Sales Leadership with Jim Pancero

Can your reps deliver their message of uniqueness before they burn their fingers?

Jim Pancero Season 4 Episode 15

How long is it taking your reps to deliver their messages of value and uniqueness to your customers? Especially in today’s hyper-competitive world where we have less time to sell compared to as little as 5 years ago. Join me as I share an old sales training exercise meant to help your people develop, and appreciate, a stronger (and shorter) “Why buy from you?” message…so they can sell even more! 

Can your sales reps deliver their message of uniqueness of answering why you'd want to buy from me within the time it takes to light at match? Hi, this is Jim Pancero, helping you become a stronger leader of your sales team. There was an old sales technique of training that we used to use of the message of uniqueness, your elevator speech.

If somebody says, "Why based on all the competitive options available to me, why do I want to buy from you?" The idea is can you answer in the time it would take for you to light a match and not burn your fingers? This was a test that was done in the old days, in the 1980s and '90s. This was a great sales exercise, because the idea is we need to have our message of uniqueness short, concise, and focused on our true value and benefits we're going to bring a customer. And most important, especially in today's hassle times, we've got to be able to say it in the time it takes to burn a match and not burn our fingers.

What can you do to work with your team to make sure that they have a message of uniqueness that's focused, is concise, is different than the competition, that doesn't just say the same old stuff of, "Because of our high quality products, our strong little support, our competitive pricing, you get me?" The reality today is we need to be able to have this focus, concise message if we truly want to gain a competitive edge. What can you do to make sure your reps can still deliver their message uniqueness before they burn their fingers? Thanks for checking out my podcast. I'm posting two new podcasts each week, all aimed at helping you and your team increase your selling competitive advantage.