The Insiders
Shibolet & Co. is one of Israel’s largest full-service corporate law firms in Israel and is widely regarded as a powerhouse for business-oriented legal service, expertise, and insight, with a prominent High-Tech and Venture Capital practice.In 1973, Shibolet’s original founders recognized a simple truth: a single person, no matter how skilled or professional, can never compare to the extraordinary capabilities of a cohesive team. This essential philosophy has led us to bring together more than 270 full-time law practitioners, each of whom has different specialties and complementary skills. We in Shibolet are passionate about bringing exceptional and thought-provoking knowledge into our network and encourage a professional and valuable dialogue on current industry-related issues. The podcast will be focused on subjects that coincide with the firm’s expertise such as:High-Tech, Life Sciences & Healthcare, Capital Markets and more. You can learn more about Shibolet here:
The Insiders
סדרת אקלים וESG חלק א׳
Shibolet Law Firm
בימים החמים האלה בחרנו להגיש לכם סדרה חדשה על ESG ואקלים. בפרק הראשון עו״ד גלית עופר וד״ר ליעד אורתר מסבירים איך למרות האינפלציה יש צורך בהשקעות אחראיות וארוכות טווח שיצילו אותנו מחום אימים ואת העולם מכיליון.