The Wellbeing Room

Accessing the Wisdom of the Heart with Gregory Vahanian, Transformational Life Coach

Leah Cooper / Gregory Vahanian Season 2 Episode 16

In this episode I interview Gregory Vahanian. 

As a Transformational Life Coach, Gregory helps individuals, couples and groups enjoy a more healing and empowering orientation to life. He often supports folks in transcending inner obstacles and bringing heartfelt projects into successful manifestation. Gregory's been happily married for over 20-years and his family and coaching practice are the primary focus of his life.

Listen in as Gregory shares:

  • the journey that led to him writing his newly released book, Accessing the Wisdom of the Heart.
  • how his wife introduced him to the practices of spiritual psychology and the practice of self forgiveness. 
  • what it means to be a divine spiritual being having a human experience for the purpose of awakening to our essential beloved nature.
  • how the ego and the mind can block the connection to our inner knowing (Authentic Self) and how we can shift towards a more spirit led life.
  • his understanding of the Hawaiian healing practice of Ho’oponopono as a way of bringing about self forgiveness and dissolving againstness. 
  • how reframing our feelings when we get upset or triggered can be used as an experience for healing, growth and awakening.
  • the acknowledgement that it takes courage for us to move through an awakening process.

Gregory's book Accessing the Wisdom of the Heart is available on Amazon:

Learn more about the work Gregory does and how to work with him here:

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