Indigenous Faith

24.29 An Amazing Visit with VIP LaTalia Peterson (Part 2)

Craig & LaDonna Smith

In last week's first episode of this VIP interview with LaTalia Peterson (Navajo), she began to unpackage the tragic story of the auto accident that caused her husband and father of her two young children to suffer irreversible brain damage that left him for years in a near vegetative state until his passing in 2022.  Now a single mom, and left to pick up the pieces of a life so tragically altered by this horrific decade of pain and suffering, LaTalia continues to share how the Lord sustained her, healed her broken heart, and has given her incredible ministry opportunities in a church on the Navajo Nation, in a job as a teacher in the same school she and her husband were students at, and how she has lead a growing number of Navajo youth to encounter Christ at the annual Warrior Leadership Summit.  The glow of God on her face speaks volumes to the attempts of Satan to kill, steal, and destroy her life, future, and godly role as a Victorious Indigenous Person among Navajo youth and children.  She truly is a remarkable Christian woman, and a godly example to all who know her and are blessed to be impacted by her life and testimony.  And if she can find victory through some of the most difficult and discouraging experiences of life, friend, you and I can be victorious too, if we only trust the Lord like LaTalia Peterson.  Be encouraged, friend, by the second and final episode in this inspiring story of our dear friend, LaTalia!  And remember, if God can do that great of a work in her life, He can do it in yours and mine as well!  Rejoice with us as we continue our Amazing Visit with VIP LaTalia Peterson!