Sales Leadership with Jim Pancero

Quick prospecting idea to generate more sales leads!

Jim Pancero Season 3 Episode 23

Are your reps having a hard time finding solid, qualified sales leads? Join me as I share an idea that’s worked for me in my business generating new prospects…by calling on old and dormant customers…so you can sell even more!

So how much prospecting are your salespeople doing? Hi, I'm Jim Pancero helping you become a stronger leader of your sales team. And the reality as we come out of this post-COVID environment is that business is now being redefined. We have hypercompetitive environments. We have customers that are now less loyal than they ever had before and reevaluating all of their options to see who has the best choice of products or services for what the company wants.

So because of this, this is a great time to prospect to get out and look for new accounts and to start communicating your uniqueness and value of why somebody new wants to buy from you. So now, the question is where do your people get the list of prospect? A great idea that's always been around for decades in selling is to go back to your old customer lists.

Usually, a great prospecting list is go back to a customer list from four or five years ago, and then start calling on the companies that used to do business with you, but for some reason, over the last five years or 10 years, have stopped doing business with you and now do business with somebody else. This could be a great time because you likely have some experience of them working with your company. And you also have usually some kind of connections that still might be around.

What can you do to increase the prospecting efforts of your sales team now in this year, 2022? And more important, what can you do to find new names for them to call on? And sometimes, the best place to find new names is they go back to our old lists. We'd love to know how you're doing with this and what kind of impact prospecting on your old customer list has had for you and your team. Thanks for checking out my podcast. I'm posting two new podcasts each week all aimed at helping you and your team increase your selling competitive advantage.