The Man I Call Yoda (Part6)
The Ugly Quacking Duck Podcast
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The Ugly Quacking Duck Podcast
The Man I Call Yoda (Part6)
Oct 27, 2022

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Hello again. 
 Glad you are able to join us and listen to the next part of our interview with Murray. He told us a little more about work. Then we stepped into the conversation about where we were. His Shop! Yep, we set up our studio in his shop. Hey, he even told us about being a Referee. Good to have you here with us on this show.
 I hope you enjoy the show. If you haven't already, hit the "Follow" button. Support the show if you want to help us continue. You might ask how?
Well you can rate our show.
You can tell a friend or two. Word of mouth is the best way for our podcast to grow. We have a support button so you can give financially.
Above all, please come back again.
Thanks for stopping by.
Until Next time.
73 and God bless.

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I hope you enjoy the show! Please tell a friend or two. Word of mouth is the best way for our podcast to grow. If you haven't already, hit the "Follow" button.
If you feel lead to, click on the support link and give financially.
Above everything, please come back!
Supporting us in anyway is much appreciated.
Thanks for stopping by.
Until Next time.
73 and may the Father's blessings go with you.