Around the Homestead

Avian Influenza For Backyard Poultry | Episode 11

March 23, 2022 Brad McGinley and Shaun Rhoades
Avian Influenza For Backyard Poultry | Episode 11
Around the Homestead
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Around the Homestead
Avian Influenza For Backyard Poultry | Episode 11
Mar 23, 2022
Brad McGinley and Shaun Rhoades

In the episode Grant County Extension Agent Brad McGinley visits with Dr. Dustan Clark, Extension Poultry Heath Veterinarian, about the current outbreak of avian Influenza.  They discuss the impacts for backyard hobby flocks, how poultry owners can protect their flocks, and what to do if you suspect you have a sick bird. 

Avian Influenza and Biosecurity Resources

Show Notes Transcript

In the episode Grant County Extension Agent Brad McGinley visits with Dr. Dustan Clark, Extension Poultry Heath Veterinarian, about the current outbreak of avian Influenza.  They discuss the impacts for backyard hobby flocks, how poultry owners can protect their flocks, and what to do if you suspect you have a sick bird. 

Avian Influenza and Biosecurity Resources

Around the Homestead Podcast
Avian Influenza for Backyard Poultry

00:00:13,790 --> 00:00:20,660
Welcome to around the Homestead podcast, where we share information on topics from gardens to goats,

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our aim is to provide small farmers and landowners valuable education on projects that may arise around the homestead.

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Whether you have been on the homestead all your life or you had just began the farm lifestyle,

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we hope you garner helpful tips to make your lifestyle most rewarding.

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Now here are our host Brad McGinley and Shaun Rhodes.

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Well, hello, and welcome to the Around the Homestead podcast, this is an extension agent Brad McGinley here in Grant County,

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Arkansas, joining me today on this cool, cloudy March afternoon.

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My normal podcast partner, Mr. Shaun Rhodes over in Scott County, couldn't join us today.

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He's out helping the landowners and farmers in Scott County.

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Just wanted to give you this note about today's podcast before we get started with our discussion with Dr. Dustin Clark,

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Extension Poultry Health Veterinarian for the University of Arkansas.

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Wanted to give you this note after we recorded this podcast with Dr. Clark.

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The Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission did issue an emergency ruling regarding avian influenza.

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This This ruling does affect the exhibition of poultry and domestic waterfowl in Arkansas, which prohibits that until the middle of July.

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I believe also. It also affects the sale, trade and auction of poultry and domestic waterfowl, except for chicks and ducklings.

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Also, it also affects all free range and backyard poultry must be confined under roof and inside

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structures to prevent contamination from affecting migratory birds flying overhead.

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So to find more information, I would refer you to the Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission about this emergency ruling.

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Refer to their website for more information. And in the meantime, we're going to chat with Dr. Dustan Clark today about this issue,

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avian influenza and how we can protect our birds here in Arkansas. We have a special guest with us today here on the Around the Homestead podcast.

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We've got Dr. Dustin Clark, who's extension Poultry Health Veterinarian for the University of Arkansas,

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with us today to discuss the current situation with avian flu or bird flu outbreak.

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We appreciate you joining us today, Dr. Clark. Thank you for inviting me, Brad.

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All right. Well, we've got the reason we've had Dr. Clark here with us today is we we have a little

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situation that we want to make sure that our backyard hobby flock owners are,

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well, are aware of. We've got a little outbreak of avian or bird flu going on, and we've got Dr. Clark here to update us on that.

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And I guess the first question for me, Dr. Clark,

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if you could tell a lot of our backyard hobby flock owners is why is this important to them and what's what's going on with this?

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Well, there's two reasons that this is important. One is with the high path avian influenza, which is H5N1.

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High path means that we have, you know, a lot of mortality with it, and that's what we're seeing in the flocks that have broken with it.

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It runs anywhere between 95 to 100 percent mortality.

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Now it's important because this disease not only does it kill birds, but once the flock is infected,

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that premises has to be quarantined and then it has to be surveillance efforts around that quarantine zone.

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And that quarantine zone goes out 10 kilometers, and there are numerous trade implications that can be because of that.

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And those trade implications can be because of backyard hobby flocks or because of commercial industry.

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Now, the way this was detected is we do have a wild bird or wild migratory bird surveillance program that's carried out.

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And so far, the disease has been detected in wild birds in 24 states, and that's quite a few.

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It is all across all of the flyway.

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It's in the Atlantic Flyway, the Mississippi Central Flyway and in the Pacific Flyway, where it was detected in an eagle.

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Now some of these wild birds were detected on Hunter Harvest because the reservoir for H5 well,

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for any avian influenza, the reservoir is shorebirds and migratory waterfowl.

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So some of these were hunter harvested testings, basically from wild ducks.

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But we have had some birds showing clinical signs in some of these wild birds, and those have been tested.

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And sure enough, we've got it. We've got it affecting wild birds as well as domestic poultry.

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Now we've seen, you know, backyard flocks, harvested birds.

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What are they? What caused those hunters to to?

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Or is that just regulatory regular surveillance of that? Or what caused that?

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You know, what made them get their those tested?

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That's just regular surveillance. And what this is conducted by quite a few regulatory agencies underneath the USDA.

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They're working with us and they just basically take those samples.

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And that does give us an idea of what's going on out in the in the migratory birds.

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Now this was first detected in Canada, and that was about the middle to late December of last year.

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And we've had detections in the United States. Like I say, it's now up to over 385 positives, and that's across 24 states.

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Well, in addition to that, we have seen it in 17 states in both backyard and commercial flocks, and that's quite a few states.

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In fact,

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there have been 16 backyard flocks total that have been confirmed positive for the H5N1 and 19 commercial flocks and then one captive wild bird flock.

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Now this is kind of similar. It's sort of like a cousin to the virus that we had in 2015.

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And in that one, there were very few backyard hobby flocks that experience the problem something like about 20 or so numerous commercial flocks.

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This was about 50 50. Some of the big commercial flocks are about three million birds, these are in caged layers.

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Some of the smaller flocks, the backyard flocks. Just a few birds.

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But some of those are even quite large, with a couple of hundred birds or so.

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Hmm. Wow. Yeah, so let's talk about some of the signs and symptoms, so forget a backyard hobby flock and we think some of our birds are sick.

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What should we be looking for? Well, one of the hallmark signs of high path avian influenza is high mortality.

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So just sudden death in the birds. Now, some of the signs that you can see an the incubation period on this disease

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seems to be somewhere between about two to three days on out to about 14 days.

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You can see a sinusitis runny nose. Basically, the bird is just not going to feel good.

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It's going to stay by itself.

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Maybe some in coordination, of course, swelling of the head in the face, the waddles, discoloration of the comb and then hemorrhages on the legs.

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Now, internally, this disease is causing, you know, lots of hemorrhage in the internal organs.

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Now a bird is saying by itself, that's acting like it's not feeling good lack of energy.

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It's not want to eat or drink. Maybe this decrease in production.

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There are other diseases that could fit that, like Newcastle disease and foul cholera.

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So there's a couple of others. So it's very, very important that anyone that sees a bird that's just not doing right,

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that they call and get some help and they can call, they can call you and call county agents.

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They can call me, then call the state veterinarian. They can call their local veterinarian.

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And then there is a USDA number that they can find on line with USDA just type in USDA.

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Avian influenza is part of the Defend the Flock campaign, and they can call at one 800 number.

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Now what will happen is like, for example, they call me the state veterinarian or even our area epidemiologist for USDA.

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We'll get in touch to get somebody out there to test that bird and maybe the same thing if they found like a dead bird.

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So, so let's say they do find they go out and find one of their chickens dead. Best thing to do.

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Put on some gloves like latex or nitrile or vinyl gloves.

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Take a plastic bag. Put that bird in a plastic bag and put it in a box.

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Put it in the shade, put some ice in the box and call.

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And let's get some help out there so we can test and see if that bird does have avian influenza.

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Now, I want to stress that so far, of the 17 states that have had birds break both in backyard hobby flocks and commercial blocks,

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Arkansas is currently not one of those states.

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We have no detection of the high path avian influenza H5 N1 in the state of Arkansas, either in wild birds or in poultry.

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So so far, we haven't had any problems. That's good.

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And that's why we're trying to stress that the best thing you can do is practice biosecurity to prevent it.

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If you've got a hobby flock of birds, if you let those birds out to roam around,

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please the best thing you can do it be pin those birds up for at least the next 30 days.

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Wild waterfowl carry this disease, as do some of the shorebirds. And we do not want the, you know, the wild birds are coming through there.

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We don't want any contact between those ducks and geese and your birds,

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and that can be going down to the pond or if they just fly through and you never know.

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And with that said, if you as a small flock owner, if you go to a park or somewhere where there's waterfowl,

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you know you're there to feed the ducks, which a lot of people do. And that's that's a lot of fun sometimes.

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Please be sure that you do not go visit your poultry until you clean and disinfect your shoes, change clothes, shower.

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You know,

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sanitize your hands because we don't want you to inadvertently track in any fecal material from those waterfowl that could be carrying that organism.

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It's been estimated that one gram of feces on your shoes contains possibly up to a million virus particles.

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Wow. Want to use care for that. And that's why we're asking that that you  pen your birds up and then just, you know, check your birds,

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you a flock owner, you're going to know if something's wrong, if they decrease egg production.

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One of the things that's been seen a lot in these birds is that they don't drink water one or two days.

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Water consumption goes down right before they start showing signs.

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And so far, in every backyard flock that's broken, they have found some contact on epidemiological trace back with wild waterfowl.

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So it's very important that you keep your birds away from those wild waterfowl.

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If you see something that just doesn't look right, all those signs we talk about the reason egg production,

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no appetite, not drinking any water, just kind of feeling bad.

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You know, as veterinarians, we call it, ADR, ain't doing right.

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And as the owner of those birds, you're probably going to be checking those birds a couple of times a day.

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If you see a bird, just ain't doing right. Give us a call.

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Let's get you some help. Out there. Yeah, that's language we can understand, we can understand just doing right.

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And with that said, you know,

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you'll think about this if you're going to go out and look at birds somewhere like at a flea market or an auction or a sale,

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you want to you want to check those birds out yourself, make sure they're not sick and you might want to think about is waiting a while.

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Now, some states, one that comes to mind is Missouri. They've had some breaks there.

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They have instituted a ban on waterfowl sales and auctions and an exhibit.

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We're probably going to see that is this disease continues to spread.

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We will probably see some of those bans put in place in other states as well.

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So that's something to be aware of. And just to.

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You know, anything you can do. You know, keep your shoes clean.

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You know, if you handle birds and wash and sanitize your hands, clean and disinfect around there.

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Which brings up a point.

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One of the easiest disinfectants that you can use as a backyard hobby flock owner, and you can make this in something spray on your boots.

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If you can just use bleach, one part bleach mixed with three parts water, and that works really pretty good.

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Now that's going to, you know, want to spray it on your clothes because it will bleach your clothes.

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I think I have some clothes that look like that already that they'll come out of the washing machine like that before.

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You don't want to fan out your blue jeans by put those in with as many as it can be kind of corrosive, so be careful with it.

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Yeah, but just one of the things we're asking and we've asked the county agents in Oklahoma and Missouri and Arkansas,

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all of you all that you're going to be there to help these individuals.

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Sure, the individual owner of those birds, they're the guardians of their flock.

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They're the first line of defense. They may be calling you and then y'all can call us.

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And because we really want to try to keep this disease out of the state, it creates problems.

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If a premise is diagnosed with the disease in the birds, they do issue a quarantine.

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There's a zone of surveillance drawn around it that's 10 kilometers.

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Every bird inside that zone is for small flocks and commercial birds.

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They go to all those premises and test the birds, and then there'll be a retest in there and there's rules and regulations that have to be followed.

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So, yeah, I know Shaun and I what Shaun was. We're having a discussion about that last week about, you know,

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the last time we had this happen in Arkansas, and he was involved in the testing and stuff in his county.

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And he was telling me how important it is that if you know, if that does happen, that you do allow, you know,

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testing to take place on your, your premise, you know, be cooperative with them if if, if they come to test your birds.

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And it's one of those things that you know, fortunately, in many of these instances,

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depending on the number of birds that the flocks that are there, but usually it's a fairly large number inside that surveillance zone.

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Sure. Negative. Now, if another positive block is found, then they draw another 10 kilometers circle around that go from there.

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But it is. It's a highly contagious disease. It is caused by a virus.

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This one happens to be the Eurasian strain of the H5N1. The mortality on it, we call it high path because it is very pathogenic.

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We see there have been reports of 60 70 own, up 90 percent, almost a hundred percent.

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Some of these birds, they they go out and look at them. They look pretty good.

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And few hours later, they look like they really don't feel good and then they start dying.

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It is very important that if you have, if you see something.

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Give us a call. Get some help in there. Yeah. So you were saying about if they do have a bird about what to do about putting in the cooler stuff?

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So how how soon, how long is that sample good before we can get it to somebody?

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You know how long? How long do we have before we get that? Sample the lab or something?

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Well, you want to get it.

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What they'll do is if you call, they'll get a livestock inspector out there or one of the USDA people as fast they can get there.

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I think that bird down is going to make it keep a lot better.

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And they'll still be able to sample it, usually within 24 hours.

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They should draw people on it. OK. Keeping it cool now when they sample.

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If you are inside a surveillance zone, they're going to sample a bird by taking an oropharyngeal swab.

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Okay. It's not like they're going to have to kill the bird. Sure, they will test that bird.

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It's live. And then on to the last outbreak we had in about 10 days.

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Two weeks, they come back and retest them and they list, depending on what the rules are now,

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as far as determined by the all the regulatory officials, how they'll do that.

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But it is important that you watch birds, you see something, you know, don't go around waterfowl.

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And if you do, by all means, don't go visit your birds until you clean up and sanitized.

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That's that's very important. Now I know you have a webinar coming up, I think March 31 for six p.m.

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Yeah, where where people can join and probably even ask you some questions.

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If they have questions, I would strongly recommend and encourage you to join.

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In fact,

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we have one webinar coming up tomorrow and then we'll have the additional one coming up on the thirty first one Mars in the morning at nine o'clock,

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the one on the 31st is at six p.m. Probably a lot more convenient for most people to be at six p.m. we will probably have some others,

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but we just try to get these pushed out fairly quickly on that.

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We'll try to answer questions on it, go a little bit about the disease and kind of feel everybody in a that said what's going on with it?

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And then go over some of those biosecurity principles again to try to reinforce that.

00:17:17,840 --> 00:17:21,260
So any and all are welcome to attend. Sure. Yeah.

00:17:21,260 --> 00:17:26,990
And we have a ton of information on our website and I know Dr. Clark and I were chatting before we started our podcast.

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He's got a web page dedicated specifically to this.

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You can find that at

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And that's our home page. And it's it's front and center right there.

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When you go to the home page, there's the avian flu page link there and it'll take you right to that page and it's a ton of information right there.

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So make use of that. I'll I will post a link to that on our web page with this podcast so you can get to that easily.

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And please do reach out to your local county extension agent. If you don't know your local county extension agent, I encourage you to do that.

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You can also find that information on our website as well.

00:18:09,380 --> 00:18:17,400
Join Dr. Clark on the on the upcoming webinar March 31st, 6:00 p.m. You can join him then,

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so there's a ton of information, a ton of ways to get connected.

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Just bottom line is make sure you're taking care of your bird, watching your birds and just, you know, Dr. Clark.

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Just use some good common sense about biosecurity practices. Absolutely.

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That's the best thing you can do. Yeah, there's nothing rocket science here.

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We're just trying to make sure we protect our poultry industry because we have a fairly large,

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not only, you know, backyard hobby flock owners probably don't realize, but you know,

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we have a, you know, Arkansas was one of the leading poultry producing states in the nation,

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and it could have a really, really bad ramifications for our commercial growers.

00:18:56,690 --> 00:19:03,150
Absolutely. It would be a tremendous impact not just to them, but to the entire economy of the state.

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You know, almost one billion broilers are raised and then about 30 million turkeys.

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And I can't remember how many eggs for the table egg industry, but we're way up there.

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We're the top 10 as well on that. So it is a big, big, significant part of the state's economy.

00:19:22,940 --> 00:19:28,880
Sure. Sure. All right. Well, that's going to do it for this episode of Around the Homestead podcast.

00:19:28,880 --> 00:19:32,960
Again, Dr. Clark, we appreciate you taking your time to join us. I thank you.

00:19:32,960 --> 00:19:37,110
We always like having you. You're so knowledgeable about everything.

00:19:37,110 --> 00:19:45,560
We're going to. I promise I'm not going to try to trade you out for Shaun as my normal co-host, but we like having you on the show.

00:19:45,560 --> 00:19:51,890
I'm sure he'll be glad to hear that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So anyways, we'll see you again.

00:19:51,890 --> 00:20:02,090
Go to our website.  to find more information about avian flu, and until next time we'll see you around the farm.

00:20:02,090 --> 00:20:08,210
We hope you enjoyed this episode of Around the Homestead podcast to learn more about today's topic.

00:20:08,210 --> 00:21:35,667
Be sure to visit our website at Be sure to join us next time on around the Homestead podcast.