It's All BS

Season 2 - #41 You Got Pushback on Your Idea: Now What?

Belinda Smith Season 2 Episode 41

Have you ever gotten pushback on something that was really important to you?

When you choose to put your work into the world, you are 100% allowing the world to make a decision about whether or not they like your work, and sometimes that comes with feedback, criticism or pushback. So in this episode of It’s All BS we’re diving into what to do when that happens.

We talk about:
🔹 The difference between criticism and pushback and why those don’t make someone a “hater”
🔹 Recognizing the personal lens and funnel of perception
🔹 4 real life examples of pushback I’ve faced
🔹 Why you shouldn’t take it personally

We can respect criticism or pushback, but when it happens around something that we really believe in, they can take a seat in the back and just watch it happen. 🔥

Find out More about Groupthink Here

P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! 

Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!