AFSPA Talks Open Season 2024

AFSPA Season 14 Episode 1

Today, Kyle and Maddie discuss the 2024 open season with a particular focus on the improvements under FSBP. In particular, their discussion focuses on: 

  • Increases in the allowance for alternative benefits: massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic services; 
  • Expansion in the coverage of infertility services; and 
  • The new Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) 

Don't miss other upcoming open-season events. Find all of our events at


We couldn't fit all the information into the podcast, so here are some links with more information: 

  • AFSPA/FSBP Open Season information: 
  • FSBP-Express Scripts Prescription Drug Plan (PDP): 
  • Prior approval line for Comprehensive Infertility and ART: 800-593-2354 
  • Fertility Advocate: 833-415-1709 
  • Gender Affirming Surgical prior approval: 800-593-2354