This One Time On Psychedelics

Ep. 180: More God, Less Dogma (feat. Mark Anthony Lord)

Ryan Sprague, Mark Gober Season 1 Episode 180

I feel for many of us who find our way into the realm of psychedelic medicines, that we’re “searching” for something. I know for me, I had no idea what I was searching for, yet that didn’t stop it from finding me & for me personally, what I was truly searching for was a deeper connection with god, creator or whatever you choose to call the omniscient power within & beyond us. Today’s episode is one that is very near & dear to my heart as today’s guest is an absolutely incredible human being who is doing his part to assist others in the same quest & is someone who I’ve gotten to know over the past 6 months & have had a blast in getting close with. In this episode, we dive into his journey of overcoming sexual abuse, finding his own way into teaching spirituality, free from dogma,  how psychedelics impacted his life & much much more. 

This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Medicines and the impact they've made among the countless psychonauts exploring the last true frontier. Buy a ticket and take the ride with me as we get true first-hand accounts of the experiences, benefits, risks and transformations taking place within the ever-expanding world of psychedelic medicines. On this One Time, on Psychedelics, I feel for many of us who find our way into the realm of psychedelic medicines that we're, quote-unquote, searching for something I know. For me, I had no idea what I was searching for, yet that didn't stop it from finding me, and for me personally, what I was truly searching for was a deeper connection with God, creator, or whatever you choose to call the omniscient power within and beyond us. Today's episode is one that is very near and dear to my heart, as today's guest is an absolutely incredible human being who is doing his part to assist others in the same quest, and is also someone I've gotten to know over the past six months and have had a blast in getting close with. In this episode we dive into his journey of overcoming sexual abuse, finding his own way into teaching spirituality free from dogma, how psychedelics impacted his life and much, much more. So please help me in welcoming my dear friend and brother, Mark Anthony Lord to the show.

Speaker 1:

Mark Anthony Lord, my man, I am so excited to have you here with me today. You know, as I said in the intro for everyone listening, mark and I met, you know, a little while ago. We have a very dear mutual friend, aaron Abkey, who's also been on the show before. And you know, when I met you, man, I was like man, this guy is just awesome. We get along famously. We've had the opportunity to connect quite a bit recently. It's just been amazing getting to know you, man, and I'm really excited you know selfishly to hear more about your story. You know, I've heard tidbits from Aaron and also you and your content and everything. But you know, man, first of all, how are you doing today? It's amazing to be with you today.

Speaker 2:

I know I'm so good and it's all mutual love man. Same thing Like oh, who's that light bulb man? So, yeah, I'm happy to be here. I so yeah, I'm happy to be here, I'm awesome and I love these conversations and I'm grateful for you because you have a space to let the conversation go where it wants to go. So it's exciting.

Speaker 1:

In a world full of censorship and all that kind of stuff too. You know, I've really my love for podcasting has deepened a lot because I've started to realize just how important it is. For instance, I've started to realize just how important it is, like, for instance, I've never had my podcast on YouTube before about two weeks ago. I just did it through Spotify, apple etc. So I've never had to deal with censorship. It's never even been on my radar. Obviously, I understand that I'm on Instagram and I get shadow banned and stuff, but the other day my producer was like hey, do you want me to upload the RSS feed to YouTube? My producer was like hey, do you want me to upload the RSS feed to YouTube? I was like sure. So all of a sudden, 170 something episodes went up there and immediately I get a strike on my account because one of them was curing cancer with cannabis was one of the titles, because this woman cured her cancer with cannabis, right? So just more of that evidence of like why these conversations are so important you know to be able to have, because you know, in today's world everything is not exactly as what it seems and and you know what I'm really excited to know about is for you and we'll get into, you know, plant medicine and things like that, if it comes up, of course.

Speaker 1:

But for you the question I'm really curious on is, for me personally, what psychedelics and plant medicines have opened up in me is my connection to god, source, creator, seeing myself as a fractal from the most high, stemming from creator, however you want to put it. And so for me, like I was saying before I hit record, spirituality, religion, all of these things that we can think about related to a certain God or a certain practice, are for me some of the biggest psychedelic experiences I've ever had. And so, for you, what I'm really curious on, man, I'm going to change up. The first question I normally ask is how you first got interested in all the things you're into, because you have such an amazing journey of you know, running a church and all these things. How did this all get started for Mark Anthony, lord, do tell.

Speaker 2:

You're going to really dig this, because I was about 27 and I was a professional dancer and I had like a really I had a career that dancers would want you know like, and so I was very blessed for that, but I never really wanted to be a dancer. It was like I landed in it and like the stars were aligned. And so here I'm like living this kind of dream life, but I'm like, but is it my dream? And I met this woman and she was a breath worker and so she said, you know, invited me to do a session with her because I was really like exploring, like what is my career, like where am I going? I had a lot of interest in in spirituality because I had just gotten into 12 step recovery. That's, that's new in my life. I've got this career, that is good, but is it mine? And it's all this stuff is bumping into each other. I do this breath work, dude, and first of all she goes.

Speaker 2:

We took these like she had three balls and they each represented the different options One was to become a high school teacher, one was to remain in the entertainment field as a dancer and one was to become a minister. So I picked up the teacher one and it had some of the parts of me in it and I set it down. Picked up the dancer and performer, and it had parts of me in it. Set it down. Picked up the minister it had everything. It had all the things from the teacher, all the things from the performer, all the things that I deeply love. And then I did the breath work after that and it everything aligned. I went home, I registered for a seminary. They said there's no seats left to get in for the spring term. I'm, like, put my name on a wait list, I'm coming. I got in two days later, like, and then it was just it took off from there. So how I do what I do is because of a breathwork session man.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that is amazing, dude. You know that's the first time I've heard like how you got your start in this. I didn't know if you know, similar to Aaron, your parents went to church or anything like that. And it's amazing to see how, like you know, when the student is ready, the master will appear, and the master in this case not just being the teacher you were with, but also the breath also, like your higher self. You know all these parts conjoining together to create a more abundance of purpose. You know evolving in your life, into you, know all the things you, and what an amazing opportunity to see how life can answer everything with a yes and it's like, well, do I want to be a teacher or do I want to be in the entertainment industry? It's like, what about both?

Speaker 2:

You know better and even like that. That was man, no man. I was raised in a Catholic blue collar. You know town, and outside Detroit there was no real spirituality. I so, while this is waking up in me, I'm like, oh my God, I think I'm going to be one of those woo woo people Today. I'm a fucking woo woo person.

Speaker 1:

Yes, dude, you and I both, and you're in good company here with the listeners of this show, you know. I mean you know I've had some really wild guests on this show that you know. People are still listening now. They'll be with me forever. Put it that way, you know. But it's amazing, man, because in a way, you know, you did get into this through psychedelics. It was just a psychedelic of endogenous DMT breathwork and your own supply, you know, which is. I mean, I've had Chris on the show and we've talked about that and everything, but that is the psychedelic that's always with us. You know, and I'm curious after that event, after that first breathwork, did you get into a breathwork routine after that? Like, what was that experience, doing breathwork for the first time? Can you describe it with words?

Speaker 2:

I know it's probably beyond words, but what I discovered in hindsight I did it periodically once in a while. I really am wired for the fantastical. I have an ability to go to other dimensions really, really easily, because I got more stories. We could be here for a day, so cut me off. But the next profound breathwork session making it quite simple as I can was when I go into the breathing process and then, just like when I've done plant medicine more recently, I just literally I am in another world and it is real and I am not steering the ship. I am not steering the ship.

Speaker 2:

And this one, an Indian, shows up on a horse and he says get on the horse. I get on the horse. We go to this river. Jesus is standing in the river and I go into the river facing him and he goes you're using the wrong heart. And I was like what are you talking about?

Speaker 2:

And he reached in, he pulled out my human heart and he's like this is not made to heal, this is not made to hold burdens or to connect you to the divine, kind of put it back in. Then he reached into his heart, pulled out the Christ heart and he goes. This is what we share. This is the one heart of pure power Reach put it into me which was already in me and more activated, yeah, yeah, inside of me, and I just exploded. And that dude, that's profound the difference between the human heart and the real heart that heals. Like I was given the blessing of an activation that forever changed my understanding of where our healing power really flows from. Wow, and seeing so many people in our world today, which I know you see too, man, you burden your human heart If you put all the pressure on that heart attacks, blood pressure problems, cholesterol, you know, yeah, food, all the environment, but no, you're overburdening the human heart, which is not made to carry the load. That's cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is fucking cool, man. I mean like that's one of the coolest stories I've ever heard of this show, you know, and that's like one of the millions of reasons I was so excited to have you on, because, you know, I think that why do we have the term faith? Right, because for a lot of us, we have yet to know for ourselves, subjectively, right, whether we ever know objectively, I have no idea. Quantum physics says there's no objective reality. But regardless, not to get stuck in the weeds, you know, for a lot of us, you know, what I choose to believe is that I know God exists. For me personally, right, but for a lot of us, you know, we, we have faith as well. Right, or maybe we're only running on faith, maybe we don't have any direct evidence and every single person that comes in the show and speaks to that allows someone else to go.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm seeing more and more evidence and that evidence is a lot of times necessary to have someone move from that left brain dominant point of view into a right brain, experiential understanding, in going through a plant medicine journey or a breathwork journey or going to a really good sermon or any of these kind of things.

Speaker 1:

Right, because, you know, the funny thing about God, as I found, is that even though institutional religion will try to get you to believe that you have to go to a certain place to have him around you, I mean he's everywhere, right, and God to me is just playing one big game of hide and seek. You know, god's an eternal child to me and I'm curious for you, like, do you see God in that light, like you know this game of warmer, colder, or hide and seek, or like the eternal child? Because one of my favorite quotes in the Bible is if you want to enter the kingdom of heaven, you must first enter the mind of a child. And for me, like that one has's a reason for it. And I'm just curious, man, if you've seen God in that kind of light as well.

Speaker 2:

Well, the meaning of that particular quote is really the mind of the child has no past and no future. That's really what they're pointing to. So when you're in the now moment, you have access to the divine power. I have grown tremendously and I've gone. You know, I'm all about getting a new God.

Speaker 2:

My whole world has been about helping people heal their relationship with God and this is an ever expanding concept. It's like you get an idea and there's more and there's more. I mean it's an infinite, it's an infinite thing. But what is important is in this infinite construct, where it's cool to know that then it says now, and what I learned? Because I've gone to India a number of times, what I learned there, which was tremendous, was, yeah, it's so infinite that it becomes impersonal. So that's cool.

Speaker 2:

But now, how do you take the infinite and build a personal relationship with it? So to me, it's both. To me, I love the infinite nature of the law of God, the, the, you know, the spiritual laws of God that we can count on, that formed us, that we can use for creation. Like I get off on that stuff and I have a living personal relationship with with God, that that feeds my soul, because this dimension, it life, is relationship, life is relationship.

Speaker 2:

And I find, in the Western world, because this whole conversation is so messed up by religion, people throw the baby out with the bathwater. You know. So for me, god I don't know if I can even define God it's like there's so many, it is like you say it's everything. I feel like people, it's like a fish swimming in the ocean looking for water. You know, if you said to a fish you need water, you need water to live, man, you better figure it out. And like the fish is like I got to find water, that's what people are doing out. And like the fish is like I got to find water, that's what people are doing. People are swimming in the divine love and the power and the support and the eternal life, trying to find it.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, I mean, that's so perfectly stated, because it is the paradoxical funniness of the world, right? And that's why I think they say laughter is the best medicine. You know, again, everything is multifaceted, right, there's, there's. You know, if you want to understand anything, you must see it from 12 different angles. I forget who said that, but I've definitely found that to be true in my life.

Speaker 1:

And, like you're saying, right, with the impersonal and personal relationship with god, or the macrocosm and microcosm view, or the higher self slash, god within us versus the humanness, right of r, of Ryan or Mark, however you look at it, we have this paradoxical equation here. And when you look at, like these kind of sayings that have stayed true throughout time, they've changed in terms of how they say them, what language is spoken in. But, like that idea of like, if you want to enter the kingdom of heaven, you must first enter the mind of a child, laughter is the best medicine. Laughter is a lot like crying, like any of these kind of statements that you know at face value, you can be like oh well, logically, I could understand, laughter is a good medicine because if you're laughing you should be in a good mood, right, but again, like when you really like break through on psychedelics or you break through on breath work, all there is is laughter, because it's such a cosmic joke. Right realizing, like Ram Dass says, that death one of the things that so many of us fear is like taking off a tight fitting shoe. You know, it's actually just another beginning in a sea of infinite chapters that will never end, have never really been started either. They're just cyclically happening.

Speaker 1:

And again, like I don't pretend to understand that, I know it intellectually and I've experienced it for moments. But again, just like I say often, you know I don't want to open my Christmas presents before Christmas morning. And for me, like when I was doing Kabbalah work they talk about in Keter, the top Sephirot, you know the image there is of God, but only one side of his face and how they say, it is like if you ended up seeing both sides of his face, you can never come back, type thing. Right, like now you've actually passed too far. And it's almost like for me it's like I don't know if I want to think of it more as like discovering the answers in the book and not being able to do the test because it would be cheating.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how to really like you know, uh, equate that, but it logically makes sense to me. They're like there are these things that we're going to naturally forget because we're meant to. Because if you don't forget, how can you be grateful about remembering? You know, you can only know white if you know black, you can only know on if you know off. I mean, it's this polarity difference that, for me, laughter is kind of like the equation for right. It's not like a specific equation, but it's like, just remember, laughter is the best medicine. When you're laughing, you know why. But then when you stop laughing, you're like, ah well, I logically understand it, but I don't really know anymore so funny.

Speaker 2:

I've said often, where there's paradox, there is god. Yes, for sure, for sure and you're on this topic.

Speaker 2:

I was raised in a broken god system the catholic church and I'm a gay guy, so I was certain I was going to hell. I mean, I was traumatized by religion and I was traumatized by God. So to be here today, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am loved by God, that I am the beloved of God, that God is incomplete without me, I am incomplete without God the way that I, like the whole world, could scream that I'm going to hell because of who I am and I'd be like all right, whatever, like I mean, when it's solid, it's solid. So that is who I am today and I'm so grateful for that journey. And again, that's what I've got to turn around and pass that on wherever, wherever I can, but fast forward.

Speaker 2:

I know we'll get to this, but by the time I got to plant medicine in 2019, I had done other breathwork things and had very wonderful spiritual experiences from my trainings and becoming a minister, and by the time I got to plant medicine, I was good with God. I was really good with God. So plant medicine became, for me, actually healing. It was because I still had traumas I had some big bucket traumas that I'd had some good work done on. But, as you know, add some plant medicine in there and you'll see the chat. You know the corners and the things that are still a little unfinished. So so that's where plant medicine really came into. Like I sort of got teed up in this way that every time I do plant medicine I feel like I'm like I at the end. I'm like how do I get five miracles? How am I so lucky that my journeys are beyond the beyond?

Speaker 1:

Like seriously that's. It's crazy, it's so amazing, man, you know and and and you know I'm glad you're bringing this up because I do think that I don't want to put this like there's like different levels to the game when it comes to plant medicine, like when I first started messing around with mushrooms. I mean, cannabis was one thing. Definitely, when I first tried cannabis, it was my first time altering my consciousness. Besides playing the pass out game when I was a kid, which was actually funny, it was like elementary breath work, you know, because what we were doing is basically hyperventilating and holding our breath and falling over, you know. And so I don't count that as my first official changing of my consciousness.

Speaker 1:

But when I got into cannabis we'll start there you know, I had no idea what the hell I was experiencing, so everything was new. I had no context for any of it. And then, as I got into other psychedelics when I was 23, that's when I first messed around with anything other than cannabis and, for me, mushrooms I had like a little bit of awareness around spirituality, but I had always called myself an agnostic. I was a metalhead growing up, so the cool thing to say was that you were an atheist, but I always knew there was something I didn't know what area I fit in at, because I didn't really identify with Christianity or Catholicism. Funny quote I heard too, which I'm sure you're going to chuckle at, is Catholics are just goth Christians. That one definitely got me so good because of all the black and everything.

Speaker 1:

So funny, man, they're good because you know the black and everything yeah, so funny man.

Speaker 1:

They're so committed to hell like that it's like real yeah yeah if they, uh, if they had to pick a store to shop at a private hot topic, you know for sure. But it's so funny, man, because I couldn't find anywhere that really resonated with me. Nor did I look into it that much, you know, for sake of argument. I didn't really look into it that much. But when I started getting into psilocybin I started realizing I'm experiencing something that I have no context for but I know to be realer than anything I've ever known to be true in my life. And so that then started me asking like what the hell is this right? Is this experience? And for me, that allowed me to get more into spirituality.

Speaker 1:

For you it was kind of the opposite. Like you found your way to God. You already knew God for yourself, and plant medicine became a way to not only continue to co-create with God, but also to allow any of those distortions that were standing in the way of you being able to own that connection to be washed away. And so it's awesome to see how, no matter where in our lives we find these medicines or we find God, that really they're all leading us to the same direction. You know, we can call it the flying spaghetti monster. We can call it, you know, the unified field, we can call it the creator. It doesn't really matter what the name is, so long as we're talking about the same thing. And you know, one thing I'm curious about for you that I found in my life and I think you'll agree with me, but I'm just curious is you were saying before that you know, because you're homosexual, right Like you had all these people telling you were going to go to hell and all this stuff.

Speaker 1:

And for me, I know right off the bat, especially these days, but even growing up I knew that was a distortion. Like I knew the fact of like hey, god's supposed to love everyone but not you. That had to be a manmade distortion. And so now, like I work with certain clients who have family members that are, you know, in the church a lot of like Southern Baptists, like really aggro. You know church type setups and you know a lot of them are, you know yoga practitioners and people like that.

Speaker 1:

And you know we've talked about how, like, some of their family members are saying you have to get baptized, you're going to burn in hell. And I'm like, see that right there, shows you they're in a distortion because God would never, that's human emotions put on to a level of being that is so far above where we're at that we can't even comprehend it. So again, like I'm curious for you if that was kind of like. You know how you viewed it. Did you have that like awareness, even when you were younger, I imagine at a certain point it shifted around like wait a minute, they're telling me that God's supposed to love everyone, but they're clearly operating from distortion, like was that part of what allowed you to expand into? Like I don't need their approval, I don't need to go to this certain place to find God.

Speaker 2:

God is all around me. I'm curious if that was kind of your trajectory too. Oh dude, I wish no. No man Like you know. This is just what's true.

Speaker 2:

The first part of my life was really dark and really hard. Now, as by divine design, it has catapulted me into who I am today, so I got no complaints about it, nor does it haunt me. But you know, if you're referencing back then you know I'm sexually abused by the neighbor man at six years old. I'm sexually abused in the Catholic church. I'm horrifically picked on in school. So I am just like the, the lightning rod for shame and guilt. And I was like I was just absorbing it, you know, like I was actually certain they were right about me. So I really, I mean I went deep into the tunnel. But the benefit of that is I got out of the deep tunnel. But yeah, no, I was the.

Speaker 2:

Where I, where I really threw god out, was when I started masturbating in puberty, because, again, for me it was like masturbate, guilt, feel horrible, do this ritual of praying and never do it again, never do it again. Well, now it became guilt or masturbation or God, masturbation or God. And you know who won? God had no chance. At that point I had to throw the dude out.

Speaker 1:

I'm like you gotta exit stage left for a while because this is staying yeah that's so funny, man, and and and what a good statement too, because like just the idea right, that god would create this thing called sexuality and then all of a sudden, it would be this trickster God who like ha ha, don't do it though, like that's more humanness right, like God is so far above that.

Speaker 1:

And if you understand which I know you do like natural law, hermetic principles, any of these systems, you know, david Hawkins scale of consciousness, that manipulative, trying to control type consciousness, is even below 200 on David Huck. And scale of consciousness versus enlightenment, which is way below where God's at, I imagine. I mean, like enlightenment is still a human. You know measurement is that 1000, you know, eight times higher, or four times higher than just 200, which is the level of courage. So it's just so funny, man. Of course, masturbation win, and in a way I wonder if God put it there, he's like listen, if anyone tells you not to do this, I'm going to make a system to make sure that this will win.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, and we're in such a powerful time on the planet now where this sacred energy, our sexual power, must be restored for our own freedom, for our own creation, for our glory, and it never will be contained. It's not meant to be, but man will. The sickness of this fearful world tribe. We know that, we see that, and what do we got abuse, rape, child I mean. All of this stuff is a byproduct of a humanity who's not claiming their glorious power.

Speaker 1:

So 100% agree, man, and you know it's because for me, one of the main reasons I never got affiliated with any church or any like you know, kind of like religious sect, if you will, was due to that, was due to the fact that I don't like to be put in boxes. You know, I think that from an early age I had no way to contextualize this. It was just kind of like in the operating system for whatever reason, when I was incarnated into this world. But I've never liked rules, especially ones that I can just tell are ridiculous and make no sense. So for me, whenever someone tries to put something like sexuality into a box, I'm like, why would I ever do that? Because you know, if I do that, and well then I'm limiting myself, right.

Speaker 1:

The second that you take the all and you try to create a line through it and try to label it or categorize it, you're losing the allness of it, right, If that makes sense. And so you know, when I think about any realm in life, there is no realm that is more beautiful, more exciting, more exhilarating than the world of sexuality, whether it be for ourselves, whether it be for partners, etc. Etc. Spirituality, whether it be for ourselves, whether it be for partners, etc. Etc. But again, like that's one of the main things that I still see a lot of people in the spiritual world falling into, you know, think about for men, semen retention, right, and you know, saving your seed and these kind of things, like the idea makes sense, right. And astrologically, there's a certain time period, three days of each month, where the moon is moving through your sun sign, where, if you read the law of light I don't know if you've ever read that book by Lars Mule- no, but I will.

Speaker 1:

It's a great book, man, and it's all about the secret teachings of Jesus. And when I read this book I was like so I was laughing so hard because the whole book it's like this thick right, which you don't need a gigantic, you know, 18 volume text, right, gigantic, you know, 18 volume text, right. Because, again, like when you, when you get close to God, you realize that the closer to God you get, the simpler it gets. That's why, when you know I've been a part of certain organizations let's just say I won't say the name, I'll tell you privately but I've been a part of organizations that want you to do all these rituals twice daily and do all these things and spend all this money and I'm like this is way too complex. God would have never done this, you know, because it's just way too complex. That's the human mind doing that. So at the end of the day, when we look at sexuality and we start to look at these people that are like, oh, I'm never supposed to ejaculate, ever, I'm like, ok, you're kind of taking it and you're putting a humanness on it and then you're going with it, you know when, in reality.

Speaker 1:

You know, I remember asking paul check when I was first learning about semen retention, I was like, hey, paul, what do you think about semen retention? He's like, and his famous voice. He's like well, you know there's real uh, you know validity there. But eventually you're supposed to come, you know, and it was just one of those things where I'm like thank god for paul, because I'll tell you for me, man, like I fell into that for a little while where I started getting nervous about having sex because I'm like, oh man, man, like you know, it's not all about orgasming, but at the same time, like that's a fun part of it. I don't know if I want to give that up forever. And then I ran to myself like God would never ask that of me. You know, god only asked for me to have love in my heart for myself and others. You know, that's really it. It can be that simple.

Speaker 1:

I'm curious if you agree on that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, no, you're good Because I'm so in line with that, because I've toggled back and forth. There are times when you know a stretch of celibacy can bring some clarity and some good, some good, you know, spiritual nourishment. But I swear to God, you know I talked to, I asked God, I asked, you know I get divine guidance, I have an ability to channel. So I listened and swear to God. The answer to me was I'm like am I supposed to do this semen retention celibacy thing? The answer was Mark, you have plenty of other things to focus on right now.

Speaker 2:

Just enjoy that. It felt like I was like you're not even there yet, don't even. I was like cool, cool, it's not my thing to take on and I want to pass that on to the listeners. Like y'all, you got to check it out with you because there's too many things coming at us Eat meat, don't eat meat. Semen retention, don't do celibacy, this. It's like there's so many things in the field. We've got to learn how to get connected to the one that knows and then begin to trust that. And that's exactly for me. It was like don't even worry about that and I'm like done done.

Speaker 1:

So, dude, I'm so glad you're bringing this up, because now this is going to start a larger conversation about.

Speaker 1:

You mentioned me, you mentioned all these things right, and we don't have to get into the nitty-gritty of whether it's good, bad, whatever, because what I believe is that it's whatever you believe it is like. I think where a lot of people are still missing the mark and I know you'll get this is that when you're into spirituality, there's a lot of things about oh be vegan, be these things right. But you know, I'll tell you that if we, if, if we choose to believe that we are God, right, or we are an aspect of God living out itself, right in an infancy of probability and this illusion of separation, and so we're a fractal stemming from the all, but because of that, we have the all within us. And you also think about the statement of we are the creator of our reality, of our reality, then I think a lot of people are falling short in understanding what that statement means, because we can't be the full creator of our reality and then have these rules that we didn't create. You know, like it doesn't make any sense right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like a paradox.

Speaker 1:

So for me, I don't eat healthy because I feel like I don't want to die from cancer. I eat healthy because I feel better when I eat healthy, right, but for me, like, the reason I eat meat is because every time I eat meat my body feels amazing. Every time I've tried to be vegetarian, my body is terrible, like my digestion is terrible, my skin starts breaking out. And so am I saying that vegetarian or veganism is bad? No, it's just not right for me.

Speaker 1:

Other people may thrive on that diet, right, and I think that's where people are still falling short and understanding, like, no, nothing is true, unless you say it is because you're living a subjective experience and you are creating the reality subjectively that you live in, you know. So within that comes a lot of power for self-authority and just creating the best life for yourself, making the best decisions that are out of love for yourself, making the wisest and most love informed decisions. And for me, that's where I sit, you know, because I'm like I can't believe that I'm the full creator of the reality. But then there's these rules and this trickster God and all of this doesn't make any sense to me, you know.

Speaker 2:

So I think there's a. I think there's a risk of spiritually bypassing for a lot of people there. You're not doing that. I don't feel that at all. But what I mean by that is absolute principle is absolutely true. But then we got to get really humble and related to but am I really living there or are there patterns that still exist that are running me? Nothing wrong, ever. But if we don't get related to the patterns that are still here and we're trying to be there, this is where people fuck up and they really they beat themselves up and it ends up not working. So what I mean by that is, for me, I'm in the both end.

Speaker 2:

I believe that there is a. I'm not at absolute choice with my food is what I'm saying, but I am related to what is best for me, where I am in consciousness, and I do have the ability to know that and I'm a meat eater. I am a meat eater because that feels authentic and true and, like you, my body says yes, and so I feel like I'm choosing it. But I'm also relating to the vehicle that is saying this is what's good for me right now. So I may be in full agreement with you or maybe saying it differently, but I will say dude, I tried to be a vegetarian, more gas in this body than any. Like I was going to blow man you light a match, I would have blown up.

Speaker 1:

Like I'm just not wired Like I don't know how, how I don't get it like I couldn't do it. I mean, dude, it makes sense if you look at, like the metabolic typing diet and I did a lot of training with paul check and you know he said the same thing. You know he said his soul for a year led him to be a vegetarian and for that year it was right for him. And he doesn't eat red meat, not because it bad, but because his body just doesn't like it. So he eats chicken and a lot of birds and things like that. But that's a perfect example. Like if tomorrow I woke up and tried to eat meat and it didn't work for me, I wouldn't be attached to the identity of like but I'm a meat eater, Like no, I'd go into something else, you know. So all I know because this is something I've noticed too this isn't to toot my own horn or whatever, but for whatever reason, I'm pretty good at being disciplined. I'm pretty good at knowing what it takes for me to be able to thrive, be able to be my best self, etc. Albeit, I've gone through a lot of trial and error to try to get here. There'll be trial and error. In five years I'll know a whole new system.

Speaker 1:

Again, like I say often that you know, one of my statements is just follow the fun, right. If you follow your fun, you'll end up exactly where you're meant to be. But then I have to give a caveat to that right, and this is an example of kind of what you're talking about. Because for someone who may not have gone through the evolution yet, they need to. Cocaine may be fun to them, right. They may really believe cocaine is fun to them, right.

Speaker 1:

So like, for instance, like there are these things where they're not absolutes right, Only sits dealing absolutes. Uh, you know sorrow star Wars says, but you know again, at the end of the day, like we must know ourselves enough to understand that we are creating our reality and be able to not bypass that Right and say like, oh, I can just eat junk food because it doesn't matter, Right. Or I can just smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol because you know what. I believe they're going to help me. It's like, well, hey, you know, some people live to be a hundred years old, so I'm not going to say they help no one, but I can tell you from my personal subjective experience that my body said no to those a long time ago.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know what that's so good. That's so good, ryan, because follow the fun. That's a perfect example. And then I have learned to be humble to say do I know what fun really means, or do I have overlays of what I think it is which is really escaping, or getting high or not fun? But you know, the Course in Miracles is very clear. The Course in Miracles is like you don't know what's good for you. And I'm good with that humility, dude, I have no issue, I agree with you 100%. Follow the fun. And then I've got to be real interested at the pure meaning of that for me. For me, the life-giving fun, the fun that, yeah, I mean, yeah, I'm just on board with everything you're saying here because it's so vitally important and I have spent years following the fun that I defined. And a bunch of brick walls. Man Jumped out of an airplane without a parachute. That was the living I was doing.

Speaker 1:

You know it's funny too, because you know I love paul and his kind of view, a way of viewing god. He's like, hey, man, great spirit's down for whatever. You know, like any experience is valid in the eyes of god, but some experiences god doesn't need to repeat again. You know, and I think that's what we're talking about, right like I've had many of fun nights that would not be fun to me in the you know uh, evolution I am right now but they were really fun for me when I would say 16, getting drunk with friends and puking at the end of the night. I really thought it was fun.

Speaker 1:

But at the same time, right like that's still a new experience for god, and what I choose to believe is that god may be all-knowing, but it I'm going to use the term it but it is not all experienced, right, or we wouldn't be here like it's discovering more about itself each and every moment of every single day, based on all the infinite different uh illusions of separation that it's cast out, you know. And so, like, I like to have this kind of like um, uh balance point between great spirits down for whatever, but also wise is the man who knows. He does not know because at at the end of the day, like you're saying right, like if we understand that we don't know, then we can be open-minded to whatever great spirit brings into us. But if we try to think we know, then we can make life much harder than it has to be, and I've definitely known that before.

Speaker 2:

Now you're pointing to a real spiritual growth path because many people, especially in the Western world, the eye, the ego eye, is very inflated and they're trying to bring God into that, they're trying to bring spirituality into that. And my whole journey has been the dissolution and the deflation of the ego eye and that's been painful. I've felt the fight to want to be that but then I felt the sweet surrender of not needing to be in charge and not knowing and feeling God's grace in the center of that. So it's a real powerful time on the planet because the ways of the recent 20, 30, 40 years ago where puffing up the ego, I was sexy and the thing to do make the most money, have the fastest car, have the best house, the best body and it's still in our culture. That is not sustainable and it's collapsing and I, you know I can get a little seduced and I like my things, that I like, but I know, you know, I know, and this, this is where we've all.

Speaker 2:

To me, that is the real spiritual path Get humble, get humble, get humble.

Speaker 1:

Definitely 100%, man, you said it perfectly and you know, again, like, how I choose to view it is, like you know, we have an ego because it's useful to some degree. Right, it's kind of like an unbroken horse where, yeah, it can do some gangster shit, it can make you have abs, it can, you know, can buy your Ferrari, right, any of these things and those things are fine in the eyes of God, as I see it, so long as you're not. I mean, attachment could be a word, but I think even more than that, if you're not basing your worth off of those things. Right, let's say that someone like you, someone like a listener to this show, they end up say hitting it big in crypto or something right, and they wake up with like a hundred million dollars, well, you could go buy yourself a Ferrari because, at the end of the day, you could be like, well, I mean, I have this abundance, I'm going to go drive a Ferrari, but I'm also not going to like, go buy a hundred Ferraris and, you know, get ab injections and get a bunch of Botox and just tell everyone that I'm the man you might get a Ferrari to go drive and hang out with people, that you can bring God more into their life. Like you have the foundation and if the Ferrari left the next day you'd be like, hey, that was fun, but hey, what's today? It's okay Like having that degree of non-attachment, you know, and for me, how I always look at it and I'm the most hilarious paradox because, even though I'm about to explain it like I understand it, I fall out of this all the time.

Speaker 1:

Right, and that's the hilariousness of the human experience once again. But what I've noticed about life so far anyway, is that and I usually it takes me like a really heavy dose of mushrooms to really remember this, because I'm, you know, my ego is very strong, you know, like, I've definitely like noticed that during plant medicine experiences, and it likes to have control. Now I've got it kind of wrangled in a way where you know we shake hands, we get each other, but sometimes it acts up. But you know again, like when I have a really big breakthrough experience, if I meditate for two hours, or I do breath work and breathe with cannabis for like 40 minutes, or I do a plant medicine, at the end of that experience I will be in a place, with my eyes closed, of just pure peace, right, where every answer to the universe is there. I don't need to know it, though, like I don't, there's no, there's no wanting for anything, it's just, it's all there.

Speaker 1:

And then, on the other side, I have these times where I'm stuck in the go go go, just running around like just crazy, right? So we have these two polarities, right, and the funny thing is that the idea is to find the balance, of course, right, but the side where I'm stimulated always tells me that whatever issue I'm going through, I must have to add something more or do something to fix it. Where, what I've realized when I have these experiences, when I just subtract everything, there are no issues anymore, there's nothing to fix, but I still forget it, like all the time, you know. And so it's hilarious, you know, it's what keeps us all relatable to each other as well, you know, because you know even Jesus, right, like you know someone like an avatar, like him or Buddha, and they talk about times in their life where they weren't what they were now.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, they must have that humanness in them for us to be able to relate to them, like if an Anunnaki God came down here or something, or you know, let's use a better example than that actually, like real, god came down here to you know, share with us. I mean, we probably just blown away, we couldn't even talk, you know, like there'd be no relatability, you know. So I think these things are instinctually in us to keep us humble, like you were saying, but at the same time it's that funny paradox where the only issues that exist are the ones that we believe and have created through being the creator of reality do exist, and that's why I love David Hawkins book Letting Go, because he talks about all that. You know, the more you let go, the more you realize there was never an issue to begin with, except the one that you dreamt into manifestation.

Speaker 2:

And only only 100 percent of the time and only 100% of the time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, dude.

Speaker 2:

You know, I don't know why I want to share this too, because on this God topic and you know, having taught for 20 plus years spirituality, seeing this so pervasively, this whole thing, spirituality in the Western world, the thing that is also got it in a bit of a chokehold is this perfectionism I hear all the time. When am I going to get there? I'm still having negative thoughts or, you know, I'm like like it's this idea that until this perfect idea that the ego is actually making up in your mind is established if you're not there, and then it's all the suffering of well, I thought I dealt with this and now's back and round and round, people go. I don't know why I've been so blessed. I don't have that issue. I don't have a God that requires me to do anything except forgive and practice whatever comes on my plate, if it's there.

Speaker 2:

I don't have a story that I'm supposed to be perfect. I don't have a story that I can't be fucked up, and no, God, there's a paradox. I don't have a story that I'm supposed to be perfect. I don't have a story that I can't be fucked up and no, god, there's a paradox. I don't have a story that it's got to be all together and then what I do have a story is the, and then is already here, we already are that. So this whole other thing that's being played out, I don't know. I just ride the ride and I can be channeling wisdom. That blows my mind. It's so fantastic. And then the next day I could be calling you going, ryan. I am so fucked up, like, and I have no issue with that, but I see so many people who have a story about spiritual that keeps them from their spirit. Does that make sense? That?

Speaker 1:

make sense. Oh, dude, that makes perfect sense, and I'm so glad you mentioned this because I've had a idea around this too, and that idea is the thing that, if you think about a lot of people that are into spirituality, especially in the plant medicine space, right, where we see people going from ceremony to ceremony to ceremony to ceremony, right we can say in a way, that they're trying to get back to there, wherever there is you could call it heaven, you could call it unified field, whatever, but they're trying to get there. But what I have understood from a very early age I have no idea why, like I, there's many other things I didn't understand, but for whatever reason, this was in the operating system what I've understood is that, hey, wait a minute, like if we've been there forever, for infinity, but we're here for a finite amount of time, then why are we trying to get back to there and not excited about being here? Like being here is actually the goal, you know, like we're there already, right now, in a multiverse too. So we're still there, but we're going to live out this illusion of separation, where we get to play this game, where you know god's outside of us and all these things. That aren't true, obviously, but it's this fun game setup right, and for me, like I've looked at this, um, I had this. I was on lsd one time and I had this idea come to me it was called the ethereal extreme sporter theory, and so I'd love to share with you.

Speaker 1:

Of all people people, man, so you know, think about this, right, if you're there, right, you're just the all right. Whether you want to call it God, whatever you know, you're the all you're. Everything is perfect, everything is divine. Right, there's no separation. There's no, nothing right, there's no emotion. There's no, nothing. Right, there's no separation. So then you start hearing about this experience of the illusion of separation, right, and this experience called life, right. Now, again, I may be messing up words here. Obviously, there's different. You know missions in the universe, whatever, but let's just leave all that out. So you're seeing some of your, some, some soul, family, right, or some other. You know parts of you that have chosen to become a part and go down and incarnate, or incarnate rather, and they're coming back and they're like dude, you got to try that thing out, it's pretty wild, right, and you're like I'm just gonna say no, right so this is like their education one-on-one, right like no, I don't know, that's that that might mess things up, you know.

Speaker 1:

But after a while, you know some, some parts of you that you really trust, are coming back and they're like, dude, dude, you got to try it. So you're like, all right, let me take a microdose. So you go down as a fly, right, and you get a fly around and you're like holy shit, bam smack, you're dead. You're back. You're like holy shit, that was crazy, right. You're like, well, what would a little bit larger overdose be? So now you're a bird, right, how birds last. So you're like, holy shit, that was crazy, let me try a longer dose, but a very meditative one. So you go down and be a tortoise right Now, you got 100 years or so, but it's a very calm, slow life.

Speaker 1:

By the time you get to be a human being, dude, you are an ethereal extreme sporter. You are like doing the salvia or five me o DMT of the ethereal realm, right Like no-transcript you, because that was a high idea that came to me during an acid trip, and this is so funny, dude. But this whole idea that we've been there forever, why are we trying to get back there? We will be going back there, but the ability to be here right like ramda says, be here now, I feel, is really the gem you know, waking up in the dream well, it it so profoundly so, so profoundly so.

Speaker 2:

I, I love what you yeah, you're really describing the evolution of, of, of the soul, of being, I don't consciousness, I don't know what to call it, but I think what you know, I just had a two years ago on a journey. You know, I every journey is phenomenal for me, even when they're hard, of course. I think you can get that. Oh, yeah, I had the entire world just go right into my mind and I saw, oh, I really am, the entire world is in my mind.

Speaker 2:

The Course in Miracles says you can heal the world through your mind. It's because the world is in my mind and I saw how the rocks, the, this, the that, that everything was one vibration, everything was one. It was like, oh, and that's me and that's me, but not me, mark, you know what I mean the one, the one being. I saw that. I felt that I profoundly changed from from that experience. So, yeah, I'm happy to be the fish and the worm and the whatever, and, and here I am in this particular, all it is is my attention is here, my attention and awareness is here, and I'm everything else. You know I got to share why, dude, this has been in my head a couple of times. Can I share one cool journey?

Speaker 1:

experience. Oh my God, please. This is the whole point of the show. Let's go. I didn't mean to get here.

Speaker 2:

We didn't get to share. My most profound healing was, but this is a fun one. This is because this can be so fun and sweet too. I was in Costa Rica and I was so. I was so getting sick from from the ayahuasca. Mother Aya was just really doing her thing and I heard her say like, in between purging, it was almost like she's giving me this gift. She's like look, all right, I'm going to take care, you're doing great work, but I'm going to show you some things. And I was like, oh okay, so this is fun. So I have this purge and I'm laying down and I get this journey.

Speaker 2:

And the first one was like a rocket ship and it landed in the town I'm living in now and it glowed and it showed me a house. It said you will live in this house. And I was like I don't want to live, but I mean I live in that house now, by the way, and this was years ago, years ago. And then I come back and I purged some more and I'm like you know, and then I I in between another. She shows me my partner on stage with a movie being awarded and recognized that he wrote. And then I remember saying to her that I purged some more. And I remember saying to her okay, where you, where you took me to live, is actually my husband's dream.

Speaker 2:

Then you showed me his success, like where's mine? You know, I literally was having this with Mother Aya. She showed me $108 million, which 108 is the mala, 108 is a very sacred number. And I'm sitting there and I'm like whoa, this doesn't feel right, there's something off. Like what is this 108 million dollars? And I'm just like, literally, and I'm like in the moment I went no, thank you, I choose me. It was phenomenal, like this. You know, like I don't know, I don't even know what all that was for. But I kid you not, brother, I'm living in the house I was shown years later. Last year I was at the award show for my husband's movie that was made and released and you know like, literally, those things happened 108 million dollars, I don't care, come or go, like I don't have an attachment to it, I have me, I have me. So that's the fun of this stuff, you know yeah, dude 100.

Speaker 2:

I don't even know why I was supposed to show my god.

Speaker 1:

No please, I love hearing these stories. You know why. You know why I think it helps too, and again, there's obviously a million reasons why it helps. But you know, the reason I created the show is because we know, right, even you and I, who have spent a lot of our lives diving into spirituality and learning a lot of the systems and trying to contextualize this stuff, you know that when that ayahuasca hits you or that big dose of mushrooms hits you, it's just you're along for the ride, right, and there's a lot you're going to experience. And you know you're experiencing everything, which terms like everything, infinity, like we may think we grasp them, but when we're there I mean again, there's no way to understand them, like they're not meant to be comprehended with a human mind. So, again, at the end of the day, the more things that I can show the listeners that can happen or can occur during these experiences, the more they are set up with that mindset of anything can happen. So anything is a valid experience.

Speaker 1:

And so, even in the challenges, right, if they hear someone coming on here saying I got eaten alive by snakes in my journey, right, and then they have tarantulas start going over them, they may be in a very big fear state at first.

Speaker 1:

Then go wait a minute, wait a minute. I know what's happening here, right, and I welcome it in right Because I it first then go wait a minute. Wait a minute. I know what's happening here, right, and I welcome it in right because I know it's metaphorical. It's not actually literally spiders are eating my body. It's more like maybe these things are eating out, rot inside of me, trauma inside of me, like now I have context for how to place this in my experience, so that it's beneficial for me, and so that's like my favorite part of doing these shows, because for me I'm right there, with there, with you, man, like you know, for me, like you know, infinity everything. These are words I don't understand either, and when I go into experiences, oftentimes there are things that someone said in the show that all of a sudden I remind myself of and I'm like boom, back in my seat of power. So this show has helped me a lot too selfishly, you know.

Speaker 2:

So it's really fun and to know that like for me, I didn't plan on that, but Mother Aya felt loving. She's like I don't know. It was like she was taking care of me as I was having these really big purges. You know, she's just like, and she knows who I am, she knows how my mind works. She's just like, okay, okay, look, we're going to give you some goodies in between and I had no attachment, by the way. It just was surprising when I'm signing the papers on this house, going holy shit, this stuff is real, this stuff is real. So I know we're limited on time, but I feel like I got to share one more.

Speaker 1:

Please do tell man Go for it Because.

Speaker 2:

I know that this will help someone, so I mentioned I was sexually abused as a child for severe six years old and so I'm on the ayahuasca, and it was a pretty mild evening.

Speaker 2:

Like I was like, oh man, this is kind of chill. This is cool, because I just had a big ride the night before. I was like thank you for making this one easy. Well, as soon as I thought I'm seeing the abuse it playing out, like like not just over there, like inside, and I'm like and I'm starting to panic a little bit and I'm thinking, oh, I must be here, I must be trying. I got to get that little boy out and I'm trying, but it's getting intense. And then I hear mother aya say let it be, let them do it, let them do it.

Speaker 2:

I just watched, so I'm seeing the scene the little boy, six year old boys, laid on the ground wrapped in like mummy wrap, carried up these medieval stairs or something into this cave where this goddess, the goddess is sitting in on of her, and I'm sort of observing this, and the little boy disappears and dissolves into the ground. I'm feeling like, oh my God, what's happening? What's happening? Suddenly this little golden boy comes from behind her and it's my soul and she says to me do you think I would let one thing happen to you? Do you think I would let anything harm one hair on your head?

Speaker 2:

I have been holding you and preserving you until you came home and this little golden boy came into me and merged and I just became this golden light, like my soul was restored, and then I was shown a world of people walking around empty. Their souls are in heaven or preserved, or whatever you want to say, and they're just these patterns, walking patterns, just disconnected from their soul. I mean, that's a loving universe. That's a universe, that's a God I can believe in. That's where I do go. Oh yeah, this is a dream. This is at the end of the day. We got to walk the dream we got to walk, but I, I I mean that's amazing, dude, like my soul was, I was never harmed. How do you explain that without medicine?

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's wild man and I'm so grateful that you shared that because I I know personally a lot of people listen to the show that have had sexual abuse and things like that. I have some people very close to me that have experienced that and unfortunately they're not on the same path and, again, like that may be perfectly divine for them. For all I know, it is Because, again, at the end of the day, like you know and I know, this can be challenging or triggering to hear that anyone's gone through that, but because you're sitting here with me, I feel you know it's right to say it, because I imagine you'll agree with it. Like when horrible things happen to us in this lifetime, if we can understand that, you know, yes, our humanness is going to hurt over that. Yes, we need to release those things. Yes, we're not going to bypass them any of that.

Speaker 1:

But on a more infinite level, those things catalyze or can catalyze a lot in our life. They don't objectively because, again, I'm sure you know people that have gone through similar things to you and they've ended up turning to drugs and they've ended up turning to things that are very disempowering, whereas you found a way, you you realize whether you realize this, consciously or not, the event happened. I can't go back and change it, no matter how much I might like to, but the only thing I have power to do now is choose the story, I tell myself about it, and now you're able to come on shows like this and talk about it from an empowered place. That could be the one thing that makes someone else who listens to the show go boom. What if I choose to believe that?

Speaker 2:

too. Everything that we do that does happen to us like that, I really know our soul takes it on so that we can heal it, because when one thing is healed, you heal it for all. So I am a part of a wave of souls that are coming in, going. Yes, I will go through that and I will heal it so that it does not have to be passed on. It can be finished. The souls that forget that's all that happened. They forgot their mission. No big deal, they're safe, they're protected. If they're in a crack house, if they've got a heroin needle in their arm right now, they are surrounded by golden light. They forgot that's fine, don't like, like. There'll be a point. Even if they have to abort the mission, the mission, they are protected, guaranteed.

Speaker 1:

I am getting all sci-fi, but I know that with so much conviction, man, a hundred percent dude, you know, because, again, at the end of the day, like you know, I know we're running short on time, but I wanted to say this real quick too. It's like you know, I had this vision one time during a plant medicine experience of this rough diamond and I had recently had a friend who overdosed and passed away from a heroin addiction or fentanyl at that point. But and so, like you know, I'd watched a lot of people comment on his thing right on his profile, being like oh, what a waste. Oh, my God, this has got to stop. And when I read those things I just intuitively knew like I don't think it's just a waste, like I don't believe that, but I just kind of forgot about it, went into this plant medicine experiences of friends and I got this image of a rough diamond and I got to see, like you know, when they pull a diamond out of the ground it's not like it's at K jewelers, you know, like it goes through a lot before it ends up in K jewelers, right. So like, imagine pulling a diamond out of the ground, right, it's all rough, and so there's a lot of shaping and shaving and a lot that goes into it, and I got to an avatar.

Speaker 1:

Whatever the goal is, if we want to put it in terminology like that whatever the goal is of this experience, it takes a lot of shaping, a lot of shaving to be able to get to that. And even though in this lifetime we may see a friend pass away from something that's horrible like a heroin addiction or a drug overdose and we may think, man, what a waste, or something like that, that may be exactly what their soul needed in this lifetime to burn up certain karma. And if we are infinite beings and we can choose to at least have 50% of our view, be that objective, zoomed out view, then we can see, like, wait a minute, if we've never been born and we'll never die, right, we'll just change our shell, essentially our meat suit, you know? Like then, how is any experience invalid, right? And so it's just interesting you mentioned that because that's exactly a download I got during a plant medicine experience that I knew for myself, subjectively to be true, you know. So it's so interesting.

Speaker 2:

My brother's a pilot and he's been training to be a pilot. You know they do all this assimilation, flying you know, and you crash the assimilator a thousand times before you learn how to fly. It's the same analogy, you know's a crash, start over, crash, start over. Eventually. Now he flies brilliantly. Now he's he's flying. He had to crash a lot of times to learn how to do it right, that's all, which, it's all. Assimilation. Man, we're just or that's not the right word, you know, similar what you know what I mean?

Speaker 1:

I can't think yeah yeah, well, simulation is a good term for it. You know, it's like more of like a sci-fi term yeah, yeah, matrix simulation. You know like I like that terminology because it it kind of allows the the pressure to come off. It's like, oh, like, yes, it's very like, like that quote says nothing you do here matters, but it's very important. You do it, that paradoxical truth, right?

Speaker 1:

it's like yes life is is very important. Yes, it's very grandiose, it's very beautiful, it's very sacred, but also we're infinite, you know. So we got infinite times to try this thing out, at least what I believe. You know, certain people don't believe in reincarnation, etc. But I choose to believe in reincarnation, you know so. So for me, I mean, if I go on the theory I have, then because I believe in reincarnation, reincarnation will exist paradox.

Speaker 2:

Talk about paradox if it is forever and if I have forever to do it right, well then let's fucking do it right now so that I can get on and do something else. There's so much more to explore and do. That also inspires me to want to focus and heal. What is mine to heal? I got no problem with what's in my classroom. I really don't. It's mine to do. I'm supported. God's here, higher power, holy Spirit. Whatever's mine to do, I'm supported. God's here, higher power, holy Spirit, whatever name you give it, we are all infinitely supported to heal and do what we're here to do. Period.

Speaker 1:

Mark, you are the man dude. I can't believe. An hour already went by, bro. We got to do a round, two, three et cetera. Like you'll be a repeat guest on the show for sure, but I want to make sure to give you an opportunity to tell people where they can find you, where they can find out more about all the offerings you have, man living, the course, the other things you do. I mean, you do so many amazing things, bro. Where can people find you, connect with you and charge their batteries?

Speaker 2:

with you, man, yeah, yeah. So basically my website. I'm building a school room too, but that's yeah. Let's go down my website, markanthonylordme. That's where you can connect with me. I do twice a month I do ascension circles where they're free. People call my channel for a group and I do love seats where people can ask for individual healing and support and prayer. I love doing that. I also do channeled healing sessions and I'll make sure to give your people a link for Half price on experience of that If they want to check that out.

Speaker 2:

I'm very, very blessed because of the plant medicine openings, because of my my blessed journeys. I really can. I something happens and I can flow, healing guidance and prayers and visualizations and what people need, and so people are turned out by that. You can check that out.

Speaker 1:

Dude, I love that man and Mark, I always ask everyone that comes on the show the same last question, and that question is this let's say someone listens to this episode and they're really excited to dive into the topic of psychedelic medicines in their own life. What is the one piece of advice you would offer them to allow them to use the proper discernment in choosing whether or not these types of medicines are right for them in their lives at this time?

Speaker 2:

Ooh, you know what's coming to me. That I feel is really important. That I always tell people is like please, research who you're doing it with. You know, because it is. It's become in the mass stream now and it's everywhere. I've been very blessed. I only do it with shamans or teachers that I really know that are the real deal. The real deal Because I'm not looking to do this. If you want to do it for kicks, that's your own thing, but for me, I do it for healing, I do it for spiritual journey. So who is guiding it and who you're doing it with matters.

Speaker 1:

Dude, I love that man. I honestly think that's the most important thing, because when you understand, you're opening yourself up to the all. Well, within the all is a lot of things that you might not want in your system. And so you know again like there's a reason why you know shamans like Hamilton, souther and other people I've had in the show. They train for 20 plus years in this and you know one thing you'll learn about that is that there's never a point at which they start calling themselves a shaman. They don't call themselves a shaman until one day, in the multitude of thousands of ceremonies they're doing, all of a sudden the elder says, hey, you made it, you're now a shaman. And they're like what? And they're shocked Like they hey, you made it, you're now a shaman. And they're like what? And they're shocked, like they have no awareness they were about to be called a shaman for the first time, and that's why I get very frustrated.

Speaker 1:

I know it probably comes from good intention, but these people that you know go to Burning man once and now they're a 5MEO facilitator. And again, no judgment, right, any experience is valid in the eyes of the creator, but discernment wise, like when I'm messing with medicine that can open me up to infinite potential. Well, best case scenario I want to make sure that I get the most out of that experience. Worst case scenario I don't want to have to, you know, remove negative entities or thought forms or, you know, archons or any of these kinds of things just creates more work than it's worth, you know. So I 100% agree with that man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, that, yeah, I agree. You do what you're going to do, but if you're asking me what advice I would give, it would definitely be work with people that you know are leading you to you, to God, to whatever it is, to your healing.

Speaker 1:

That you know. That's important 100%. Guys, I know you enjoyed this show. You know I say it almost every time, but I'm so grateful to have people like Mark come on the show because they are such well not just information, but experience and I'd love to hear from each of you you can feel free to send me an email or anything what your main takeaway was from this episode and how you plan to integrate that into your life, Because Mark dropped a lot of gems today and these things, you know, when you actually integrate them into your life, can create profound shifts throughout the entirety of every facet of your life. So, if you enjoyed the show, we'd love a five-star review. As always, Make sure to check out the show notes, give Mark a follow, stay up to date on everything he's doing, because, although he's done a lot of amazing stuff, he's just getting started. You heard him talking about the school room he's just making and all the amazing things he's got going on. So until next time, everybody, no matter where you are in the

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