National Wellbeing Hub's Podcast

Anxiety: Practical Tips To Help You - episode 5

National Wellbeing Hub

Tracey Moggeridge, Mindfulness Practitioner & Coach presents 'What can we do to support ourselves'

- And I'll finish with just a quick overview of some other really much more practical things, but so important activities that you can do to support yourself. It's so obvious, but it's often the thing that is the first to go, and it's creating that wellbeing routine. What can you do to ensure that you get enough sleep? What can you do to make sure that the choices that you're making are actually really supportive? Because often we find that if we're struggling with anxiety, we will reach for the cake, we'll reach for the glass of wine. And then afterwards we might not feel perhaps our best. So, what can you do to make those really positive life choices with the sorts of things that are immune-boosting that actually leave you feeling better? You might want to think about reducing your caffeine and alcohol intake. I know, especially for many of us, that can be the thing that we reach to'cause it feels like a bit of a treat, but actually yourself care about that. Perhaps it's something else, perhaps it's a different choice in that moment. You might wanna get creative. You might want to think about, you know, even if it's just dancing to the radio, first thing in the morning, or writing a journal, getting the paint brushes out. What is it for you that allows you to be pretty creative and express yourself and that brings you a sense of fun? And again, what kind of practises can we have that actually do support relaxation? And it might be that it's a bath, or just reading a chapter in a book. It might be this music or simply slowing down. One other thing that you can do is also think about getting outside and into nature. Research has shown us the importance that landscape itself can have on reducing symptoms of anxiety. It can also really help us to broaden our perspective. Anxiety tends to narrow our focus and dominate our thoughts. So by actually widening your gaze and raising your eyes skyward that not only are you broadening that horizon physically, it would also help to widen the kind of psychological landscape that you have and give you a greater sense of perspective. And then finally talking about it, you may be really surprised by the connections that you make by having the courage to just that knowledge and share how you're feeling. Many people will understand. There are also some references that you can draw upon. There are some charities that you can reach out to as well. So don't feel that you are alone if you are suffering. Accepting that we might need to do something isn't actually a sign of weakness. It takes great strength to admit it, and it can also be a confidence boost for someone else to follow suit. So I hope you found something useful from this session, and thank you ever so much for your time.