Parachuted Roots  Podcast Artwork Image

Parachuted Roots

Jenna Boozer

Hi! We are Jenna and Sarah, your hosts of Parachuted Roots. We wanted to give a little background on the podcast and our mission statement! So many people are afraid of being their true selves! This can be for so many reasons; fear, ridicule, not being “enough,” and the list goes on. We strive to connect to people in a way that they feel comfortable about discussing their challenges and fears, in order to grow and become the kind of person they want to be, to live authentically and vulnerable ! We think that the more authentic you are with people, the more authentic they are going to be with everyone else around them. We want others to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, and give them the room for that.So, like the parachutes that are inside of the dandelion, which allow the seeds to be spread far away, yet land softly and grow in any environment and are instrumental to helping the flower grow, we hope our words will fall softly on your ears and hearts and that we all can grow together through this!