Powered On

Has the UK Government botched its energy strategy?

Electrical Review Season 2 Episode 5

Happy Earth Day! Today is a day that we should be celebrating the planet that we live on, and looking to ensure that it has a future for years to come. In fact, you’ll likely see celebrations from Governments around the world as they proclaim their commitment to saving our planet from the disasters that await us if we don’t act on climate change.

The UK Government is likely to be amongst the most vocal. Boris Johnson made a big deal of his Government’s commitment to fighting climate change, and heralded the UK’s leadership at COP26 as a turning point for this planet.

However, is the Government of Boris Johnson actually leading when it comes to climate change? Well, if you were to take a look at the recent energy strategy released under his premiership, you may be having some serious doubts.

In the latest episode of Powered On, join Jordan O’Brien and Kayleigh Hutchins as they cut through the noise surrounding the energy strategy and work out whether it will actually help the UK out of the ongoing energy crisis.

You find Powered On on all popular podcast streaming services, such as Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music and much more. As always, feel free to get involved with the show by emailing us at hello@electricalreview.co.uk. We'll be back with another episode in two weeks.