The Secret to Standing Out in a Competitive Market with Lucy-Anne Lewis
How I Do Content
How I Do Content
The Secret to Standing Out in a Competitive Market with Lucy-Anne Lewis
Nov 19, 2024 Season 4 Episode 177
Tahryn Bolt

Standing out in the online space right now can feel difficult BUT it’s not impossible.

Your soulmate clients are out there searching for you, so what are you doing to get noticed?

No, you don’t need to change your name to Hagrid to stand out… BUT you do need to make it crystal clear to your ideal clients why YOU are the wizard to buy from.

Boring, beige, and the same-same ain’t going to cut it – you gotta be brave and bold!

So, on today’s episode of the How I Do Content Podcast, I want to introduce you to my magical friend and past client, Lucy.

Lucy is the fabulous creator of Little Sparks of Joy Studio where she magically crafts nostalgic treat-inspired candles. I’m not kidding when I say they smell so delicious you’ll want to eat them!

Not only does Lucy stand out – she does it in a super-saturated market.

How does she do this?

It all starts with her unique micro-messaging – and then that infuses everything she creates in her business. From the candle scents to her visual brand, and how she sets up her market stalls to how she creates content.

Because, if you want to build a money-making brand that has customers coming back again and again – you need really great messaging.

In today’s episode, Lucy talks about the evolution of Little Sparks of Joy Studio, and how she’s created such a magical brand that her customers are obsessed with.

You’ll love this conversation – so let’s dive in!

Connect with Lucy-Anne Lewis

Sign up for Micro Messaging
Doors are just about to close, and I don’t want you to miss out.

The reality is the online space isn’t going to get any quieter than it is right now.

And, with more and more businesses continuing to show up online and share their magic – what are YOU doing to make sure you stand out and attract Beyonce-level clients?

Micro Messaging is the ultimate biz spell you MUST possess in your Wizard’s toolkit if you want to stand out and sell out.

Head on over to to find out all the details and sign up before doors close on Thursday 21st November!

Background Music is Copyright Free. You're free to use this music in your videos.
Track: Harry Potter Theme Song
Music promoted by Chayatori Records
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