The Playbook – Everyday skills for every professional

Gamechangers – Brain Decoder – Julie Gropp

Jenn Glynn and Jason Thomson Season 8 Episode 114

Julie Gropp is my energy doppelgänger, so you know that's going to be trouble.

Be sure to turn your radio down a tick or two to capture all the super insight of someone who knows who to practically de-escalate and break into the brains of those she works with. If you like real world mental health, this is your episode.

Segment 01 - Mental Clutter
Our brains are buzzing cities of information, distraction and attention. Here's how to deal with it all.

Segment 02 - Neruoscience Podcast
Julie found the neuroscience dream pop culture dream team – all hanging out together on one must listen Podcast.

Segment 03 - Owning Smarts
If you're smart, don't hide it. Sound obvious? It's interesting how many of us wallpaper over that stuff.

Segment 04 - The Commitment of Doing Nothing
Sure, we talk about "self care" and relaxation. Then we jump into the social media river and watch our anxiety spike. Here's an actual, honest-to-goodness guide to do less.