Off the Shelf: Revolutionary Readings in Times of Crisis

S1, Episode 5: Ken E. Salo on Grounding Truth and Developing Consciousness

Humanities Research Institute Season 1 Episode 5

What does it mean to be human at this moment in time, with rising resource inequality, the unaccountability of big tech, and a global pandemic exacerbating already-existing poverty? Professor Ken Salo and host Augustus Wood draw from a panoply of works and ideas from Göran Therborn and Amartya Sen to Frantz Fanon and Steve Biko, Paulo Freire and Samira Mill to Rosa Luxemburg, Samir Amin, and C.L.R. James, as well as former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis and his concept of techno feudalism. Along the way, Salo explains why it's essential for students to "ground truth" by walking through real communities, and why we need to sharpen our own "BS GPS" on our way to consciousness. View full show notes and transcript