Alien Talk Podcast

The Shadow Government

May 15, 2024 Season 9 Episode 10
The Shadow Government
Alien Talk Podcast
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Alien Talk Podcast
The Shadow Government
May 15, 2024 Season 9 Episode 10

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Could the very strings of global events be pulled by unseen forces? Join us as we wrap up our ninth season, taking you on a riveting journey behind the curtain of the world's most elusive power brokers. From the impact of COVID-19 to the resurgence of the Illuminati in modern culture, we've pieced together an intricate tapestry of theories that will challenge the way you perceive the mechanisms of power and control in our institutions. We're not just scratching the surface; we're unearthing the roots of a potential shadow government whose reach might extend to every corner of society.

As we venture into the realm of the extraterrestrial and the conspiratorial, we question the presence of higher authorities, comparing the alleged indifference of Pleiadeans to human issues with that of the Illuminati's historic manipulation. We stir the pot further by examining the involvement of figures like George Soros and Klaus Schwab in societal upheavals and the true drivers behind 'woke' social movements, suggesting they might be the chess moves of power-maintaining shadow institutions. And for the history buffs, we delve into the birth of the Illuminati, tracing its evolution and enduring grasp on the public imagination through its representation in pop culture.

Finally, in the spirit of revelation and foresight, we examine the divisive concept of a New World Order. From the shaping of governance and secret societies to wars and global governance skepticism, we explore the potential reality behind this controversial notion, and how it intersects with religious prophecies and extraterrestrial lore. As we bid farewell to this season, we thank you for joining us on this expedition into the unknown and eagerly anticipate the discoveries that await us in the next season.

"Space Journey" by Geoff Harvey
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The Multiverse Employee Handbook
”The Multiverse Employee Handbook,” curated and produced by Robb Corrigan, is a...

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Could the very strings of global events be pulled by unseen forces? Join us as we wrap up our ninth season, taking you on a riveting journey behind the curtain of the world's most elusive power brokers. From the impact of COVID-19 to the resurgence of the Illuminati in modern culture, we've pieced together an intricate tapestry of theories that will challenge the way you perceive the mechanisms of power and control in our institutions. We're not just scratching the surface; we're unearthing the roots of a potential shadow government whose reach might extend to every corner of society.

As we venture into the realm of the extraterrestrial and the conspiratorial, we question the presence of higher authorities, comparing the alleged indifference of Pleiadeans to human issues with that of the Illuminati's historic manipulation. We stir the pot further by examining the involvement of figures like George Soros and Klaus Schwab in societal upheavals and the true drivers behind 'woke' social movements, suggesting they might be the chess moves of power-maintaining shadow institutions. And for the history buffs, we delve into the birth of the Illuminati, tracing its evolution and enduring grasp on the public imagination through its representation in pop culture.

Finally, in the spirit of revelation and foresight, we examine the divisive concept of a New World Order. From the shaping of governance and secret societies to wars and global governance skepticism, we explore the potential reality behind this controversial notion, and how it intersects with religious prophecies and extraterrestrial lore. As we bid farewell to this season, we thank you for joining us on this expedition into the unknown and eagerly anticipate the discoveries that await us in the next season.

"Space Journey" by Geoff Harvey
Copyright Β© 2021 Melody Loops LP
Full License Royalty-Free Music

The Multiverse Employee Handbook
”The Multiverse Employee Handbook,” curated and produced by Robb Corrigan, is a...

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Hello everybody, thank you for joining us on Alien Talk Podcast. This is the show where we discuss all things about aliens and UFOs and, as always, where we push the limits of our understanding. We are Joe and Laurie, here to seek the truth and find the facts pertaining to highly discussed issues about the ancient astronaut theory and contemporary ufology, and we come to you today at the conclusion of our ninth season of bringing you informative shows covering intriguing and fascinating topics that are currently on the front line of paranormal discussion all over the internet. It's hard to believe that it was three years ago this month that we started Alien Talk Podcast, and it's hard for me to wrap my head around this being our ninth episode again, our 90th episode, sorry, our 90th episode, ninth season, 90th episode. We began that program back in May 2021, or late April 2021 and, without trying to sound cliche, a lot has happened since then. A lot has changed in the world just within the last three years since we aired that first episode. Am I correct in saying that, Laurie?


Yeah, without a doubt. This time three years ago we were going through the whole COVID-19 pandemic and we were still pretty deep into all of that and we still had the mask mandates and social distancing things. And I think that at that time we were just beginning with the vaccinations, I believe. And it was before the whole war in Ukraine, before the old Chinese spy balloon thing, the Las Vegas alien sighting. It was before a lot of the big news events. So three years is not a heck of a lot of time. But things are happening at a much faster pace now in the world than they ever used to and we're witnessing the changes unfold much more quickly now than a lot of us ever have before. And the last three to five years has had more press and social media stories than the last 10 to 15 years or so.


Yeah right. The amount of information that is flowing into our brains from thousands and thousands of sources is just incessant, pervasive, constant and all-engrossing. And it's right at our fingertips 24-7... non-stop. And the world is changing fast, and that constant availability and perpetuality of news coverage and communications is actually what helps contribute to that faster pace of change. It's almost paradoxical in that the more information that is put out there about what is happening throughout the world sort of amplifies the impetus for more things to happen and become stories to be told and reported.


And of course, with that notion comes the question of why is that? Are these changes that we see taking place more rapidly than ever before? Are they being controlled by something? Are they part of a higher agenda, a bigger plan? To put it plainly, is there something lurking in the shadows of all of our political, academic and even religious institutions? Is there something like some sort of network or elaborate organization that we can't see on the surface yet is responsible for steering the world in the direction it is going? Something like a Great Reset or a New World Order?


Yeah, and the idea of secret societies and secret governments, for that matter, is something that has been around for quite a while. We've all heard about the Illuminati, of course. Heard about the Illuminati, of course, which has been thought to be the sort of mastermind group that forms that interwoven connection like it's a secret connection of political and intellectual think tanks around the globe, and it is kind of analogous to a spider's web, in which events and occurrences in some places are coordinated with uh, events and occurrences and others. And some might refer to this kind of operational network as the underpinning of the new world order, or or else it is just as um, just a means for the elite leaders of the world to maintain their power.


Now I think many would agree that the the real purpose of the world to maintain their power. Now I think many would agree that the real purpose of something like a shadow government, which has to do with ruling entities who are obscured from the scenes of everyday headlines, is to keep control over the masses and to gain even more control. And we recently saw how easily the government can do this, and just look at how quickly the COVID-19 mandates were given all over the world and how quickly, citizens fell in line with those orders, all in response to fear of danger and the need for safety. The media, it seems, was a mouthpiece for the government and was clearly an important tool to spreading any and all information to the public about the threat of the virus and the precautions needed to be taken against it. And this has led some to speculate that there is another group behind them, a larger, more powerful group of puppet masters, if you will, a government behind all of the governments, and some think that the Illuminati is that group.


Yeah. So that raises the question of if there is such a thing as a shadow government, who are the players who are part of it? Is it a group of people or is it more of a set of interrelationships that exists through laws, policies and executive or administrative directives from presidents and monarchs? We've heard the words deep state used more and more in the last few years, and it refers to those actors in the federal government who are behind all the processes of elections, appointments, confirmations, legislative acts and judicial motions that we as the public are informed about, but most of us do not see what happens behind the so-called curtains.


In some way, the deep state is the body of bureaucrats who have been employed for a long time with the government, and is also a depiction, at the same time, of a network that pervades the entire body politic of a nation, maybe even goes beyond that. And could it be that all of our officials and all of the extremely wealthy privateers and corporate entrepreneurs answer to this one sort of shadow institution, whatever it is and who or what it is that gives it that so much power. Why does it have so much power? Some would possibly say a higher authority, and it is a higher because of the knowledge excuse me, the knowledge that it possesses and the information it controls. Could this entity be a higher authority, since it has connections with something that transcends even the existence of our human life on earth? Would it be something extraterrestrial or, in the very least, something that has an extensive understanding of something extraterrestrial?


yeah, it certainly could, and there are a lot of the theorists who have propelled this idea of a shadow government into the limelight, so to speak. David Icke is one of them. He is a British sports broadcaster who has written many conspiracy books about reptilian aliens. There is also Jim Marrs. He's an American journalist who did research in the 1970s on the US Army's top secret Stargate project. Of course, there is Alex Jones, who got himself into trouble with his defamatory position on the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting. He believes that there is a secret cabal somewhere that is functioning as a criminal outfit and bringing about all of the problems in our society. And Carol Quigley, who taught at the Georgetown University, wrote about a roundtable movement that was influential in the outcome of many popular elections throughout the past 150 years, both in the US and also in Europe of course, about a shadow government might seem a little radical and conspiratorial, but keep in mind that international ruling bodies and individuals do indeed exist.


We are familiar with many of them. Just take the Hungarian- American multi-billionaire, George Soros. He made a fortune in hedge fund investing and capital shareholding in many different corporations in many different countries. Capital shareholding in many different corporations in many different countries, and he is well known to have financed many different progressive activist programs, some of which have brought about big cultural revolutions in the last few years. Could that be something of the workings of a shadow government that has the influence to bring changes to the established regimes in the world?


Also, considered Klaus Schwab, the German engineer and founder of the World Economic Forum, and his agenda is to form a reset of our global monetary system. It is in alliance with people like George Soros. They want to have a one world currency, one money for everybody in the world. They want to have a one world currency, one money for everybody in the world and, even worse, they in turn could be working together with the United Nations. We have evidence that they are. They're working with things like the World Bank and the World Health Organizations. It's been in the news in the last few years, so as to bring all this about, that they're talking about with the new world order and their vision to form a one world government with it, a one world currency.


Yeah, well, there is another controversial author and journalists who claim that extraterrestrial aliens were involved with a shadow world order, when that was Milton Cooper. And that was Milton Cooper. He was a radio broadcaster from the 1980s and 90s who ran a show from the White Mountains of Arizona called the Hour of the Time, and in his book titled BO A Pale Horse, he describes the doings of the secret world government and the Illuminati declaring war against the USA, and he also believed that the Illuminati and extraterrestrials were working with the US government and that it the ETs that were the ones ruling and controlling humanity through the secret societies like those of the Illuminati.


Well, it makes you wonder who the extraterrestrials are who Cooper is referring to. Not only do we hear about the Illuminati but there are also Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, the Skull and Bone Society. Not only them, but there's also organized religion. The Vatican itself is really like its own secret society. Now David Icke has publicly said that he believes that they are these ETs who are behind these secrets . What he thinks are behind the secret societies are reptilians and that they could be masquerading behind human skin. That is something of which I am pretty skeptical.


I'm sure most people are, but I don't think you need to go to such an extreme degree to comprehend how political, economic and societal processes can take place in secrecy. In the United States, this idea goes all the way back to the days of the Revolutionary War. You know where some of the colonists formed a secret government. So, as it began the independence of the 13 colonies from England, we know that there was a huge Masonic influence on all of that, and it is during that period, the 17th and 18th centuries that is known as the Enlightenment, that the use of the word Illuminati comes about, possibly as a code to refer to a body of thinking for a new age. That would oppose the establishment. One of the parts of the establishment, of course, would be the Church.


Right. But it goes much further back than that. If we throw religion into the mix, like Milton Cooper believed, there may be a connection with Ike's belief and Cooper's. Actually, I mean, we can go around and around discussing this, but Ike's belief in the reptilians may be connected to the ancient alien race known as the Anunnaki. I think everybody knows about the Anunnaki now, but not sure if Milton Cooper believed in the Anunnaki per se or the reptilians or not. I don't know. But if he believed that aliens manipulated humans through the establishment of secret societies and religions and governments, then that alien race that did so I mean most likely it had to be the anunnaki well, and that's because you know our earthly religions, the monotheistic religions.


they all can be traced back to the fertile crescent. You knowcent. You know ancient Mesopotamia, modern-day Iraq and the Middle East, and this is where the three major religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam originate. And the ancient alien theory suggests that the Anunnaki were those ETs who came down from the heavens and had a part in creating mankind in their image, and it was them who instilled the laws for our civilizations to flourish.


Now, many descriptions of the Anunnaki are similar to that of the reptilians.


Just from the Bible alone, we have these depictions of God like that of a dragon or a leviathan, or even the Devil might have a depiction of a dragon or a leviathan, or even the devil might have a depiction of a dragon or a Leviathan. We also have the book of Genesis describing a reptilian tempting Eve to eat the fruit in the tree of knowledge, the serpent. And even when we talk about the myth about Atlantis, we see that there's a strong allusion to this concept of a grand government that is run by elites whose arrogant desire and strive for power leads to a colossal downfall of what is supposedly the greatest civilization ever to exist. That downfall is likened to the idea of falling out of favor with the gods, possibly reptilian gods and, as we've asked many times, are these gods, the advanced race of extraterrestrials who are responsible for putting us here in the first place? This theme, of course, is repeated in similar ways with the fall of the Greek Empire and the Roman Empire and really all of the mighty civilizations from classical antiquity.


Yeah. So I mean, they could very well be the same species, and one thing is for sure, I think my opinion, that is that they are not the Illuminati. The Illuminati are the shadow government of humans who are answering to the higher power of extraterrestrials. It's the Galactic Council, or Federation, if you will, that we discussed last episode. That is a maybe, of course, but it could be that Ike is right and that the High Council they are consulting with are indeed the Reptilian race, so they're all connected somehow in the whole scheme of things, right? I mean, Illuminati even sounds similar to Anunnaki, right?


Yeah, it does. Now could it be that the tall white aliens, or a tall whites as they are commonly referred to, be the ones keeping the peace or protecting us from being completely enslaved by the Reptilian slash Anunnaki? We've referred to this species of alien before tall white aliens. They are the Pleiadeans or the Nordics we hear much about. Are they the ones sitting on this kind of high council and interceding on our behalf? Is it that these tall whites who are working secretly with the world governments or the U. S. government?


If you think about it, this sounds a lot like the basis for that whole Valiant Thor story we talked about just a few weeks ago, with Liberace coming down from the planet Venus so he can visit the President to air his concerns about our nuclear weapons proliferation president, to air his concerns about our nuclear weapons proliferation.


Now this narrative is under the guise of the betterment for humanity by these benevolent aliens.


But something we need to point out about Pleiadians or Tall Whites or Nordics is that while they are often perceived and acclaimed to be benevolent and kind-natured and full of love, they also believe in some ways to be more indifferent to the human condition, as Seline Shenoy says in a blog about Nordic aliens on a website called Scanification. C om. Perhaps they're more interested in the maintenance and order of the galaxy, in a way that'd be similar to, you know, not being worried about, like what is, what bad things might be happening inside of one particular house, as long as the neighborhood on a whole is quiet and peaceful. And this actually does seem to describe very well how a higher authority or a higher organization, something like the Illuminati, would see things, by looking at the bigger picture and not getting into the nitty-gritty small details that would be considered overall as insignificant, all the while remaining distant and ethereal from these things going on on a lower level, looking at things on a bigger level, thus seeming rather indifferent to problems that we are experiencing as individuals.


Yeah right, Well, a secret government would be more focused on the grand result or the grand purpose. You know like I often wonder. It is believed that George Soros and the like are against the US, like we said, and want to see its destruction. Now, I never spoke to George Soros personally about this, but we're not that close right. But there are many claims out there, some by conspiracy theorists, probably most of them by conspiracy theorists that accuse him of financing these riots.


And these last couple of weeks we've seen the Palestinian protests on universities in the US that some news outlets advised were funded and even planned and organized by some external source or sources. Organized by some external source or sources, and I remember watching the news during the Antifa riots, you know, during the whole COVID thing, and I believe it was either New York, Minneapolis or Chicago maybe, where loads of bricks were delivered in the heart of downtown areas and there's no construction going on there. But who funded that like, who ordered those bricks to be placed there? So the you know, so the rioters can use them to destroy us businesses, and I mean destroy them. They did. They tore the, these businesses up yeah for sure.


Yeah, I've wondered that as well, laurie. Um, you know, some of this stuff is blatantly well, I mean, I mean that's obvious, but it seems, uh, the strong correlation, a reasonable assumption that it's controlled from somewhere else. It's not a grassroots, as they say, homegrown activity. And well, just going back to what you said about the Illuminati and the connection to woke, which is the coined term for the social and political ideology that pushes for the rectification of all injustices and intolerances from the past, whether they are real or perceived or simply nuanced within the culture, most of us have become acquainted with it in recent years as an embracing of beliefs that have been labeled in a way to go against, uh, normative values and and has brought rise to identity politics and also a lot of turmoil, as you, as you, pointed out.


Um, so the, the, the uh wokeism has its roots that go back almost 70 years, to something known as the Frankfurt School of Postmodernism Philosophy that proposed the concept of critical theory, and this was put forth in a treatise by Max Forkheimer and Eric Fromm as a way to explaining the underlying assumptions about society that keep people from understanding the truth, which, to them, is because of the imbalance in the distribution of power and wealth.


It has been modified over time to reflect the emphasis on causes of societal and cultural inequities so as to fit certain movements, such as by calling it critical race theory or critical gender theory or critical education theory. They're pretty much all the same idea. So the question many people have is is this a manifestation of shadow institutions that are at work to bring about major uniform changes throughout the world? And if so, then is it being orchestrated in ways similar to forming a religious movement in which the masses are coerced to accept something as true because it is coming from authoritarian political and academic structures? As such, a way to keep power in the hands of an elite and that's really what it would all be about is maintaining power to a few and having the rest of the world follow the ruling class.


Yeah, I couldn't agree more, Joe. I mean, they do promote and teach the critical race theory in schools throughout the country, and they dwell on the past and they look to destroy those who oppose them in their agenda of cancel culture. So it does appear strongly that there is indeed a hidden agenda through the social media chain, a behind-the-scenes puppet masters that are pulling the strings, and in an article by Phil Edwards dated back on January 19, 2016, in Voxcom, titled Nine Questions About the Illuminati you Were Afraid to Ask, he wrote that, when it comes to these shadowy cabals, the Illuminati should be at the top of any conspiracy theorist list, and spoke with a law professor from the University of Florida who is also the author of a book called Conspiracy Theories, secrecy and power in American Culture.


And the author is Mark A Finster, and he stated it's absurd on its face that you've got this sacred group that's more than 300 years old and they continue to see arguments about its relevance today. Yeah, and Edwards continued in that article to provide a little history on the Illuminati, which originated from Bavaria. He wrote that it was a secret society that only operated on record for one decade, that being from 1776 to 1785. It was founded by Adam Weishaup, a German law professor, who believed in enlightened ideals and promoted these ideals to the elites of the time. Now he, that being Weishaup, wanted the Illuminati members to be educated in reason, philanthropy and other secular values so that they could influence political decisions once they were in power. And it all dwindled from there.


But in this last century or so the mention of the Illuminati has increased dramatically, mostly because of all the growth in the capitalist society like the US and the influence of movies and music and books etc. So it's the allure of this hidden cabal or shadowy society that has thrust the Illuminati into today's limelight even more, even though really it went off record almost 200 years ago or over 200 years ago. It is more popular now. Really it went off record almost 200 years ago or over 200 years ago. It is more popular now than ever was whether it exists, is and it's really up for debate correct.


Now let's uh examine how the tall whites fit in with this idea about a secret government. I mean, they are the ones who you know, seem to conform to the image of guardians, much like the you know pallidians from the Pleiades star system. They also are described as tall, with pale white complexions, like pasty white, with blonde hair. They are often referred to as the Nordics due to a Scandinavian appearance. There's also a species called the Lyrans from the constellation Lyra, who are also supposed to be what you would call the nice aliens, who want to give guidance and mentorship to all humanity as a whole, not as separate nations, the Nordics. They do look similar to us and the stories portray them as having compassion toward all life and showing interest in providing spiritual guidance, and they do appear to match descriptions of what I guess religious people would call angelic beings. They have human-like appearances, but they definitely are not human.


Yeah, and it's also important to know that these Nordic aliens, they are believed from the mythology to be gods. However, they are not the same as the Norse pantheon of gods. The Norse gods like Odin, loki and Frigg are actually representations of the Anunnaki, meaning that Odin is another form of the Sumerian Anu, just like the Greek Zeus and the Babylonian Kutushamish and the Egyptian Amun-Ra. Loki is a form of the Sumerian Enki, just like with the Greek Hermes and the Babylonian Nabu and the Egyptian Thoth, etc.


Right. The Nordics or most likely, the Pallidians, are referred to as star people or children of the stars, or children of the sun, and are thought to come from planets orbiting stars of the seven sisters, which is within the cluster of the Pleiades.


Yeah, and this represents the seven sisters in Greek mythology, who are the daughters of Atlas and who Zeus put onto a bull so as to be protected against Rhino hunter. And if you look in the sky, the night sky, you can see. These constellations are actually pretty close proximity in the night sky and it has caught the attention of stargazers for centuries and it seems that there has always been an allure to people towards it in a sort of romantic, mystical way, and there's a creativity that draws on its beauty and, you know, on its uniqueness.


Right, and the Australian Aborigines and the African Maizai teach that their ancestors came from there. Now I mean within the Native American culture. The importance of the star people is a very prevalent belief about their ancient ancestors dwelling in the heavens and that they had come down to Earth in the past to teach them various skills. They are thought by many to still come down and help by providing wisdom and enlightenment and even spiritual guidance.


Yeah, and many of the tribes, like the Lakota, zuni and the Hopi, all believe that they come from the Pleiades. They all refer to that same part of the night sky. There are also entities called the Kachinas that represent different aspects of the universe and the world around us, such as the sun, the moon, the mountains, the wind, etc. And they are considered to be divine deities, and this lines up a lot with other beliefs from around the world about those who dwell in the skies and are there to help humanity.


Right, and this is the connection to the Pleiadeans the type of being who is benevolent and nurturing, that protects humans, just like in the way parents protect children.


I think we can even expand that metaphor to say that the Pleiadeans or the Nordics are the tall whites who extend compassion and kindness and mentoring At least we hope so. Right kindness and mentoring at least we hope so right. If the Anunnaki were the ones who created our species, then they would be quote-unquote like the biological parents. So here we have. One race of aliens may be better at protecting a vulnerable species than the one who is actually responsible for bringing it into existence in the first place.


Yeah, that's right.


And just as there are various, you know, sort of tales told of people being malevolent and diabolical on one extreme and peaceful and compassionate on the other, so too are extraterrestrials are extraterrestrials.


George Adamski, he's a I think he died in like early 1960s early 1960s but he was an author and he was big into the whole ufology scene back then, back in those days, and you know he also believed that the Nordic gods that he spoke to because he talked about traveling on their ships and everything were also the Space Brothers, who he referred to as one day returning to save us from our technological selves.


Each society of civilization had different languages and understanding of these extraterrestrial gods, and let's take the Dogon people of West Africa, for example. They have an oral tradition that is highly similar to the Sumerian creation myth found in the Enuma Elish, and to them their gods, called the Nomos, descended to Earth all the way from the Sirius B star system, and they were referred to as the monitors and teachers. And they were referred to as the monitors and teachers, and they taught humanity the knowledge of science, mathematics, writing and art, as well as special wisdom comprising of things like magic and sorcery and alchemy and soothsaying, and this is similar to how the watchers of the Book of Enoch are depicted within the Western literary traditions.


So the question is are the tall white Nordics the ones who are leading all of our governments? Are they the ones leading us to a new world order? We've heard that phrase come up a lot. I think the late former President George H. W. Bush used it probably more than any other president in our time, and I believe all of us can relate to the changes we see happening within our societies, whether at a local level, a national level or even a global one. We are seeing things occurring that we've never seen in our lifetimes. Really, it seems like the world is often going crazy, with everyone being polarized on all these different issues and with ideological narratives being proclaimed and policies being made, and with some of the public statements about things like existential threats. So the threats are existential because they shake to the core the very ideas and beliefs that we have about our worldviews.


I think we can all relate to how we are witnessing a metamorphosis and how we are governed, how we communicate, how we travel, how we obtain information and how we conduct commerce.


A metamorphosis that many would call a move toward the New World Order.


And for some this conjures good thoughts, a progressive thing that is going to benefit all of humanity, and for others this conjures bad thoughts, a totalitarian thing that is going to go against the betterment of the overall human condition. What is a perfect utopia for some is a nightmarish hellscape for others. I mean, like you know, Republicans could be happy if the world goes one way, and you know, the Democrats will be happy if the world goes the other, but each other will be very disappointed in whichever way it goes. So it all depends. But one can say that we are always on the brink of a new world order, and we saw it with the rise of terrorism, and we saw it with the ending of the Cold War and the fall of the Soviet Union. We saw it with the establishment of the United Nations after World War II and its predecessor, the League of Nations, after World War I. So one can even say that the founding of the United States back in 1976 was nothing short of a new world order.


Indeed it was, and that is the language that was used back then. Used back then and with these many secret societies that are out there that are either partially real or partially fictitious, I'd say with the Illuminati there are actual historical documents in which it is mentioned. In recent times the Illuminati has become synonymous with the notion of a shadow government. It came about during this age of enlightenment of the 1770s, synonymous with the notion of a shadow government. You know, it came about during this age of enlightenment of the 1770s, as we mentioned before, because at that time there was a lot of illumination into the understanding of the world and society and governments and the way they work and the rights of mankind and the universe and people's place within it Everyone else's as well. Well, I guess it was not so much illuminated. So now that doesn't seem different from how many select groups see themselves today. We hear that kind of language even today with how several groups describe themselves the Illuminati.


They're rumored to have been behind the election of presidents. Even today, with how several groups describe themselves, the Illuminati. They're rumored to have been behind the election of presidents, the coronation of monarchs and the conclave of popes, the control of international banks and international commerce, the assassinations of world leaders, the starting of wars, the creation of the United Nations and, of course, the consolidation of all global markets and governments all the things that go with the establishment of a new world order. And it could be that the whole notion of it is becoming renewed, or it's being reinvented, if you will, as humanity continually transforms itself in its societal and political progression, but with the true purpose, I guess, it's being much darker it could be much darker, because it's about power and wealth and, of course, corruption that goes along with that.


So in an Ohio State University website paper it's titled the Illuminati Conspiracy, by Nisha Krishnan, dated February 11, 2019, there are 23% of Americans who believe that all of the political and economic institutions that includes all of the intellectualism and all of the progressiveness of the modern era are nothing more than machinations of the Illuminati 23% almost a fourth of all Americans and things like the French Revolution, the rise of constitutional republics even the abolitionist movement, like you said already the rise of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum people believe that these are offshoots of the Illuminati forum. People believe that these are offshoots of the Illuminati, and obviously there is really nothing tangible to support that theory, but it is a prevalent one.


No, not really, but if they are leading the charge to change everything about the society, if this is the case, then will this lead to, say, the Antichrist being a leader from one of these places like the UN, NATO, the World Economic Forum or the Trilateral Commission? And will this, being like ones in the past, bring about a new world order with a global government, with a reset of global currency, like Mr Claus wants? With a reset of global currency like Mr Claus wants? And is this the scheme of the Illuminati and those above them to put into power as the leader and slash, or the president of the human race? And will he slash she be the one who leads the earth in its future fight against the returning alien gods? And is he himself an extraterrestrial, the Antichrist Now? Was Jesus referring to a new world order back in his day? I mean, didn't he teach about a new kingdom on earth, like it states in the Lord's Prayer right Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.


So is Jesus referring to a new world order per se?


Yeah, in the scriptures they do have Jesus making references um to this and to being present at the beginning of time, as is suggested in Luke 10: 18, and from that perspective he tells of the future kingdom of heaven as being prepared and was prepared at the foundation of the world, as is said in Matthew 25: 34.


He says that it awaits his return to the Father and then his return back to earth to be with his believers, who will be with him forever.


This verbiage is just like that of that being said about a new world order.


Now consider again this reptilian manifestation that is used in some of the symbolism that we're talking about Take the snake, which has been very prevalent in mythology since the beginning of our human race. It is found in mystical, occultic and theosophical circles and it seems to be associated with secret cabals, like something called the Brotherhood of the Snake, a very elusive covert group that appears to be watching us, leading us and guiding us along the way. And according to William Bradley, in the book the Gods of Eden, he writes that there were actually two groups of these kind of brotherhoods that formed based on the model of much older groups, and they were formed in Germany, one in the 14th century and the other in the 18th century, and we mentioned them before. They were known as the Rosicrucians, which means the Rose of the Cross, and so we have a snake brotherhood, which could allude to the reptilian myth, and a rose brotherhood, which could be tied to a tall white Pleiadean myth, and the verbiages of both are actually found throughout the Bible.


AD Relic of the Gods. We do mention and we do have a story that surrounds this type of brotherhood and this cabal. But you are right, and they are difficult to trace because they only appear around every 108 years to become active in society and then they rescind back into seclusion in society, and then they rescind back into seclusion. They even created a fictitious person to be the founding father of the Rosicrucian movement, obviously because they knew they would incur the wrath of the Vatican, and they called him Christian. What was the last name? They called him Rosincruz or something like that.


Christian Rosicruz of Rosicrucians or something like that. Yeah, Christian Rosicrucians.


Rosicrucians. Yeah, and now you know. Bradley also dedicates an entire chapter in that book Gods of Eden I think it was chapter five to explaining the brotherhood of the snake, to have come from the Babylonian tradition, in which Enki liberates humanity from the control of Enlil, his brother, the disciplinarian god. And Enki possessed great knowledge and he wanted human beings to also possess that knowledge. He's like Prometheus, and this is where we see a crossover with the biblical text referencing the serpent in the garden that tempted Adam and Eve with the freedom to be like God, which in this case is the Anunnaki. So if this was Enki, he had good intentions for his humans, his human creation At least it seems like he did but he ended up failing in intent and eventually he became better known to us as Satan, the devil, the deceiver, the prince of darkness, etc. So you know, here we see, it is with the snake that we find a connection with the Judeo-Christian doctrine, to the Mesopotamian tradition and from that to the ancient aliens.


Well, you know, in her book titled Ancient Serpent Gods, Betsy Lewis writes about how the Sumerian colonies were established after the flood and that the inhabitants were a race of serpent men called the Nagas. And this raises the question could that be referring to the Anunnaki? She claims that according to an ancient text called the Dyzan, which may be the oldest Sanskrit text on earth, there is mention of a race of serpent people that descended from the sky and they taught mankind, which is a similar theme to the Babylonian Enuma Elish, and they were also described as having human faces but tails like dragons. Now, Helena Blavatsk... remember her?... believed them to be the same as the seraphim that we find in the Old Testament and Hebrew Bible literature, and she also thought that this race supposedly lived in large walled cities, just like the ones we read about from ancient times, such as the ones like Jericho and Nineveh mentioned in the Bible.


So maybe their DNA is present in the human genome, perhaps more so in some than others, such as is in a royal bloodline or a divine bloodline.


Could something like the Illuminati be comprised of people of a special bloodline or a divine bloodline?


Could something like the Illuminati be comprised of people of a special bloodline? I mean, we will never know. We don't think it's anytime soon, probably not in our lifetimes, that we would find out about this. However, it may be the reality during the lives of our grandchildren or great-grandchildren, and maybe even our children will be able to witness it. It would be an incredible undertaking, considering that 195 countries on earth would have to relinquish their sovereignty to a single government with a single currency. Of course, there would have to be upheavals and conflicts among the citizens of these countries and, most likely, civil wars. The logistics that will have to go into this will be colossal and phenomenal, and this most likely is the reason why no ordinary person will be able to persuade all of the human race and thus enters the Illuminati's, antichrist, the alien or something alien or something, and so, in reality, we can see that human history has been loaded with new world orders and different agendas that have been looming over the horizon.


And is there anything unique about our point in time in which we live? Any answer, it seems to be no. We've always been plagued with problems and have always had to face challenges, but what we have learned is that we do indeed have an origin, by which we have relationship with something from beyond. And could it be that those agendas are from somewhere outside of this earth?


Well, regardless, it seems that our institutions, or institutions, tell us that humanity has a destiny and that we are being moved forward toward it, and is the Illuminati trying to take us toward our destiny as a united race of people, and that everything we're going in the process is the growing pains that go along with that. I mean, we just have to wait and see.


Yeah, I mean, if our history has taught us anything, it's that unity is not easy to achieve, and there are really only a handful of examples of it happening at all. So that will do it for today. We apologize for all the coughing and sniffling.


We're both struggling with the allergies. Yes, yeah, so anyway we hope we piqued. Coughing and sniffling, we're both struggling with the allergies.


Yes, yeah. So anyway, we hope we piqued your interest in this subject and we'll be back again with episode number 91 in a few weeks to start off season 10, right, laurie? Yeah.


June 5th, I think something like that yeah.


So, until then, everyone, have a safe Memorial Day weekend, which is coming up and, as always, stay curious.

The Secret World Government and Illuminati
(Cont.) The Secret World Government and Illuminati
Exploring Conspiracy Theories and UFOs
New World Order and Secret Societies
Unity for The Human Race