by this particular thing. And of course, there's a lot of time involved.


Right. Trying to solve these particular issues. So, you know, we've run out of time that we talk about, you know, really two very key things will pop in on the links, in the description. You know what we've discussed today?


Really, really thank both of you guys for spending your time and sharing your knowledge here. That's it for us for today. We hope that you've enjoyed our chat and learned a couple of things. And as always, we hear one leg.


You know, we believe poor marketing pollutes the planet. Rain or systems do that also. And that business is full of tired and outdated, indistinct, unremarkable and underperforming, you know, marketing and technology that that sucks. But what's even more is that many companies have forgotten the most important thing of all, and that's the customer.


So we're on a mission on behalf of our clients as customers to change that. To learn more, go to zero marketing waste dot com, where you can subscribe to our blog at this very podcast. And of course, you can find us and follow us by looking for bingo, our flamingo and the one leg handle wherever you socialize


online. Take care. We'll chat with you guys very soon. See you next week.