Alien Talk Podcast

Cosmic Guardians: Our Alien Protectors

September 12, 2023 Season 8 Episode 4
Cosmic Guardians: Our Alien Protectors
Alien Talk Podcast
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Alien Talk Podcast
Cosmic Guardians: Our Alien Protectors
Sep 12, 2023 Season 8 Episode 4

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Have you ever pondered the existence of cosmic guardians and galactic alliances in the universe? Ever considered the tantalizing prospect of alien races that might hold the reins to the welfare and betterment of lesser developed worlds, like ours? This episode explores these fascinating concepts, drawing parallels with popular science fiction narratives like Star Wars and Star Trek.

We take you on a thrilling journey through the cosmos, as we speculate about different alien species and their potential relationships with humanity. From the Anunnaki and the Reptilians to the Pleiadeans and the Nordics, we investigate the roles these alien races may have played in our evolutionary development. We dig deep into ancient mythologies, the concept of divine knowledge givers, and the intriguing Ancient Alien Theory.

Wrapping up this cosmic ride, we discuss the importance of independent thought and the pursuit of knowledge. We're also excited to announce our new YouTube channel, where we'll be sharing even more riveting content. So, put on your thinking caps and join us in this journey across the universe!

We remember the 22nd anniversary of 9-11, and all those who we lost that day.

Watch the Skies: A Chronicle of the Flying Saucer Myth. (1995), C. Peebles, p 115, Berkley Books, New York

"Space Journey" by Geoff Harvey
Copyright Β© 2021 Melody Loops LP
Full License Royalty-Free Music

The Multiverse Employee Handbook
”The Multiverse Employee Handbook,” curated and produced by Robb Corrigan, is a...

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Have you ever pondered the existence of cosmic guardians and galactic alliances in the universe? Ever considered the tantalizing prospect of alien races that might hold the reins to the welfare and betterment of lesser developed worlds, like ours? This episode explores these fascinating concepts, drawing parallels with popular science fiction narratives like Star Wars and Star Trek.

We take you on a thrilling journey through the cosmos, as we speculate about different alien species and their potential relationships with humanity. From the Anunnaki and the Reptilians to the Pleiadeans and the Nordics, we investigate the roles these alien races may have played in our evolutionary development. We dig deep into ancient mythologies, the concept of divine knowledge givers, and the intriguing Ancient Alien Theory.

Wrapping up this cosmic ride, we discuss the importance of independent thought and the pursuit of knowledge. We're also excited to announce our new YouTube channel, where we'll be sharing even more riveting content. So, put on your thinking caps and join us in this journey across the universe!

We remember the 22nd anniversary of 9-11, and all those who we lost that day.

Watch the Skies: A Chronicle of the Flying Saucer Myth. (1995), C. Peebles, p 115, Berkley Books, New York

"Space Journey" by Geoff Harvey
Copyright Β© 2021 Melody Loops LP
Full License Royalty-Free Music

The Multiverse Employee Handbook
”The Multiverse Employee Handbook,” curated and produced by Robb Corrigan, is a...

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Hello everybody and welcome to Alien Talk Podcast. This is where we discuss all things about aliens and UFOs and where we always push the limits of our understanding. We are your host, Joe Landry and Laurie Oldford. Here again. They bring you a fascinating show out across the worldwide web as we continue exploring the manifold topics surrounding the idea of extraterrestrial beings, the mystery of UFO encounters, the studies of paranormal occurrences and other perplexing enigmas that make up this ever-changing and ever-intriguing world of ours. We are very glad to have you here with us for yet another great discussion. Of course, we do not want to forget that yesterday more 22 years since 9-11, and it's important to take time to reflect on that day, as we always should, but especially at this time of the anniversary of it.


Yeah, absolutely. It is sometimes hard to fathom how much time has passed. But I mean, regardless of political positions, I think everyone should take some time to remember those who perished so tragically on that day.


Indeed, that is very true. Now let us begin the show with some news. Laurie, I think I can say we're both pleased to see that our debut on YouTube is off to a good start. For those of you who may not know, we have just recently launched our first episode on YouTube channel, titled Is Religion Misunderstood?, and we go into the beginnings of our journey into the ancient astronaut theory, examining how the various belief systems around the world seem to allude to what could be considered extraterrestrial encounters that are found within the sacred texts of all the religions of the world and tell of stories about people interacting with the gods or with God. Capital G right.


Yeah, Loe. Yeah, I definitely think it's off to a good start. We talked about going on to YouTube for quite a while now and it's nice to see that finally underway. And, yeah, it is a platform that we intend to use, along with our biweekly podcast there, in which we'll be putting out episodes, probably about once a month, on our YouTube channel, to add a new way to reach out to all of you and give us a chance to present our topics through media. That allows us to use little more creativity, hopefully to entice more folks to bring them on to check out our program.


Right. This gives us the opportunity to expand our repertoire, so to speak, of material that we want to make available to everyone. So if you haven't already, please check out Is Religion Misunderstood? On our YouTube channel and you'll see me and Auri doing what we do on the podcast, but with some visual effects to enhance that discussion.


Yeah, that really does help. And don't forget to hit the subscribe and give us your comments, what you enjoyed and what you didn't, and if you find that it meets your expectations, then give us a like and subscribe to the channel, because that would be great and we're definitely looking forward to bringing you more shows on YouTube.


Yeah, we're working on getting the next one done for the beginning of October and we think all of you will enjoy that one too. So today for our podcast show, we're going to discuss cosmic guardians and what we mean by that is is it possible that one number one is there intelligent alien life out there? And number two, are they intricately aligned with one another, involved in such a way that perhaps different species from different worlds are all aligned in what you might call political, diplomatic or even military interactions? And number three, that from those interactions and associations do they derive a collective interest in the progress and fate of other worlds that are less developed, such as Earth?


If this sounds like something from a science fiction story, well, you're right, it is. I'm sure we're all familiar with the themes from Star Wars and Star Trek, where there's always shown a diversity of alien life forms living together everywhere among various planets, much like how there is a, you know, a diversity of humans living together everywhere among various countries on Earth. So could it be like that? Could there be something like a federation of planets out there, equivalent to something like the UN or the whole galaxy? If so, who are they and how many of them are there and how many alien races are participating in that?


Yeah, that's a tough one, Joe, because how in the world do we prove that right? I mean, what evidence is there? This is one of those topics where we have to assume they might indeed exist. The question we have to ask is is it impossible for an alien race to be part of a galactic alliance or part of a galactic council of some sort that oversees the welfare and betterment of life in the universe? So the answer, I assume is safe to say, is no, it is not impossible.


And here's why, if we are existing in space and time rotating on a planet, then why couldn't it be the same for another planet just like ours, with life like ours, to exist out among the untold billions and trillions of planets that are circling the billions and trillions of stars that we know are out there? So the next question is is it possible for an alien race to possess the technology and innovation to be able to travel great distances throughout the galaxy? Of course it is possible. I think all of us have at least considered it to be possible, even if not believing it is reality. And the question after this is if they exist and possess the technology and are part of a formed council or alliance or federation, then do they at least some of them have a moral interest in seeing to it that worlds that are vulnerable to exploitation or destruction are guarded and protected? And then the answer would then be yes, yeah. Even though we have no actual proof, it can be a possibility. We must all remember that things that were once thought impossible became possible.


Yeah, that's right, and we have to keep in mind that here on Earth we have such governments and alliances that are part of our human existence. Even if there are parts of the world that know virtually nothing about things like the UN or the World Economic Forum, that doesn't mean that their lives aren't impacted by them. There are remote islands in Oceania, like in the South Pacific and Indian oceans, that are deemed as sanctuaries by the United Nations for the indigenous cultures that live there to be preserved and protected. So even if those inhabitants never come into direct contact with any kind of real manifestation of the UN and more likely than not to not even know about it, that doesn't mean that they don't live their lives under the agency of it or that the UN doesn't exist, because it does. They just aren't seem very aware of it or may not be aware of it at all. So this might be something like a prime directive not to tamper with indigenous and isolated societies.


So what if Earth is something like that in the galaxy? And it is true that this idea sounds pretty darn farfetched. I mean, we have science fiction for a reason, right. This is why we like to watch Star Trek and get into its storyline because of its entertainment. We know everything about. That is not real, but the question I'm sure that comes across everyone's mind is what if it is real and what if this is actually taking place? We are more or less just blissfully unaware of it. How would we know differently if our only experiential knowledge comes from what we obtain about ourselves from within our own planetary environment, and nothing else?


Exactly, and we need to remember that. We have heard some people in pretty high places now in governments from around the world saying that a Federation of Council of Extraterrestrials is out there, and they are "in touch with the leadership on this planet. Haim Eshed, the former Israeli director of space operations, as publicly said that there are alien bases on Mars and that there is a galactic Federation out there that is routinely visiting Earth, and the former Canadian defense minister, Paul Hellyer, made similar statements to that. And so, as Kirsan Ilumzhinov I pronounce his name right alums enough, he is the former president of the Russian Republic of Kalmykia.


Now we've actually talked a few times about extraterrestrial intervention with human affairs, and most recently just about a month ago with the Trinity incident, in which an alien spacecraft is said to have shown up and crashed very near the two-tenths, Near the spot, and only a short time after the testing of the world's first atomic weapon. And obviously this marked a big turning point in our scientific and technological development and perhaps it is something that did get their attention, and maybe at that point they would want to middle in our advancement you know like try and frustrate us in our ambitions so as to toward our capacity for destruction. Like what if all of these encounters are the result of interventions from certain alien races, perhaps benevolent ones, to do just that? Maybe, in their concern about our future, they have actually managed to prevent us from going into World War III like a long time ago?


Yeah, and we may be raising serious concerns for them, and have been so for some time. And what if this is meant by us becoming like gods, that phrase of man becoming like God or the gods? Is it us being able to emulate what they can do with the power to be a destroyer of a world, like from Oppenheimer's famous line? Perhaps to them, this is what they cannot allow humanity to achieve, even though it seems like we have already achieved it. And what if it is not just our technology, but also our way of life, with our politics and ideologies and philosophies? What if they deem that how we are evolving is completely unsuitable to their ideals and agendas for the other alien races out there in the universe?


Yeah, right, and so I mean this particular point makes me wonder why, since the World War II era, there has been an increase in UFO activity, you know, with the battle of Los Angeles in 1942. And then we had the Foo Fighter sightings in 1944 and 1945. And then after that we have the atomic bombs that are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and then it seems to pick up even more with Kenneth Arnold's flying saucer formation that was spotted near Mount Rainier in 1947. And of course the Roswell crashed shortly thereafter, and then more and more after that. So I mean, we've asked these questions before.


You know what was it about? World War II and the years following that brought this increase in reported UFO encounters, and two significant factors came about at this point in human history, and one was an exponential acceleration in science and engineering. You know more in the past 80 years than since the very dawn of civilization. The second is the capability to wipe out all life on Earth by weaponizing nuclear energy, and both of these factors could be a concern to them. So you have to wonder if it was this that got their attention right after World War II.


And there may have been other times in our history when they had wanted to perhaps pay closer attention to what was happening here, with the suffering from all the wars and pestilence that had been taking place over the hundreds and thousands of years. You know, for instance, during the Black Death of the late Middle Ages, there were tales about the appearances of balls of light and strange mists over plague-infected towns. I actually, Linda Moulton Howell, actually mentions that in a blog on projectavalon. net which is dated September 2008. So perhaps they were studying what was going on back then and maybe even carrying out some measures to mitigate what could have been a complete annihilation of the human race. Maybe that could have been a worse episode in our history, and the fact that we survived is because they helped us out a little bit.


And you know, we began our very first episode explaining how our ancestors had encountered the Anunnaki, who were possibly visitors from the planet Nibiru. So not only may they have come here to Earth, but they may have played a significant role in our very evolutionary development in the get-go through their capability of genetic engineering. And when the scriptures say that we are made in the image and likeness of God, could it mean something about our DNA having been hybridized with their DNA and, if so, when the ancient mythologies mentioned God's flying creatures and spectacular displays of incredible power, it could mean something about this particular alien race, the Anunnaki, and it could mean that they have a special interest in us. Whatever special interest that is, it's hard to say.


Yeah, and I would venture to guess that it is more than one alien race with whom humanity encountered in the past and may still be encountering today. There are stories of the reptilians and greys and it is often, you know, it's difficult to decipher which is which. And if you are only looking at the, you know if you're, especially if you're only looking at the mythological sources. So, but depending on the culture and the time period, or even the circumstance, these different alien races or species may have just been lumped together and all generalized as the sky beings. Therefore, you know, all of them would simply be thought of as divine, angelic or possibly even demonic.


And when you look at the literary tradition, you have the diverse portraits of these kind of beings.


They're really not homogeneous or homogeneous in any way, and there is always a mention of different types of creatures and spirits from mythology.


And that seems comparable to the accounts given about different types of aliens that have been seen by people. Things that seem to really fit the image of being like guardians, I think are the Pleiadeans from the Pleiades in the constellation Taurus, because they are described as tall, with their pale complexion, like pasty white, and they're always, they always seem to have like blonde hair, and sometimes they are referred to as the Nordics, like you know, due to having what would be thought of as a Scandinavian appearance. And there is also a species called the Lyrans, from the constellation Lyra, who are also supposed to be what you would call the nice aliens, who want to give guidance and mentorship to all humanity. And these Nordics, as they're called, look similar to us, and the stories of old portray them as having compassion and kindness toward all life and exhibit a tendency to provide spiritual guidance, and they seem to match the descriptions of what many religious people would call angelic beings.


And it's important to point out that these Nordic aliens, thought of in some cultures to be gods, are not the same gods as the Norse, like of the Norse Pantheon, they're not Viking gods. The mythical tradition is not the same. So, gods like Odin and the Loki and Friig are really more like representations of the Anunnaki and other Pantheons, meaning that Odin is another form of the Sumerian Anu, just like the Greek Zeus and the Babylonian Utu-Shamash and the Egyptian Aman-Ra. Loki is a form of the Sumerian Enki, just like the Greek Hermes and the Babylonian Nabu and the Egyptian Thoth and so on. Like that.


Right and a good point to make. And the Nordics, or the Politians, are referred to as the Star people, also referred to as the Children of the Stars or Children of the Sun and, based on the differing, differing theologies, they're thought to come from planets that are orbiting one or more of the seven stars within the cluster of the Pleiades.


Yet there's a very distinctive feature in the night sky within the constellation Taurus. Most of us have seen it. The Pleiades is 444.2 light years away from Earth, actually making it the closest star cluster to us. It represents the seven sisters in Greek mythology, who are the daughters of Atlas and who Zeus put onto the bull so as to be protected against Ryan Hunter. And the Pleiades has caught the attention of star gazers for centuries, and it seems that there's always been an allure that people have had to it, a sort of romantic, mystical and creative draw to its beauty and its peculiarity.


Yeah, right, and there's some folklore, like among the Australian Aborigines and the African Amazigh, that their ancestors had come from there. I mean, within the Native American culture, the importance of the star people is a very prevalent belief about their ancient ancestors dwelling in the heavens and that even Christianity even believes that God, their gods, are from the heavens and that they had come down to Earth in the past to teach them various skills. They are thought by many to still come down and help by providing wisdom and enlightenment, and spiritual guidance.


Yeah, many of the Native American tribes, like the Lakota, the Zuni and the Hopi, believe that they had come from the Pleiades. These are the people you're talking about. There are also entities called the Kachinas that represent different aspects of the universe and the world around us, such as the sun, the moon, the mountains, the wind, etc. And they are considered to be the mind, to be the deities, and that lines up with a lot of other beliefs around the world right about those that dwell up in the skies.


Right, yeah, and it is not unreasonable to think that people who witnessed an alien who would attribute godliness to them and does, come to think that they are responsible for putting things into place like creating everything, if you will, and this is the connection to the Palladians this type of being who is benevolent and nurturing, that protects humans, just like in the way that parents protect their children, I guess.


And I think we can embellish that metaphor even more to say that the Palladians or the Nordics are like adoptive parents who extend compassion and kindness and mentoring to children who are not even their own. I mean, if the Anunnaki were the ones who created us and would be sort of quote unquote biological parents to us, well, they're really not that great right. So one race of aliens might be better at protecting a vulnerable species than the one actually responsible for bringing into existence in the first place.


Yeah, and that's a good analogy. And just as there are various assorted tales told of people being malevolent and diabolical on one extreme and peaceful and compassionate on the other, so too are extraterrestrials, and it appears that the Palladians are the ones that are most closely tied to those of goodwill and kindness, and perhaps it's not hard to imagine that the people think of them as angelic, because they presented themselves as attractive in their physical appearance and also has gentle and caring and wanting us to reach a higher level of consciousness.


Well, if you remember that book by Barbara Marciniak called Bringers of the Dawn, and it's claimed that the Palladians had messages for humanity and would often communicate telepathically with her as an individual. So her book is about how a group of these Palladians came to Earth to teach us all their wisdom in order to help us to reach a new stage of evolution. And they teach that the first human had 12 USEs of DNA, not two, and when we all come from a source referred to as the prime creator, we are star seeds, according to Barbara Marciniak. And then the problem with this is that there's no proof of her claims. Of course, the Palladians didn't provide her with the smoking gut evidence to prove what they were using to communicate with her, or give any evidence at all about what she was trying to say.


There was also another author, a Polish American named George Adamski, who, back in 1950, wrote three books about experiencing communication with Nordic aliens. Just like Marciniak did, adamski believed that these beings were from planets, with their inner solar system, venus being one of them, which is incredibly hard to substantiate, as we know for sure that life doesn't exist there. But he claimed that the Nordics are very concerned about our nuclear weapons testing, not only for putting life in danger here on Earth, but also for putting life in danger on other planets.


Yeah, and I think the argument was that the life being on Venus and Mars was because back in the earlier days of the planets, I guess you can say they actually were habitable at the time, I guess, just like our Earth. Well, one day move out of its zone and probably become like Mars. So I think that was one of the arguments or one of the reasons why he believed that, and I guess this is where the Guardians of the Galaxy comes into play, right? Yeah, the whole idea of it anyway.


Well, according to author Curtis Pebbles, who later wrote the commentary, Adamski's work said that he claimed the Nordics or Pallidians worshipped a creator of all and what would be called guardian aliens during the time of this fear of nuclear war, and perhaps this was a way to attain comfort from something that is seen as a higher intelligence. And this is what we are talking about. Though, like, when it comes to ancients telling stories about these beings visiting us from long ago, they described them as gods, when they are nothing more than beings from another planet, another world, and this leads many to believe in them as gods and also as God. Like GOD, capital litters. So, if you're religious minded and believe in God, then you can most likely believe in something like this. We have all learned from our religions that we have free will, then it is unethical to make someone go against their own will and conscious. If the Pallidians are truly the guardians of morality and virtue and justice, then it would be paramount for them to uphold these virtues and be the police of our galaxy, right.


I wonder if some race of beings like the Pallidians did teach humanity various things that pertain to spirituality, metaphysics and higher conscious. Or did we get on our own intellectual progression and create them within our own minds to represent givers of such knowledge? We always tend to project our ability to have this sort of spirituality and higher conscious to something beyond us, something of some higher power. So could it have been from divine givers of humanity? That is what is told in many of the religions throughout the world, like you said, to include Christianity.


We find it ever apparent in our religious dogmas, and the beauty of the equities as seen on a clear night is definitely something awesome and even soul touching and, like many sites of nature, it can give inspiration for creative and profound thinking. And we know that poets and philosophers, they can form personages and again almost in the way of being like a hand puppet, like a living symbol, and convey a message about an abstract concept. So it's not so much the entity in and of itself that is important but the imagery that is invoked in the way of describing it. And this is maybe what we mean when we talk about things like heuristics and word pictures and the beauty of poetry and the expression of emotions and the human soul through words and literature and art, and depicted that way.


Yeah, will, said. George Adamski also believed that the Nordic gods he spoke to, or, as he claims, were also the space brothers who he referred to as one day returning to save us from our technological cells. We discussed this several times before that. These extraterrestrials are some of the same beings in many other religions around the world. Each society of civilization had different languages and a different understanding of these extraterrestrial gods. Let's take the Dogon people of West Africa, for example. They have an oral tradition that is highly similar to the Sumerian creation myth found in the Enuma Elish, the Babylonian creation story. To them, their gods, called Namos, descended to Earth all the way from the Sirius B star system and they were referred to as the monitors and teachers, and they thought humanity the knowledge of science, mathematics, writing and art, as well as special wisdom comprising of things like magic and sorcery, and alchemy and suse. This is similar to how the watchers of the Book of Enoch are depicted within the Western literary tradition.


Yes, what you just said there, Laurie, is very important to what we were discussing today. Who are the beings watching us and interfering on our behalf? The Namos, being from the Sirius star system, were the teachers and helpers to humanity by bestowing upon our ancestors the ways of science, mathematics, writing, art and much more, like you listed, and you also alluded to the Book of Enoch.


And in it there is a list, a literal list, with the names of each watcher or fallen angel, possibly alien being. And what is it that they taught humans? That's all listed in the Book of Enoch, and we find this in chapter eight, starting with verse one. It says moreover, asiel taught men to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, the fabrication of mirrors and the workmanship of bracelets and ornaments, the use of paint, the beautifying of the eyebrows, the use of stones of every valuable and select kind and all sorts of dyes, so that the world became altered.


Yeah, it even goes further in how various disciplines were broken down more specifically for each watcher, by name, and to instruct the humans. Because then in verse two it says impiety increased, fornication multiplied and they transgressed and corrupted all their ways. And then in verse three it says Hamasaric taught all the sorcerers and dividers of roots. First four armors taught the solution of sorcery. Verse five says that Bacaia taught the observers of the stars. Verse six says that Aqabil taught signs. Seventh says Tamiel taught astronomy and eighth says that Azaridil taught the motion of the moon.


And then the part that reveals their deep connection with mankind. Perhaps virtuous or not. It's hard to say if Enoch is portraying the watchers as good or evil, but in verse nine, those and men being destroyed cried out and their voices reached heaven, and after that it seems that all hell breaks loose. But scripture passages like this one show that even in ancient times there were very deeply seated beliefs about heavenly beings taking watch over us. And again, that's not always shown as a good thing. There are plenty of examples of it not being a good thing.


Yep, and given what we've said about these, you know there being different types of aliens, these kinds of narratives seem to be consistent with that. Just as we have stories about man-dovellant entities through the Bible and throughout myths and legends, so too do we have stories about extraterrestrials being the same way. But like the myths and legends, the motivation is always the same. You know, it's to exert influence on humanity to bring about a desired outcome. And let's just consider the Rendleson Forest incident back in 1980.


When that occurred, the Air Force Sergeant Jim Peniston supposedly touched the craft of unknown origin, as they put it, and he claimed to have had a vision of seeing ones and zeros, which is a binary code of some kind, and this was instilled into his mind. And he claims that after the code was submitted for deciphering and that it presented a message. And he claims that message said exploration of humanity continuous for planetary advance, or something along those lines. And if this was a true message given to us by an extraterrestrial civilization, then it just may be a sign that we are indeed being watched.


And if so, was something like World War III close to having occurred and one day the guardians intervened to prevent it?


Was something like nuclear war, usher in humanity's first contact in the way we've talked about several months ago, which would be a close encounter of the third kind for everyone in the whole world all at once, at the same moment, with a sort of armada of alien spaceships coming Earth? We get a vivid depiction of that, of what seems to be a nuclear holocaust or an attack from something from outer space. And we see that vividly in the book of Revelation, in Revelation 21, verse one, where supposedly John the Evangelist sees a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, perhaps literally. This is also echoed in the Muslim Quran, in Surah 27, and with the observance of the sun rising in the west, which at that point tells that the beast of the earth will arrive to end the world. So there is plenty of imagery about the earth ending. We've been eradicated and a new one being made. And this is found with things happening from outer space. It doesn't happen here on the ground, it seems to come from the sky.


Yeah, and we've received the understanding from an ancient mind explaining all of that in his own terms and his own vocabulary. So this is what we have today and that's why we have the shows like this, trying to decipher these things and what you know, john. If John the Evangelist did see this, then what exactly did he see? You know you and I have seen what John saw. We would have probably have the wording for it that would better describe it, right.


Oh yeah, well, it'd be more like what we've seen in the movies been described. You know armadas of space craft, of alien spacecraft made of metallic structures and propulsion stuff like that, and describe you know ion plasma, you know nuclear energy. Yeah, we'd have a better technical lexicon for sure.


Yep, and you have to wonder if those are stories passed on from oral tradition in which, you know mass destruction or mass extinction was averted by outside forces from beyond the Earth. Now there have actually been many sightings by service members who came forward to say that they witnessed UFOs around nuclear facilities and nuclear military installations, and an article in New York Post from October 21 of last year said that a former Air Force chief master sergeant claimed how, in 1964, while stationed in California, he saw a hovering object shooting beams of light at a nuclear warhead during a testing. And the article further explains that on another occasion in the same area, first Lieutenant Robert Jacobs had witnessed a strange, unknown craft circling a dummy warhead during a tits light. Also, there is another article by CBS stated that whatever the mysterious lights in the sky were, they seem to have an interest in our nukes. This was set in a press conference held in Washington sometime back in September of 2010.


And per that article, robert Hastings, a UFO researcher from Albuquerque, new Mexico, said that over 120, 120 former personnel told him that they witnessed UFOs overhead at nuclear weapons storage and testing facilities, and one reported to have been at the Mostrom Air Force Base in Montana back in 1967 when 10 ICBMs had mysteriously gone inoperative. So what's strange is that the base security reported a mysterious red glowing UFO at the same time and, as of this date, there is no official explanation for it. Supposedly there are similar kinds of reports of such things from military personnel. Now there were also similar reports from military personnel from the Soviet Union and also from Great Britain.


But I know that there's always been the notion that the gods are among us, that spirits are here and everywhere. We're all familiar with the religious folklore of a guardian angel, a personal protector sent from God, who follows us around in life to keep us out of harm's way, even though they usually seem to be slacker, since bad things happen to people all the time. But regardless, the archetype persists psychologically and there are forces at work among us that we can't see, that are there to keep order and balance everywhere.


Okay. So let's say, for the sake of argument, that our civilization of today found the smoking gun proof that we, the Homo sapiens species, are a genetically altered species by an extraterrestrial race from long ago. Okay, for the sake of argument. So this would mean that the ancient alien theory was proven to be right now? Okay. So then we would be forced to seriously ask ourselves if this did not happen, where would we be today as a species? Would we even be the Homo sapiens that we are today? So this would force us to accept Darwinism at face value. You know, I asked this because the process of evolution takes millions and millions of years for any species to evolve. But we humans appear to have an overnight change from Homo erectus to the thinking man we are today. And when I say overnight, I don't mean in a literal 24-hour period. It's a 10,000 to like 50,000 year timeframe. But when you compare this to the process of evolution that goes on for millions and millions of years, this seems to be a very short amount of time. It's like overnight.


Yeah, well, you know, with Homo habilis dating to the time that, Australopithecus went extinct almost 2 million years ago, that 10,000 year period is about the 0.5% of that. So, if you were to take that and put it to a ratio of a 365 day year, it would come out to be about two to three weeks out of that. Now, if you were to put it to a ratio against 20 million years when the first hominid primates appeared, then that 10,000 years is only about two to four hours. So that means the span of Homo sapiens, the dawn of the Neolithic Revolution, until now, all happened within a few days, throughout the whole year and the rest of that time there was virtually no advancement at all for our hominid ancestors.


Yeah, that's amazing, strange. What a point is we should not exist right now as Homo sapiens? We should still probably be like Homo erectus or Neanderthals or Chromagnon man or whatever. It seems that we are the thinking Homo sapiens because of this, I guess you would say illegal interference by our extraterrestrial creators, aka God.


If we expand on this allegory even further for the sake of argument again, then God or gods, whether they're the Anunnaki, the Namos, the Kachinas or any others, having done this, may have actually violated a prime directive that was put into place by a federation to keep highly advanced civilizations from interfering with the normal process of evolution of less developed ones. I mean, who knows right? Maybe they became banned from this galactic federation and because of it, they are not on good terms right now with each other and may be fighting over us as we speak. The Reptilians may want to rule the planet again and, like in the Arbusus for food, the Anunnaki may one day return and subject us all back into slavery again, the Nordics or slash the Pallidians. Well, maybe they are trying to protect us from all of that and trying to get us to that higher level of consciousness.


Yeah, it's very hard to determine who really could be on our side without this smoking-gun proof, as we mentioned before, and if we ever come across that, it's going to be a huge deal. I guess time will tell. As for now, the unity of the human race and the advancement of our species for a better world is all we can hope for. God be with us right Whatever, and whoever that may be.


Oh yeah, and it's theories and assumptions right now, but there is an example of an alien race from Star Trek First Contact, my favorite Star Trek movie by the way.


Very good one.


Yeah, that's one of my favorites as well, yeah Well, after Star Trek II, the wrath of Cond, that is anyway. But in First Contact humans are on the brink of discovering warp drive, right, but they're not there yet. And but as the story goes, they get the attention of the Vulcan race who descended from space to make the historical First Contact with a small group or band of humans in a forested area. And the Vulcans believe humanity is ready for warp drive and to export a galaxy now. And so they assist them and like they're giving them a nudge, by providing them with the science knowledge that makes a warp drive possible. And after this the two civilizations, you know they, become allies, I think throughout the entire Star Trek series.


But this invention came after another more sinister alien race, the Borg attempted to annihilate Earth. So I mean, I can hear some of you out there now saying, yeah, well, that's science fiction. But sure you're right about that. But how much truth is in the fiction? And with that said, you know Joe and I are looking at some point to dedicate a season to that very question. You know more. More to come on that later.


Yeah, and maybe someday, centuries from now, a Vulcan type of race will show up in the future to share their scientific knowledge with us and jumpstart us by providing us with a faster way to travel about the stars and us, make us part of something like the United Federation of Planets and save us from extinction. And they will actually save us, save us all. So that will do it for today. Another great discussion. For our next podcast episode, we will get more into what we mentioned throughout the show about humans having been genetically altered into the species that we are, and thus not completely a mere product of evolution.


Right, yeah, we will delve deeply, like we always do, about how you know, we are not a species that has transitioned through natural selection, but one that has been transformed by something known throughout our lives as some higher power. So please join us for Alien Eyebrids the human project, so should be a really good episode. We graciously ask you all again who like what we do here by discussing all these things about aliens and UFOs, that you check out our new YouTube channel to show your support by giving us a thumbs up, liking it and, of course, by subscribing to the channel so that you can get these videos coming across your web and your phones, your computers, you know, every month, and you'll be helping us promote and get this way of thinking out there to the masses so that you know they can open up their minds. We want everybody to open up their minds and to think independently and to seek knowledge. So, with that, thank you everybody for everyone that has supported us so far, and you know we ask that you keep doing it.


Very well put, laurie. Yeah, search is for Isri Hujian Misunderstood and I should help bring up the thumbnail on the YouTube when you do the search. So until next time, folks stay safe and stay curious.

Cosmic Guardians and Alien Alliances
Exploring Alien Races and Their Influence
(Cont.) Exploring Alien Races and Their Influence
Extraterrestrial Influence on Humanity
The Existence of Ancient Alien Theory
Encouragement for Independent Thinking and Curiosity