How to stand out in real estate: PLUS 4 scripts for probate real estate | Live probate mastermind
Estate Professionals Mastermind - Probate and Senior Real Estate Podcast
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Estate Professionals Mastermind - Probate and Senior Real Estate Podcast
How to stand out in real estate: PLUS 4 scripts for probate real estate | Live probate mastermind
Mar 30, 2022 Episode 54
Chad Corbett and Certified probate real estate experts

In this episode, multiple Probate Mastery students share success stories demonstrating how to stand out in real estate, in any market. With the approach taught in the course becoming the ultimate value add in their business, they've been able to break through difficult situations in competitive markets, impress attorneys, and have clients truly go to bat for them to make sure they get the listing/deals. Other topics include leveraging a client testimonial for impactful real estate marketing, structuring a JV deal for probate investing, and why your clients should get a trust.

4 example probate scripts are presented in this episode for: Pitching estate planning services to your sphere of influence; getting through the gatekeeper at an attorney's office; pitching attorneys on why you should work together; and handling objections about costs of probate services.

Full episode notes, youtube links, and resources:

Episode Segments (Timestamps link to YouTube)
0:00 Closing on a 1031 exchange and triple net lease deal, and winning repeat business (Success Story)
4:28 How to stand out in the real estate market (Mastery Approach)
7:16 Can the state take property if it isn't probated? (Succession Law)
12:22 Impactful real estate marketing: Using a story as a CTA (Real Estate Marketing)
14:22 Probate script for handling objections: "Does this cost anything?" (Probate Script)
16:02 Meeting with probate attorneys for the first time - they loved my pitch! (Mastery Approach)
17:36 Two ways to offer value to attorneys when prospecting for referrals (Attorney Script)
21:14 What to say to the gatekeeper when prospecting attorneys (Probate Scripts)
25:59 How to pitch estate planning services to your sphere of influence (Estate Planning Script)
27:52 Is probate better than a trust in some scenarios? (Estate Planning)
31:47 The step-up in basis, inheritance, and fixed income (Transaction Engineering)
34:28 Transaction Engineering: How to structure a JV investment deal in probate (Real Estate Investing)
43:41 How to submit a claim to the estate and get paid for taking care of inherited property (Probate tips)
51:59 How to use a domain redirect for memorable marketing CTAs (Real Estate Marketing Tips)

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