The Playbook – Everyday skills for every professional

How to make a comeback at work (after a health scare)

Jenn Glynn and Jason Thomson Season 7 Episode 99

Chris Elkerton had a brain aneurysm in the middle of a meeting.

16 months later, he's back at work.

It's an incredible journey from which anyone can learn. How Chris made the Comeback...this week on The Playbook.

Segment 01 - The Challenge
"I am returning to work after a heart incident...what do I need to know?"

On a regular day, in a regular meeting, something very not ordinary happened to Chris Elkerton. Here's how it can help anyone looking to recover and return to work.

Segment 02 - The First Steps
Home and recovering, Chris turns to three approaches to drive recovery.

Segment 03 - The Prep
Chris begins to think about how he'll return to work.

Segment 04 - The Return
The first days and weeks hold promise and surprise for Chris.