Sustainable Packaging

L'Oreal Glass expert / Olivier Delataulade

May 05, 2023 Cory Connors Season 3 Episode 199
L'Oreal Glass expert / Olivier Delataulade
Sustainable Packaging
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Sustainable Packaging
L'Oreal Glass expert / Olivier Delataulade
May 05, 2023 Season 3 Episode 199
Cory Connors

An amazing interview at with Olivier de lataulade from L'Oreal 

Join us as we discuss glass packaging and how to improve it's sustainability 

What if we could remove 70% of the weight of glass packaging? 
What if glass packaging could be reusable? 
How is L'Oreal affecting positive change in their sustainability? 

Check out our sponsor Orora Packaging Solutions

I'm here to help you make your packaging more sustainable! Reach out today and I'll get back to you asap.

This podcast is an independent production and the podcast production is an original work of the author. All rights of ownership and reproduction are retained—copyright 2022.

Show Notes Transcript

An amazing interview at with Olivier de lataulade from L'Oreal 

Join us as we discuss glass packaging and how to improve it's sustainability 

What if we could remove 70% of the weight of glass packaging? 
What if glass packaging could be reusable? 
How is L'Oreal affecting positive change in their sustainability? 

Check out our sponsor Orora Packaging Solutions

I'm here to help you make your packaging more sustainable! Reach out today and I'll get back to you asap.

This podcast is an independent production and the podcast production is an original work of the author. All rights of ownership and reproduction are retained—copyright 2022.

Cory Connors:

Welcome to Sustainable Packaging with Cory Connors. Today's guest is Mr. Olivia dto. I'm sorry if I pronounce that incorrectly, but please tell us your, your name, what you do, how

Olivier Delataulade:

you do it. So good morning. I'm Olivia. Yes I am obviously I said that wrong. Yes.. I am on one hand master expert for color and finishing. For L'Oreal worldwide. And on the other hand, I'm a glass master expert for loyal. And so working on, on the, on the VIPing, plenty of things to do and for sure sustainability is a, is a part of our concern.

Cory Connors:

Yeah. Excellent. We're, we're live from Paris Packaging Week, and the, the team at Easy Fairs has given us this really great room to do this interview in. I'm thrilled to get to interview you. L'Oreal is a international famous brand, and you've always been a leader in sustainability. And so it's an honor to, to interview you. Can you tell us a little bit about what L'Oreal has been working on? Maybe something you're excited about for the future of sustainable packaging?

Olivier Delataulade:

So, what I can say is, But generally speaking L'Oreal has some big commitments in, in sustainability. One of them is to have recyclable packaging, right objective, we are in the free R policy of loyal. And among this, and according to my expertise I'm so working on, on some small topics or top topics of of uh, all these objectives. One is about considering decoration. Yes. We made last year a complete lifecycle analysis of the impact of all the decoration we can use on, on the packaging. Wow. Including printing. Great. hot stamping metalization, so all about finishing, so printing and finishing mm-hmm.. So we are now able to know the impact of each technology. Wow. And then select the one we want. And we to go far on, in, in, in this. We have identified that if we are considering lacquering or metalization, yes, we can reduce the impact of this techno if we are using low voc laquers . Yeah. So right now and since probably beginning of middle of this year, we will try to to go in this direction. So promoting and using or convincing sometimes or using the supplier, which, which are already used, this type of technology, right? But the idea is to have more and more Laker packaging or metalize packaging using low valve selects. Good to reduce by to. In some cases we impact. Wow. That's of this type of decoration,

Cory Connors:

really. Yeah. That's very impressive. Yeah. And for the audience, VO C is,

Olivier Delataulade:

A volatile, organic component, right? So it's about avoiding solvent. In lacquer yep. And it could be isolate content, lacquers or water based like lacquers both are, are good for us. Interesting and better for local certain things. For sure.

Cory Connors:

Very excellent. I, that's the first I've heard about VOCs. Yeah. In, on the show. But it's such an important part of what we're doing to, to relate it to something that the audience might understand it, the new car. That's, that's a VOCs and a lot of people like it but it's not the healthiest for us. Yes. So it's important to remember that that's an issue that we need to focus on for sustainability. Yeah. Excellent. So you mentioned reusable packaging. Yes. And that's a panel I'll be speaking on tomorrow. Is glass reusable, recyclable, do you have at L'Oreal some reusable schemes that are in, in the works?

Olivier Delataulade:

Yeah, we already have on the market some, some rechargeable product. Good. The first axis is about rechargeability. Mm-hmm.. So we already have some, some pack on the, on the market. We are working on different new launches on great for different brands, huh? For sure. The other topic we are working on for, for glass is about lightweighting. Yeah. But ultra lightweighting.

Cory Connors:

Ultra lightweighting.

Olivier Delataulade:

Yeah. Ultra lightweighting. Yeah. Good. So we know that. Things are possible. Saving 10, 20%. Yep. Quite possible, sometimes even a little bit more by using the current technology we have or current process we have. Mm-hmm.. Mm-hmm.. What we are trying to do in in the team where I am, so packaging science center is to work on ultra light. Meaning that trying to have less than 50 or 70. Even 70% of, of the weight . . Wow. And it means that, yeah, it means that we have to, to probably. Change the, the process we use today. Yeah. And think about how to improve, but how to change and to have inspiring process coming from other industry, for example. Right.

Cory Connors:

That's a incredible. Yeah. Number 50 to 70% reduction in, in weight is unheard of and well, Kudos to you. Huh? Where is your laboratory based?

Olivier Delataulade:

In fact we have a , laboratory based in the, in the northeast Paris. Okay. Close to . And we also have plenty of laboratories that can say LA using our partner, you know, Uhhuh because we are watching the glass maker. Yep. As a supplier, our glass maker. So We also have quite quite a new and extended ecosystem, you know? Yes. So it's, it's not about our current glass maker. Right. It's also about the supplier of our, our glass maker university We're working with really university and Oh, good researcher. Such as for ex working on glass composition. Right. You know? Yeah. Because we know that we have to be recyclable. Yeah, for sure. But what could be all the glass composition composition, which are recyclable, but allowing us to have maybe lighter glass. It's not really , but resistant, more resistant glass. Okay. Because if we are talking about ultra light, yes. We have a risk about fragility. Right? So we have to become resistant. You

Cory Connors:

can't go too far. Right? Yeah. Yeah.

Olivier Delataulade:

So maybe by working on the composition we can have always a recyclable glass. Glass. Yeah. But it's a little bit more resistant, you know, on the, on. Tableware Class four tableware. Yes. They made some, some, some. Right on that. Mm-hmm. We have decided at L'Oreal to, to launch. Study with researcher and university to work on that. So one year study post-doctoral, so I don't know in English, so post in French, post-doctoral. Very exciting. So we have decided to launch that this year. Mm-hmm.. Then as I mentioned, the process, we are working on the, on the. The new processes design also because we used to design a glass packaging like we used to do ever. Okay. Right. But probably we have , to reinvent the zoom the way we design. It could be technically, but it could be aesthetically. So meaning that's the shape of Or 50 ml jar is not the same today, you know? Right, right. Meaning heavy glass for sure. Screw neck and so on. So we have to reinvent that. Right. And the last topic, also, last pillar to try to achieve this ultra light waiting challenge is to use first treatment. You know? Yes. It exists on the, on the phone industry. It exists on automotive. So adding quench chemical quenching. So maybe we can reinforce a glass like that. Oh wow. Like that. So adding and that's

Cory Connors:

incredible. And I really liked the. What you said about working with your partners and working with glass manufacturers and working with university and this, this idea that we're going to do it ourselves is, is not possible. We must work together as a society and as a, as a world of packaging. Yeah. To solve these issues and to either have reusable or lightweighting recyclable. Packaging. So that's exciting to hear that you're working that way.

Olivier Delataulade:

Yeah. Yeah. We, we are thinking that to have the right extended ecosystem is a good way to, to the right way to, to, to work. Yeah. Yes, because to succeed we have to have the, the right knowledge around the table, you know? Right.

Cory Connors:

Yeah. Well said. Is there anything that you wanted to talk about that we didn't cover yet?

Olivier Delataulade:

It. Two main topic I am working on according to sustainability and the current and color and finishing and sustainability and, and, and gas. Yeah. So probably plenty of new topics will come in the, so much. And I have some colleagues working other topic for sustainability. Well,

Cory Connors:

I'll, I'll love to talk to them as well. Anything at the show here at EZ Fairs Paris Packaging Week that you're most excited about?

Olivier Delataulade:

Plenty of fix, you know, just arriving this, this morning. So no, but, you know yeah, lightweighting is a, is a topic for sure. Big material, glass, plastic, and Right. New plastic too. So yeah. Plenty of things to, to to discuss with our partner opportu. Yes. To have all, almost all of our partner I to exchange on, on that. Yeah, for sure. Well

Cory Connors:

said. That's exactly right. There's so many opportunities for improvement and for new developments of packaging and ex exciting times in the world of, of packaging. Well, thank you, sir. It's been an honor to meet you. Thank you so much.

Olivier Delataulade:

Thank you.