Sales Leadership with Jim Pancero

Want to strengthen your new sales candidate interviewing skills?

Jim Pancero Season 4 Episode 11

Are you learning the best information and insights when you interview new people to join your sales team? I watch two realities with most sales leaders I meet. The first reality is almost all sales managers interview at least one new salesperson for an open sales position a year. And the second reality I notice is most of those sales managers have never actually been coached or trained on how to conduct an effective interview. Join me as I share how you can become a stronger, and more insightful interviewer. In this video I also offer you a pdf of my latest twenty-question sales skills evaluation to help you identify all the skills you want to look for and hire. 

Interested in strengthening your ability and effectiveness of interviewing sales candidates for your company? Hi. I'm Jim Pancero, helping you become a stronger leader of your sales team.

The reality of interviewing is there's several mistakes a lot of experienced sales managers still continue to make. One of the most egregious ones I see is the manager does all the talking on the interview. They spend too much time explaining the company and explaining the benefits and why you're such a great organization to work for, and not really giving the salesperson a chance to fully explain their background, their awareness and their experiences. Asking more questions is always going to be more effective in a job interview.

The second thing I suggest is you ask a wider range of questions of their skills to find out where they truly are. I have an offer to help you with that, it'll be down in the comments on the LinkedIn posting, we'll have a downloading page of where you can evaluate and you can download a 20 question sales evaluation that I offer. The idea is these are at asking questions at all levels of selling. The attitude and energy of the person, their personal selling skills, their multiple step tactical thinking and planning and awareness of their territory, and their strategic ability to position and communicate uniqueness and value.

This evaluation of 20 questions is a great tool to use with any of your sales people. But it also is a great, great listing of questions to ask on an interview. Because if you ask the questions on this evaluation, you're going to find more depth in the candidates and more awareness of where the skills are and, frankly, where their gaps are.

If you're watching this on YouTube or another source and do not have access to it, if you email me, P-A-N-C-E-R-O, I'd be honored to send you free, no commitment, no problem at all, a complete sales evaluation as a PDF file. Would love to share this information with you to help you expand the complexity and the intensity of the questions you ask in interview to truly find out and uncover the skills and awareness and gaps in the candidates you're looking for. Would love to know how you do with this, would love to know if it helps. Thanks for checking out my podcast. I'm posting two new podcasts each week, all aimed at helping you and your team increase your selling competitive advantage.