Ok wizard, I want to have a little chat with you about your marketing.
Something has been brewing for me for a little while now and it needs to be said…
I KNOW you’ve been sold the whole shiny sparkly dream of:
And I know you want it NOW – to wave a magic wand and, hello, you’re living in your vision board.
But believe me when I say, this shiny sparkly dream that you see everywhere in the online space is causing you to get distracted and chase shortcuts, trends, and hacks to try and get you there faster…
…Instead of investing your time, energy, and money in the long-term vision for your business.
And sure, the second option sounds boring as fuck against the shiny, sparkly dream (and I get it because I love me some sparkle)…
Until you realise it’s actually the boring option that’ll make your wildest business vision a reality.
So #sorrynotsorry, but I’m about to burst your Drooble's Best Blowing Gum bubble by telling you that what you’ve been sold is a LIE.
And, in today’s episode of the How I Do Content Podcast, I’m going to share why you need to stop believing the lies and expecting marketing miracles to happen overnight.
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Background Music is Copyright Free. You're free to use this music in your videos.
Track: Harry Potter Theme Song
Music promoted by Chayatori Records
Video Link: https://youtu.be/WY8-lVlLhWE