The OCD Chronicles

A conversation about family, children, relationships, medication, journalism and more with Ilana Kaplan

James McMahon Season 2 Episode 7

You know what? I think this might be my favourite episode of The OCD Chronicles to date.

In this hour plus long episode, I talk to American culture journalist Ilana Kaplan about her experience of living with OCD, depression and anxiety. We get deep into our experiences with mental illness - I shared more than I thought I would going in, but hey, someone might find it useful to hear - and how we manage to maintain both employment and relationships despite our undue suffering. You might call this the 'high functioning' episode! Ilana has written for The New York Times, GQ and Vogue, and is one of the most consistently excellent writers I know. Whether you're an OCD sufferer, you love someone with OCD or are just interested in journalism, you'll find plenty of interest here.

Want more? Please investigate my new podcast, Shame, today! -