Beyond the Brand with Carly

BTB + 005 Content Ideas Workshop

Subscriber Episode

Subscriber-only episode

How do you think up content ideas? Do you copy other content and make it your own, spend far too long thinking up brand new ideas, wing it by posting pretty much anything (whether strategic or not)… orrrr - the biggie - avoid posting content a lot of the time altogether? 

Content can feel like such a headache, and all too often a royal pain in the ass!! It can niggle away at you, knowing you ‘should’ be posting more, when in reality you don’t have the time, energy or headspace to!

Good job I have something to help! 

This month’s podcast workshop could be exactly what you need to a) put the time aside to plan b) help think up ideas and c) it might just give you new offer ideas too!

Give it a go?

You’ll need to upgrade to the premium version of this podcast to access this workshop along with previous workshops too- including the content planning workshop which this episode follows on from.

Once you’ve subscribed, we will email a game changing worksheet which accompanies this workshop too!

About Carly:
Carly is a Personal Brand Strategist, Messaging Mentor, Event Host/ Strategist, and Mum of 3 based in the North West of England, Uk.

Carly believes in working in a soulful, yet intentional, way; inviting you to reflect on and/ or shut out any marketing tactics that aren't for you, to  focus on brand energetics and attracting soul aligned clients instead. It's always handy to have a notebook and pen at the ready in case of any journalling prompts and/ or moments of clarity you might have!

Carly is a huge supporter and advocate of neurodiverse entrepreneurs-  experiencing a late diagnosis of ADHD in 2022 and often talks through how it can effect how you show up and/ or how you can be consistent in your brand in a more aligned way.

Working with Carly 1:1 is by application only, with the next opportunities opening in April 2024. 

If you'd love to find out more then please connect with Carly as follows:

nstagram: soulfulstrategywithcarly

Facebook: Soulful Strategy with Carly



>> Download your free Brand Values guide HERE.

>> Need extra/ hands on support? Subscribe to Beyond The Brand + (Premium content) HERE to access action taking audio workshops to help you implement the very things discussed on this podcast!

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