Beyond the Brand with Carly

Doing More of the Things That Light You Up to Bring Your Energy into Your Brand

What lights you up? Seems like an easy question on the surface, yet if you were to sit and really think about what truly lights you up, it might feel like a trickier question to answer than it initially appears.

What lit us up in the past, might not anymore, whilst other things we loved years ago -  things or places we might have forgotten about and/ or no longer make time for - could be exactly what we need to bring more joy and a sense of self connection back into our lives.

In this episode I talk you through exactly this, breaking it down into two stages:

  1. First of all I invite you to go back in time (only if it feels safe to do so), looking at your personal growth journey and how it can affect your sense of what you enjoy. Here I chat about the notion of ‘losing yourself’ along the way, with examples such as parenthood, life changes and transitions and more.
  2. Once you know where you're up to in your journey - in life, which ultimately leads you to where you might be up to in your business and/ or personal brand - it’s time to flip the switch from your inner to your outer world as I invite you to dig deep and look at what lights you up NOW, and how you can even bring this into your business!

I share my own journey plus recent realisations around what still lights me up all from a day out with my kids, plus plans to bring this in it my own business in the near future.

This is the second in what I am calling the ‘YOU & Your Journey’ mini series of solo episodes which begins from the last solo which is episode 062 ‘8 Ways to Keep the Energy Going When Your Own Energy Feels ‘Off’, all the way to Episode 070 ‘Bringing Your Quirks into Your Business & Brand… And Owning Them!’... before ending this season for the Summer holidays with a solo which brings all of these together with intention as we look at ‘Messaging, Mindset and YOU!’ (with more brilliant guest interviews in between!).

I’d love to know your thoughts on this, and especially if it inspires you to reconnect with what you love and/ or to even bring it into what you do! 

About Carly:
Carly is a Personal Brand Strategist, Messaging Mentor, Event Host/ Strategist, and Mum of 3 based in the North West of England, Uk.

Carly believes in working in a soulful, yet intentional, way; inviting you to reflect on and/ or shut out any marketing tactics that aren't for you, to  focus on brand energetics and attracting soul aligned clients instead. It's always handy to have a notebook and pen at the ready in case of any journalling prompts and/ or moments of clarity you might have!

Carly is a huge supporter and advocate of neurodiverse entrepreneurs-  experiencing a late diagnosis of ADHD in 2022 and often talks through how it can effect how you show up and/ or how you can be consistent in your brand in a more aligned way.

Working with Carly 1:1 is by application only, with the next opportunities opening in April 2024. 

If you'd love to find out more then please connect with Carly as follows:

nstagram: soulfulstrategywithcarly

Facebook: Soulful Strategy with Carly



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