Alien Talk Podcast

The Galactic Federation

May 01, 2024 Season 9 Episode 9
The Galactic Federation
Alien Talk Podcast
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Alien Talk Podcast
The Galactic Federation
May 01, 2024 Season 9 Episode 9

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Could ancient mythologies hold the key to understanding an interplanetary federation? Prepare to stretch your imagination as we explore the tantalizing myths and modern musings of alien councils throughout the galaxy. From the pantheons of gods in age-old religious texts that may mirror celestial beings, to the interstellar collectives championed by science fiction titans like Star Wars and Star Trek, we sift through the narratives and question whether humanity has always been under the watchful eye of a higher cosmic order.

Embark with us on a journey through the stars as we contemplate Earth's potential role within the Galactic Federation. We analyze the bewildering accounts of Valiant Thor's Earthly visit and the secretive assertions of Haim Eshed and Peter Hellyer about human-alien collaborations. Could these be mere flights of fancy, or is there more to these tales than meets the eye? We assess the speculative paths humanity could take to join a peaceful galactic alliance.  

Our gaze then turns skyward to the enigma of UFOs and their possible connections to a galactic coalition of worlds. We examine the implications of astronaut Edgar Mitchell's beliefs and the recent Pentagon disclosures on UAPs, pondering whether our planet is under surveillance by advanced civilizations. As we venture beyond the known, we invite you to consider the profound implications of what it means to be part of this vast and marvelous universe. Tune in for an episode that promises to transcend the everyday and venture into the extraordinary realms of possibility and wonder.

"Space Journey" by Geoff Harvey
Copyright Β© 2021 Melody Loops LP
Full License Royalty-Free Music

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”The Multiverse Employee Handbook,” curated and produced by Robb Corrigan, is a...

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Could ancient mythologies hold the key to understanding an interplanetary federation? Prepare to stretch your imagination as we explore the tantalizing myths and modern musings of alien councils throughout the galaxy. From the pantheons of gods in age-old religious texts that may mirror celestial beings, to the interstellar collectives championed by science fiction titans like Star Wars and Star Trek, we sift through the narratives and question whether humanity has always been under the watchful eye of a higher cosmic order.

Embark with us on a journey through the stars as we contemplate Earth's potential role within the Galactic Federation. We analyze the bewildering accounts of Valiant Thor's Earthly visit and the secretive assertions of Haim Eshed and Peter Hellyer about human-alien collaborations. Could these be mere flights of fancy, or is there more to these tales than meets the eye? We assess the speculative paths humanity could take to join a peaceful galactic alliance.  

Our gaze then turns skyward to the enigma of UFOs and their possible connections to a galactic coalition of worlds. We examine the implications of astronaut Edgar Mitchell's beliefs and the recent Pentagon disclosures on UAPs, pondering whether our planet is under surveillance by advanced civilizations. As we venture beyond the known, we invite you to consider the profound implications of what it means to be part of this vast and marvelous universe. Tune in for an episode that promises to transcend the everyday and venture into the extraordinary realms of possibility and wonder.

"Space Journey" by Geoff Harvey
Copyright Β© 2021 Melody Loops LP
Full License Royalty-Free Music

The Multiverse Employee Handbook
”The Multiverse Employee Handbook,” curated and produced by Robb Corrigan, is a...

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Hello, everybody, thank you for joining us on Alien Talk Podcast. This is the show where we discuss all things about aliens and UFOs and, as always, where we push the limits of understanding. We are Joe and Laurie, here to seek the truth and find the facts pertaining to highly discussed issues about the ancient astronaut theory and contemporary ufology. So, one of the more acclaimed buzz words or buzz phrases that a lot of folks have been throwing out there in the last few years is extraterrestrial federations or extraterrestrial councils or galactic federations throughout our galaxy or throughout the universe. But they are all joined together in a grand effort to achieve some common cause or common purpose for some interest in like a big UN or a big World Economic Forum type of setup out in space. And I suppose this is a fitting topic for this week, as we are coming up on May the 4th, which is pejoratively known as Star Wars Day. Right May the 4th, pejoratively known as Star Wars Day, right? May the 4th, you know. Be with you. Yes, is this a possibility?


We've all heard about such a thing in science fiction. It's the stuff of the imagination. The way it functions is vividly presented to us in movies like Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, and others. In those, you have the United Federation of Planets, the Galactic Senate, the Galactic Empire, the Cylon Empire, also the Intergalactic Council from Doctor Who, you know, with those things called the Daleks. So, as fascinating as it sounds, the evidence that suggests or supports such an idea of something like that really existing out there is well zero. But, Laurie, that is not to say that our mythological traditions are not totally immersed with the belief in some concept of it, right? I mean the notion about high councils or echelons of gods and angels and other beings that dwell among the stars is one that has always been a part of the human collective memory.


That's right, Joe. The ancient texts are loaded with references to earthly affairs being governed and influenced by the whims and wills of the gods acting together, whether it be in concert or in opposition to one another or in opposition to one another. Even in all our religions we have plenty of teachings that expound on how everything down here is controlled by forces up there in the heavens, and how we answer to powers that are far above us and that are so splendid and awesome and glorious that we as people can't even begin to comprehend them. And the idea is very similar to that of a highly advanced organization of multitudes of alien species that are so much more sophisticated and technologically developed than us that we essentially have no awareness of it.


I think it's kind of comparable to how there are primitive societies here on Earth that are isolated from the rest of the intricacies of our complex world, such that they live their lives as being for the most part unaware of the existence of things like NATO or the United Nations, or even the Peace Corps for that matter. However, they definitely could conceptualize it simply based on the organization of social order and hierarchy, in which there could be a council of elders in the tribe among the island dwellers, and in this way they could believe that other people exist beyond their islands and that they too might form some kind of higher council. And we certainly do see this exhibited in cultures around the world and, yes, they make up a considerable aspect of the various theologies out there. It is indeed found in the Bible.


There is the imagery depicted of a heavenly host. You know, even if Judaism, christianity and Islam are monotheistic, they don't provide an illustration of God being up there all by himself. He is surrounded by other beings, such as angels and spirits. In Hinduism and Buddhism there are multitudes of spirits that exist in levels of realms higher than human life on Earth. And, of course, in the Greek and Egyptian and the other so-called pagan religions. There are entire panthenons of gods and demigods.


Yeah, and I mean that's why God said in for the Christian God, the Judaism God or God of the Jews. You know, you shall not have any other gods before me. So but yeah, the ancient texts are loaded with narratives about councils of gods living among the stars. We'll just take a passage from Psalms 82, for example. As I read this verse, I want you to imagine the physical, the bodily, flesh and blood nature of the entities that are present in this and imagine as though this was from a sci-fi movie or a novel. You can do that with all of the Bible. Just look at it from that perspective when you read it the next time. But so here is what it says straight from the scripture, and it says God presides in the great assembly, he renders judgment among the gods.


Now, this is in the NIV, the New International Version. In other versions it says that God stands. God stands in the congregation of the mighty or of the divine council. And what we must remember is that this passage is written by an ancient man who is telling the story of a God meeting with other gods and accusing them of unjustly condemning mankind. And some think that this is the Hebrew God talking among his angels, but it doesn't actually say that is what he is doing. The Biblical writer is portraying God. He's telling the others that they are the sons of the Most High. So, is God referring to himself or is he referring to a God who is higher than he is on this hierarchical ladder? And the mention of a council is also found in the second chapter of Job being gathered with the sons of God in the assembly place, with Satan as well being a part of it, and they also were involved in deciding judgment on King Nebuchadnezzar.


In the book of Daniel, the New King James Version has God speaking to the congregation of the mighty hosts. So this don't seem to refer to the traditional angelic hosts that we usually think of, but instead it paints a picture of God being among other gods, not the angels, a picture of God being among other gods, not the angels. In per-Christian theology they are never referred to as gods speaking of the angels, because they were created by God and therefore they are not deities. They are the messengers of God or the sons of God.


So if such a council or councils exist, how would we have any way of knowing about it unless they allowed it or facilitated it? Right, how would we know about it unless, yes, they allowed it and made it known to us that they exist? And that's sort of what the UFO phenomena is all about and that we're finding out because they're kind of letting themselves be seen, whether they mean to or not. I mean, consider the island in the Indian Ocean inhabited by the Sentinelese tribe. Most, if not all, of those people have no knowledge about how their very livelihoods on that island may have been affected by the mandates and policies of various world organizations and world governments, international coalitions. They would only know if we were able to go and make contact with them and make ourselves seen to them.


And we know that there are dozens of island territories throughout the South Pacific and in the region of Australia, Africa and South America where there are communities which are remote and are virtually cut off politically and economically from the rest of the world. This was exhibited to a great degree with the rise of colonialism in the last 600 years. You know, the more advanced and developed countries are aware of them and their existence as simple societies, even if their comprehension, in this case of the European ventures was quite limited. Could the same be said about us as the entire human race here on planet Earth? Would we be seen in the way of unexplained phenomena and current UFO sightings in the skies, of what may be like how the indigenous people were seen when foreign colonists were arriving in their lands?


That's a very good point and that's a very good explanation, because a council of the so-called gods actually do exist. That we can prove, and that's us, that's our governments. And to people who are indigenous folk, seeing an airplane flying over that would be a UFO to them because it's an unidentified flying object. To somebody as indigenous as some of these places are, they don't have the words to explain that. So that's a really good explanation. And you know, there's also the cargo cult of the island of, I think it's called Vanuatu, in Melanesia in the South Pacific, and during World War II, the inhabitants of the island who until that time had never seen anyone from another place. They came into contact with American servicemen, and it's said that there were a lot of troops, supplies and battlefield material being brought onto the island and that this was very intrusive to the lifestyles of the people. However, the American GIs also helped them by giving them food, medicine and various commodities, and they introduced them to what would have been considered advanced technology, such as automobiles, radios and cameras.


Right. And, as that story goes, these islanders eventually form their own religion from these experiences and depict the servicemen as being like divine beings not only one serviceman, but them collectively and they're identified with a more transient entity that they refer to as john from. And that's not an actual name of one of the guys. Instead, it is a name that has come to embody the entire essence of all of the servicemen together who came and left. And that's how they see it. It is a fabricated name of something that is not real, but to them it is associated with the story of their interactions that were indeed real.


Exactly story of their interactions that were indeed real, exactly, and that's what we mean by. You know, this is probably how our ancients perceived our gods, of our religions, right, and it may be that we are reaching a point now that we are, you know, better understanding the possibilities of intelligent life existing on other worlds, and because of that we may be getting closer to that point of having the technological capacity to interrelate with them, and perhaps they are considering the same thing about us. And in our last episode we mentioned how the mysterious being called Valiant Thor is said to have come to Earth with two others and met with then President Eisenhower, and we've talked about how he was believed to have announced a plan for humans to eventually join a galactic federation. But this membership came with a condition Earth must first rid itself of nuclear weaponry.


Of course, this was a no-go, at least it was at that time, so maybe that means we're still in the initiation phase of that membership process. Maybe this is the actual and highly classified agenda to the so-called New World Order we mentioned before about how certain high-level people, geopolitical leaders even have come out and commented on this very idea of a coalition existing among alien races that monitor certain worlds like ours so as to seek diplomatic and synergistic relations with other species other species and that, of course, being on a presumption that said planet is at the point in its evolution that it is ready for that. We've alluded before to how Haim Eshed, the former Israeli director of space security, has openly proclaimed the existence of that very kind of thing, an alien federation, and that the US government has information on it. And, according to what he has told various media correspondents, with the Jerusalem Post and with NBC News, the American military is carrying out secret operations on Mars with these entities, and his statements have never been verified. And, according to an article run by Newsweek and dated December 8th 2020, it has caused a stir on internet blogs and social medias social media posts mostly in the form of mockery, and neither, naturally, neither the US nor Israeli governments have given any comment on that at all, and it was also the televised interview on the Canadian news network CBC in 2011, in which the former defense minister, Peter Hellyer, rather flatly said that there is a planetary federation comprised of alien races from all over our galaxy, and one of his later statements was that there are at least four species of aliens visiting Earth and they have been for thousands of years.


Four species of aliens visiting Earth, and they have been for thousands of years, and with most of them coming from other star systems, but also some of them living in our own solar system, like Venus, mars, saturn's moons. It makes you wonder what all he knew and never recanted, even before his death. He died just recently. Well, about three years ago, on August 8th 2021. He mentioned a race of aliens living on Venus. This goes along with the story about Valiant Thor that we talked about, with planets everywhere having life on them, and these guys, ashed and Heli, aren't the only two who have publicly talked about this. Many years ago, the former prime minister of Uzbekistan mentioned having contact with aliens and said something pretty much to the same effect that there is a galactic federation that the US military has known about for decades.


Yeah. So I mean it makes you wonder. And there is an article by Don Pettis at the CBC News, posted December 9th of 2020, and it's titled no wonder the Galactic Federation spurns us. Canada can't manage the one we have on Earth.


Every country right.


Yeah, every country. So what is it about former government officials spilling the beans on space aliens? And that's what he asked. And of course he is referring to Eshed and Hellyer, who are both high-level officials that claim that there are outer space aliens, clear that a galactic federation exists, and they rejected Earth because it wasn't ready. And don't forget what we discussed last episode about Valiant Thor he supposedly mentioned this very thing, and so that's why we will most likely not see that happen in our lifetime, because we won't be ready by then, probably not for a long shot. So let's take the TV and movies created about Star Trek and that work by Gene Roddenberry.


The United Federation of Planets doesn't get established until the year 2161, almost 100 years since that storyline's first contact, which was in 2063. And eventually, the first members to form in this galactic type alliance you know, the first members were, uh, earth, vulcan and doria and teller, and then, as time progressed over the centuries, it attained, it obtained more planets that joined the, the organization, the federation, the. The federation became the new government. Now it was the one world government of Earth and the entire quadrant of the galaxy and its space force is called Starfleet. And the worlds that joined the Federation did so through peaceful resolutions. However, starfleet was also a force to be reckoned with and had a special forces type unit known as Sector 31.


And this is a lot like what we are living in today. The US is the United States and the UN is the United Nations. Could our species be on the path to forming a one world government, a united Earth? And it may not be so until after a World War III event, like in Star Trek, that we begin the true process of joining together and putting aside our petty differences. But wouldn't it be great if our future generations could look back to our generation and be proud to say that we averted a third world war and came together for the betterment of our civilization? Wouldn't that be great?


That would be something I hope that can be said hundreds of years from now. And you know the theme of these narratives that we're going over. They tell of our eligibility, if you will, for humanity's inclusion into this federation you know, for peaceful purposes where we are to join other races in the exploration and sharing of knowledge about the cosmos. And that made me have the common goal. And it always seems the same, the theme of it about the cosmos. And that made me have the common goal, and it always seems the same.


The theme of it is the same, and that is we are not ready for it yet, but we're getting there that's another part of it, slowly but surely. And there is a recognition that we have, as humans, tremendous potential and we are still learning how to be responsible with our scientific discoveries and breakthroughs, and not only that, but the very evolution of our minds are taking us closer to the capacity for harnessing our higher consciousness, which seems to be tantamount to what other alien species sort of show as the ability to make themselves advanced. They utilize higher mental processes that enable telepathy, clairvoyance and detailed intuition in such a way that they can communicate among one another and organize their efforts in a harmonious way, Basically, we all be on the same sheet of music, and we are certainly not at that point in our evolution unfortunately not.


Yeah, but you know that would be nice if we could and, however, we we don't see that happening with with how our current affairs are going. But, uh, before we can move forward in our quest to become a space-faring civilization like star trek, we must definitely come together. So stop fighting and killing amongst ourselves over religion, money and natural resources, because, uh, we are all so focused on getting ahead of one another by staying the superpower or becoming the next big superpower, super duper power. So can you imagine what this world would be like if Russia, china, europe and the USA all came together for humanity's sake?


But I guess that is why we are considered a type zero civilization that are being thousands of times less capable of self-sustainment and integration with our planetary environment. What you're referring to is the Kardahev Scale, named after Russian astronomer, Nikolai Kardashev, as a hypothetical way to categorize alien civilizations and sort of classify their evolutionary and technological stage of sophistication by how much energy they are able to access on their home worlds, right?


Well, and to elaborate on that, a type one can, type one civilization can consume all energy available on the planet. A type two can consume all of the energy, uh, for a sun, and a type three all of that energy for the galaxy. So a type zero. The species hasn't evolved enough to even start working together to figure out how not to kill one another for the little bit of energy they extracted from their plants and their own trial and error way of innovation. And that's where we are. We have to completely come together and work for a common purpose.


Unfortunately, that is where we are. Unfortunately, that is. Exploration of space should not be driven by competition or by trying to get profit, but instead by the desire simply to expand our knowledge and understanding, presumably for the betterment of the entire human race, not just certain parts of it. He also happened to be a Freemason. Along with Buzz Aldrin, they were the two Freemason astronauts, and Mitchell was also known as an occultist. He was big into things like ESP and remote healing, and in 2004, he told the Saint Petersburg Times that there is a cobble of insiders, as he called them, and that they were studying alien bodies presumably recovered from Roswell, and that after the death of John F Kennedy, all presidential briefings had ceased on this, and it really became extremely clandestine after that.


And you really should pay attention to when people like astronauts make such statements. You know, I wonder if Gene Roddenberry was influenced by this old valiant Thor thing we talked about last episode when he created the Star Trek series. Thor was in 1957 and Star Trek was created in 1964. Was in 1957 and Star Trek was created in 1964, or could Roddenberry have been influenced to create these stories as a precursor for our future among the stars?


America, under President Trump, initiated the US Space Force, which is separate from the Air Force and its own branch of the military.


And let's take this guy, gary McKinnon, for example. He's a Scottish systems administrator who hacked into over 90 US military and NASA computers in the early 2000s, and he alleges that he's seen records that show where spacecraft is kept that do not seem to be from Earth, beginning with the typical call sign of USS, but they did not match any used in the US Navy. And he also said that he saw something documented about NEOs, which are non-Earth officers, and these would be like the military personnel who came from other worlds, just like how it would be in the movies, I guess. Or maybe there were other humans that have become part of this non-Earth officers, I don't know, but he also claims to have seen a photo of a large cigar-shaped object and was so shocked by it that he didn't think to take a screenshot of it. So whatever it was he saw after hacking the servers, the US, they still want him today and there is a warrant out for his arrest.


Yeah, he's in the interest of causing something like over $700,000 in damages, plus all the espionage charges top-secret this information. And yeah, he's currently on a travel restriction and must remain in England or else be extradited to the US and arrested.


Yeah. So who knows, it may be that the secret space program is part of, and may even be considered to be in the beginning stages of, something like Sector 31 in Star Trek, an elite spacefaring military. Like I said before, if we can build it down here, we can build it up there. Think about all those trips right Known and unknown by the public. Nasa has made over three decades on rockets and space shuttles. Not everything was broadcasted to the public, and now, with the US Space Force, there is even more room for classified operations taking place over Earth. Even the emblem that they have looks a lot like the one for Starfleet. So I think, much like how we are today trying to decipher the technology in the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, our future civilization will do the same thing with us. They will say things like you know, how could they possibly know we would be traveling in space in ships like these?


And with that we have to ask, and wonder could we have already begun the process of taking our place in a galactic federation of planets? I guess it would depend on which world leader you asked. We may have and it may be that the secret space program is part of it. It may even be considered to be the beginning stages of something like what you're referring to about Sector 31 in Star Trek, an elite military spacefaring unit. So yeah, it makes you wonder. You know, I'm always kind of wondered in terms of our own advancement in science and engineering in comparison to them. You know, if we were to equate it in terms of us comparing it to a point in time in humanity, what would be the relative comparison? You know?


Well, I guess that's hard to say. I mean, I would have no idea. I think we would be to them like, well, we'd be better than the Stone Age people, I would think.


Yeah, I think so too. I mean, we have mastered quite a bit of you know, with societal organization, language law, innovation, adaptation to the environment, self-awareness, all that. So we would, we would, we wouldn't be all that primitive. But I, I don't know either. Maybe like the Roman era with government and civil planning, engineering, knowledge, literary skill. I don't know, maybe that's not all that great. The Roman times are pretty bad. But I wonder how they would see us. Would they see us the way we see the Roman Empire or the Roman civilization, kind of comparatively speaking?


Yeah, I mean, we may one day be like that to a civilization that we discover someday on some planet, but our infant stage of nuclear weapon development might definitely be disconcerting to them, especially since we are still a type zero civilization and are showing a propensity for using them against ourselves are showing a propensity for using them against ourselves. Edgar Mitchell once told the British magazine The Mirror in 2015, that his quote is White Sands was a testing ground for atomic weapons and that's what the extraterrestrials were interested in. This is coming from a NASA astronaut and they wanted to know about our military capabilities. And they wanted to know about our military capabilities. And he says my own experience talking to people has made it clear that the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth. And Mitchell also told The Mirror that other military personnel had confided in him about alien spacecraft actually disabling nuclear missiles or shooting them down over the Pacific coast. So, if they are out there, they are most definitely watching and monitoring our progression.


And in an article by Ben Lewis in the Galactic Federation of Light dated April 7, 2023, he said that the Pentagon has acknowledged the possibility of a mothership in our solar system that may possibly be an emissary from a galactic federation, and he mentions how, according to Luis Elizondo, a former employee at the Defense Department, claim that there is evidence that an alien spaceship may be watching planet Earth from a distance. He based this on data gathered by the DoD through encounters with UAPs that were witnessed over the years that suggest a mothership is close by. Again, these are unconfirmed claims, of course, and there's no evidence to prove otherwise. However, this is based on what we know and not what the government actually knows and has yet to inform the public on, which may never be or may not be disclosed until a very long time in the future. So don't hold your breath.


Yeah, right. Well, I think Mitchell said it best when, in Palo Alto, California, he told the Institute of Noetic Sciences this is his quote that from looking at Earth from space, you come up with the question who are we, how do we get here and where is it all going? And that's an ancient, ancient question that humans have asked for a long time. My experience was to realize that perhaps our science is wrong at answering these questions and perhaps our religious cosmologies are archaic and flawed. And perhaps our religious cosmologies are archaic and flawed and given that now we are an extraterrestrial civilization ourselves, we need to ask these questions and do a lot more work to find the answers. That's a rather profound proclamation and, yes, like you said, when astronauts say this kind of thing, yeah.


I guess you give it a little more, you know, credence there. I mean it's not. You know somebody who's you know never, you know, experienced space. I mean these guys actually have gone up there. They, you know mitchell walked on the moon. So I guess smart people yeah, that is extremely, extremely intelligent. These guys, you know, took extremely difficult courses in engineering and mathematics and aerodynamics, learning flight operations. I mean, they were great pilots. That's why they were chosen to become the lunar astronauts.


So, when they say these kinds of things, I'm not saying you have to buy into it completely, because most of us don't buy into it completely, most of us don't. I'm not saying I have bought into it completely either, but I'm going to lend an ear when I hear people in certain positions say it. It's worth noting. And, as always, you, the audience, must decide. We present you with the discussion and you decide what you think. Are we near to being part of a galactic federation? Is there such a thing as the Galactic Federation or is this more or less the fabrication of storytellers? And that will conclude another great discussion, Laurie.


Yeah, sure was Joe, and I guess only time will tell. I guess we may not be around when it all happens, but hey, who knows, maybe it will. But anyway, for you all out there, keep looking to the sky, everybody. You just may be the civilization that one day may wake up to a galactic federation, revealing itself to the world and accepting our place among the stars. It's just like what Jesus Christ once said in Luke 21: 28 "when these things begin to take place, stand up, lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. He even tells us in which direction to look. Matthew 24: 7 says for as lightning comes from east; it is visible even in the west. So will the coming of the Son of man.


And also, like how the Apostle Paul states in 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-2, "about the dates and times, we do not need to write to you. For you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night." And with that we hope you get back with our next episode and join us for our next episode. We're going to discuss Tall Whites and the Shadow Government. Tall whites, not a Starbucks latte. Aliens, okay, aliens, if you haven't already guessed it.


I think they've already guessed it, Joe. Thank you for joining us.


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Extraterrestrial Federations and Mythology
(Cont.) Extraterrestrial Federations and Mythology
Human Evolution and Interplanetary Alliances
Exploring the Galactic Federation and UFOs
Exploring the Galactic Federation and UFOs