Bare Knuckle Recovery

Underage & Under the Influence: Mike's Story of Early Exposure to Substance Use, Addiction, and a Journey to Recovery

Nate and Tommy Season 1 Episode 20

Mike Sedjo, one of the Bare Knuckle Recovery team members, sits down with Nate & Tommy to share his story of addiction and recovery.

Mike, like a lot of families who are affected by addiction, thought that hard drugs and serious drug addiction was just something that you hear about in other areas of the country. "Certainly this doesn't happen in my small town or in my family..."

The truth is, addiction doesn't care about where you live, what you do for a living, how much money you make, or anything else. 

Hear Mike's story about being exposed to substance use at a very young age, how this lead to his own addiction, and ultimately how he overcame this addiction to live a full life in recovery, now working to help others who have gone down a similar path.