The OCD Chronicles

BONUS EPISODE! Trying to make sense of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, a conversation with journalist Sophie Ward

James McMahon Season 1 Episode 6

When student journalist and OCD sufferer Sophie Ward got in touch and asked if I would contribute to a piece she was writing about OCD and journalism, I fully intended to contribute. That was the plan. But my own OCD has been especially fevered this last week. I committed the cardinal sin of journalism - I missed the deadline.

Sophie is nice (and forgiving, thankfully) and certainly very talented - you'll be hearing more from her, I have no doubt about that. And so I thought, 'why not get her on the podcast?' What you'll find on this bonus episode of The OCD Chronicles is a candid conversation that can loosely be summerized as 'trying to make sense of OCD'. But it's really just two sufferers, at different points in their respective journeys, chatting about the disorder. Join us!

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