Living in the Sprawl: Southern California's Most Adventurous Podcast


August 18, 2022 Lisa Lowe
Living in the Sprawl: Southern California's Most Adventurous Podcast
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Living in the Sprawl: Southern California's Most Adventurous Podcast
Aug 18, 2022
Lisa Lowe

In this week's episode of Living in the Sprawl: Southern California's Most Adventurous Podcast, host Jon Steinberg shares his list of 10 incredible Southern California surfing destinations to visit while exploring the sprawl. His list includes: Zuma Beach in Malibu, El Porto in Manhattan Beach, Surfrider Beach in Malibu, Sunset Cliffs in Point Loma, Windansea Beach in La Jolla, Cayucos Beach in San Luis Obispo, Rincon Point in Ventura County, Swamis in Encinitas, Trestles in San Clemente and The Wedge in Newport Beach.

Instagram: @livinginthesprawlpodcast

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Show Notes Transcript

In this week's episode of Living in the Sprawl: Southern California's Most Adventurous Podcast, host Jon Steinberg shares his list of 10 incredible Southern California surfing destinations to visit while exploring the sprawl. His list includes: Zuma Beach in Malibu, El Porto in Manhattan Beach, Surfrider Beach in Malibu, Sunset Cliffs in Point Loma, Windansea Beach in La Jolla, Cayucos Beach in San Luis Obispo, Rincon Point in Ventura County, Swamis in Encinitas, Trestles in San Clemente and The Wedge in Newport Beach.

Instagram: @livinginthesprawlpodcast

Check out our favorite CBD gummy helps us get better sleep and stay chill. Use code "SPRAWL" for 20% off.

Check out Goldbelly for all your favorite US foods to satisfy those cravings or bring back some nostalgia. Our favorites include Junior's Chessecakes from New York, Lou Malnati's deep dish pizza from Chicago and a philly cheesesteak from Pat's. Use the link to check out all of the options and let them know we sent you.

Use code "SPRAWL" for (2) free meals and free delivery on your first Everytable subscription.

Support the podcast and future exploration adventures. We are working on unique perks and will give you a shout out on the podcast to thank you for your contribution!
Living in the Sprawl: Southern California's Most Adventurous Podcast is on Podfan

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Hello listeners and fellow explorers. This is living in the sprawls lovely and talented producer slash wife, Lisa Steinberg. I wanted to thank all of you for your continuous support of the show. As a new podcast on the scene, John and I self-support the logistics and research that go into the show. The number one way to support the show is to rate, review and share this podcast with everyone, you know, Many of you have been doing this and it has helped immensely. I also invite you to check out our website and the show notes for other ways to support the show. We are currently working with companies. We currently use ourselves. To get discount codes for our listeners and support the show in the process. These companies include. Every table, just CBD store, gold belly cats, botanicals, and so much more. By using the links on our website, you are letting them know we sent you an intern, supporting the show. You can also support us on Patrion and pod fan. Please check out the For updates on companies we are working with our testimonies links codes and new living in the sprawl merchandise Again thank you to all of you our lovely listeners for tuning in every week and allowing us to do what we love Without further ado you're humble correspondent John steinberg Hello. And welcome to another installment of living in the sprawl. So there California's most adventurous podcast. I am as always your humble correspondent in host. My name is John Steinberg. Joined in tandem. By my lovely and talented producer slash my wife. Her name is Lisa Steinberg. We are the team here at sprawl enterprises. We're ready to bring you a, another exciting foray into the vast expansive terrain. Then we have lovingly dubbed the sprawl. On the show today. We're going to be taking. A trip down the coast. Surveying. Some of the best. That Southern California has to offer when it comes to surfing. No in 1957. The novel Gidget. Was published. Author, Frederick Kohner. I had based. What would become his landmark? Story. After his 16 year old daughter, Kathy. Gidget. Would go on. To feature. In three. big time. Hollywood movies. And if we were to trace. The story. Of Southern California in surfing. The release. Of the film gives it based upon the novel would be a good place to start. After 1957. Gidget found favor with audiences across the country. And the trilogy. Which centered around the exploits of no at all. Beach bound. California girl, Gidget wood. Inspire. Uh, nation. The Gidget movies, the first of which starred Sandra Dee. We're transmitted all across the country and around the globe, it projected an image of sunny Southern California. Everything seemed to sparkle. From the crashing waves. Hitting. Enormous rock formations to. The impossibly. Good looking. Natives who frolicked on the nearby sand. After Gidget. Beach blanket. Bingo. And. A hundred other similar entries. But then we got a little bit more serious. The endless summer came along. Profiling. A couple of surfers. Whose aim it was. To travel. Two countries where surfing was in season. So that they could enjoy. What seemed to them? To be an endless summer. Surfing in Southern California. Or kind of inseparable. Even though. Broadly speaking. The majority of Southern California. Just from a sheer size of the area. Perspective much of the actual. Land is located inland. But rather than broadcast an image. Of an endless desert to the world. Movie makers, pop culture. Uh, fishing autos and those that would shape the cultural taste, broadcast the quintessential. Image of the California. Surfing life. Today. The surfing scene is as vibrant. As it ever was. With tremendous spots. Littered. All the way down the California coastline. Today, we're going to focus on 10 spots. Our favorite. 10 locations. To check out. If you're in the mood for some surfing. In Southern California. Let's begin. Number 10. Zuma beach in Malibu. One of the more famous entries on this list. Zuma beach. Has invited guests. From every corner of the world. With it's picturesque. Landscape. And ample. Room for those interested in swimming. But the surfing. At Zuma beach. Is some of the best that you'll find anywhere in Los Angeles county. Malibu. All along. With overseas counterparts in places like Australia. Tahiti. New Zealand, Fiji. Is in arguably. World famous. A great place for both. Beginners in those with some experience on their side, Zuma beach is sure to delight anyone that approaches the water board in hand. Number nine L. Porto. In Manhattan beach. Striding. The boundary between. Manhattan beach. And it's. Neighbors to the north. El portal. Is a special place. Nestled. Among a bevy of other special places. Practically anywhere you decide. To surf. In the beach cities, these being Redondo, Hermosa, and Manhattan. Is. Going to be. And enviable experience. But for the best. This. Area has to offer, check out El Porto. Surfing competitions have been held here in the past. It's a very popular place for locals and visitors alike. And if you've never. Spent a summer Saturday. In Manhattan beach. You. Haven't truly lived. The surfing year. Is spectacular. Rivaling, anything that you find. In Australia. For a wonderful time. Surfing the waters within the sprawl. Head. To El Porto. In Manhattan beach. Number eight surf rider beach. Again, we had back to Malibu. Not everyone calls it. Surf rider, actually its official name is Malibu state lagoon. But you can probably imagine why folks thought it prudent to change. The moniker here. You can do your best. Johnny Utah impression. Scouting out. The awesome swells. This unique beach, often hasn't store. Like El Porto. Uh, Surfrider. His home. To a number of competitions. That occur throughout the year. Also a marathon. Who's course. Is located in the area. This one is probably not for beginners. So before. You take on Surfrider. Make sure you feel comfortable in your own skillset. Well, when people talk about. The beaches of Los Angeles. I think this is what they mean. You could practically see the young Gidget, a big kahuna ask. Figure. Delighted young people. Playing volleyball. Or working on their tans. Surf writer. The Pitta Mises. The idea of the Southern California. A surfer. If you only have an opportunity to visit one spot. In the Los Angeles area. This is where you should go. Surfrider beach in Malibu. Number 17 sunset cliffs. This is in point Loma in the San Diego area. Now to be completely transparent. I reached out to. My cousin. Who has lived in the San Diego area for going on 20 years now. Every opportunity. And then it gets. He cruises to one of these surfing spots and. Makes it go for it. So I feel comfortable in his recommendation as should you now I have visited. The area in question. In arguably gorgeous. Of course. Located. Close to ocean beach. This is actually a relatively centralized spot. That many. Surfers in the San Diego community. Absolutely swear by. I've been told the waves here. Are not crazy. So this is one. That. Anybody. On the surfing spectrum. Can interact with. Sunset cliffs. A beautiful. Seaside paradise in San Diego. Number six, staying in San Diego. Moving down the coast, a little bit to wind and sea beach. I said it a little bit slower than it's actually spelled. There are no spaces in between. The three words here, just wind and sea. This one's located. In the ritzy LA Hoya. Portion of the city. And plays host to tens of thousands of visitors every single year. There's. What's known as the wind and sea shack. Located on the beach. Which is something of a local landmark. As of this recording. They're on. At least their third. Incarnation of the shack. As the. First two. We're unable to survive. The elements. And it's from the wind and sea. The shack that you'll often see. Folks doing their best. Rob Machado impressions. Surfing. The waves. Outside in the Pacific. Within C. Is distinctly San Diego. Distinctly Southern California. A lovely intrude point for those looking. To Mount a challenge. To people like layered Hamilton. In their quest. To be the best or surfer on the planet. Wind in, see. Sounds like an. On. Finished. Nautical themed property on the Las Vegas strip. But it's not. It exists. And you don't have to go to the Mojave desert to see it. Describe your long board. And head directly to LA Hoya. To survey the scene at wind and sea beach. Number five. Let's go north. All the way up. To San Luis Obispo county. Where we stop. With our boards at state beach. This is in between Morro bay and San Luis Obispo. And a. Dynamic. Surfing spot. Very close to the Northern boundary of the sprawl. Best caters. To beginning servers. So if you are. Inclined to teach. Your own. Gidget. How to surf. This would be an excellent place to do that. If you want to take the whole family. A great afternoon would include a visit to the nearby. Morro bay rock. It's really something else it's been covered on a prior episode of the podcast. Before embarking. Upon a day at the beach. Surfing. The manageable waves at Lucas. For those. Closer to the central coast, those on the road or those that wish to begin. There dalliance. With surfing. In a great environment. UCASS should be the move. Number four. Rincon point or just rink on. This is. Well, there's some debate as to actually where this. Technically happens to be located. Some would argue. Santa Barbara county, others Ventura. Wherever you stand on the issue, know that it's basically on the border between those two counties. This is another one of those world famous spots. That professional surfers and amateurs alike have enjoyed for decades. A must. For anybody with a subscription to. Surfing magazine. Rincon. Is pound for pound. The best place. To serve anywhere. In either Ventura. Or Santa Barbara counties. The waves. Are impressive, but not intimidating. And if. You aren't entirely interested. In a day spent surfing. There are a bunch of other activities that you can engage with. Representing Ventura and Santa Barbara county. It's Rincon or Rincon point. Number two Trestles. Located. In both San Clemente and Santa, no free. Orange county. And San Diego county. Here. We have. A variety of options for. All skill levels. We've got upper Trestles, lower Trestles and surprise. Surprise, middle Trestles. These are positioned. Across. This particular section. Of coastline. With oper Trestles being. Maybe the more famous. Of the three, but also the most difficult. No joke. Oper Trestles should only be approached by. Those on at least the intermediate skill. Level. An immensely popular. Uh, spot Trestles. Has fought off attempts from developers. To basically run a freeway or a toll road, portion of a freeway. That would kind of screw up the beach situation here. Thankfully. All of Trestles remains. Open. And accessible to the public. And for those interested in such things. The portion of Trestles. In the city of San Clemente. Is located right next. To the Western white house. That's right. When. Former us president Dick Nixon. Resigned the office. He set up shop. At LA Casa Pacifica. In San Clemente right next to Trestles. I would be extremely surprised if Richard Nixon ever served, but. I have not done the leg work on that particular question. To see if I'm right or not. But for those uninterested in any event, The rest of Trestles is. Absolutely gorgeous. A wonderful place for surfers. And that's why it's here at number two on our list of the best surfing spots in the southern california sprawl And that means we've arrived at our number one spot. We go to Newport beach. My hometown, although. No favoritism here. The wedge this internationally. Reputable spot. Is known across the globe for being. The site. Of massive waves. This is not, I repeat not a spot for beginners. We're talking waves 30 feet high. I was always warned about the wedge growing up in Newport. And I tried to do some light body surfing one time. It did not go great. The wedge. Is located to the side of the Newport Jedi. And as I said, Is the kind of spot. That those interested in surfing? No everywhere in the world. As dangerous as it isn't throttling. The wedge. Demonstrates. That you don't have to go all the way to Hawaii to get your surf on. If you've practiced enough. You're talented enough. You're good enough. And you would like to conquer the most challenging surf spot anywhere in Southern California. I dare say. You best be headed to the wedge? And that's going to do it for a, another episode of the podcast. We would like to thank everyone for their continued support. Couple of easy ways to demonstrate such support, hop on apple, iTunes, leave us a five star rating and a kind review. That type of stuff really helps us out on the business end. Follow us. On Instagram, the handle is living in the sprawl podcast. If you'd like to correspond with the team here, we invite you to write us a thoughtfully composed email and send it to living in the sprawl We'd like to remind you about our phenomenal bonus content that is only available to Patrion or apple subscription. Subscribers. It's here. That you'll gain access to. Bonus episodes covering the best burgers in the sprawl best ice cream. Fish markets, pancakes, barbecue, and much, much more. Also on the website, that's where you'll find our fantastic array of merchandise. Everything from mugs. Pens magnets, if you can think of it. And it's living in the sprawl related, our website is the place to get your hands on that merchandise. Also the website is where you'll find are extremely helpful living in the sprawl, a guide. You don't want to have to go back. Diving through the archives. Scouring an episode for that one specific recommendation. You might've heard, I don't know, like a year ago, don't do that. Get your hands on a copy of the living and the sprawl guide in stead. On behalf of myself. I am as always your humble correspondent and host. My name is John Steinberg. The other member of the team here is my lovely and talented producer slash wife. Her name is Lisa Steinberg. We are the team at sprawl enterprises. Wanting to think all of you for listening to yet another episode. Of living in the sprawl, Southern California's most adventurous podcast. We'll talk again soon.