This One Time On Psychedelics

Ep. 179: How Viewing Life AS The Psychedelic Can Assist Us In Reaching Our Full Potential (feat. Charlie Trinh)

Ryan Sprague, Charlie Trinh Season 1 Episode 179

Sometimes when I have a guest on the show, it becomes apparent to me that we could have done 10 hours straight of talking without running out of ideas or energy. When I find guests like these, it not only fires me up because of the connection & conversation we share, but also because I am always excited to share these types of individuals with each of you as I find in my own life that when I can tune into a conversation between individuals that is purely heart centered, that I leave that conversation feeling more heart centered myself & that is my hope for each of you after listening to todays conversation. In this episode, I have a returning guest come back on to dive back down the rabbit hole with me & discuss topics such as family upbringing, societal pressures, overcoming perceived limitations, getting in touch with our purpose in life & much, much more. 

Join us on September 17th from 7pm-9:30pm EST!

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Medicines and the impact they've made among the countless psychonauts exploring the last true frontier. Buy a ticket and take the ride with me as we get true first-hand accounts of the experiences, benefits, risks and transformations taking place within the ever-expanding world of psychedelic medicines. On this One Time on Psychedelics Sometimes when I have a guest on the show, it becomes apparent to me that we could have done 10 straight hours of talking without running out of ideas or energy. When I find guests like these, it not only fires me up because of the connection and conversation we share, but also because I am always excited to share these types of individuals with each of you, as I find in my own life that when I can tune into a conversation between individuals that is purely heart-centered, that I leave that conversation feeling more heart-centered myself, and that is my hope for each of you after listening to today's conversation. In this episode I have a returning guest come back on to dive back down the rabbit hole with me and discuss topics such as family upbringing, societal pressures, overcoming perceived limitations, getting in touch with our purpose in life and much, much more. So please help me in welcoming back my man, charlie Trinh, to the show.

Speaker 1:

Charlie Trinh, my man, dude, I am so excited to have you back with me today. You know, when we did part one of this episode, which only came out like probably four weeks ago, three, four weeks ago I had a lot of people reach out to me and were like, dude, like I really loved that guy Charlie and what he was talking about and everything. And I had already reached back out to you to get you back on the show because I enjoyed our conversation so much and I felt like we could have just kept going for hours and hours. And so, before I get into all the magic and all the stuff, what's been going on in your world, bro? What's been changing in the last short month we've gone through, brother, since the last time we talked?

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, I've definitely been developing my own kind of a website and channel. I think, you know, when we started talking, I was starting to really get into becoming the healer. That was meant to be right, you know, because of my graduation and becoming a doctor meant to be right, um, you know, because I my graduation and becoming a doctor, it was again this imposter syndrome where, like, am I a doctor yet, just because I got the degree, and so I've had to really um, go internally, um, and really understand what is it that I was representing as a doctor, as a healer, and in that own, in my own kind of journey, I had to realize, like I had to heal a little bit of kind of my deeper self, right, right, my childhood self. And I feel like the whole idea of psychedelics and why we even have these conversation or even people are willing to go into psychedelics, is really there's this things that aren't able to be figured out by talking to somebody, whether it's a therapist or anybody else, and for some reason, the psychedelics really gets you in that space where, like, can you go deeper into yourself and heal some of these wounds that you are the only one that's probably causing those wounds, right.

Speaker 2:

And so for me, um, I did this six day darkness retreat where I chose to like turn off everything. Turned up I, I closed my eyes. You know I had these, um, you know those shades closed my eyes. You know I had these, um, you know those shades on my eyes to basically, um, keep me from actually going to the computer, going to my phone and absorbing anything in my reality, because a lot of times what happens as healers, we love to heal people but we don't actually take the time to do it ourselves, right? So we are the idea is, we're our worst patients, right, and so I didn't want to come and start as a doctor without even actually tasting my own medicine. And so, by going to this darkness retreat and a lot of people have heard of this also like this is kind of how you trigger dmt in your own first eye is the idea that melatonin is built up. Every night that you sleep, and every night that you don't actually have light go into your eyes, the DMT builds up and then eventually, after five to six days, it becomes DMT. Right Now, the DMT never kind of kicked in.

Speaker 2:

For me, however, if you guys really want a deep psychedelic experience, having only yourself to talk to for six days in the darkness. I tell people all the time the darkness will talk back, and that's really what's really powerful. A lot of people talk about this of, like you know, I finally talked to God and God talked back right. Or I talked to my guides, or I talked to my angels. Everybody has this version of how it is that they portray this conversation with themselves.

Speaker 2:

And for me, the first two days was pretty easy and that third and fourth days weren't like you have nothing else to do but to sit down and talk to your guides. You start to go hey, you know, let's, let's go deeper. Like what is it that I'm still holding back? What are some of my own personal issues that I haven't faced yet? And so for me, like I was, like the guys were like go deeper.

Speaker 2:

The day you were born, what were you actually? Not understanding that you as a human were maybe experiencing life, but realizing that we are spirits first. We're an internal spirits coming to have this beautiful experience as a human. But sometimes the human experience tends to prioritize our beliefs, right, our social conditioning. And so for me, like the fourth, fifth and sixth days, like is where, like the deep trauma, wounds came out. But then I was there to parent myself. You know, as an adult today, seeing my childhood versions of the different aspects that I experienced allowed me kind of like to to look at my own programming and what I realized is I was, as a programmer, we kind of a lot of times comment code out where we're like, hey, this code doesn't work, so we're like comment it out so that the text is still there but it's not active, and what was happening is in my own subconscious. I had all this code that had commented out, but I wasn't really running an operating system. That was coming from the spiritual side, it was coming from a human perspective.

Speaker 2:

And so, going into this retreat, I really had my own psychedelic experience where I didn't need to see all the visuals, but the voices that were talking to me and helping me soothe and helping me ask questions and helping me really reconsider why I was feeling certain things was so, so therapeutic. I mean I, I could not tell anybody else like how amazing this is and how like it's. You know, I first came in. Sure, I, I wanted the dmt experience, right, like some of us always want what people say. Oh yeah, my psychedelic experience was all this blah blah. Sometimes, though, it's not what we need actually, what we need sometimes just to sit down with ourselves and really ask ourselves some of the things that no one has asked us.

Speaker 2:

And so, um, I was really, um, going through this deep kind of understanding, like who is it that I'm becoming and who is it that I want to become, and what are some of the programmings that I've grew up with that no longer serve me, right? But then now it's like how do, then I run my operating system from that point of view, instead of the point of view of like this doesn't work, this doesn't work point of view, instead of the point of view of like this doesn't work, this doesn't work. And after a while, you actually realize you're holding yourself back because you've experienced so much conditioning that, like it takes a while to like be yourself. And so, after this six day retreat, I realized that I was just slowing down my process, and so really allowing myself to have permission to just be myself was really, really instrumental to really becoming the healer that I'm meant to be. And even in that, like I'm not the healer to solve your problem, I'm only the healer, that's going to reflect back what is it that you're looking for in your own healing process?

Speaker 2:

Because a lot of times today we're experiencing what I call the f fads of healing. Right, you know, I know, today cold plunging is a thing, and so it's unfortunate, because then everyone's like oh yeah, if you have any problem, cold plunge, everything cold plunge, and you're like what? No, actually people who have a lot of cold energies in their body should not be cold plunging. Actually those who have a lot of fire energy should cold plunge. So, like for me, I wouldn't tell everybody oh, you should go into a room and go in the dark for like six days. No, that's not for everybody, and everyone will know this, depending on how they're able to ask themselves, ask their body, ask their guides. And so for me, it was this deeper kind of realization that I needed to heal some of my own traumas first, so that I wouldn't feel like people could easily attack who.

Speaker 2:

I am right, because I think too many times when we become because now, as I am becoming a healer, I have a YouTube channel we are now on stage. That means that it's very easy for people to project their own insecurities at us and for us to take those in and say, oh man, then should I be up here? People have all these issues. You know, am I going to solve everybody's problems in the world? And that's a lot of times.

Speaker 2:

I think as healers, we have to remember we're not saviors. This is a very Western concept where, like I'm going to save everybody, but there's 8 billion peoples I mean, there's no way that we are saving the world. And I think that's a very important fact in realizing I'm not an imposter, I'm just healing myself. And if people resonate with that, I want to be available for them to reflect that back at them, and if I'm not the right person, I'll tell them hey, actually this is not the right match. Would love for you to. There's so many other great healers out there that have got their own journeys.

Speaker 2:

But it's important for us to not think that, like I'm the doctor that you need to talk to, right and and I think, um, for me it was very hard to to suddenly say I'm the healer. Yet, like I really was frustrated with many healers in my life and so how do I heal that? Because I realized they weren't the healer, because I wasn't healing myself, and so it's really important for me to kind of share that with people. It's like, hey, actually tune into who you are and then let's have a discussion Versus. If you don't know who you are, it's easy for me to trick you. It's easy for anyone to trick you with like. For anyone to trick you with like. Oh, my program is the charlie tritt program come get my codes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, exactly yeah so that's been this very deep, um, psychedelic experience for me, to kind of look inwardly at the things that are not physicalized, especially what's what's great about closing your eyes is too often we you've heard of like believing is seeing or seeing is believing, and I think that's so detrimental to us as a culture, because we have like at least six senses, if not like a thousand senses, yet we tend to make our sight you know which is like a fraction of the visual spectrum, you know which is like a fraction of the visual spectrum be the most evidence-based practice of our reality.

Speaker 2:

And so, for the fact that I was able to still move around without my eyesight, it allowed me to tune into what's happening to my body, what's happening internally. At one point I started to put needles in myself so I could see what it feel like to have needles but not see the needles, and to feel the energy moving through my body. And so again, I was trying to be a patient to myself, to see like, hey, if I'm actually a patient that likes myself as a doctor, maybe other people might like me right. And so I'm really coming to terms with this deeper understanding of my gifts and my service to, to the community dude, so much juicy stuff in there.

Speaker 1:

and one of the first things I want to call attention to is is it even a cold plunge if you don't film yourself and put it on instagram? Right like? That's the whole thing, right. Like you know, it's so funny to watch these trends catch on, and you know I'm a big fan of ice baths. You know I'm a very fiery person, I'm an aries and I always run super hot, so it works well for me.

Speaker 1:

But at the same time, like you know, I can laugh with myself around the fact that sometimes, like if we think about it, I imagine we are all whether we know it consciously or it's unconscious looking to heal or rather expand, or rather become the versions of ourselves that we're truly meant to be right. We're all on that path in some way, shape or form. No matter what we're doing, we believe it's leading to more of that outcome. Sometimes there can be distortions within that right of like drug abuse, things like that. But at the same time, I think you know, if we really boil it all down, we're all looking to get to that desired outcome and we're looking to enjoy the journey along the way. But it is funny how, you know these trends catch on, and a lot of times I'll speak for myself. I won't project on anyone else, but I don't even really know why I'm doing the things. I just know someone told me it was good, so I'm going to do it right.

Speaker 1:

And it's very easy to fall into that, and I know that one of the areas in my life that that happened where it really stung, was in business. Right, because when you get into business, you know for me, I did not have any background in business. I did not know anything about business. I really didn't even know what the term meant, to be completely honest, but I knew I wanted to start one. So because of that, I've leveraged experts right, experts, and at the end of the day, you know a lot of these people. They do know a way to succeed in business, but is that way going to be the way that works for me? And so the first three years of me having my business was outsourcing my lack of knowledge on the people that had more knowledge, and you know that's not a bad thing necessarily. But what the challenge was within that is that I never stopped to ask myself what I wanted my life to look like and how to build my business around that, because I imagined that, because I didn't know anything what these people were telling me about. Well, you got to do sales calls. Well, you just have to do that. I'm like I guess that's the system. And it took me three years to wake up and realize, wow, I fucking resent the business I built, not because of anyone else but me.

Speaker 1:

And, like you were saying, it does take a lot of courage to recognize that anything in our lives that is not looking the way we want it to look or feeling the way we want it to feel is our responsibility. Right, it's our fault that we've gotten to that level right Now, albeit, we may have been unconscious, we may have not known, but at the same time, here's the thing that takes that sting completely away. Is that, yeah, it may sting to think that you are responsible for all of the shortcomings in your life, even the things that happened to you as a kid. Right, you weren't aware enough to stop them from happening or whatever, but you are aware enough as an adult and it is your responsibility. No one's going to come solve the day for you, right? No one's going to come fix it. I know it can be harsh to hear, but on the other side of that, if you are responsible for all the problems guess what? You're also responsible for all the solutions, and so it immediately gives all your power back to you, because now it's no longer looking out there.

Speaker 1:

Sure, you can get a mentor, you can have a coach, you can have a healer, etc. But, like you said, the good coaches, the good healers, the good mentors will never push you. They will pull you. You know, pulling is so much more powerful than pushing, because when you push someone into your frame of reality, it may not be the best for them, albeit a lot of times it's not the best for them, right? I would actually argue, most of the time it's not going to be what's best for you, because we're all individuals and we're all unique in how we operate this experience of life. But at the end of the day, if you can work with those individuals that, just like you were saying, are leading you back to yourself, so that you can become your own guru and continue to recognize that you can become your own healer and all of these things, then those are the relationships that I seek out now, personally, when I'm looking for support, I don't want someone to tell me their strategy. I want them to figure out where I am in my own distortion around my business and help me uncouple that, so I can then enact a strategy that works for me to reach a desired outcome.

Speaker 1:

And I think it's so important because, like you said, we do have a lot of people that are in a very, let's just say, unhealed state, right, a very big state of lack, scarcity, etc. I was there, right, I still fall into it from time to time, and you know a lot of the algorithms and a lot of the production value behind. A lot of these people that are out there are to swoon you into thinking they have all the answers figured out, and a lot of their marketing is specifically talking to people who are looking for people that seem to have all the answers. But I will tell you that no one has all the answers and they definitely don't have your answers. Only you can have those, and that's why I say the best coaches, mentors, healers, etc.

Speaker 1:

Will be the ones that pull you by asking questions that allow you to be self-inquisitive and figure out your own answer, rather than telling you how life is, because there is no objective reality. Right, we're all walking a very subjective, unique experience within this 3D reality, and so the only people that I resonate with this point are people exactly like you that understand that, that have gone through their own challenges, trials and tribulations with being told how life has to be. And now they've decoupled all that and they're like you know what life is? A blank canvas, and it can be whatever you want it to be and, at the same time, when you believe it cannot be what you want it to be, no-transcript them and they may say yes to it because they see me as the expert or any of those kinds of things. And that's why, with great power comes great responsibility.

Speaker 1:

When you have a position of influence of any sort whether you have a YouTube channel, a podcast, a news radio station, whatever it is we must understand that there's going to be a lot of people that find us, that are expecting us to have the answers, and if we try to portray ourselves as that person, not only will they attach on to us and expect us to have those answers, but when we undoubtedly don't, like you said, they'll project all of their own challenges onto us, and now it's not them that has the issue in life.

Speaker 1:

It's oh, I signed up with Charlie and he didn't fix me, or I signed up with Ryan and you know, he led me astray, right when, in reality, we can't do anything for anyone that they don't want for themselves. And so I highly agree with this man. I'm glad we're talking about it because it is like a real epidemic. I see these days, you know, and I've been there, so it's, you know not, I'm not speaking from a place of this never affected me. Ha ha ha. It's like no, I touched that hot stove fucking hard dude.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, it's so important. This is why I love astrology, I love these like personal development tool, like gene keys or human design, just because they allow you to actually be very specific on who you are, right. Um, you know, it reminds me one of this time I was in the clinic working and I was a student, uh, a student doctor, and at the time, um, we were a lot of, uh, of my peers. A lot of these were like these Asian women, you know, small. You know, asians are much smaller in stature, right, and um, they were having a struggle with thisheaded woman and she was, you know, european. So she was much bigger, at least 6'3", right, and they kept saying, oh yeah, she's a very difficult patient.

Speaker 2:

So I came in, I decided to like because I get called in sometimes to like to smooth things out with people, right? So I said, okay, let me go check it out, I would listen to them, listen, no-transcript. Ma'am, do you happen to hit your children? And she goes, yes, how do you know? I'm like do you do any physical activity? She goes, no, I just don't have the time I go. Your problem is you have too much energy and you happen to then express it on your kids. So my only thing I'm gonna tell you is drop what my peers said. Go and work out at least an hour before you see your children. Because she was having, you know, she had a single mother. She's actually passing out for kids. One week she had her kids, one week she didn't. She came back the other week.

Speaker 2:

Mike, charlie, your advice was amazing. I've stopped hitting my children and I go how did you know this? I'm like you are a 6'3 Amazonian woman. We Chinese people have not seen this, and so when we are now applying our medicine, because we're so used to seeing small Chinese people, like when you see a giant person, you're like, hey, you need to be like us. I'm like, no, she sees you, the European woman. You know we have not experienced that, and so this is where the idea of like the traditional medicine needs to evolve, with the type of genetics we are experiencing in the cultures in this beautiful country, that we experience diversity Right, which is the irony of medicine, because in the irony of medicine there's a one magic pill to rule them all, but yet genetically we're so diverse.

Speaker 2:

And so you know, that was like the beginning of me just paying attention to my patient, not talking at my patient, which I find. A lot of times doctors like to say I know all the answers, I'm going to tell you what to do. And I was like, no, actually I had to understand that person first. I had to ask questions, I had to know who they were, from their lineage. I couldn't just go, hey, all of you are basically Chinese people. No, you're not, you're European. Why would I impose my culture on you? Because it worked for us Chinese people for many years. Right, and so for me. It's like I learned so much in that experience that, like now, all the time, every time I meet people, I almost kind of say, hey, when's your birthday? So I understand who you are.

Speaker 2:

And a lot of people think like, oh, I don't believe in that. I don't care if you believe in it, but I do enough to know who you are. You know it doesn't matter that you don't care about it, but I do enough to know who you are. You know it doesn't matter that you don't care about it. But usually when people say I don't believe in it, I usually find that they are very angry at who they are, and usually then I tell them. That's because you're not running your code and go. What do you mean? I go again.

Speaker 2:

If you're a European, you have red hair. These are things that I've noticed is you have a lot of fiery energy and you need to express that, right. You don't tell the fire that we're going to like snuff your fire out but that's the job of a fire, right? Or just like a water sign. You don't tell a water sign you're too emotional. You should be saying thank you for being emotional and releasing all the emotions you're absorbing constantly in the world and releasing it for us, so that the people who don't know how to release it are able to release it for you. And so, in a way, we're all actually these beautiful puzzle pieces that are this synergistic reflection of each other. And so, if we are constantly badgering each other for not being ourselves, this is where we miss the opportunity to actually heal each other from the differences that we are on top of. Still the similarities, right, because as men, we can be in a similar space of understanding who we are as men.

Speaker 2:

But then my differences is, maybe I have more feminine or less feminine, and so, to talk to another man, that man is able to actually connect to the feminine energy without talking to a woman, but be able to understand it from a man's point of view. And so that's very important because even in astrology, we sometimes do have more feminine, more masculine energy, and what I mean by that is actually just the idea of listening to yourself. And you know, a lot of times I've heard this men don't take hot baths. I'm like they should. They would actually calm down a little bit because you know we have made that a feminine thing. Yet actually, um, a lot of athletes do this because they are overstressing their body and so when they go into water, the stress is removed from their body and able to kind of heal themselves.

Speaker 2:

And so when you have like an angry man saying I don't take bath because that's as a woman, things like that's you denying actually the healing aspect of yourself. Right, because there's different ways of healing. Just like for her, her need to heal herself was through actually exerting energy so that she could finally calm down. For some people who get very angry is because they actually are not settled inside and sometimes they need to like sit there and listen to their thoughts and then settle in those thoughts. So again, you know it's too often we, we, we in the West like to use a magic bullet right, the magic pill or the magic medicine. You know, and I know my mom has taught me this a lot, because she will often come home and say, charlie, this worked for me, so you need to buy this. I'm like mom, I'm, first of all, I'm a man, you're a woman, like you're. Not assume that this is going to work because I'm a man or a woman.

Speaker 2:

And so this is again why, like I think, too many times, we are becoming inundated with labels and we really have to stop that. I think we have to just see each other as human spirits and human bodies, and that our ability to tune into ourselves allows us to see the gauge of the type of healing or the type of needs that we require. Versus looking at other people and go I want to be like them we require. Versus looking at other people and go I want to be like them Right. And I think this happens because if we, if you don't know who you are right, then it's easier to want to be somebody else Right.

Speaker 2:

And we, we've grown up with this very heavy celebrity ism in the West, right, where marketing has created this illusion around these celebrities who sell us cold plunges or these medicine right? And so the marketing has learned different ways on how to like, trick us into doing things, because they know that we're lost. We don't know how to tune in into our own voice, and so that's why I feel like it's very important that I tell people all the time I'm trying to find a way to medicalize astrology, qigong and pranic healing or Reiki and acupuncture, because those have very strong foundation through science. But what's happened is, culturally, we for some reason attacked it or turned into pseudoscience.

Speaker 2:

Even this idea of pseudoscience where you can state what is real and what isn't, even this idea of pseudoscience where you can state what is real and what isn't, even this idea, this is real and this isn't actually is a false sense of security, because how many of us have to go to psychedelics because our reality is actually broken, right?

Speaker 2:

So we are an epidemic of reality because, like many of our religious books say, it is the end of the gurus, it's the end of idols, and so we have to realize that we are surrounded by false idols, because they want to perpetuate an agenda where, technically, it's about you, it's about each of us your best self.

Speaker 2:

You're actually going to be able to help me resonate in my best self because I feel inspired by what you do, not because I want to be like you, but because I want to be as carefree to be myself as you seem to be able to be yourself, right, and I think that's why it's so important where we have to be careful of any kind of fads. In general, I think the veganism and meat eating is also a big blow up where, like, have you guys not heard of the type O, type A, type B, type AB blood types? That tells us that physically we're built differently through generations because there were the hunter gatherers at one point and then we had an agricultural upgrade of our genetics with humans, and so a lot of that um allows us to actually be in um, actually in our diversity we are able to find our unity together, right. So it's a beautiful kind of paradox that I love.

Speaker 1:

Oh dude, 100 agreed. And you know one of the things that you said a little while ago that was so accurate and one of the reasons I love astrology and gene keys and everything as well, especially the movie rachel. You know, it's like amazing to have someone in your house that is that much of a berserker, like you are, with astrology, because any question I have or any like thought I'm feeling, any emotion I'm feeling, she can like contextualize it into a certain thing. And once she does that, I realized like I'm able to place it within my journey as something that's meant to be happening for me, within my journey, as something that's meant to be happening for me. And so, like you know, being able to architect a strong and empowering story around whatever events are going on in life is our ability to truly succeed and live fulfilling lives.

Speaker 1:

And I remember when I used to work at the dispensary, I would show up fasting. I would have worked out at like 6am and I fasted every day until two back then because I would work late, so I didn't want to. Like you know, I would pretty much eat from two to 10 pm and so, basically, I would work out in the morning and I would just fast. And for anyone who's fasted like intermittent fasting, you know, there's a certain time it's probably around 10 am where I would really start getting into a flow state like really, like all of a sudden the energy would hit and so I'd be, you know, working with people that you know they just woke up, they came in, they haven't had their coffee yet, whatever, and I'm on fucking fleek. You know, I'm like fucking talking to my own miles a minute and some of them will be like Whoa, whoa, whoa, just slow down, calm down, and I would get so fucking triggered. I'm like, no, you come up to my level, right, and it wasn't even about that, really.

Speaker 1:

But like, what it was was that during those times I was like, oh my God, am I too much? You know like, am I too much? Am I overly sympathetically dominant? All these stories started happening, right? All of this analysis, paralysis, stinking, thinking that I allowed someone else, I allowed it, someone else to interfere with my reality, right? Instead of just saying, whatever, I'm going to be who I am, and if you don't like it, that's okay, no worries, there's plenty of other people in the world.

Speaker 1:

But at the end of the day, I remember I've read this in my human design in a different way and in astrology, you know, obviously I'm an Aries, so like I can understand that I have a lot of energy, things like that. But it was gene keys for me back in April to meet you and hang out and have so much fun. And I asked chris finally, I was like all right, dude, let's, let's smoke a bag and read me my gene keys. Bro, you know, like I was like I'm ready to dive in. So I remember one of them.

Speaker 1:

He read I forget what number it was, but basically he was like yeah, it's like really important for you to expend energy. You know, that's actually how you move energy. And he was basically like you need to keep moving, you know, and Rachel had told me that before and it was like the biggest amount of validation because I was like that's what I fucking felt, because a lot of my life, when I've talked to different coaches etc. They're like, oh, you're a workaholic, oh, you're overworking, oh you're you're training too much, all these things, and in my head I'm like doesn't really feel like I am. You know, like, like I understand I have that shadow side that can get into like crazy, go, go, go. But I've been in that before and this felt totally different. But without the context of like, hey, it's actually built into your dna and your whole image here on earth, I wouldn't have had a place to contextualize that. And so that's why I feel astrology gene keys in these systems are here right, because undoubtedly we're going to forget, we're going to get led astray, not from any bad intention, but because, again, it's so easy for a human to project what works for them or their lifestyle onto someone else from a place of good intention. Right, I had something help me. Therefore, I wanted to help someone else. But, like we talked about before, we can never know what will really help someone, you know. That's why, like, one of the biggest strategies, especially for me as a projector in human design, is to wait for the invitation.

Speaker 1:

So I heard this great strategy from a guy who probably was a projector. I don't think he was into human design or anything, but he was talking about he was a famous author and had written a lot of books, and you know he's a very eclectic guy. He was into a lot of stuff and so he would do these book signing events and different you know workshops and whatnot. And he would always have people come up to him after and be like oh my God, like where'd you learn that? Oh my God, I'm more interested in this. And so originally, when he first started getting that kind of attention, he would be like oh my God, yeah, let me tell you everything. And then he would watch sometimes their eyes just glaze over. And so he was like what the hell is happening here?

Speaker 1:

So what he started realizing was a lot of people they'll say they want to know stuff because they're around someone who has like some star energy, or maybe they've looked up to you for years, and so they're talking to you and they're trying to make conversation, but they're not actually. They're not actually making an invitation, right, they're more just like trying to fill in the gaps of silence. So what he came up with? A strategy. What I thought was so amazing was this when someone asks him like, oh Charlie, that thing you talked about with astrology is really cool. Where'd you learn that? He'll say I read a good book one time and if they're really interested they'll ask what book? And now he knows, okay, they're really asking. But a lot of the time they'll just be like wow, man, that's amazing. Keep doing what you're doing and they'll just take off Right.

Speaker 1:

And so he's found this workaround to make sure that he's not projecting on someone else and also he's not wasting his energy. Because if you're putting your reality onto someone else under the guise that they want to know it and maybe they've given you a couple signs that maybe they want to know but it's unclear and maybe they aren't aware of what they're doing well then you don't get a positive energetic reciprocity of that energy. That energy goes out but it is not given back to you and so you want to talk burnout, do that a lot. You know that's what I used to do with the dispensary was I'd see people come in in all different ranges of discomfort and me being in holistic health and all these things I would try to share with them all how much water you drink and what are you doing? Apple cider vinegar in the morning. They're like dude. I cannot handle all this and in my world I was like dude. If I was in that kind of discomfort and someone told me that I would be jumping for joy. But again, what I didn't realize was that was me and I was projecting it on everyone else.

Speaker 1:

And you know, I think it's really important that we see this and we, we own it in our own lives too, because, like we've been talking, right, like the recipe for empowerment is not to take you know everyone's words literally. It's to gain inspiration through that and then be able to allow that inspiration to guide us with our guides and with our soul and et cetera. And I love what you said too in the finale there about you know, this idea of you know, not emulating other people in this age of the guru dying and everything, because I'm very big on that. Like we know where the age of the guru got us. It's just more of what organized religion is all about. Hey, god's all around you, but we can only talk to him, you can only come to this building and oh, spoiler alert, he needs money too, right? So, again, like we don't want to fall back into that, because, like they talk about in Taoism, the true Tao cannot be spoken of the. Like they talk about in Taoism, the true Tao cannot be spoken of.

Speaker 1:

The second, someone tries to tell you they know God and they're going to explain it to you in vocal sounds. You already know they are in a distortion, right? The only way you can know God is to have someone support you in getting still enough in yourself that you can discover what God is for you, what creator is for you, what source is for you, whatever terminology you want to put to it, and that's what I am so grateful to be living in today's world for is that individuals like you, myself, paul, check, aubrey, all these people have gone through this ourselves. Right, we've gone through following gurus. We've also gone through our own shadow of trying to be the guru and, you know, from a place of good intention, but thinking we need to do all this stuff to help people fix their problems and that their emotions and their results are our responsibility.

Speaker 1:

To realize then after, like, wait a minute, all of that is nothing to do with me.

Speaker 1:

Like the best thing I can do is embody who I am and what I teach to a level where the people whose souls are ready will go hey, what's that book you read? And now you know you can share something with them. And in sharing it with them you also benefit, because you're not the guru, right, you might be hearing it in a new way and you stating it the first time and how they respond to it may teach you something about yourself you had no idea of. So we're all the gurus for ourselves and each other, because we all come from one central place, whether you want to call it god, creator, whatever, and we all go back to that spot. And so, like ramda says, we're all just walking each other home. You know, like you may know how to tie your shoelaces, I may know how to start a fire. Neither of us are the guru in that equation. We both have essential components to being able to survive in the wild, let's say right, but everything is equal in that frame of perspective, you know. So I love this man.

Speaker 2:

I totally agree yeah, I love how you're saying also this idea of a, because as we become actually, uh, front and center, where people are asking us a lot of questions because I am at a place now of authority in some people's sense, a lot of people do ask questions I have to learn that actually some people are not there for the full experience either. So I do actually do astrology classes and even in that I think a lot of us get excited and passionate about things that we want to like drop knowledge to people, right. But, like you said, like some people I have seen so many times, they do the whole like nodding off, as if, like, their consciousness just can't handle it, and so they start to like fall asleep to process it. And so I had to kind of learn that sometimes I come across with a lot of information that if I share it with people who aren't ready for it, I am wasting my time. So this is kind of why I started the channel, right, because I realized that actually a lot of people are asking for it, but not a lot of them are there in front of me asking me these questions. So if I'm able to kind of share this on a YouTube channel where I'm able to express and download exactly what I want to share.

Speaker 2:

But then in some of the classes I've learned that actually I started to do more intro classes to get people excited enough to actually know what astrology is for them to actually care about it. And most of the time they're not the ones that actually want to become astrologers, because we have become so good at the information and we have become a voice of authority in some sense. Sometimes we think everybody wants to be. That Turns out not everybody wants to know astrology and to be an astrologer. Actually, most of them just want to know what is it that they're going on in their life right now, and maybe they don't really want to read their natal chart, you know. And so I had to learn that like let's just, you know, really engage people in actually why you would actually care about modalities like astrology, like acupuncture, and then when they're interesting enough, they will come and say hey, can you tell me more about myself? And then from there I'm able to kind of work with them. But then usually it's like if you want to know more, just go to my channel, you know, because a lot of times if you can handle my channel you want to ask for please then have a deeper conversation with me.

Speaker 2:

But a lot of times we get so excited because we, you know, I know that you guys also, after all your events, you know you guys like swamped by, like people really showing their appreciation or their passion or will ask you a question after the event, and sometimes, like that's not a place to actually download or dump information to people where they're like actually ready on their way out, right, and so I do.

Speaker 2:

You don't then have to dump all that information freely afterwards, because then they're not able to even appreciate it as well and you're not able to find your own time as sacred, right, because sometimes in our passion we actually do not take ourselves sacred enough to say, hey, actually, if you want to hear more, because I think you know this is a trigger from, I think, the gatekeeping that we experienced as growing up.

Speaker 2:

Right, like we all experienced gatekeeping, I experienced astrology where, like, after 10 hours, you'll learn how to read your sun sign, you're like what you should be learning that in your first lesson, and so we get so frustrated with that that we started to like do the opposite of like what I call like dumping information at people where actually, unfortunately, not everybody is at that level where they want to, you know, get the full experience.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes they just want it because we are in the twitter social media experience where it's like one minute to a minute and a half of attention and after that people just lose their focus. And so it's been, uh, very important to actually learn how to use our digital platforms right Whether it's YouTube for the long form, whether it's social media for the short form to be able to engage people so that people can kind of say, hey, I really like what you're saying, I'd like to hear more. Here's how I'm going to invest in your time. You know, and that's kind of where I think you know, as healers, as esoteric beings, we also have to come to terms with money, right, because I think a lot of us I say, oh, I'm just doing this because I care about the world.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but who's paying your bills to make sure that you can still live at a home comfortably, so that you are rejuvenated, so that you keep showing up to these events right, so that you are rejuvenated, so that you keep showing up to these events right. And I think sometimes we get caught up with like the healers don't make money scenarios right, or the whatever esoteric, or like you should be doing it out of the good of your heart. I'm like, yeah, but nobody's doing it out of the good of the heart, you know, and if we are, it should be in a place of actually, like you said, equal reception of energy, right, and so you said equal reception of energy right. And so too often we think money is a bad thing. Rather, money is just an exchange of the energy that you've provided and it allows the space to be sacred. And so I'm learning to be in that space because I remember I'm naturally really good at seeing kind of especially with astrology help people kind of um, do better for themselves. But when you're hanging out with friends, not everybody wants to have that experience Right. And so one time I remember like, hey, charlie, don't be my guru right now. And I was like, oh, my God, hold on. You know, let me think about that, cause I didn't realize I was doing that. And it's not like I was. You know I'm trying to do it, but it was just the like my energy was coming out. Just like you, you have so much energy, you're trying to find a place to express it.

Speaker 2:

And so now, today, I get paid to to diagnose people, and so actually, what's happened now is a lot of time where people ask me. I'm like, yeah, actually reach me during these times. I will be very happy to do it. But right now this is my personal time I'm going to, like, make fun of shit. I'm going to be stupid right now, because you know I need to be stupid sometimes, because you know, when we are in that mode of like being serious and being sacred with our practice, you know, maybe I don't want to be, you know, in a playful mood because maybe, like, listening to something that's deep needs to be in a place where you need to be serious about it for people to take you seriously. But then, when I hang out with my friends, I'm going to like mess around and be playful, because at this point, no one needs to hear a lecture from anyone. While we're, like you know, playing and playing music together, right, no one needs to say hey, did you know that you have childhood trauma because you play the drums? The?

Speaker 1:

wrong way.

Speaker 2:

And so that's why I really love kind of my ability to really have a place for expressing this information.

Speaker 2:

Like, for me, it wasn't books, I thought I could write books.

Speaker 2:

No, actually I found that and it took me.

Speaker 2:

I've had many YouTube channels but for some reason, because of the transit, the time and the right timing, I'm finally now able to express myself at the right time and the right timing. I'm finally now able to express myself at the right time and the energy supporting me to do that, because I naturally want to be reserved, because, as reserved people, we're all constantly analyzing, right, as you were saying, analysis, paralysis. I've definitely been a victim to that, but once you analyze something so brilliant that people need to hear, you're looking for people to share that, and sometimes the people around you locally are not the people to do it, and so when I'm able to put it on YouTube or on what an online channel, someone in the universe is going to find me and get exactly what they need, and so I'm really learning to trust that the right people are finding our information when we are putting ourselves out there, rather than just trust just being there with the person who's in front of you who isn't the right person for you to really dump information at.

Speaker 1:

Dude, 100% man. Dude, I love that so much, man, because you know again, you said so much good stuff and they're like the money thing is a big thing, especially in the spiritual space. And it's such a distortion, man, because think about it, right, if the law of correspondence which I'm a huge fan of hermetics is accurate, it says as within, so without right. As above, so below. So if we are expecting that a healer should not charge money, what does that mean about us? It means that we are feeling lack of worth within us because we don't understand yet how energy works and we also expect things to be free, right, like, think about the hilarity of that. Right, I'll have people reach out to me every once in a while why don't you release your courses for free? And I respond why don't you create courses period? Right, like you know again, like those kinds of things where I'm like you're kind of throwing the blame over here, but you don't know the first thing about doing this, you have no idea. Right, like you're talking from behind a faceless profile trying to troll, right, and expecting that you, from your faceless profile, understands what it's like to run a business on social media and do this kind of stuff, right? So again, you know, like, when I see people do that, I don't get triggered anymore. It did trigger me in the beginning. I don't get triggered anymore because I just see, oh, as within, so without you have no self worth, so you expect no one else to either. Easy has nothing to do with me, right? That's their work to figure out. Nothing to do with me. I can't take it personally, right? My ego would love to take it personally, but when I actually think into it, first of all I it's not about me at all. And second of all, if I choose to make it about me, well, now I'm just creating unnecessary work for myself.

Speaker 1:

I think the ego always wants to think that it's the center of the world, but at the end of the day, like, there are certain things that we don't want to be the center of the world around, and also you might have mentioned this in the last, last little section, but I forgot to mention this before like the idea that when we are experiencing that discomfort within us, we are going to project that external to us, and that's a lot of what we're seeing in the world right now. Right, like we were talking about with hey, this works for me, so it may work for you. That's kind of like a more innocent side of like a big pattern that's going on which is like everyone should be vegan because I'm vegan or everyone should be carnivore because I'm a carnivore and I meant to say something about this before. But it is absolutely fucking hysterical how many people truly believe that there is one right way. It's hysterical, man Like.

Speaker 1:

I see a lot of very influential people that are falling into this thirst trap, that are literally believing that a certain diet is right for them based on what a certain book said or whatever, when in reality, the only way to know the diet that works for you is eat fucking food. Figure out how you feel after and make changes as necessary. Right, like that's the real way to figure it out when you think about anything. Right? Is that person good for me? Romantically? I don't know. A coach may tell you one thing. Someone else may tell you a different thing. How do you feel around them? Do you feel like you can open up with them? Do you feel like they value you? That's going to tell you way more than what anyone else could tell you about life.

Speaker 1:

And here's the thing is that this pattern is seen everywhere, right? People really believe that, based on a presidential choice, their life is going to be altered, right? When in reality it doesn't fucking matter. It's a thirst trap, right? The only thing that matters is how you view yourself. Because if you view yourself as the victor of your story, then no matter what president, what diet, whatever, you have the inspiration and you have the confidence and the courage to figure it out and make something happen. But if you see yourself as the victim of life, then, yeah, you will have all of your power resting on one presidential candidate fixing the entire world. You'll put all of your eggs in one basket when it comes to a certain diet that some trendy influencer told you about, only to have yourself cut down even harder when it undoubtedly fails because it wasn't from your intuition. So, again, at the end of the day, these are the thirst traps I'm seeing everywhere.

Speaker 1:

And it's very interesting, man, because you know again, I've experienced these firsthand. That's why I can see them right. Like Paul Cech always says, if you spot it, you got it right. It's another hermetic principle there. You know, once you see through these illusions and you come to a place of just going, I don't know anything. I literally don't know anything. Is the earth round? Is the earth flat? I have no idea. I'm not in space and even if I was, maybe my eyes are weird. I have no idea, right, and what does it really fucking matter? It doesn't matter at all.

Speaker 1:

But how many people right now Charlie, not listening to this show I'm sure, because if you found this show, I'm sure you're past this but there using the energy they could use to change the lives of themselves, their family members, their friends, their children, the world at large? How many of them are using all that energy to talk about why Trump's better or Biden's better? How many people on Instagram right now and Facebook are arguing and using all their energy to do that? People they don't know, people they've never met, and, when you look into the system, people that the government just wants you to think you have a choice in choosing, when reality is that BlackRock and Vanguard and all these powers that shouldn't be pull the strings right Now.

Speaker 1:

Again, at the end of the day, if we come to a place of saying I don't know right, then the only thing we can know is what we choose to know subjectively, which is not capital K, knowing it's lowercase, it's hey. Right now I know that for me, raw milk is really good, but also I don't know if it's going to be that way forever. I'm going to leave myself open to interpretation. You know, in dogma they say a great line. I think it's Chris Rock's character who says it. I forget his name, but he basically says I prefer ideas to beliefs because they're easier to change, and that's exactly what I believe now, like at the end of the day, if someone came to me and said, hey, the earth's flat and this is why and I like their story better I'm gonna hop on there, fuck it.

Speaker 2:

What does it matter?

Speaker 1:

Right, like what is me? Believing the earth's going to be flat around or whatever can affect anything To me. I just follow the fun into whatever the most exciting experience of life is, whether it's the flying spaghetti monster, whether it's interdimensional species, whether it's carnivore diet, whatever it is that gives me more fun, more energy and more love of my being. That's what I follow straight up, no dogma attached to it, and I've had to learn that through going through all the dogma you know and thinking that one path was going to be the, the path of all. And every time I've been in an organization like that, it's just been very cringy. It's very easy to spot out if you have eyes to see and it's also very damaging, to which witness people that do not have those eyes to see fall into the trap of it. You know I won't mention names, but I was a part of an organization for a little while. I may have shared a little bit of this with you I've talked about it a little bit on the podcast before, but I won't mention the name because I'm not, you know, petty like that. But there was an organization I was part of that was doing some really cool stuff. You know I learned a lot of great stuff about Kabbalah and hermetics and all of these amazing things, but the problem is that once again, they were the people that were thinking the true Tao can be spoken of and that they have the codes. And they have all this.

Speaker 1:

And I remember there was a certain class where, you know they, they poo-pooed plant medicine, which I thought was kind of weird. Their reasoning for it was what is a plant going to teach you about you? You're not a plant. And I was like are you fucking kidding me? Do you understand what junk dna is? Also, does that mean we shouldn't eat plants because we're not a plant? We shouldn't eat any animal because we're not an animal? Like that idea, that theory and that ideology does not pan out whatsoever. I was sitting there and I was like does anyone else notice how fucking dumb that is? And so I'm like all right, whatever, this is their rules, I'm just here to learn my stuff. Like whatever they can run it, however.

Speaker 1:

But then I was in a class one time where they actually tried to tell people that cocaine was better for your energetic body than cannabis, and that's when I was like yeah, I can no longer be a part of this place, because now I'm going to speak up and I don't want to cause a rift. This is your organization, but I'm not going to let people get away dumb ass shit that could potentially really hurt people. I mean, I think we can all agree anyone with common sense a synthetic drug is 10 million times more damaging than a natural plant, you know. And the fact that they couldn't even see that small, that that very big distortion showed me, thank you, you illuminated my eyes to a lot of amazing things, like hermetics and Kabbalah, and I'll always be grateful for that. But it's time for me to take my leave and move on, and I'm grateful for it. I don't see them, as I don't see myself, as a victim. I don't see them as the enemy. It was just something I had to come to and outgrow myself, you know. And so I think, the more that we go through these things in our lives and for other people it may not be, you know, astrology for them, like it was for you, it may not be hermetics like wait a minute, whoever told me that, whatever that is, that's their subjective view of it doesn't have to be that way for me, you know, just because an astrologer tells you oh, you're an Aries, so it's always going to be like this. Maybe right, maybe maybe not.

Speaker 1:

What is the fifth agreement? Say Be skeptical but learn to listen. My favorite agreement of them all. Because what is that whole thing talking about? Discernment? And if I had to boil it down, charlie, to one thing, one muscle where he will wield and build stronger than ever, it's discernment. Because look at what we're saying.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people will tell you a lot of things, but at the end of the day, you don't know their intention behind it. Are they making money as an affiliate, right? Or do they have the purest of intention, but they're just projecting on to everyone else what they will work for them. It doesn't always have to be a enemy type thing, right? They don't have to be doing it from a harsh place. But at the same time, a lot of people think they're doing a lot of good when in reality they're actually coming from a place of evil. I mean, look at religion, right? Hey, god loves everyone, but if you don't follow our sect, then you're going to burn in hell, right, that's not love, that's not god, right. But until we have eyes to see, we may actually end up believing that's what love is, and then that gets projected into our entire life and we end up in dysfunctional relationships and yada, yada, yada. So that was my little soapbox there. But yeah, dude, it's.

Speaker 2:

It's so accurate, dude, so accurate, yeah and I think, um, the greatest lesson that we, as as humans and and spirits in human forms, really the number one thing we should be paying attention to, is just self-reflection. You know, I think people use the word meditation, and meditation and fortitude has created so much stigma and people get confused and then they're like, oh, you shouldn't think about anything, like no one can do that. Wait now, who's like hijacking the word meditation. And so a lot of times and it's really funny I remember having this conversation with someone who is very Christian. They're like oh, you know, have you thought about cause? She was just very active, she can stop thinking about everything. It was like have you heard of meditation? She goes oh, no, my priest told me that meditation is not good for us. I'm like, uh, so at the time I didn't have the language of what the Christians use, and so I was like, let me go into what the Christians use. Turns out they have quiet time. I was like, yo, you guys, it's called quiet time. I should have just used the word quiet time on them.

Speaker 2:

But this idea that you need time to reflect on who you are, what's happening to you, what is it that is resonating with you or not resonating with you. Because so often you're like, oh, this works. And then you jump to the next thing rather than actually saying every day does this work still, does this work still right? Because I've run into also patients who are like oh yeah, I remember my doctor once said to use garlic because my body was cold. 10 years later, I'm like oh, I feel like my body's always hot. Are you still using garlic? He goes, yeah, since I used garlic that first time, it was so amazing. I constantly use garlic. I'm like you're supposed to use garlic when you're cold, but once you're hot, stop using garlic Again. Garlic doesn't mean forever. You're going to be using garlic.

Speaker 2:

Medicines are not meant to be used actually for impurituity. And this is the irony of even when we deal with medicine. People are like, oh, your medicine doesn't work. I'm like did you use it beyond the prescribed time that I told you to use it? Well, yeah, because I thought it would work after this amount of time, because it worked for the first five days. I'm like yo, like medicine is to get you back into homeostasis because you've gone too far out of balance. But once you're in balance, stop taking that medicine and then just trust that you're now in balance, right, because once you go out of balance, a new thing might develop and then your body will tell you what is it that this new thing needs, right?

Speaker 2:

You know, I was a vegetarian for like 10 years and then I started to have issues. Once I started eating meat, everything kind of changed. I'm like okay. But then there's some days I'm like, oh, I got to take a break from meat because, you know, sometimes I'm just, like, you know, stalling my system.

Speaker 2:

So you know it's understanding that again, we're not, we're very diverse being. We have the opportunity that in astrology we have transits, and so even the summer is hot, winter is cold. In the summer it's hot, winter is cold. So even in that essence, you cannot stay in a very warm climate all the time and come to a cold climate and still eat the same food, do the same things, right. And so because of that and ironically that's what makes life so beautiful, because nobody wants the same thing for the rest of their lives, otherwise that's really boring. You might as well just build a robot and let that robot do that for the rest of their lives.

Speaker 2:

But because we are human and because we grow, we always keep growing and because of that, that allows us to kind of say, hey, at this moment I'm choosing to use different, like same thing, as like everything you did as a teenager, you probably hopefully aren't still doing as an adult, because you know your ability to understand what you were doing as a kid and, plus, your body is very different from when it is today, right, and so it's very important that we practice also self-reflection and self-tuning, understanding what is our body telling us, what is our mind telling us and how we feeling emotionally, because a lot of times emotions change. You know, suddenly you felt something for somebody and suddenly, because of deeper conversation with them, you don't feel the same way. But sometimes we feel like, out of loyalty and duty, I need to stick to these people. And then you have these friends that keep betraying you because you've kind of outgrown them and you know this is outgrowing your own environment where you're selling. You're like, hey, I choose not to be in an environment of people drinking to the point where they black out. That's not where I want to be and those are the people.

Speaker 2:

Maybe that I want to and I get to choose different people and that doesn't make me a good or bad person. That just made me a person that's actually growing and choosing and that's being discerning right, because everybody is constantly discerning what is working for them and not working for them, and that's a deeper conversation that we should all be having and we should all give each other space for that, because then, when you are having that space, when you come and talk to me, I trust that you're coming being Ryan right and not being like your mother's issues of Ryan right, because then again, I'm not getting the version of you that is. You know that beautiful perspective that is so honest that I can appreciate. Is that going to work for me or not? Because if I'm getting a distortion of you, then I'm not actually learning from you. I'm learning from your distortion of whoever, that person who affected you, and so that's very important that when we are really speaking and sharing our truth, it's coming from a place of I really thought about this, I really processed this and this is where I'm at, and I hope that you can get more of the energy of that rather than the literal sense of what I said.

Speaker 2:

Which is where we get stuck is people take things so literally. Sometimes it's like no guys, metaphors of life. Okay, because this is where we run into the literal sense of the religious books. We're like, hey guys, we never needed to take those literal. There's so many beautiful metaphors in these books and that's like the deeper lesson of like how do we use some of these metaphors during the time we needed in our life?

Speaker 1:

100% dude like that was perfectly illustrated. Because, at the end of the day, what I believe these sacred texts are there to do is to be read, but during different days, different times of our life, et cetera, they're interpreted differently based on what we're going through. Right then, and if we could choose to look at life like poetry rather than a textbook? Right, textbooks are meant to be taken literally. There's facts in them, you memorize the facts, you regurgitate them to get an A on a test Very boring in my opinion, but that's just my opinion To the other way, where we look at life like poetry, where, let's say, someone says something and maybe there's 12 different ways you can interpret it and you choose the one that's going to help you the most right now in your life.

Speaker 1:

That's why I love things like the Hermetic Principles, right, or Gene Keys, or astrology, or any of these systems, because I could read the same description, let's say, of what it means to be an aries from one day to the next and get a totally different interpretation based on how my consciousness takes that in and creates meaning out of it. And we are meaning making machines as human beings, right, like you know, the first hermetic principle all is mind, and I thought it was funny too of you know. Uh, one of the things I've seen recently that kind of goes along with meditation and things like that is all the mind's bad. The mind's bad, oh my god, it's got all these things, the mind's bad, right, and I've seen a lot of people that are very into somatics and whatnot kind of like cast the mind away. And I'm like you guys realize that what you just did was use the mind to cast the mind away. Right, you're using that which you think is completely useless to create a life and an experience where it's useless. Right, because the all is mind, everything is mental, everything is a story, everything is a construct that we make up subjectively.

Speaker 1:

Anything can be accurate or inaccurate for us subjectively, but what I tell everyone is just be very aware of what you're doing because, just like Harry Potter didn't understand the power of a wand, but when he pointed it in a certain direction, when he was in Diagon Alley, it started blowing shit off the shelves. It didn't matter that he didn't know how powerful that one wasn't how powerful he was. He got a very disempowering result, which is blowing shit off the shelves and making a fool of himself, right, even those of us that believe this doesn't exist. Well, in your reality, abracadabra, it doesn't exist because you told yourself that it doesn't exist. So just be very aware of where you're putting this power in your life, because you know again, if two people are experiencing a rainy day and one of them says, oh, this always happens to me, every time I want a sunny day, I get a shitty rainy day right Versus the other person says, ah, I was hoping it'd be sunny today, but you know what I can find a way to like the rain. Both of those people are existing in the same objective circumstances Rain is falling on their head, but what they have done is architected different stories. Right In the first individual, they have made themselves the victim of life circumstances.

Speaker 1:

This is always happening to me. Why does life never work out my way, right? Which, abracadabra? Now that's what you're going to get more of? Whereas the other person says well, I can't change the rain, but I can change my perspective on it, and you know what I actually like these things to do in the rain that I wouldn't get to do on a sunny day, so actually, let me go do those things. That person went with the flow of the tide, whereas the other person is trying to go against it. But in the same sense, they're both using the power of the mind and the power of their autonomy to create the reality they're living in.

Speaker 1:

So our ability to just follow the fun, to be able to discern what is really accurate for ourselves, is the degree to which we're able to live a fulfilling life. It really can be that simple. Now again, simple does not mean easy, right? Most of our intellect has been going to the gym getting programmed with disempowering shit since we were six years old. So think of it this way it's almost like since we were six years old, we've been taking steroids and going to the gym to just fucking crush weights with no form. And now, as we get older, we're like oh dude, my fucking joints hurt. But we can't just stop working out, because then we'll get fat, sick and unhealthy. So we need to keep working out in some way, but we need to change the way in which we're working out and the signals from which we're actually following.

Speaker 1:

So now, for most of us, the analogy articulates that we need to actually go into that which we fear most to enter, which is this thing called the mind, with all its programs and patterns, and actually start loving those parts of us that have learned that we aren't good enough, learned that we're not worthy, learned that we're not enough, learned that life is just happening to us and we have no ability to change it, and actually start shifting those belief systems so that our lives can become better. That's the only way it becomes better. No guru's gonna. Only way it becomes better no guru is going to help you. Gurus don't exist. We already went over that. There's not going to be any magic pill out there. No matter what anyone tells you, no matter how much shillage you eat, no matter how many cold plunges you do, you're still going to have your shitty belief systems and shitty stories unless you choose to take your power back and go into that which you fear most, to enter and actually find the treasure you most seek. So 100. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I want to also mention, just because of how you're saying, the whole sunny day too. So if you heard recently, um, they're saying that they're no longer allowing Aries to go into clubs because they had realized that Aries were the ones causing trouble.

Speaker 2:

Right Again. This is where, like if you don't understand what kind of energies you're working into, you are labeling, you are prejudice and you're stereotyping. Do you know why those areas got into fights? Sure, some of them low version of aries had problems, right, and they were looking for fights. But do you know who protects people when there are men trying to abuse women? A Aries. And do you know who's the bodyguard usually that protects people? Aries, right. And so the higher version of an Aries is actually a guardian, a protector.

Speaker 1:

Your bouncer is probably an Aries, right.

Speaker 2:

Who's really seeing who's going to start trouble, because he was that kid who started trouble when he was younger, right. And so I think, again, this is the idea when I get really frustrated when people use astrology literally, right, rather than metaphorically to give space for people to grow into themselves, right. And so this idea that if we just go, oh, everybody in this sign in this day, we should not be doing that, you're actually not allowing the Aries to grow into themselves, because they're able to kind of like learn how to do things in a setting with a whole bunch of people, right. So, again, when I heard that, I was like, oh my God, they're going to cause a whole nother like side effect of suddenly none of the Aries showing up, and so everybody secretly is abusing each other or hurting each other or, you know, groping each other because an Aries is not there to kind of stand up for, like, hey, you shouldn't be doing that, right.

Speaker 2:

And so, again, this is kind of where I think society needs to get a little bit more evolved, with the ability of like treating everybody in a place of equality and not labeling, because in the part where you start labeling and you start to prohibit people from doing this or that is where we start having kind of this, the stereotypical slash, racism, sexism and all the isms that we get is because we create labels and suddenly people have to fit in these categories, where today I may fit in that category but tomorrow I may not, right, and because of that we're not allowing our culture to grow because we are boxed them into labels.

Speaker 2:

So, again, this is kind of this deeper conversation of like why you know, labels are only good enough where you can use them, to work with them, but be careful that it doesn't become a limitations of your ability to work with that energy.

Speaker 2:

And so that's kind of why I love being able to have these podcasts and these conversation, because everyone has a different way of explaining things and if we're able to hear and this is why, like you know, there's not one podcast to rule them all or one TV station to rule them all because so many people, even astrologers, there's so many different types of astrologers. Some people are like, oh, I only look at this planet in somebody's chart. I'm like, okay, so you're that kind of astrologer, right, but when you put it all together, you know that's who you are, and so it allows people to kind of choose, um, what kind of astrology astrology they want at that time. So even in a bar, like, what kind of bar are you going to set? You know the scene for and let those people kind of naturally come in. But what is it that you're attracting is the deeper conversation, because if you're attracting, you know some, you know a lot.

Speaker 2:

Alcohol, that's not an Aries thing, that's a you causing people to go lose their minds and go into their darker version of themselves. So you have all these you know problems, rather than actually accepting people for who they are and allowing everyone to kind of hang out and play together.

Speaker 1:

Dude 100% perfectly stated once again. And yeah, you know, labels are the way I see it is. Labels are kind of training wheels for real life. They get you used to trying to make some sense out of reality. But as you get older you realize there is no sense to reality because there is no objective reality and nothing really exists unless what you create in your mind, right and so, like you know again, where I can, I can view the level of consciousness that most of humanity is at, based on a level of consciousness that I used to be into when I was a teenager.

Speaker 1:

I would see someone who liked rap music as a certain thing. I would see someone who liked metal music as a certain thing. I was a musician, right. So I framed a lot of music labels and things like that. And it's so funny because I heard this quote the other day. That was so funny.

Speaker 1:

It was like metal music is a bunch of nice people pretending to be angry and pop music is a bunch of angry people pretending to be nice. And it's so accurate, like for anyone who's been in metal before. You know that even in the mosh pits right, where people are fucking throwing kicks, the second someone actually gets hit and falls, everyone stops, picks them back up, make sure they're okay, and then they keep it going, right. So it's like these kind of things where be very careful of what you're labeling, because generalizations they take out the ability to truly use discernment and create awareness, because everything in life is unique. Even if you see two twins, for instance. Right, you could say, oh, they're the same person. Right, if you were going to use the same idea of labeling. But those individuals are completely unique. Right, they may look similar, but nothing is as it seems. Completely unique, right, they may look similar, but nothing is as it seems. And that is like one of the other big lessons that humanity must need to learn to move forward is that nothing right now is as it seems. Everything is inverted, everything is backwards. I mean, this is why I love Mark Gober. I recently did an episode with him and that guy's really made a whole entire book series out of how everything is backwards medicine, consciousness, our ability to see ourselves as not just the only thing in the universe but a series of life forms that exist throughout in entirety and infinity, right with uh you know, extraterrestrial contact and whatnot, and so, again, like you know, I typically.

Speaker 1:

For me, I usually started the opposite of what someone says a label is right. So if someone says, oh, a trump person, someone who likes trump, is this, I'm like all right, what's the opposite of that? Now, let me go try, right. So if someone says, oh, a Trump person, someone who likes Trump, is this, I'm like, alright, what's the opposite of that? Now, let me go try to find that. Then, undoubtedly, I find it, because you can find anything in any spectrum. And then they go, okay, let me open up that view again, right.

Speaker 1:

And what you start realizing is you know what happens when people put people in labels shit like Trump getting almost shot, kind of shit that happens right, because people think, oh, that guy is doing all these things. Not realizing the media is completely lying to them. All these people have their own vested interests and it just causes a lot of friction and violence and a lot of just things that are not necessary anymore. Like we don't need to keep revisiting history to realize what happens when we come from a place of hate and labeling and judging people. We already know what happens there.

Speaker 1:

What did we all learn in elementary school? If you don't learn history, you're deemed to repeat, doomed to repeat it, but I think we understood as an intellectual concept. But then we do the same thing without realizing we're doing the same thing. So again, this is coming from me, who's done this before, so I can speak from that level, you know. But it's so important that you know we start to see the errors in our ways right, the opportunities in the errors in our ways, the opportunity to go wow, I had a very limited view of a certain group or life as a whole and now I get to expand that and that should be a really fun and enjoyable process. It doesn't have to be oh my goodness, now who am I? Oh my goodness, my ego is hurt. Oh my goodness, now I'm quote unquote, wrong. Listen, there's no right or wrong. It's a duality made in the mind. Anyway, it doesn't even exist, right, it's just a construct we've made to feel some sort of safety or more, feel more safe and being alive. You know, but it doesn't actually exist.

Speaker 1:

And the more that we let go of those things and realize that in a lot of ways, as the kids say, we can ghost ride the whip and just really have fun with it, the more fun life becomes and the less we have to try to convince anyone of anything, because even if I know cold plunges are the best thing ever, I don't know if they're going to be the best thing for Charlie. So I can talk about cold plunges and if you say, oh man, those things are terrible, you shouldn't do it. I can be like, oh, why, I'm curious, talk about cold plunges. Let's say, for example, I can say, hey, they're really good for me, but I do know some people. They don't work well for right.

Speaker 1:

So now, when people are listening to that, they don't just go. I gotta go do it because ryan did it. They go oh, let me think into that because he did say they might be good or might not be. And the more of us that do that and just say, hey, guys, we don't really know. We're not here to know, we're just here to illuminate and get you curious. And then you're meant to discern in your own life what is right and wrong for you subjectively, put it into action and, like a scientist, test it until it breaks and then find a new hypothesis and keep going.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, 100 yeah, no, it's really exciting because this whole idea of the age of aquarius right now is the age of the unknown. It's the age where, um, it's is going to be everything you you don't expect will happen, right, and that's the power of the age of aquarius is to teach us, like, hey, stop making things a label, stop making this a routine, because sometimes, when you create things statically, like, it's basically his dead history, right, and the idea that history is not dead is always living, because this idea that we could actually reach I mean, this is what I did is I reached into my younger self and was able to talk to my younger self. I'm accessing my own timelines, right, and so in that moment that that that child, the child in myself, is still there, it doesn't mean that my past is dead, but it's still living within me and my now present is still connected to my present as much as it is connected to my future. And so this idea that you know, that's why we have redemption, that's why we have forgiveness, because sometimes we do things and that is part of the experience that we have to use to learn. And so I think too many people are uncomfortable with the unknown, just like you said.

Speaker 2:

Like, said like, oh, I came here to get the answers from you, right, and this is why the irony of ai is super interesting, because suddenly it's like, well, if the people aren't telling me what is the right or wrong thing to do, I'm gonna go on the computer and ask the computer what I should do. And that is where, again, this is going into the outsourcing your power to something outside of yourself. Right, and this is where I hope that we as a culture start to realize that we have our own answers. And when we become more in tune with that, I think culturally and genetically, we will evolve as a spiritual beings in this, in this beautiful planet, because the planet is also a being that has been with us the entire time. Right, and and if people don't don't know this, go into nature with no technology and see how busy nature is.

Speaker 2:

Right, it's so ironic that people are like, if a tree falls down when no one is there, you know, will anyone here might have you been to a forest? Just because you're not there, it doesn't mean there's billions of things are alive that would definitely experience a tree falling, right. And so this is going back where you say even the aliens, like we thought we'd be the only humans on this planet, but all the stars that we see outside, where we can barely count and have a number for the amount of stars we have. No one's there, you know, and this is kind of where I hope um the idea that also not just that, but we are connected to everyone else, but actually in our ability to be ourselves, we are then reconnected back to like. I feel like earth is this beautiful being and we are the blood cells, the red blood cells, the white blood cells, um, the trees are like it's neurons. You know this.

Speaker 2:

I mean really the, this psilocybin, um, and the what's called um the what are the roots, oh my yeah mycelium is literally how we grow neurons, and it's ironic because in the west they say you can't regrow neurons, I'm like, but if you eat mushrooms you can, because of mushrooms are the mycelial to the soil of Earth which she uses. And then we watch the movie Avatar, where you're like this great mother tree who is connected to our consciousness and we connect to her and feed her, our consciousness. And so it's really funny how movies are hinting at our reality but they're using the word science fiction to make that a non-reality. Again, the labeling of the Tao makes it not the Tao, right? And so because we label these movies science fiction doesn't mean it doesn't really exist. And so it's just a beautiful time right now to be alive, because I really do feel like a lot of us are being activated to be our true selves.

Speaker 2:

And I think different and I've been saying this to a lot of people where, if you look at exactly what happened to the presidents, the presidents are like 80 years old. Why aren't there like 60, 50 year olds showing up in the leadership role anywhere in the planet? Right, and I think it's because, if you look at astrologically, a lot of us went into self-healing, so we did not want to take the role of leadership. However, now we're like let's kick out these boomers. You guys stop it. You guys have caused too much trouble. None of you guys are healed. All of you guys are traumatized children who are now acting out on the world. And a lot of us who chose not to take leadership well, we watch you screw up so we decided to go into our own healing. That's why I think a lot of us in our peers have gone through the psychedelic journey, because we're like, how do we avoid being our parents but then also not be so ignorant like our children today who, you know, don't have the history to not repeat history right?

Speaker 2:

And so I think a lot of us now are able to now step up in these shows, in our podcast, in our YouTube channel and speaking up from a place of, I would say, better healed, speaking up from a place of, I would say, better healed because we don't, I don't think, ever heal, because we constantly, you know, make mistakes and we heal and learn from that, you know. But like we're way better in the sense that we've started to learn how to discern what works for us, so that we are now in a community that's able to work together on how to discern what works for the community, rather than talking at people telling them that from the top we can see what you need. Again, it's this like pyramid scheme, right? Even when we talk in marketing, everything's a pyramid scheme rather than a circle, all at the bottom working together.

Speaker 2:

So I'm really excited for kind of where we are generationally, and I think a lot of our peers are starting to realize we need to step up, but in our own way, and that's why I love how all of us like you're a leader, ryan, and I'm a leader but we aren't like the leaders, right, because we don't need to have the leaders. We just need to be a leader of our own energy, because in that sense, we're not able to work together because we can appreciate each other and also be able to share our differences and our similarities, and so that's why I just, I just love I mean, that's why I love kind of your podcast and being able to really speak and allow everybody to speak in their own kind of voice oh, dude, this has been such an epic conversation.

Speaker 1:

Man like I could literally talk to you for hours upon hours, upon hours. You're going to be a repeat guest for sure on the show very often, because these conversations are really what I feel is the most important stuff to talk about in society right now. Because what are we really talking about? Right, we're saying, hey, stop listening to so many things and start subtracting. Right, just start subtracting from everything and tune into yourself.

Speaker 1:

How do you feel about a certain diet? How do you feel about a certain person? Right, not in the judgmental way, but just in a. Does this work for me? Does this person resonate for me? Does this diet make me feel better or does it actually make me feel worse? Does this person actually make me feel more depressed? Right, like not, because they might do that to everyone. Because, for whatever reason, they might do it to you.

Speaker 1:

Right, like I know I'm not everyone's medicine. You know you're not everyone's medicine. No harm, no foul. Right, there's 8 billion people out there. You're gonna find your person. Right, if it's not me, it's okay. Right, because I know, at the end of the day, it's not personal. You know, at the end of the day like I may not like the be orange, right?

Speaker 1:

So, again, how we do anything is how we do everything and if we can extrapolate it into a view like that, it makes it much simpler overall and easier in a way to which I'm a big fan of, because I really feel like life is not meant to be so complicated. Right, we can definitely make it that way if we want to, but it doesn't have to be. I've lived both sides of it, so Charlie's been amazing man. You know, where can people find you connect with you? I know that for anyone who hasn't listened to the first episode, charlie did definitely go back and listen to that. But maybe for anyone who's tuning into this one before they listen to the other one, where can they find you connect with you and dive into your world? Brother, get your YouTube and everything like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm on YouTube. You can search for Dr Charlie Tran or the Self-Healing Journey. It's all about giving people power back to have their own journey and share that with everybody. And then you can find me on Instagram. It's cosmic Trinity T R I N H I T Y. It's kind of fun on my name. I love the idea of the Trinity. I'm also on LinkedIn. You can find me also as Dr Charlie Tran, and on Facebook. I don't know if many people say use Facebook, but yeah, that's that's kind of where I express a lot of these deeper lessons. Everything I learn I want to share with people and I want people to also. I do interviews as well, and I love, Ryan, for you to actually come on my podcast and be able to share your own story.

Speaker 2:

It's so important, yeah, so I'd love for you. We'll kind of set that up soon. But, yes, thank you everyone who've been listening and I'm excited to come back and have deeper conversation because these are the conversation. That's really exciting. We have this great, you know, back and forth of energy and that's really important because these discussions are what people are looking for. We are looking for these deeper discussions.

Speaker 2:

We're not looking for the same drawn out, you know, conversation of like, you know what you know, and that's why, like people to me, like the news is dead, you know, like the news is dead, no one's listening to that negative system. Like we are now in a place where, like, hey, you deserve to have the best in your life, so be the solution to your problems, and so we are just showing. We are just another fractal of that sharing, kind of like, what we learned and what we learned together. We're creating this beautiful tapestry of how, you know, the human consciousness can come together and really support each other. So thank you a lot, ryan. I was love being on your show and being able to share this and you asked, and we have great conversations, so thank you oh, dude, you're so welcome.

Speaker 1:

And to everyone who's tuning in, I already asked charlie my typical last question in the last episodes. You'll have to go check that one out to figure out what he thinks about using discernment in the psychedelic space. But I know you guys are going to love diving into Charlie's world. When him and I met at Confluence it was immediately like soul brother, soul contract, shit. It was awesome, and you can see here today why Charlie is doing so many amazing things and why I really enjoy Charlie.

Speaker 1:

I mean, there's many reasons, but one of them is exactly what he shared here. He's not telling anyone what to do. He's allowing them to build that muscle of discernment that allows them to be their own guru. And that is everything that I am about and everything I get behind. So make sure to go give him a follow. Make sure, if you love the show, go give it a five-star review. We'd appreciate it so much. And until next time. Everybody, wherever you are in the world, I hope you are having the best day ever and, as always, may the source be with you. Peace for now.

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