Social English ソーシャル英語

266.英語学習コンテンツ制作者への反応 English Teacher Reacts to StudyIn 英会話: 1- Thank You Alternatives

July 22, 2024 Percy Woods III Episode 266
266.英語学習コンテンツ制作者への反応 English Teacher Reacts to StudyIn 英会話: 1- Thank You Alternatives
Social English ソーシャル英語
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Social English ソーシャル英語
266.英語学習コンテンツ制作者への反応 English Teacher Reacts to StudyIn 英会話: 1- Thank You Alternatives
Jul 22, 2024 Episode 266
Percy Woods III

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#266- English Teacher Reacts to StudyIn 英会話 1

今日は 「Thank you 」に代わる表現を見てみましょう。
A real English teacher will view and comment on a popular video from StudyIn English Conversation(StudyIn 英会話 ). 
Today we look at alternatives to "Thank you".
Link to the full video:{}

 #conversationalenglish #英会話

#speakenglish #英語スラング

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#030- Topics NOT To Talk About

Do you know how to tell someone about going to the clinic in English? Do you want to talk about how you feel sick after a vaccination? Listen to how I help a Japanese person with their English today.

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ポッドキャスト「日本人学習者のためのソーシャルイングリッシュ」ポッドキャストを購読することを検討してください。このポッドキャストでは、ほぼ毎日、新鮮な新しいコンテンツを聞くことができます。Consider subscribing to our podcast, the "Social English for Japanese Learners" podcast, where you can listen to fresh new content almost daily.

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社会的状況があなたが使用する英語の種類をどのように変えるかを学び、英語を勉強している日本人から英語をどのように修正するかを見てください。Learn how social situations change the type of English that you use, see how we correct English from Japanese people studying English. 

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We will show you thanks by me personally thanking you on a future episode! 

You will also get new content only available there!

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#266- English Teacher Reacts to StudyIn 英会話 1

今日は 「Thank you 」に代わる表現を見てみましょう。
A real English teacher will view and comment on a popular video from StudyIn English Conversation(StudyIn 英会話 ). 
Today we look at alternatives to "Thank you".
Link to the full video:{}

 #conversationalenglish #英会話

#speakenglish #英語スラング

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#030- Topics NOT To Talk About

Do you know how to tell someone about going to the clinic in English? Do you want to talk about how you feel sick after a vaccination? Listen to how I help a Japanese person with their English today.

Peace and love! Thanks for listening,


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ポッドキャスト「日本人学習者のためのソーシャルイングリッシュ」ポッドキャストを購読することを検討してください。このポッドキャストでは、ほぼ毎日、新鮮な新しいコンテンツを聞くことができます。Consider subscribing to our podcast, the "Social English for Japanese Learners" podcast, where you can listen to fresh new content almost daily.

Learn how to fix your problems with English. 

社会的状況があなたが使用する英語の種類をどのように変えるかを学び、英語を勉強している日本人から英語をどのように修正するかを見てください。Learn how social situations change the type of English that you use, see how we correct English from Japanese people studying English. 

Free English guide.



Come visit our website where you can get my free download.

“The 7 mistakes most Japanese learners of English make, and how to fix them”. 

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We will show you thanks by me personally thanking you on a future episode! 

You will also get new content only available there!

ソーシャルメディアでポッドキャストを友達と共有し、ツイッター、フェイスブック、インスタグラムでフォローしてください!Share our podcast on your social media with your friends, and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!

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Percy L Woods III  0:00  
You are now listening to the social English podcast. This is a reacting to English content episode.

Hikari  0:14  
Mina San konnichiwa manatee Scorsese's Sakhalin it's time to go no do that. So Saturday English reporter castaway. Yo, yo, what's uh he most positioning about that a guy West me myself?

Unknown Speaker  0:27  
Are you ready Parsi? Let's go

Percy L Woods III  0:34  
Hey Kati, thanks for that. Introduction Mina San Mina San konnichiwa konbanwa. It is Percy, your host for the social English podcast. And today we're going to do a another English content reaction by an English teacher, which is me personally so we're going to get into the study in English or study in a Kiowa it is a Japanese YouTube channel and podcast so we're going to go over one of their most ranked videos and just check it out and see what I think about it it's again it's not to say anything negative to about it, it's just to check it out and see how it is what we'll get at it soon right after this

Toshi  1:26  
kill no social English you know, episode or too cute matawa joke you know, scheduled every day go then to status to veto tysoe to status. So see you soon look at our Yukito episode, okay

Percy L Woods III  1:37  
to criticize Canberra. Hi, it's Percy here, once again, your host for the social English podcast. And today, we're going to do another episode of English teacher reacts to English content. Today, we're going to be doing English content on YouTube. And we are going to look at study in a Kiowa, which is study in English conversation. Today, they're going to talk about five uses of the word thanks. So I'm going to look at it give my opinion, and a couple of little extra hints to actually help you more learn English. Okay, so we're gonna do some stuff. It's gonna be cool, it's gonna be fun. And I just want you to check it out and enjoy yourself. Now first, what I want to say is, this is just my view. And my additional thoughts. Study in English is a good channel, great podcast, it's this is not to do anything negative, it's just to add more things and to add my personal insight as an American, and an English teacher that teaches English to English as a second language or English learners here in Japan. So without any further ado, let's get right into the video and get started.

Speaker 4  3:19  
With them, and you got to commit to you to keep I think you might get scattered occasionally. Or you got to get in the hallway to manage Kanaka Thank you. So would your new dental who call you again? Scott was not a wholeness. That's all I gotta think you know, because also, you're gonna stay cute, you know, humbug gray.

Unknown Speaker  3:41  
Kimata got stopped

Unknown Speaker  3:44  
by Newton, it

Unknown Speaker  3:46  
usually takes a sneaky way to get started as

Unknown Speaker  3:51  
to the conqueror. Pick up.

Percy L Woods III  3:54  
Okay. Okay, so, first, we're getting started here. And it's just an introduction to thank you usage and one of the new one of the usage they're going to talk about first is the use of thanks.

StudyIn  4:10  
Hi, thanks for thanks.

Speaker 1  4:17  
Yeah, so like they're going to start talking about thanks, which is a shortened version of Thank you. I used in English, and it's very common, and casual, it's a casual way of saying thank you. Please understand the difference between formal and casual. So in the social English podcast, I teach you, casual, native, everyday social English for social situations. So you will hear thinks more than thank you in these situations. Okay. So let's get back to The video

Speaker 4  5:05  
thank you for the call today. I can assure you the listener Thank you. Oh, thanks.

Unknown Speaker  5:13  
Not only cuz Jared is casual. Joe,

Unknown Speaker  5:16  
thank you Yuri more the same thing because no

Unknown Speaker  5:21  
one is going back.

Speaker 4  5:25  
Home whether you come and go, let's go it solando thinks that you could.

Percy L Woods III  5:29  
Okay, so let me go back for a second. So. So, yeah, so one little thing I want to say is, thanks is social English. So any type of situation? Situation, not just your friends? Thanks or your family? Thanks. No, no, no. Even if you're in college, and your teacher hands you a paper, you can say thanks. It's casual. It's a really casual. It's normal. If you are at a Starbucks and order a cappuccino, and the barista gives you the cappuccino. You can say thanks. So it's not just our family and friends. Thanks is very universal. Okay, shopping a grocery store. They give you your food. Use. Thanks. Let's get back. Together.

Unknown Speaker  6:37  
Thanks, Nova go natural, natural yoga yoga.

StudyIn  6:43  
Kanuma. Thank you. Thanks. Thank you. Thinks as the guy

Unknown Speaker  6:59  
you got to keep me

Unknown Speaker  7:02  
up. Yeah. What does that though?

Percy L Woods III  7:07  
Yes. So once again, thanks is a very casual way of saying something it is very universal, you only need to learn one word. One word, this one word thanks in English, and it will help you out a lot. But I want to say I want to tell you a story. In different English speaking countries, where thanks is used in the conversation is different. For example. In my country in America, if you go to imagine, you go to McDonald's and order a hamburger. You order the hamburger. And the person says, Here is your food. And you say thanks. Now, in Australia, this is from my experience. It's a little bit different. You order your food, and they say it's $5.20. Thanks. So in America, this is a culture thing an English speaking cultures in America. And in England, or UK or Australia. They're a bit different. You see many videos on Tiktok and YouTube that talk about differences. One difference with thanks is it's used before in certain situations in Australia, like ordering or food. It the price is something something dollars. Thanks. Where is a two? Thank you for buying the thing I guess. But in America. Thanks, is after you give them the money. So they would say it's five. In America, they would say it's $5.20. You'd give your money, get your money. Give it to them, and then they will say thanks. That's the difference. Okay, so let's move on

StudyIn  9:32  
Google cutter, man, I've got your queries. Thank you, Mike.

Unknown Speaker  9:40  
Do you need help with that? That you think that?

StudyIn  9:43  
That's yeah, that's okay. Well, Ken is helping me why Thanks anyway, do we mean

Unknown Speaker  9:50  
I'm looking up? It's up to Canada. Okay. Okay.

Percy L Woods III  10:00  
Okay, so this I want to talk about this use of thanks. Anyway.

Unknown Speaker  10:05  
Thanks. Anyway, is that is

Percy L Woods III  10:10  
correct to say thanks anyway. It's, I think, though, is an American and American English. It is not used a lot. It's a very low usage a you would see in her example. Oh, so Ken is helping me. Thanks anyway anyway. It would just be something like, Oh, can I help you with this? And you would just say no, thanks. No, thanks. That is 99% what you would use it's more, it's more social English. It's normal native English. Okay. So thanks anyway, is it's correct and it is used, but it's very low. So don't learn thanks. Anyway. Just learn learn. No thanks. Or no, thank you. Okay, better is no thanks. Okay. No, thanks. Okay, that one word, or those two words? Use No thanks, is a lot more. It's used more in English, especially in America. So I would not focus too much on Thanks, anyway. But it's good to learn.

StudyIn  11:33  
McCain Psaki, that's good to know, Oh, wow.

Unknown Speaker  11:38  
Those things anyway. Not a whole the whole

StudyIn  11:46  
thank you for nine any ing cup. Oh, hi. Hi. Hi. Thank you for the Washington I energy sink. Okay. Because the foreign attorney may have to go to college is not a hold on their quota on a balloon photo, sir.

Percy L Woods III  12:03  
So now they are talking about thanks for what plus ing? This is very good. Please listen to this one. This is a very good usage of ing with a thank you. Thank you for making my lunch. Thank you for bringing me this. Thanks for everything. So thank you for plus. ing is good. Thanks for Thanks. And you can use thanks as well. Thanks for playing basketball with me. Thanks for cooking dinner tonight. Many usages very good English. combination for these to learn. Put that in your mind and use it.

StudyIn  13:01  
Thank you for that. Nice sticker, Daria. 20. Yes, thank you for helping me and helping me measure. Thank you for your gift for your gift. Thanks for your help. Your help. So who needs God? Yes. Most of the stenick at all? What are you do you think you need this sign on it.

Percy L Woods III  13:23  
As you can see, they are going to go into some more examples of thank you for Inc. Thank you for studying. Thank you for this. Thank you for dinner. You can even take the ing out again. And you could say thanks for dinner. Thanks for cooking. Thanks for the present if you get a birthday present, or maybe a gift, you can just say thanks for the gift. Thanks for the card. Very universal, good phrase to learn and understand and use so yeah. Very good options today. And ways to to utilize that. So I'm gonna stop. I think actually, no, let me go back in here again. Let's play a little bit more.

StudyIn  14:21  
Let's go to Nikki though. Thank you. You're the more casual solo. They're pretty good. I think any nanny cashed in that ACARA key the whole more chance to call is specific and equally cautious the greater nautical startup DECA solando concert Daganzo solo show photo. Taken you must Alright, thank you for passing my love letter to Ken, Ken baby.

Unknown Speaker  14:48  
Cow Kenyatta Secretariat data.

Speaker 3  14:51  
Almost all can eat data data that it's supposed to not give you the heat

Percy L Woods III  15:01  
Yeah, so that was the the last example of thank you for passing my love letter to kin. So, yeah, the same type of thing. And she explains it very well. And those were really good examples of using other ways, alternatives of thank you in a Kiowa or English conversation, I am going to stop there because the last two I don't I think aren't used much, you can go to their video, I'll leave a link down below. So you can click on the full video, if you want to watch the entire video when they talk about their five uses of grateful or of thanks, or alternatives to take you. So let's go through those once more. Really quickly. So we have thanks. This is a shortened version. I think this is the best option for you to learn. Learn how to use Thanks. The next option is utilizing

Unknown Speaker  16:10  
Thanks anyway.

Percy L Woods III  16:13  
For example, if you don't need something, would you like to have a cookie? Here's a free cookie. Thanks. Anyway. I have got this from so and so. So I ate too many cookies already. Thanks anyway. Okay, so thanks anyway comes at the end. Would you like this? To buy this red shirt? I bought a green shirt yesterday. Thanks. Anyway. So, again, to be honest, in social English, you will not use this thanks anyway. But it's good to learn what it means. You may hear it one time out of 100 The best way is to use no thanks. Would you like to would you like this cookie? Would you like a cookie? A free cookie? No, thanks. You can even say I ate a lot today already. No, thanks. Another way to use no thanks again. Would you like to buy this red shirt? I bought a green shirt yesterday. No thanks. Okay, but honestly, it's also English native, we're going to just say no thanks. Would you like cookie? No, thanks. Would you like to buy this green shirt? No thanks. And it's not really it's not bad manners, or being cold or mean. It's just the flow of natural native English conversation. So I hope that this was helpful for you. If you liked this video, please leave a comment down there below and I will get back to making some more English teacher reacts to YouTube and English content. English Creator content this is Percy from the social English podcast. You could go ahead and find us on all your social media and find us all all your podcast platforms, including YouTube podcasts, and you can listen to us learn more social English every single day. And if you want to contact me you could go ahead and contact me on social English for Japanese. Anyway, that's all for now. Peace and Love ya

Hikari  18:37  
because I messed up the he but that's that's no way besides reality social English. Or hormones that you hungry actor could that's their whole penny they take it aside Metallurgica you ICMS bye bye. See you next time. Bye bye

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