Off the Shelf: Revolutionary Readings in Times of Crisis

S4, Episode 1: A Conversation with Historian of the Working People Naomi R Williams

Humanities Research Institute Season 4 Episode 1

“Centering the voice of working people is so important to the work that I do.” -Dr. Williams

In this episode, host Augustus Wood talks to Labor Studies professor—and self-described “historian of the working people”—Naomi R Williams (Rutgers University), whose research in southeast Wisconsin labor history sheds new light on the pivotal role of Black workers in forging and leveraging union solidarity in the 1970s and 80s. Throughout their work, Williams emphasizes the importance of keeping workers' voices at the center—especially those typically missing from the historical narrative.

As Wood says, “Those of us that do this kind of work, we see the people as the engines of history, the living archive.”

Some of the books noted during their conversation include Civil Rights Unionism: Tobacco Workers and the Struggle for Democracy in the Mid-Twentieth-Century South by Robert R. Korstad, Continually Working: Black Women, Community Intellectualism, and Economic Justice in Postwar Milwaukee by Crystal Moten, and The Future We Need: Organizing for a Better Democracy in the 21st Century by Erica Smiley and Sarita Gupta.

View the episode web page and transcript